FEDERAL REGISTER VOLUME 21 'S * , » 9 3 4 ¿ y NUMBER 226 * WANTED ^ Washington, Wednesday, November 21, 1956 TITLE 3— THE PRESIDENT deemed advisable and in the public inter­ CONTENTS est that they be restored to the posses­ EXECUTIVE ORDER 10687 sion, use, and control of the Territory of THE PRESIDENT Suspension of a ortion of ection Hawaii, subject to the condition herein- P S 5762 ilftPT* cfif Oll't’* Executive Orders Page (a) of T itle 10 of the United States Restoring certain lands compris­ • Code Relating to the R ecommendation NOW, THEREFORE, by virtue of the authority vested in me by section 91 of ing portions of the Waianae-Kai of Officers for P romotion to Certain Military Reservation to the Grades the act of April 30, 1900, 31 Stat. 159, as amended by section 7 of the act of May jurisdiction of the Territory of By virtue of the authority vested in 27, 1910, 36 Stat. 447, it is ordered as Hawaii____________________ 9007 me by section 5785 (b) of title 10 of the follows: Suspension of a portion of section United States Code, it is ordered as Subject to the condition stated in the 5762 (a) of Title 10 of the follows: last paragraph of this order, the follow­ United States Code relating to The second sentence of section 5762 (a) ing-described parcels of land comprising the recommendation of officers of title 10 of the United States Code, re­ portions of the Waianae-Kai Military for promotion to certain grades- 9007 lating to the method of determining the Reservation, located at Waianae-Kai, number of officers that may be recom­ District of Waianae, Island of Oahu, Ter­ EXECUTIVE AGENCIES mended by the Secretary of the Navy for ritory of Hawaii, are hereby restored to Agricultural Marketing Service promotion to the grade of captain or the possession, use, and control of the Proposed rule maKing: commander in certain Corps of the Navy, Territory of Hawaii. is hereby suspended until June 30, 1957, Milk; in greater Boston, Merri­ PARCEL i macK Valley, Springfield and to the extent that it relates to the number Worcester, Mass., marKeting of officers that may be recommended for Being the same property described as Tract areas_____________ ._______ promotion to the grade of captain in the No. 2 in Executive- Order No. 8109 of May 3, 9069 Civil Engineer Corps. 1939. OKra, canned; U. S. standards Beginning at concrete monument No. 1, for grades________________ 9066 Dwight D. Eisenhower marking the north corner of this tract, the Rules and regulations: coordinates of which, referred to United The hite ouse Lemons grown in California, and W H , States Coast and Geodetic Survey triangula­ November 16,1956. Arizona; limitation of ship­ tion station “Paheehee New,” are 1,617.65 feet ments____________________ 9054 [F. R. Doc. 56-9598;^Piled, Nov. 19, 1956; south and 7,059.74 feet west, thence from said Oranges, navel; grown in Ari­ 4:30 p. m.] point of beginning by azimuths (measured clockwise from true south) and distances as zona and designated part of follow s: California; limitation of han­ 338° 38' 40", 154.10 feet, along Lot W, Land dling____________________ 9053 Court Application 1102 (amended), to con­ EXECUTIVE ORDER 10688 crete monument No. 2; Agricultural Research Service 338° 38' 40", 35.00 feet, along said Lot W, Rules and regulations: Restoring Certain Lands Comprising and along the 25-foot right-of-way owned by Domestic quarantine notices; Portions of the W aianae-K ai M il i­ the Territory of Hawaii, to high water line; Mediterranean fruit fly_____ 9052 tary R eservation to the J urisdiction Southwesterly and northeasterly, 1,500 feet, of the Territory of H aw aii more or less, along said high water line Agriculture Department around Kaneilio Point, to the point of be­ See Agricultural MarKeting Serv­ WHEREAS certain lands at Waianae- ginning, inshore traverse around said point ice ; Agricultural Research Serv­ i™1* District of Waianae, Island of Oahu, between said concrete monuments Nos. 2 and lerntory of Hawaii, which form a part 1, is described as follows: ice ; Commodity Credit Corpora­ 53° 43' 00", 137.00 feet, to station 3, marked tion; Commodity Stabilization ,1 “ve Public lands ceded and transferred Service. to the United States by the Republic of by a small cross on coral; 64° 24' 40", 228.57 feet, to station 4, marked Hawaii under the joint resolution of an­ by a small cross on coral; Air Force Department nexation of July 7, 1898, 30 Stat. 750, 94° 17' 20", 134.00 feet, to station 5, marked Rules and regulations: ere withdrawn and set aside for mili- by a small cross on coral; Mption picture service; sale or E P^Poses by Executive Order No. 168° 37' 30", 121.08 feet, to station 6, release of motion picture and 00 of July 2, 1918, as amended hy marked by a small cross on coral; sound tracK stocKfootage___ 9057 r*®futive Orders No. 5414 of July 31, 213° 01' 50", 179.26 feet, to station 7, marked by a small cross on coral; Alien Property Office No* 7010 of APril 10* 1935, and No. «109 of May 3,1939; and 254° 48' 30", 233.46 feet, to station 8, Notices: marked, by a small cross on coral; Vested