Community Service Joining a fraternity/sorority is 7ust • Gree(s completed 4.12C community service hours in 2016-2017 one choice that SUN Cortland provides to • Assistance was provided to Cortland outh Bureau. 4ime 5ollow Nature its undergraduate students. We invite everyone Center. local Soup 3itchen. MCA and WCA. etc. to learn more about Gree( life on our campus by reviewing this information as well as that found on the Philanthropy CollegeMs 2raternities and Sororities website. • Gree( 4ife raised appro)imately FCD.A00 in 2016-2017 • 2unds raised bene#ted the philanthropies ocially endorsed by each organi,ation as well as Cortland outh Bureau. Crop 5unger Wal(. College Recognition Relay for 4ife and the WCA of Cortland. (Coordinated through the Campus Activities and Corey Union Oce) • Validates the fraternity/sorority and gives it permission to operate at Academic Success SUN Cortland with the following bene#ts: • All organi,ations value scholarship and recogni,e that members are 9 Recruit new members with the cooperation and support here #rst and foremost to be students of the College • While grades can Guctuate. it is not true that 7oining a fraternity or 9 Use College facilities to hold events and/or meetings sorority means your grades will falter. often times e)actly the 9 Campus-wide promotion of all chapter activities opposite is true 9 Ability to serve on Gree( system governing boards to gain • At the end of 2016-2017. 4E of DAE Gree( members had GPAs in the leadership e)perience and be part of an event and/or policy Summa Cum 4aude range. 80 were in the Magna Cum 4aude range. planning process and 140 fell in the Cum 4aude range 9 Become involved in a wide array of community service possibilities 9 Increased publicity for all chapter accomplishments Expansion 9 Advocating on behalf of individuals and organi,ations by Gree( • Panhellenic e)pansion is currently closed on this campus Advisor as appropriate • Any student or group of students interested in bringing a new National • Recognition is limited to organi,ations with ocial ties to a national organi,ation to campus must discuss this option with the College:s fraternity or sorority with the e)ception of Nu Sigma Chi Sorority Associate Director of Campus Activities and Gree( AIairs. 1his process ta(es time and wor( and there are no guarantees that the e)pansion Recognized Greek Organizations will be approved. Social Sororities: Alpha Phi. Alpha Sigma Alpha. Delta Phi 0psilon. Nu Sigma Chi and Sigma Delta 1au Social 2raternities: 3appa Sigma and 1heta Chi NA42O: 4ambda Upsilon 4ambda. Omega Phi Beta. Phi Iota Alpha. Sigma 4ambda Upsilon and 4ambda Sigma Upsilon NP5C: 3appa Alpha Psi and Sigma Gamma Rho Social Sororities Service: Alpha Phi Omega Other: 4ambda 1heta Alpha ΑΦΑΦΑΦ AAA4P5A4P5A4P5A PPP5I5I5I Chartered April C0. 1989 Unrecognized Greek Organizations Minimum GPA to 7oin is 2.A0 • Are groups of students illegally using Gree( letters calling themselves Motto: Union 5and in 5and members of a National group when they are not and thus misleading Philanthropy: Alpha Phi 2oundation/Cardiac Care students to 67oin6 under false pretenses and with no College oversight8 Rents chapter house at C9 1omp(ins Street 1hese groups are not actual fraternities. 1his sorority focuses on sisterhood. service. scholarship. leadership. loyalty • Unrecogni,ed organi,ations at Cortland are the groups calling and character development. themselves Delta Chi. Omega Delta Phi (Omega or ODPhi). Pi 3appa Phi (Pi 3app) and 1au 3appa 0psilon (1e(e or 130)8 1hey are illegally using ΑΣΑΑΣΑΑΣΑ AAA4P5A4P5A4P5A SSSIGMA AAA4P5A4P5A4P5A (Alpha Sig or ASA) these names and Gree( letters. Re-coloni,ed November 8. 20088 Re-chartered March 21. 2009 Minimum GPA to 7oin is 2.40 Banned Greek Organizations Motto: Aspire. See(. Attain • 1wo local fraternities have been permanently banned by the College for Primary Philanthropies: Special Olympics. S. June Smith Center. repeated actions that endangered the physical and psychological well- Girls On 1he Run and the ASA 2oundation being of our students8 1hese banned groups are Beta Phi 0psilon (Beta) 1his sorority emphasi,es balance among its four aims of intellectual. and Delta 3appa Beta (3appa). physical. social and spiritual development. 1he College:s Code of Student Conduct states: Students found to pledge. be a member of. or live in any residence of a permanently banned group will ∆ΦΕ 041A 5I PSI4ON li(ely face a lengthy suspension or permanent dismissal from the College. DDD041A041A PPP5I5I 000PSI4ON (DPhi0) Coloni,ed March 198D8 Chartered April A. 198E Reasons Students Join a Greek Organization Minimum GPA to 7oin is 2.A0 • Belief in the values of the organi,ation Motto: 1o Be Rather 1han 1o Seem to Be • 4eadership. community service. networ(ing and social opportunities Primary Philanthropies: Cystic 2ibrosis 2oundation. Delta Phi 0psilon 0ducational 2oundation and the National Association • Place to belong and be accepted for who you are of Anore)ia Nervosa and Associated Disorders Membership Eligibility Requirements When First Joining Rents chapter house at D4 1omp(ins Street 1his sorority develops a social consciousness in women and a commitment • Must be full-time SUN Cortland students8 Cannot be on either to thin( and act for the greater good. Academic Warning or Academic Probation • 2irst semester #rst year students cannot 7oin any fraternity or sorority ΝΣΧΝΣΧΝΣΧ • Returning students must have at least a 2.0 cumulative GPA and have NNNUUU SSSIGMA CCC5I5I5I (N0L or Nu Sig) earned credit for completing at least 12 credit hours at SUN Cortland 2ounded at SUN Cortland. November 11. 