1 2 Ketchup, Condiments & Sauces 06 Bulk Sauces Table Top Sauces Portion Sauces Portion Dressings Bulk Mayonnaise Condiments, Relishes & Dressings Tomato Products Gravy, Boosters & Coatings 17 Bulk Boosters Bulk Gravy Makers Liquid Gravy CONTENTS Liquid Sauce Gravy Powders Instant Gravy & Finishing Sauces &RDWLQJ6WXIÀQJ0L[HV <HDVW Fruit & Vegetables 23 Pineapple Beetroot Fruit Varieties Vegetable Varieties Frozen Beverages 31 Bulk Ambient Juice Bulk Ambient Drink & Nectar Impulse Ambient Juice Impulse Ambient Drink Sparkling Juice Cordial Soft Drink Sugar & Sugar Alternatives Drinking Chocolate & Cocoa Meal Solutions 45 Beans & Pasta Bulk Soup Portion Soup (Healthcare) Tuna Spice Pastes Salt & Pepper 49 Gourmet Salt Table Salt Cooking Salt Seasoned Salt Tabletop Salt & Pepper Jams & Spreads 54 Bulk Spreads Portion Jam & Spreads Toppings, Desserts & Baking 58 Toppings Syrup, Essence & Colour Custard Dispensers & Accessories 63 3 AT KRAFT HEINZ FOODSERVICE WE’RE PASSIONATE ABOUT YOUR SUCCESS. No matter what industry you’re in, from healthcare and hospitality, to catering and convenience, you can be sure that we will have the knowledge and products to simplify your business. With your skill and experience, combined with our knowledge and quality range of products, together we can do great things! 1935 1942 Heinz begins production Heinz swings behind in Australia the war eort Given the company’s origins, With WWII causing a global shortage of tin, LWZDVRQO\ÀWWLQJWKDWERWWOHG Heinz had to stop supplying canned goods to 1880s KRUVHUDGLVKZDVWKHÀUVW $XVWUDOLDQVKRSSHUV+RZHYHUWKHFRPSDQ\ product out of the company’s was able to get enough tinplate to supply Heinz lands on Australian shores original site in Richmond, nearly 12 million cans of tomato juice, Irish The story of Heinz in Australia began in the 9LFWRULD7KHQH[WSURGXFWWR stew, beans, spaghetti, soups, and potatoes 1880s, when American miners working in roll off the line was baked WRWKHDUPHGIRUFHV WKHJROGÀHOGVLQWURGXFHGWKHWDVWHRI+HLQ] beans in tomato sauce, quickly SURGXFWVWR$XVWUDOLDQVIRUWKHÀUVWWLPH IROORZHGE\FDQQHGVSDJKHWWL 1909 1947 Big dreams Pineapples at the heart With a vision to deliver cheese Golden Circle began as a grower products direct to grocers’ doors, 1926 cooperative, with the pineapple James L Kraft and his 4 brothers cannery commencing production Kraft Enters Australia HVWDEOLVKHGWKH-/.UDIWDQG%URV LQLQ1RUWKJDWH4XHHQVODQG &RPSDQ\LQ:LWKLQ\HDUV Kraft enters the Australian Pineapples have been at the thirty-one varieties of cheese were market, and begins heart of the Golden Circle Brand EHLQJVROGWKURXJKRXWWKH86$ PDQXIDFWXULQJFKHHVHSURGXFWV VLQFHLWVHDUOLHVWEHJLQQLQJV 4 1950s - 1960s Boom times for Heinz After the austerity of war, Australians fell in love with Heinz products all RYHUDJDLQ%\SURGXFWLRQ KDGLQFUHDVHGWRWRQQHV ZLWKSURGXFWVEHLQJPDGH Kraft Heinz Headquarters is located in Chicago, USA 2007 2015 2018 Joining the Heinz family ‘Krafty’ Move Kraft Heinz continues to grow Golden Circle joins the Heinz family Heinz and Kraft joined forces to bringing a wealth of Australia EHFRPHWKHÀIWKODUJHVWIRRGDQG .UDIW+HLQ]H[SDQGVWKHLUH[WHQVLYH KHULWDJHH[SHULHQFHDQGLFRQLF EHYHUDJHFRPSDQ\LQWKHZRUOG7KH portfolio by welcoming Cerebos products brands, such as Original Juice, Popper FRPELQHGNQRZOHGJHDQGH[SHULHQFH LQWRLWVUDQJH:LWKDZLGHYDULHW\RILFRQLF Juice, and Cottee’s jams, spreads, from Heinz, Kraft and Golden Circle EUDQGVVXFKDV6D[D*UDYR[)RXQWDLQ WRSSLQJVMHOOLHVDQGSXGGLQJV equate to a powerhouse of brands and Foster Clark’s, Kraft Heinz becomes and products ideal for foodservice an even greater powerhouse in the EXVLQHVVWKURXJKRXW$XVWUDOLD )RRGVHUYLFH,QGXVWU\ Rose’s®7UDGH0DUNVXVHGXQGHUOLFHQVH 5 Thai Beef Burger with Asian