
E PL UR UM IB N U U S Congressional Record United States th of America PROCEEDINGS AND DEBATES OF THE 107 CONGRESS, SECOND SESSION Vol. 148 WASHINGTON, MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 30, 2002 No. 125 Senate The Senate met at 1 p.m., and was Mr. E. BENJAMIN NELSON there- Res. 45, are now at the desk, having called to order by the Honorable E. upon assumed the Chair as Acting been read the first time. Is that right? BENJAMIN NELSON, a Senator from the President pro tempore. The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem- State of Nebraska. f pore. The Senator is correct. Mr. REID. I ask unanimous consent RESERVATION OF LEADER TIME PRAYER it be in order for these bills and joint The Chaplain, Dr. Lloyd John The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem- resolutions, en bloc, to receive a second Ogilvie, offered the following prayer: pore. Under the previous order, the reading, but then I would object to any Almighty God, Sovereign of this Na- leadership time is reserved. further consideration. tion and Lord of our lives, grant us f The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem- Your peace for the pressures of this week. May Your peace keep us calm MORNING BUSINESS pore. The clerk will read the titles of the resolution and the bills for the sec- when tensions mount and serene when The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem- strain causes stress. Remind us that ond time. pore. Under the previous order, there The legislative clerk read as follows: You are in control and that there is will now be a period for the transaction enough time to do what You want us to of morning business not to extend be- A resolution (S.J. Res. 45) to authorize the accomplish. use of United States Armed Forces against yond the hour of 2 p.m., with the Sen- Iraq. Fill this Senate chamber with Your ators permitted to speak therein for up presence. May we hear Your whisper in A bill (S. 3009) to provide economic secu- to 10 minutes each. rity for America’s workers. our souls: ‘‘Be not afraid; I am with Under the previous order, the first A bill (H.R. 4691) to prohibit certain abor- you.’’ Bless the women and men of this half of the time shall be under the con- tion-related discrimination in governmental Senate with a special measure of Your trol of the majority leader or his des- activities. strength for the demanding schedule ignee. The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem- ahead. You are our Lord and Saviour. The Senator from Nevada. pore. Objection having been heard, the Amen. f resolution and bills will be placed on f SCHEDULE the calendar. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Mr. REID. Mr. President, originally f The Honorable E. BENJAMIN NELSON we had announced there would be a ORDER OF PROCEDURE led the Pledge of Allegiance as follows: vote this afternoon, but there will not Mr. REID. Mr. President, Senator I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the be a vote today. The first vote will be United States of America and to the Repub- LANDRIEU is in the Chamber to report approximately 12 p.m. on Tuesday on lic for which it stands, one nation under God, to the Senate on the devastation of the cloture on the Gramm-Miller amend- indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. hurricane that struck her State. I ask f ment on homeland security. I ask unanimous consent notwith- unanimous consent she have the full 30 APPOINTMENT OF ACTING standing rule XXII, first degree amend- minutes, which would extend the time PRESIDENT PRO TEMPORE ments may be filed until 3 p.m. today to 1:35 and then the minority have their full 30 minutes. The PRESIDING OFFICER. The and the live quorum with respect to The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem- clerk will please read a communication the cloture motion filed be waived; fur- pore. Is there objection? Without objec- to the Senate from the President pro ther, the cloture vote on the Gramm- tion, it is so ordered. tempore (Mr. BYRD). Miller amendment No. 4738 occur at 12 The legislative clerk read the fol- p.m. tomorrow, without further inter- f lowing letter: vening action or debate. TROPICAL STORM ISIDORE U.S. SENATE, The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem- PRESIDENT PRO TEMPORE, pore. Without objection, it is so or- Ms. LANDRIEU. Mr. President, I Washington, DC, September 30, 2002. dered. come to the floor today regarding To the Senate: f Tropical Storm Isidore, which made Under the provisions of rule I, paragraph 3, landfall last Wednesday just south of of the Standing Rules of the Senate, I hereby MEASURES PLACED ON THE CAL- New Orleans and dumped nearly 25 appoint the