1928 (College honors higher organi,ational GPA requirements8 1ypically this Minimum GPA to 7oin is 2.A0 will be a 2.A0) Motto: Victory 1hrough 4oveliness • Incoming transfer students must have at least a 2.A cumulative GPA and Primary Philanthropy: American Cancer Society have completed at least 24 post high school credit hours8 Proof of this 1his sorority strives to promote academic achievement. leadership. social must be submitted to the Campus Activities Oce responsibility. and loyalty while also giving bac( to our college and 9 Unocial copies of transcripts are acceptable as long as they community. show student name. school name. cumulative GPA and number of credit hours completed Σ∆Τ SSSIGMA DDD041A041A041A 111AUAUAU (SD1) • 0ligibility veri#cations are conducted through the College:s Campus Chartered March 24. 1988 Activities Oce Minimum GPA to 7oin is 2.A0 Motto: One 5ope of Many People Membership Expectations Primary Philanthropy: Prevent Child Abuse America and Jewish • Attendance at chapter meetings and participation in chapter events Women International • Compliance with college policies and procedures Rents chapter house at AA 1omp(ins Street • 4iving up to organi,ational values8 Serving as positive role model 1his sorority promotes academic achievement. builds leadership s(ills. • Payment of chapter dues in a timely fashion each semester instills a sense of philanthropy and creates a lifelong bond of friendship. Social Fraternities NALFO ΚΣΚΣΚΣ 333APPA SSSIGMA (3appa Sig) ΛΥΛ 444AAA UUUNIDAD 444A1INA 444AMBDA UUUPSI4ON 444AMBDA (4U4) Coloni,ed January 2A. 20088 Chartered May 1. 2010 Coloni,ed April 10. 200E8 Chartered July 21. 201C Minimum GPA to 7oin is 2.A0 Minimum GPA to 7oin is C.0 for second semester #rst year Motto: 1he ideals we pursue determine who we are and what students and 2.8 for all others we will become. Motto: 4a Unidad Para Siempre Primary Philanthropy: Military 5eroes Campaign Primary Philanthropy: None rates above any other Rents chapter house at 1A Prospect 1errace Brothers believe in a diverse membership. a commitment to academic 1his values-based fraternity focuses on fellowship. leadership. scholarship e)cellence and a proactive vision towards raising awareness about 4atino and service. culture and history. ΘΧΘΧΘΧ 111501A CCC5I5I5I ΩΦΒ OOOM0GA PPP5I5I5I BBB01A01A01A (OPB or the Betas) Coloni,ed September E. 201C8 Chartered May 2. 201A Coloni,ed April D. 20098 Chartered September 24. 2011 Minimum GPA to 7oin is 2.A0 Minimum GPA to 7oin is 2.E0 Motto: An Assisting 5and Motto: Sirviendo y 0ducando a 1ravNs de Nuestra Diversidad Primary Philanthropy: United Service Organi,ations Primary Issues of Concern: Poverty and Domestic Violence 1his fraternity is founded on the principle of friendship through the mutual Sisters are dedicated not only to their own personal development and assistance of every member. accomplishments but also to the success and betterment of all women in todayMs world. NPHC ΦΙΑΦΙΑΦΙΑ PPP5I5I5I IIIO1AO1AO1A AAA4P5A4P5A4P5A (Phiota or PhiA) ΚΑΨ 333APPA AAA4P5A4P5A4P5A PPPSISISI (the 3appas) Coloni,ed 2all 20108 Chapter is currently dormant Coloni,ed Spring 2014 Minimum GPA to 7oin is 2.E0 for second semester #rst year Minimum GPA to 7oin is 2.A0 students and 2.A0 for all others Motto : Achievement in 0very 2ield of 5uman 0ndeavor Motto: Semper Parati Semper Juncti Primary Philanthropy: MississippiMs Piney Wood School Primary Philanthropy: UNIC02 Brothers are to move steadily toward a tomorrow of promise. productivity Brothers are dedicated to the appreciation. promotion and preservation and inGuence. of 4atin American culture. ΣΓΡΣΓΡΣΓΡ SSSIGMA GGGAMMA RRR5O5O5O (SGRho or the Poodles) ΣΛΥΣΛΥΣΛΥ SSSIGMA 444AMBDA UUUPSI4ON /S/S/S 0OORI1AS 444A1INAS UUUNIDAS (S4U) Coloni,ed Spring 201D Chartered April 21. 19918 Re-activated January 1. 2012 Minimum GPA to 7oin is 2.A0 Minimum GPA to 7oin is 2.A0 Motto: Greater Service. Greater Progress Motto: 5asta 4a Muerte 1he sororityMs goal is to achieve greater progress in the areas of education. Primary Issue of Concern: 4iteracy health awareness. and leadership development. 1heir core values are Sisters promote sisterhood. leadership. community service. academic sisterhood. service and scholarship. e)cellence and cultural enrichment. Service ΛΣΥΛΣΥΛΣΥ 444AMBDA SSSIGMA UUUPSI4ON (4SU) ΑΦΩ AAA4P5A4P5A4P5A PPP5I5I5I OOOM0GA (APO) Coloni,ed 2all 20148 Chartered November C. 2014 Chartered December 200D Minimum GPA to 7oin is 2.A0 Minimum GPA to 7oin is 2.C0 Motto: 4atinos Siempre Unidas Motto: Be a 2riend.
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