property; intention to WHEREAS the hereinafter -described 280° 06' 10", 96.39 feet, to concrete m onu­ return: ment No. 1. Parcels of such land are no longer fully Gesellschaft, Themis Finanz_ 9093 needed for military purposes, and it is (Continued on p. 9009) Plesch, Dr. Arpad__________ 9093 9007 9008 THE PRESIDENT CONTENTS— Continued CONTENTS— Continued Civil Aeronautics Board— Con. Pas® Defense Department p&ge FEDERAL^REGISTER Notices—Continued See Air Force Department. \ »3* Hearings, etc.: Federal Communications Com­ AlasKa Airlines, Inc________ 9075 Published daily, except Sundays, Mondays, Ellis Air Lines___________ 9075 mission and days following official Federal holidays, Northern Consolidated Air­ Notices: by the Federal Register Division, National lines, Inc_______________ 9074 Claremore Broadcasting Co.; Archives and Records Service, General Serv­ Reeve Aleutian Airways, Inc_ 9075 hearing on application for ices Administration, pursuant to the au­ Rules and regulations: construction permit contin- thority contained in the Federal Register Act, ued----------------------------- 9075 approved July 26, 1935 (49 Stat. 500, as Airman identification cards : amended; 44 U. S. C., ch. 8B), under regula­ Aircraft dispatchers________ 9011 Maritime mobile VHF proposals; tions prescribed by the Administrative Com­ Air-traffic control tower op­ comments and suggestions in­ mittee of the Federal Register, approved by erators_________________ 9011 vited..___________ ________ 9075 the President. Distribution is made only by Plight engineers__________ 9011 Proposed rule maKing : the Superintendent of Documents, Govern­ Ground instructors_________ 9011 Table of assignments ; television m ent Printing Office, Washington 25, D. C. Lighter-than-air pilots_____ 9010 broadcast stations; (Madison, The F ederal R egisteh~w 111 be furnished by Wis^-Rockford, 111.-Fond du mail to subscribers, free of postage, for $1.50 Mechanics and repairmen__ 9010 Parachute riggers___ _______ 9010 Lac7 Wis.)_________<______ 9070 per month or $15.00 per year, payable in Rules and regulations: advance. \ The charge for individual copies Civil Service Commission (minimum 15 cents) varies in proportion to Domestic public radio services the size of the issue. Remit check or money Rules and regulations : (other than maritime mo­ order, made payable to the Superintendent Preference eligibles under Vet­ bile) ; miscellaneous amend­ of Documents, directly to the Government erans’ Preference Act; em­ ments__________________ 9059 Printing Office, Washington 25, D. C. ployee appeals____________ 9009 Table of assignments ; television The regulatory material appearing herein Coast Guard is keyed to the Code of F ederal R egulations, broadcast stations; (Fort which is published, under 50 titles, pursuant Rules and regulations : Wayne-Angola, Ind.)_______ 9058 to section 11 of the Federal Register Act, as Marine and electrical engineer­ Federal Maritime Board amended August 5, 1953. The Code of F ed­ ing ; miscellaneous amend­ Notices: eral R egulations is sold by the Superin­ ments to chapter__________ 9019 tendent of Documents. Prices of books and Agreements filed for approval: pocket supplements vary. Commerce Department Knutsen Line and Hvalfang- There are no restrictions on the re­ See Civil Aeronautics Administra­ staKtieselsKapet Suderoy_ 9074 publication of material appearing in the tion. Pacific Westbound Conference F ederal R egister, >or the C ode o f F ederal Commodity Credit Corporation * and lino Kaiun Kaisha, Ltd. 9074 R egulations. Peanuts; redelegation of final au­ Pacific Westbound Conference thority by Agricultural Stabili- and Mitsubishi Shipping - zation and Conservation State Co., Ltd____ ____ _______ 9074 Now Available Committees of States of Ala­ Pope & Talbot, Inc., and bama, Florida, Georgia, Missis­ Moore-McCormack Lines, UNITED STATES sippi, North Carolina, OKla­ Inc___________________ 9074 homa, South C aro lin a and U n i v e rsal Transcontinental GOVERNMENT Tennessee (see Commodity Corp. and Paul A. Boulo___ 9074 ORGANIZATION Stabilization Service). Federal Power Commission MANUAL Soil banK; acreage reserve pro­ Notices: gram; Missouri, New Mexico and Tennessee G as Transmission 1956-57 Edition Utah; consent to graze land Co.; notice of further hearing (Revised through June 1) designated as acreage reserve and oral argument________ 9077 (see Commodity Stabilization Federal Trade Commission Published by the Federal Register Division, Service). Rules and regulations: the National Archives and Records Service, Rules and regulations : Sutson, Inc., et al.; cease and Gênerai Services Administration Cotton products export pro­ desist order_______________ 9054 782 pages— $1.00 a copy gram------------------------------- 9048 Commodity Stabilization Service Foreign Assets Control Order from Superintendent of Documents, Cotton products export program Notices: United States Government Printing Office, (see Commodity Credit Corpo­ Importation of nephrite (jade) Washington 25, D. C. ration) .
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