n X D A T . B i n ^ a I < ft 1C. Tlw Waetiwr I of O. & IPiaH i Hlawfb>0tgr tnnttng J|>rali> Drily Nat Pi m M Meraua Obbenm W f^dod m P rogram ebalrmoa oad urfll aoloot 72. eC Mr. *55 R o »o rt T. Tnroh. aoa of >to- oad First Aid Course ‘Mallaod oblOa la tbo b w 4 in ttla, ' Mro. /ooob Turok of » »> a ^ Coming Marriage bid owB oomanttoo for tho flrot F O C ^ S A L E 9 3 ^ Cm U KltU * o ( fo rd mooting. I t waa dootdod ta moot Hanrbpatpr iEupnittg 3lpraUi Knu ■ttoot, boo boon awordod a foil Instructors Meet SflU Sdpt. I T ^ iM A. M.| M gtnot. wko r»o rt«l ocbolarohlp of ddOP for bM k a ^ tho third . Wodaooday. o f oadh T 5T onoro yo*r M a (^ la olootekal The flrot AM laotiuetoro of tho month. U w M O n M . IfRHcfcBrfT -A Cky of ratege Charm S T iw <d tlw VMM. ■porry. ooo York fltrangfoM roportod Bmt oaglnoorlng at woroootor MandMotor Chaptor M AmoriooB B n M k lU H M M A R Y ^ c S S ^ A O T . I iittlw gfrg- o f four oOkmortao t«i»0o*» a®*"* tShale InotlUito. Ho wao nadd- Rad Crooo mot Wodaooday ora- rirat AM bad d m adadnletorod to (TWELVE PAGI8) PRICE POUR CF NTS liilulim oad wWoh oofooo oo flog* SC owlmmora at SaKoro oad eight glUp o f tbo OooBBOodor iukinortno otad with honoro froai M a a d w ^ Blag to orfoMoo a « r ^ for mgo- aad otbar koud or High ochool with tbo elaao of Ibtd. ler flMnwy muetlncs. Tont at Olobo Hollow. VOL. LXVnL. N a t N g t M to o DlOfOi CoUfoiwJo, 01^ Tho group w u ahowa a movto A. LATULIPPE f t S O N Bktn iB ten ^ to BtraagfouT^nBoa «f ^M. oad 01^00 tho aub* Mary Buobaoll Chonoy Aualb* aoMod at tbo mooting aad Mlao titled **Aailgnmont Modlelao.'* Iflfl ronoa at TW. fldn ______ to • iim MIiiiK to n u ilM of SquodroB S. Re«d*.H«rtdd A d ^ ___f»»n, Orooo sad Ooilogo ary. U. •. W. V.. win eondoet a ty rorrla waa oloctod ooerotary tkioogh tho eoortooy of tho Army MOW H »*M . SModoar, ^ o f homo mado foodo ton er* tho morrUM of lOao MorUyo row morning at HaWa atera. so. 10:*M'J 0 p ja . T ta B. dowry oad meboloa A. rotrif- |g lo r tbo POIPOM M ( dM work <wr flw jpoor to no of Wimaaoatk. Ptftoon omployoaa of tho Rain­ mt oUto geronuBont ond toiaorrow oweiag J?*® bow Cloanva. 80 Harriaoa o ^ > on)oyod a hamburgor rooat Wad* Report 146 Dead; Scores Are Hurt tho 1 ^ atate mwno. PotU tn. CoWMCUent K33J5«I1-S!S- u. ^ nooday aftombon and oronlag at roRMB «i OolumWa Lako, ao guooU of tbo ■tyto." m m . et K ’fiifs'.sssisr^- managoBwbt. Outdoor apoin i aongo rounded out the rroalag. Dorto Lofoa of thla town ^ Tho oiaiiol oatlng of tho Oooe NoBoy Kolbor of douUi O r « ^ M iM ^ b ortclMUy aebo^ HO OBMag al* flnoUoto P*®*i*® Its P ie r ^ tho ®o««*y ®ji*?** Manehetier When Steamer Burns f ir * • " “ **" ^***** «Mr*etdo by tho board of J «d ^ it WDRC Mora than fifty w m rooolvod. Tho winaor w ill bo Dote Book Or. and Mra. tw a Aador^ of judigod la Oetobor. T io y . M. T , ^ bo P itd ay. flopt. Ifl Mr. end Mrs. Ralph B. BaMa of mooU of Kor. Oorl B. and oihb Tho Manchoator K h .^ Oub DupU dato B rld g a W oot fllda Roe, Summit atraet announce the en­ Howlgy Bnd FhinilF H front Berlin OlooB-of Chnrch otroot Thoy wlU orlU moot Monday gagement and eeaimlng marriage M tro 00 opoaoera o t tho boptlinn c f l7:80 p.m. _ ^ , 700 Persons Aboard llanehwUr Country C9ub. Jot Ei4< of their daughUr. Dorothy B.. to Nationwide Coal Jm o WadoTtoifhtor of Mr. and M aiiohootor B oy floouto annual or baa boon ablo to aoouro ^ t r i ■ coutore ban<|uot. M urphy*! Roo* Lauronc# J. Paguatta ot met otic nim, to bo ahowa by hia • *In Bmaauol -rsx-*-' Hertford. The wedding wUl taka lOUO nalghbor, Robort Oammoao. piece October 18 at tba South , C. L . O f C OardoB par^ ^ Methodist church. Strike Next Week daaaort bridge at hom o of M rs. W . Great Lakes Vessel J. flhoa. Boulder R oad. I;*0 . ftMto 19 Sunset Council’s Y .W .C A . tM ephono bridge. Is Outlook Today *gatareM T> O etabor 1 Benefit Success [FREE! FREE! lan Cedara Fall Cerem onial Degree w ork t:W pJB. Parades As Fire Discovered PJfl. T h ! dwaoastratlon at th« horn* 400,000 Expected to A nnual P air. W om on’a A uxiliary of Mrs. John Buck of Woodbridgs Wo Are GMng Away Throe I of M anchoator M onw rlal boepitm i stTMt for tho bonoflt of Sunset