AT THE BACIZ OF THE NORTH WIND George MacDonald edited by Roderick McGillis and John Pennington preface by Stephen Prickett ~ broadview editions .... () l \ © 20 II Roderick M cGillis and John Pennington All rights reserved. The use of any pan of this publication reproduced, transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or other­ wise, or stored in a retrieval system, without prior wrirten consent of the publisher- or in the case of photocopying, a licence from Access Copyright (Canadian Copyright Contents Licensing Agency), One Yonge Street, Suite 1900, Toronto, Ontario M5E I E5- is an infringement of the copyright law. Library and Archives Canada Cataloguing in Publication Acknowledgements • 7 Macdonald, George, 1824- 1905 Preface, Scephen Prickecc • 9 At the back of the N orth Wind I George MacDonald ; edited by Roderick McGillis and John Pennington. Introduction • 13 George MacDonald: A Brief Chronology 29 (Broadview editions) Origin all y pub!.: London : Strahan, 187 1. A Note on the Text and Illustrations • 33 Includes bibliographical references. ISBN 978- 1-5548 1-030-7 At the Back of the North Wind • 39 I. McGilli s, Roderick II. Pennington, John Qohn B. ) TIT . Title. Appendix A: Good l%rds for che Ybung and the Serial Publication IV. Series: Broadview editions of A c the Back of che Norch Wind • 299 PZ7.MI475At20 11 j823'.8 20 11 -904749-7 1. Mark Knight, Introduction: Good l%rds for the Ybung • 299 Broadview Editions 2. Cover of Good l%rdsfor chelVung (1869) • 304 The 13roadview Editions series represents the ever-changing ca non of literature in 3. Norman Macleod, Editor's Address (1869) • 305 English by bringing together texts long rega rd ed as class ics with valuable lesser­ kn own works. 4. Cover of Good l%1·dsfor chelVung (1870) • 306 Adviso ry editor for this vo lume: Betsy Struthers 5. George MacDonald, Editor's Greeting (1 December 1870) • 307 Broadview Pressa is n independent, imernati onal publishing house, in corporated in 1985. 6. "The Mother's Prayer" (1869) • 307 7. Two FairyTales by Hans Christian Andersen (1 July \XIe welco me comments and suggestions regarding any aspect of our publicarions­ please fee l free to contact us at the addresses below or at 1870) • 309 [email protected] m. a. "The Rags" • 309 North America b. "What the Whole Family Said" • 311 PO Box 1243, Peterborough, Onrario, Canada K9j 7H5 8. "Up in Heaven" (1870) • 313 22 15 Kenmore Ave., Buffalo, New York, USA 14207 Tel: (705) 743-8990; Fax: (705) 743-8353 9. Arthur Hughes, Illustration for Ranald Bannerman's Boyhood email: [email protected] (1871) • 314 UK, Europe, Central Asia, Middle East, Africa, India, a.ul Sowheast A sia 10. Arthur Hughes, Illustration for The Princess and che Goblin Eurospan Group, 3 Henrietta St., London WC2E 8LU, United Kingdom (1872) • 315 Tel: 44 (0) 1767 604972; Fax: 44 (0) 1767 60 1640 email: [email protected] Appendix B: Children's Literature and the Victorian A ustralia and New Zealand Consciousness • 316 NewSouth Books 1. Review of Ac che Back of che Norch Wind, The Athenaeum c/o TL Distribution, 15-23 Hell es Ave., Moorebank, NSW, Australia 2170 Tel: (02) 8778 9999; Fa x: (02) 8778 9944 (March 1871 ) • 317 email: [email protected] 2. Mark Twain and George MacDonald • 317 www. broadviewpress.com a. Letter from Twain to MacDonald (19 September 1882) • 318 Broadview Press acknowledges the fi nancial support of the Government of Canada through the Canada Book f'und for our publishing activities. b. Letterfrom Twain to W.D. Howells ( 1899) • 318 The interior of this hook is printed 3. From Poems in Two volumes, by William Wordsworth on I 00% postconsumer fibre. (1807) • 318 PRINTED IN CANADA a. "My heart leaps up" (written in 1802) • 318 b. From "Ode: Intimations of Immortality from Recollec­ ,, tions of Early Childhood" (written in 1802-04) • 319 MIX i ..~ J;;5 P•p•r from I . r•apon~ble IOUJ'C61 . I''! 4. George MacDonald, "The Child in the Midst" (1867) • 319 FSC 'a ,... i _......, ..-1" .... FSC" C011825 ~· ~ •~., ,. o,.to~•• ~ - ~loiiO. 5. Cartoon of M acD onald as "G oody Goody" (2 November 1872) • 329 Acknowledgements 6. George Cattermole, Illustrati on from Charles Dickens, The Old Curiosity S hop (1 841) • 330 7. H am matt Billings, Illustrati on from Harrier Beecher Stowe, We have had prompt and cheerful assistance from several peo­ UncleTom'sCabin (l 852) • 33 1 ple as we prepared this edition of At the Back of the North Wind. Thanks to Mark Knight, Jan Susina, and Robert Trexler for writ­ Appendix C: Literary and Cultural Connections 332 ing on specific topics for our appendices. Stephen Prickett de­ I . From Aesop, "The North Wind and the Sun" 332 serves special thanks for writing the Preface. The Beinecke Rare 2. From Charl es Kingsley, The (1863) ~ te r-Ba b ies 333 Book and Manuscript Library at Yale University provided the 3. From Lewis Carroll, Alice's Adventures in !Vonderland 1871 Strahan edition, including the cover and frontispiece imag­ (1865) • 339 es. The Aberdeenshire Library and Information Service provided 4. H enry Mayhew, "Crossing-Sweepers," from London Labour the handwritten manuscript, from the Brander Library, Huntly, and the London Poor (1852) • 345 of At the Back of the North Wind that appeared in Good !Vords for Appendix D:Vicrori an Fairy-Tale D ebate • 348 the roung. Motco Enterprises created the map images from the Sandford 1862 map of London. In addition, several students at 1. Charl es Dickens, "Frauds on th e Fairi es" (1 October 1853) • 349 St. Norbert College worked hard to complete research requests from the editors: Rachel Waymal, Erin Grams, Kristen Susienka, 2. From George C ruikshank, Cinderella and the Glass Slipper (1854) • 356 Hailey Vlach, Christopher Connors, Paige Caulum, and, espe­ 3. John Ruskin, "Fairy Stori es" (1868) • 358 cially, Gretchen Panzer. Brian Pirman, graphic design professor at St. Norbert, worked his magic, as did Connie Meulemans, in­ 4. George Cruikshank, Illustrati on of "Rumple-Stilts-Kin" (1 823) • 362 terlibrary loan specialist, who tracked down numerous obscure sources. U.C. Knoepflmacher, Robert Trexler, and Richard Kelly 5. George Cruikshank, Illustrati on of "The Elves and the Shoemaker" (1 823) • 363 deserve special mention. So too does Douglas Thorpe deserve 6. George M acD onald, "The Fantas tic Imagin ation" thanks; his acute editorial eye has kept us from at least two bla­ (1893) • 363 tant errors. The people at Broadview Press have been consistently . helpful, and we would especially like to mention Betsy Struthers Appendix E: Illustrati ons of At the B acll of the N orth Wind • 369 for superb copyediting; Bryanne Miller, Publishers Representative I . Jan Susina, Introduction: "The Brotherhood between George and Editorial Assistant; Marjorie Mather, Editor, English Studies; MacDonald and Arthur Hughes": Hughes's Illustrations ro and Leonard Conolly, Series Editor of the Broadview Editions. M acD onald 's A t the Bacl~ of the North Wind • 369 Don LePan gave us encouragement at the outset of this work. 2. Robert Trexler, Five Early Illustrators of A t the Back of th e Finally, I (Rod McGillis) would like to thank John Pennington North Wind • 382 for asking me to participate in this project and then doing most of the work; this book is for Jack Zipes and Uli Knoepflmacher, Appendix F: M aps and O ther Illustrative Images • 389 two scholars of integrity and deep humanity. I (John Pennington) 1. Sandford M ap of Central London, 1862 • 390 would like to thank Rod McGillis for collaborating on this project 2. Sandfo rd M ap of Central London, 1862 (derail) • 391 (his modesty knows no bounds); I dedicate this book to my part­ 3. M aps of H yperborean Region • 392 ner Karlyn Crowley and to our little diamond daughter, Ada Mae. 4. Pan s of a H orse • 393 5 . .P arts of a H ansom Cab • 394 6. Currency in Victorian England • 395 Works Cited • 397 Select Bibliography • 403 6 CONTEN T S AT T H E BACK OF T H E NORTH WIN D 7 . use, modified and adapted to his own purposes, for the expression of his thoughts; therefore he cannot help his words and figures falling into Appendix E: Illustrations of At the Back such combinations in the mind of another as he had himself not fore­ seen, so many are the thoughts alli ed to every other thought, so many ofthe North Wind are the relations involved in every fi gure, so m any the facts hinted in every symbol. A man m ay well himself discover truth in what he wrote; [Victorian novels and children's novels (in particular) were often il- · for he was dealing all the time with things that came from thou ~hts beyond his own. lustrated. The most famous collaboration in children's literature was between Lewis Carroll and John Tenniel, who illustrated the Alice "But surely yo u would explain yo ur idea to one who asked you?" books. While many illustrators have taken their paintbrush to re-im­ I say again, if I cannot draw a horse, I will not write THIS IS A agine Wonderland and the Looking-Glass world, the defining images HORSE under what I foolishly m eant for one. Any key to a work of remain those byTenniel. The same can be said of Arthur Hughes's illus­ imaginati on would be nearly, if not quite, as absurd. The tale is there, trations for At the Back of the North Wind. Jan Susina, in his introduc­ not to hide, but to show: if it show nothing at your window, do not open tory essay to the illustrations below (Appendix E 1), provides a detailed your door to it; leave it out in the cold .
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