Ronald Reagan Presidential Library Digital Library Collections This is a PDF of a folder from our textual collections. Collection: Green, Max: Files Folder Title: Soviet Jewry Box: 23 To see more digitized collections visit: https://reaganlibrary.gov/archives/digital-library To see all Ronald Reagan Presidential Library inventories visit: https://reaganlibrary.gov/document-collection Contact a reference archivist at: reagan.library@nara.gov Citation Guidelines: https://reaganlibrary.gov/citing National Archives Catalogue: https://catalog.archives.gov/ . \ - Sir--<- uP ~ ~N-,r ,.r ~/ !Jw,,..- tli/1h ,. f-J ;J r{- ~ ~ w...e- ,,.._ ;u ftti- ;lA <-,1.f / 6Yi~ ""f '1), ~. ID# 569605 THE WHITE HOUSE CORRESPONDENCE TRACKING WORKSHEET INCOMING DATE RECEIVED: MAY 13, 1988 NAME OF CORRESPONDENT: SISTER ANN GILLEN SUBJECT: WRITES REQUESTING HELP FOR BORIS AND GALINA LIVSHITZ AND THEIR SON DAVID IN OBTAINING AN EXIT VISA FROM THE SOVIET UNION ACTION DISPOSITION ROUTE TO: ACT DATE TYPE C COMPLETED OFFICE/AGENCY (STAFF NAME) CODE YY/MM/DD RESP D YY/MM/DD MAX GREEN ORG 88/05/13 - _/_/_ REFERRAL NOTE: I I - I I REFERRAL NOTE: -- ---- I REFERRAL NOTE: --- ---- _!_/_ - _/_/_ REFERRAL NOTE: _/_/_ - _/_/_ REFERRAL NOTE: COMMENTS: ADDITIONAL CORRESPONDENTS: MEDIA:L INDIVIDUAL CODES: PL MAIL USER CODES : (A) ------ (B) ------ (C) ----- *********************************************************************** *ACTION CODES: *DISPOSITION *OUTGOING * * * *CORRESPONDENCE: * *A-APPROPRIATE ACTION *A-ANSWERED *TYPE RESP=INITIALS * *C-COMMENT/RECOM *B-NON-SPEC-REFERRAL * OF SIGNER * *D-DRAFT RESPONSE *C-COMPLETED * CODE = A * *F-FURNISH FACT SHEET *S-SUSPENDED *COMPLETED = DATE OF * *I-INFO COPY/NO ACT NEC* * OUTGOING * *R-DIRECT REPLY W/COPY * * * *S-FOR-SIGNATURE * * * *X-INTERIM REPLY * * * *********************************************************************** REFER QUESTIONS AND ROUTING UPDATES TO CENTRAL REFERENCE (ROOM 75,0EOB) EXT-2590 KEEP THIS WORKSHEET ATTACHED TO THE ORIGINAL INCOMING LETTER AT ALL TIMES AND SEND COMPLETED RECORD TO RECORDS MANAGEMENT. .; , . ' \ \ : ·+­ -- r·"(, Natianal lnterr•lifiliau• Task Fare• an Saviet Jewry SISTER ANN GILLEN 1307 SOUTH WABASH, CHICAGO, ILLINOIS 60605 EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR 312 - 922-1983 llooorary N~tiooal Chairman HON. IC ~At:(;EN T SHRIVER ?\'ational Co-Leaders PIWI l·S~OI\ .·\NDRE l.ACOCQUE R•\llUI \IAl<i. H. TANENBAUM May 9' 1988 S l ~l 1: 1( \L\t<l;AJUoT ELLEN TRAXLER F uuriJing Houorary Sponsors RE\'. ltAI I'll n. Al:IERNATHY HON . HFl"l.·\ N l:IADILLO President Ronald Reagan I F.ON.\IUl ll lcRNSTEl!'I H ON ..IU !AN HUND The White House H ON FllWARll BROOKE \~ ILi IA .\! F. lJ UCKLEY. JR . 1600 Pennsylvania Av. NW llOR O'I !!\'DAY HUN . ROULR r f . DRINAN Washington, DC 20500 HON . t:1 1ARU: S EVERS HON . GERALD FORD A IU ill' R toODJ-' RFY H <JN . AR rl! U R GOLORE RG Dear Mr. President, HUI'. JOHN A . GRONOUSKI t;c-. Al.FRl:ll M . GRUENTHER HON. FRED HARRIS LA llONNA HARRIS I am writing to thank you for all you have done in H01'. P Hii iP HART W RANDOLPH HEARST. JR . the past to help Soviet Jews and Christians. You !