Honorable E. BENJAMIN NELSON, ENDAR—S.J. RES. 45, S. 3009, AND inches of rain in 24 hours. This massive a Senator from the State of Nebraska, to H.R. 4691 perform the duties of the Chair. and destructive storm brought winds of ROBERT C. BYRD, Mr. REID. Mr. President, I under- 60 miles per hour to Southeast Lou- President pro tempore. stand that S. 3009, H.R. 4691, and S.J. isiana and a storm surge of up to 6 feet. ∑ This ‘‘bullet’’ symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor. S9561 . S9562 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE September 30, 2002 I was able to see the flooding first- sufficient funding for the SELA project highway is in a precarious situation. hand when I traveled to Louisiana on in its budget request for fiscal year Can you imagine what would happen if Thursday with the FEMA Director, Joe 2004. a hurricane hit us head on? It would be Allbaugh, to survey the damage. Although protecting life and prop- gone, and there would be great dif- I was relieved and grateful to learn erty should be reason enough to invest ficulty in servicing one-fifth of our na- that on Friday, the President declared in infrastructure in Louisiana, there is tion’s energy supply. I urge the admin- a Federal disaster for the area. This an even bigger problem that faces the istration and my Congressional col- declaration triggered the release of entire Nation when severe flooding oc- leagues to think about these facts and Federal funds to bring much-needed re- curs in South Louisiana. More than 80 to invest more resources in critical im- covery assistance to the towns, com- percent of the Nation’s offshore oil and provements to this and other highway munities, businesses, and citizens that gas is produced off Louisiana’s coast systems in south Louisiana. suffered great loss. I would like to and 25 percent of all the Nation’s for- Year after year, revenues from the thank President Bush and FEMA Di- eign and domestic oil comes across oil and gas production off the coast of rector Joe Allbaugh for their support Louisiana’s shores by tanker, barge or my State provides most of the funds of Louisiana’s recovery efforts. pipeline. In fact, according to the Min- for the Land and Water Conservation Although the final cost of Tropical erals Management Service, (MMS), of Fund but receives precious little in re- Storm Isidore is still being determined, the 571 million barrels of oil produced turn. Since 1968, and for most of the Louisianans know all too well the dam- from the Outer Continental Shelf in life of the Land and Water Conserva- age a storm on this particular path can 2001, 502 million were produced offshore tion Fund, OCS revenues have served bring. Had this storm reached the level Louisiana. That translates to 88 per- as the primary source of funding. In of strength earlier predicted, it would cent of production. fact, since 1990, OCS funds have ac- have been a category 3 hurricane, pack- Let me also tell you all about a very counted for more than 90 percent of the ing winds of 130 miles per hour and a special highway in south Louisiana. deposits in the Land and Water Con- storm surge of up to 12 feet. This highway also happens to be a servation Fund each year. As nearly all of New Orleans area main artery for the Nation’s energy While approximately 80 percent of rests below sea level, a hurricane of supply. This highway is aptly named the OCS revenues collected during this that magnitude alone on the path that Louisiana Highway 1. Nearly one-fifth period came from offshore Louisiana, Tropical Storm Isidore has taken of the Nation’s entire energy supply de- only 1.1 percent, $27 million, of the would devastate southeast Louisiana. pends on Louisiana 1, and we cannot total Federal side Land and Water Con- In Louisiana and throughout the Gulf continue to leave its future to the servation Fund allocated during this South, we deal with the threat of hur- whims of mother nature. period actually went toward Louisiana. ricanes every year. From all reports, Louisiana Highway 1 connects Port On the other hand, 23 percent, $650 mil- this storm could have been much Fourchon, Louisiana with the rest of lion, of the funding allocated during worse, and we are thankful it was not. the country. Why is it important? Con- this period from the Federal side of the But I must take this opportunity to sider these facts: 85 percent of the fund went to California, but only 4 per- bring to light what is at stake when a deep-water drilling rigs working in the cent of the total OCS funds during this hurricane or storm takes aim on the Gulf are supported by Port Fourchon; period came from offshore California.
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