March 22, 2000 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS 3355 fund-raising initiatives. Affiliations include and recognizing Roger Williams as an early Ms. Crow’s music encompasses her per- Longview Partnership, Laubach Literacy Ac- champion of democracy and religious free- sonal experience and her passionately held tion, The Nonprofit Coalition and Literacy Vol- dom. As we struggle against religious intoler- beliefs to electrify audiences. Inspired by the unteers of America. ance throughout our world, we should look to likes of Walt Whitman and Bob Dylan. Sheryl Mr. Speaker, the cost of illiteracy to individ- men, such as Roger Williams, who stood for Crow has influenced a generation of women to uals, to their families and to society is enor- freedom, in a world of persecution. artistry and activism. Her ability to span gen- mous. Literacy programs, such as those spon- I am proud to be a member of the distin- erations and musical tastes has led Ms. Crow sored by the East Texas Literacy Council, are guished brotherhood of Zeta Beta Tau Frater- to be one of the most sought after musicians vital in our efforts to help individuals acquire nity, a organization of young men who are of our time. Her reputation for taking risks is the skills they need to be productive citizens dedicating this day to the principles of toler- demonstrated by her professional and per- and to be able to support themselves and their ance, understanding, and brotherly love, by re- sonal courage to make mistakes and to families. It is a privilege to pay tribute today to membering Roger Williams. achieve success. Her song, ‘‘My Favorite Mis- this exemplary literacy organization in the f take,’’ reminds us that we must all have the Fourth District of Texas—the East Texas Lit- courage to take risks in order to create some- PERSONAL EXPLANATION eracy Council—and to those dedicated staff thing worthwhile. members and volunteers whose hard work In 1994 Sheryl Crow won Gammy Awards has helped make this organization such a suc- HON. XAVIER BECERRA for Best New Artist, Record of the Year, and cess. OF CALIFORNIA Best Female Pop Vocal Performance for her f IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES hit ‘‘All I Wanna Do.’’ Two years later, the Wednesday, March 22, 2000 singer/songwriter won Grammys for Best Rock PERSONAL EXPLANATION Mr. BECERRA. Mr. Speaker, due to a com- Album and Best Female Rock Vocal Perform- HON. IKE SKELTON mitment in my district on Tuesday, March 21, ance for the song, ‘‘If It Makes You Happy.’’ 2000, I was unable to cast my floor vote on Her 1998 double platinum album, ‘‘The Globe OF MISSOURI rollcall numbers 56 and 57. The votes I Sessions’’ was named Best Rock Album at the IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES missed include rollcall vote 56 on Suspending 1999 Grammy Awards. Her latest effort, Wednesday, March 22, 2000 the Rules and Agreeing to H. Con. Res. 288, ‘‘Sweet Child O’ Mine,’’ received the 2000 Mr. SKELTON. Mr. Speaker, on Thursday, Recognizing the importance of families and Grammy for Best Female Rock Vocal Perform- March 16, 2000, during debate of H.R. 2372, children in the United States and expressing ance. Her peers in the music industry and her the Property Takings legislation, I was un- support for the goals and ideas of National many dedicated fans have recognized Ms. avoidably detained due to a prior family com- Family Day; and rollcall vote 57 on Sus- Crow as a gifted musician and a woman em- mitment. Unfortunately, I was unable to vote pending the Rules and Agreeing to H. Res. powered to inspire others. on rollcall votes 53, 54, and 55. Had I been 182, Expressing the sense of the House of Sheryl Crow cares passionately about elimi- present, I would have voted ‘‘no’’ on rollcall Representatives that the National Park Service nating the use of land mines, as demonstrated vote 53, the Boehlert substitute, ‘‘no’’ on roll- should take full advantage of support services by her recent efforts in Southeast Asia on be- call vote 54, the Motion to Recommit, and offered by the Department of Defense. half of the victims of such weapons of war. ‘‘yes’’ on final passage of the bill—rollcall vote Had I been present for the votes, I would The artist has journeyed to Capitol Hill in sup- 55. have voted ‘‘aye’’ on rollcall votes 56 and 57. port of debt relief for the world’s most impov- erished nations. Ms. Crow has been an out- f f spoken advocate of women’s rights and has HONORING ZETA BETA TAU FRA- HONORING 20TH CENTURY WOMEN highlighted her concerns about youth violence TERNITY AND ROGER WILLIAMS issues in songs such as ‘‘Love is a Good DAY HON. KAREN McCARTHY Thing.’’ I share her belief that one of the most OF MISSOURI effective ways of reducing youth violence in HON. BENJAMIN A. GILMAN IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES our culture is to support arts education in OF NEW YORK Wednesday, March 22, 2000 schools. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Ms. Crow exemplifies the positive value of Ms. MCCARTHY of Missouri. Mr. Speaker, I artistic expression. I salute Sheryl Crow for Wednesday, March 22, 2000 rise in celebration of extraordinary women of being an inspiration as an artist and advocate. Mr. GILMAN. Mr. Speaker, today I applaud the 20th Century. Throughout our history Her efforts to make the world a better place Zeta Beta Tau Fraternity, my brotherhood, for women artists such as Missouri author, Laura will continue to contribute to a better future in celebrating the life of Roger Williams, founder Ingalls Wilder, have brought about needed so- the new millennium. ‘‘For all you wanna do,’’ of the colony of Rhode Island, and a strong cial change in our State and Nation. Today, I Sheryl Crow, Missouri women thank you for supporter of religious and political liberty. honor a recording artist From Kennett, Mis- your artistry, advocacy, your commitment to In 1631, clergyman Roger Williams, left souri who has maintained strong ties to our the Campaign for a Landmine Free World and England, a land where he was dubbed a non- State. Sheryl Crow joins a list of Missouri a better life for our children. conformist and was persecuted for his reli- women who have contributed to an extraor- f gious beliefs, and came to the Massachusetts dinary century of women. Bay Colony in America. Along with him came Ms. Crow’s parents were big band musi- COMMENDING THE WISCONSIN HIS- his wife and great wind of change, idealism cians who encouraged her musical skills at an PANIC CHAMBER OF COMMERCE and freedom. He would be called a trouble- early age. She began playing the piano maker, because he believed that the royal around the age of six and composed her first HON. GERALD D. KLECZKA charter did not justify taking land that be- song at age 13. In the 1990’s, Sheryl Crow OF WISCONSIN longed to the Native Americans and declared forcefully expressed her thoughts and emo- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES that people should not be punished for reli- tions on social causes such as youth violence, gious differences. In 1664, he published his addressed in her platinum album lyrics’, Wednesday, March 22, 2000 most famous work, ‘‘The Bloudy Tenent of ‘‘Watch out sister, Watch out brother/Watch Mr. KLECZKA. Mr. Speaker, I would like to Persecution’’, which upheld his argument for our children as they kill each other/With a gun take this opportunity to commend the Wis- the separation of church and state. In 1657, they brought at the Wal-Mart discount stores’’ consin Hispanic Chamber of Commerce, as president of the Rhode Island colony, he in her ongoing battle with the discount giant which I’m proud to say is located in my dis- fought to provide refuge for Quakers who had over guns and children. In retribution, Wal- trict, for the outstanding job it has done to help been banished from other colonies, even Mart refused to sell her award winning Milwaukee’s Hispanic community thrive. I though he disagreed with their religious teach- records. A Florida State Supreme Court even- would like to especially note the work of one ings. tually ruled against Wal-Mart for illegally sell- of its leaders, Maria Monreal-Cameron, Presi- Today, as a member of Zeta Beta Tau Fra- ing ammunition to minors who used the bullets dent of the Chamber. Her ceaseless energy ternity, I join my brotherhood in remembering to kill a Pensacola man. and countless efforts on behalf of the Hispanic VerDate Aug 04 2004 12:22 Aug 12, 2004 Jkt 079102 PO 00000 Frm 00019 Fmt 0689 Sfmt 9920 E:\BR00\E22MR0.000 E22MR0.
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