(E\ ' . THH>f\ORE HESUURGH lt ABl:I J AflR ,\ HAM J . HESCHEL• have demonstrated the bond between justice and Jn. REV. JOHN HINES WALTER T . Hl' RRARD peace during your administration. H UN . HAROLD H UG HES Il l\. llAVll l HYATT HIS f'~llNFNCT IAKOVOS HU N. JJANll:L INOU \'E When you go to Moscow, please remember BORIS and .l\ I AH AL I -\ JN" KSON• llR . C LARK K E: l\R GALINA LIVSHITZ and their son DAVID. They have TOl\1 LAN JJR \' WILLIF ~IAYS sent you a letter appealing for your help. I PROF. H ANS J. MORGENTltAU HON . WAYNE ~HlRSF" wonder if you have received it? HO:" . RICHAIU) OGILVIE HON C llA!t l.FS PERCY .\ l'H I I.IP It,\ N DOL.Pll JACK!l: IHlUI NSUN' Boris wrote it and Konstantine (David) recopied it BAYARD R USTIN HON . H UG H SCOTT as I sat in their apartment last month. They were HO N ADLAI STEVENSON Ill I'll .\ l · 1 I.I\".\ N • very depressed, as they have been waiting for visas I llFODORE H . WHITE Ro \' WILKINS since 1979. Executhe Director SiSlTI{ A1'N G ILLE N Boris, a Professor of Theoretical Physics, was never Exccuti\'C Chairman involved in secret work or research. He was denied f{ \Bill A JA\IF. S l(lJDIN a visa on the grounds that there was "no justification" Consultation Coordinator for leaving. ITCESE nt: HOW Chairman, Coordinating Commilt~c llAV ! Ll t;El.l.Elt But there is. Galina has a serious blood disease and f . ) lJt'Cl'tllt>d fears she will only be able to leave in "an ashen urn". Task Force (in formation) PROF. THOMAS E. BIRD PROF . JERAlll BRAUER SR . t;LOIU A COLMAN Konstantine is almost old enough to the draft. Then M\(;R CllARl.ES DEVLIN HE\'. EDWA RD FLANNERY he will be denied a visa for seven years. They need HOWARD A. G I LBERT ~I SG IC JCJHN GORMAN to leave now. RLV. DAVID R . HUNTE R lllW. MAl(TIN KLIETZ HICHARD H . LEVIN OR . C LYDE MANSCHRECK The Summit meeting gives them cause for hope, Mr. SIC SlJZANNE NOFFKE R F. V . JOHN PAWLIKOWSKI President. May your trip be blessed in every way. Rl \ '. !(OR F.RT PRUITT PROF. J . COERT RYLAARSDAM And may the Livshits family have cause for thanks­ RE\' STANLEY A. SCHMIDT PIH>!'. JOSEPH SITTLER giving when the Summit is over. HEV. PAUL STAGG R EV. JOHN ST F. INBRUCK SR . ROSE THERING SR. ANN PATRICK WARE With best wishes and prayers for the success of all RF.V . WILLIAM WEILER ELl\IER WINTER your efforts, Sincerely, SrG:rb ~ tL~ $/,6-J.-s·_,i '\ \ ID# 570077 \ \ THE WHITE HOUSE CO~RESPONDENCE TRACKING WORKSHEET INCOMING'- 1 DATE RECEIVED: MAY 24 \ 1 988 NAME OF CORRESPONDENT: MR. MARTIN F. STEIN SUBJECT: WRITES ABOUT OF THE GRIGORY ROZENSHTEIN FAMILY REQUESTING THAT EFFORTS BE MADE ON THEIR BEHALF AND ENCLOSES COPIES OF GRIGORY'S LETTERS TO SOVIET OFFICIALS ACTION DISPOSITION ROUTE TO: ACT DATE TYPE C COMPLETED OFFICE/AGENCY (STAFF NAME) CODE YY/MM/DD RESP D YY/MM/DD MAX GREEN ORG 88/05/24 I I REFERRAL NOTE: --- I I - _/_/_ REFERRAL NOTE: ------ I I I I REFERRAL NOTE: ---------- I I I I REFERRAL NOTE: --- --- -- - - I I I I REFERRAL NOTE: - -- --- - - -- COMMENTS: ADDITIONAL CORRESPONDENTS: MEDIA:L INDIVIDUAL CODES: PL