Remain Awaj from News Tidbits Firemen at the Scene in M asonic Tom pla Oouaell, KD. pt, Dogros of Poca- Oetobor lA U hontss, A ss won attondod sad Pits Monday, Aa Re- CuDod From (IP) W ires A n o th er A lleg ed Spy Believe That 100 or CHAMPION SIRED PUy. "Jonnlo Klaaod M e,” nottad a slasabls sum. Two hours IW M ton ban. Com m unity Playera of astback playing followad. M n. anlt of Action of More Had Been Trap­ Kart Kellar waa Ugh. Mrs. Scbal- Pormor Mat, Ooa. Bonnstt B. 1 f o r C . I . o f C . Traataes of Welfare ped by the Flam es; O etabar 11. lA » lar wen ths eoasolatlon trophy, Mayora fbOs In aseead offort to Confesses in Hungary BOXER PUPPIES I»eal Products Show . M onday, Mrs. Flnnsgan ths door prim. | Fond; Strike News gala hla frssdom . Navy pilot Hundreds Escape by I Tuaeday and W adnaaday, Bx flquaras of assorted cakas aad cof- I ipo hlataslf out of plain doing change Chib, fltete A rm ery. fm wars mrvad after the games. moro than SeO mWos aa h ov and Udapei IT —e him self, not only as s leading plot- Jumping Onto Dock; Tkareday and Prldny. O ct. t1. B Members are requeated to make W ashington, Sept. 17.— i/Pi parachutes m f«ly • - • Putaaco OP) — Ueut. Oen. Oyorgy la the purported putsch, but The Center Thespians preaent returns on ths gm book and to -~The danger of a nationwide eompaay workars In Kankahso, former chief inspector of liSlgae^dBlaW'while inspector Worst Great Lakes Dia- “P er Love er M oney,” a com edy by see that their donations are In the in., rtmovs furaaes fraas wreag gartan Army, confessed hands of Mra Buck or Mra Oladys coal strike next week mount­ doLfla o f an alleged aster in All of History r . H ugh 'H erbert, H olU ater school ed today but hopes bright­ a . Progrssslvs Party, moot­ today that hs and hia I aud itorium . Byi^ rs by Baptember M. in g In Clovsland, ooadsmas Oov- ants had plotted to Yugoalav-liackaS plot to over Ttckdts win bo given with every 11.00 parduae er II 10 Counell w ill meet Monday ened for averting a leaa-im- r Dmroy/for *Whlto-waahiag Hungary's top government throw Hungary's Communist-dom­ BnllctiBl evening, September IS, at 7;S0 minent steal atrike. The 400,- tho poUos ymo pormitted. sneour- lasw d ay. inated government and set up s to re fro m r o w m til date of drawing. sharp. A demonstration will fol­ ro-Tlto regime, the 40-yesr-old Toronto, Sept. t7.--^/IV” 000 coal miners were expect­ sgod and actually partletpatsd In He said the planned putsch low and members aad filaada ars| tho vkdanos” at Woksklll . failed because the government ar­ ?'sUTy said: Chief Coroner Smirle Law* urged to attend. ed to stay away from the pita CImfISB M eraitead . Unlontown, rested Rajk, former Oom- ”Wa had formed three special shock groups of 12 members each son estimated at 145 today ' •PREST-O-UTE BATTERIES WANTED next Monday bgcauae their Pa., dselarsd logaUy daad last muhlft nbilster of foreign affairs wstfar* fUBd'a tm oU so, ksodod March, turaa up vary much sUvo. aadeiwetar 06 Intertos^fv which were to arrest and eventual­ the number of dead in the Only Two It6ms i0 O by mlas nalea PraoMsat John L. Rajk admitted hta guilt oa the ly kUl the three top Communist fire which destroyed the G m Sution Attendant South Korsaa Army’s chief of ministers, headed by Matyma Ra- •U . 8. TIRES Lowta, votad to anapaad panaton staff says Koraan gusrrlllas ars stand yesterday. steamship Noronie. oad otlwr bsastt poymsats. Brig. Oeo. Hook L Bewtay. former mOItary t"™ ” *;**J* Nl!L*^Srt*at^fciri! Palffy said tho scheme had Yugo­ kost, on a certain night at about RMrgdtie, willing tar work O ffered at Mart| ntting soRM of tholr wsapons mldnlghC •TYDOL GAS AND OIL This action was toksa at a noos Cihlasss OsaMaanlote . slav bMp, and after the planned Toronto, Sept. 17.—<ff>—A nal ntrvd tba p«bBe. stormy, Svo-hour awsUag of tbo BMaaslnatioiia, the p lo tte n would “OoL Bela Korandy (a former Nsw Britain poUosmaa kicksd and |m m ifti iMa chMoo of WOT Mmoo wo horo otrregthoeoB o«r lorcoo m n r o p o omo umooo Budapest poUce ofllcliU and a co­ CsuUflowor and tomatoea con- fund's tbrso trasUos ysstsrday.
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