MAIL USER CODES : (A) ----- (B) ----- ( C) ----- *********************************************************************** *ACTION CODES: *DISPOSITION *OUTGOING * * * *CORRESPONDENCE: * *A-APPROPRIATE ACTION *A-ANSWERED *TYPE RESP=INITIALS * *C-COMMENT/RECOM *B-NON-SPEC-REFERRAL * OF SIGNER * *D-DRAFT RESPONSE *C-COMPLETED * CODE = A * *F-FURNISH FACT SHEET *S-SUSPENDED *COMPLETED = DATE OF * *I-INFO COPY/NO ACT NEC* * OUTGOING * *R-DIRECT REPLY W/COPY * * * *S-FOR-SIGNATURE * * * *X-INTERIM REPLY * * * *********************************************************************** REFER QUESTIONS AND ROUTING UPDATES TO CENTRAL REFERENCE (ROOM 75,0EOB) EXT-2590 1 KEEP THIS WORKSHEET ATTACHED TO THE ORIGINAL INCOMING LETTER AT ALL TIMES AND SEND COMPLETED RECORD TO RECORDS MANAGEMENT. 5 ··700 ? 7 MARTIN F. STEIN \J ATJONA L CHA IRM AN May 20, 1988 The President The White House Washington, D.C. 20500 Dear Mr . President: I a• writing to you today to ask a very iaportant favor. Over the last several years, I have aet with you and written to you regarding a Soviet Jew, Grigory Rozenshtein and his faaily. Next week I will be part of a forty person delegation visiting Helsinki with you prior to your sua•it in Moscow. As the Rozenshteins are a deeply religious faaily, they are in aany ways, prisoners in their own country. Any personal efforts you could •ake on their behalf, would be deeply appreciated. I hopefully look forward to seeing you in Helsinki. Sincerely, ~· MFS/ld P .S. I have enclosed copies of Grigory's letters to Soviet Officials. U nited Jewish Appeal • Suite 300 • 99 Park Avenue • New York, New York 10016 (2 12) 818-9100 ' .. To: Ple ::-mm on Ifr2tion::ll Pro bl =ms so}!histice. ted ;1.atione.l ~-)roblems ·~ ~-= the USSR. Our iir r' ~sent ;_;oe.l is :?o:rmul8.ting the Jewist. i:::-oolem ·:1hich r(~P . ches ::2.r 1Jcyonc the -::::,.ie c·ific :':leeds ~nd .:_;rcblems ~x:i n rience cl '-J y I .8 ~ ·l'lillion ;;evrs reco C:,Tiized. '.Jy the o~ficie..l statistics. ~i ccoun-ts, the J ,~1H ish L~"- '' t. The p robltc:::i i 2 universal ~ 1 otl:. :':ro:m the national E<.nd religioue ninor ::_JeoplH eom1Jrising ci_bout 0 .33 ;·~ o:r· - ~he ·:rorlcl' s ~ ; o ·pu1 2 tion, forr.::fn . ·t;}~ er s "'-t ~.1om1t 3i:~"' ::>. i ·,ve ~ . re :!.d re ..:;sing :rou., the n m~1ber :-; of ·'.;he GP3'C Gentn~. l Ccm:mi ttee Plenum, -~o . ~ e.11 your 2 ttention to the :::is ::>.strous :3 i tu::i.tion of sovis t Jevir.J ? .11 d of tl'.1:2 J t~w ish Tradition in 1-1.n ·.i•" Tt:::c:rnn i:i I97T-I9137 r':v22.le d, in I90 c ities ~.r:d tovrns, just· one iJY!l2.eogu.:~ rP8bi of 2. :.\ciro)ri-C'te troining v1ho ce.n meet· Orthodox Jt? ·. ·ish re1ur ~.;mt3nts. It is not in Uo8co·.,, Kiev c)r T°!Jilissi tJ:12.t the ··rortlw r2_:Jbi fulfil3 i.:.is 6uth~ s. Tue same de­ :Jf".c1..::: ·-,.itn<:J.:is<:d the soviet 'Jnion ~;,--, b"ve 9.. ~ine;le snif · ~r ( reli- ho :foun(J in -':;~l.e :Joyic,=:t Unio:i, nnd :::ucl'. :L.-=i the ·;ii tu2ti-1::i with ~;he J1:we '·rhn 11nve 'J3·"cil -t}\e Pi=i ,.., 1J.::-: "1f tl:.e Book :~\)r ~:iilenni8.
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