Slaw 6 Products: Lea & Perrins Worcestershire Sauce, Heinz Tomato Ketchup, Heinz Seriously Good Mayonnaise Original KETCHUP, CONDIMENTS7 & SAUCES BULK SAUCES 4L Heinz Big Red Tomato 4L Heinz Tomato Ketchup Sauce 3URGXFW&RGH Product Code : 01111 Units Per Ctn : 3 Units Per Ctn : 3 Upgrade to Heinz Tomato Ketchup because it is thick, rich & tasty! Made Heinz Big Red Tomato Sauce boasts an BEST immediately recognisable, rich tomato BEST from a signature recipe – a unique SELLER WDVWH7KHLGHDOFRQGLPHQWIRUXVHRQ SELLER blend of tomatoes, spice and vinegar pies, sausage rolls, pasties, hot dogs, to ensure a thick and rich sauce hot chips and steak sandwiches, Heinz ZKLFKRIIHUVDJUHDWGHSWKRIÁDYRXU Big Red Tomato Sauce is a trusted DQGFRQVLVWHQF\,WLVDQLQFUHGLEO\ $XVVLHIDYRXULWH versatile foodservice ingredient – use it as a base for sauces, soups, dips, - Ideal everyday performer with PDULQDGHVFDVVHUROHVDQGPRUH GLVWLQFWLYHWRPDWRWDVWHDQGÁDYRXU consistency 1RDUWLÀFLDOFRORXUVÁDYRXUVRU preservatives 1RDUWLÀFLDOFRORXUVÁDYRXUVRU preservatives - Packed full of tomatoes to make it thick - Made from 79% concentrated tomatoes - The must-have ingredient in burgers KETCHUP, CONDIMENTS & SAUCES CONDIMENTS KETCHUP, 4L Fountain smartPOUR™ 4L Fountain smartPOUR™ Caterer’s Tomato Sauce Tomato Sauce 3URGXFW&RGH 3URGXFW&RGH Units Per Ctn : 3 Units Per Ctn : 3 Developed to meet the demanding A traditional and immediately requirements of the professional recognisable taste; perfect for pies, FDWHULQJPDUNHW KDPEXUJHUVKRWFKLSVDQGPRUH 4L White Crow smartPOUR™ 4L Heinz BBQ Sauce Tomato Sauce Product Code : 01112 3URGXFW&RGH Units Per Ctn : 3 Units Per Ctn : 3 6SLF\VPRNH\ÁDYRXUDQGULFKWKLFN This iconic sauce enjoys strong consistency makes this the ideal FRQVXPHUOR\DOW\WKURXJKRXW9LFWRULD VDXFHRQEXUJHUVDQGIULHV 4L Fountain smartPOUR™ 4L Fountain smartPOUR™ Barbecue Sauce Worcestershire Sauce 3URGXFW&RGH 3URGXFW&RGH Units Per Ctn : 3 Units Per Ctn : 3 $GGÁDYRXUWRFDVVHUROHVRU The ideal choice to enrich barbecued BEST food or as a condiment to accompany FRPSOHPHQWWKHÁDYRXUVRI\RXU SELLER UHGPHDWV)RXQWDLQ%DUEHFXH6DXFH PRVWSRSXODUUHFLSHV LVDOVRDQH[FHOOHQWEDVHIRUPDULQDGHV DQGIRUEDVWLQJPHDWVSULRUWRFRRNLQJ Add your choice of other ingredients for DGLVWLQFWLYHVLJQDWXUHÁDYRXU 4L Fountain smartPOUR™ 4L Fountain smartPOUR™ Soy Sauce Sweet Chilli Sauce 3URGXFW&RGH 3URGXFW&RGH Units Per Ctn : 3 Units Per Ctn : 3 An essential ingredient in Asian Perfect for chicken and seafood cooking, taste the distinctive salt dishes, and as a marinade, dipping DQGVR\GHULYHGÁDYRXU RUEDVWLQJVDXFH 8 Gluten Free = Recommended for Heinz table top caddy = BULK SAUCES continued 2L Lea & Perrins 2.5L Fountain Satay Sauce Worcestershire Sauce 3URGXFW&RGH 3URGXFW&RGH Units Per Ctn : 3 Units Per Ctn : 4 Rich and chunky, and packed with The original and genuine Lea & Perrins URDVWHGSHDQXWVFRFRQXWDQGVSLFHV :RUFHVWHUVKLUH6DXFH,WVLQJUHGLHQWV are matured for 18 months before EOHQGLQJDQGERWWOLQJLQ:RUFHVWHU8. - Made with a special blend of vinegars and seasonings 4XDOLW\LQJUHGLHQWVZLWKQRDUWLÀFLDO colours or preservatives - Use as a sauce, marinade or seasoning for stews, casseroles, kebabs and dressings - An essential ingredient for Oysters Kilpatrick & SAUCES CONDIMENTS KETCHUP, TABLE TOP SAUCES 300mL Heinz Tomato 265mL Heinz Tomato Ketchup Ketchup 3URGXFW&RGH 3URGXFW&RGH Units Per Ctn : 12 Units Per Ctn : 24 Upgrade to Heinz Tomato Ketchup because Much loved Heinz Tomato Ketchup in a premium glass bottle with a it is thick, rich and tasty! Made from a BEST signature recipe – a unique blend of XQLTXH¶+HLQ]\HDUV·ODEHO SELLER tomatoes and vinegar to ensure a thick Ideal for venues requiring up-market and rich sauce which offers a great depth WDEOHWRSSUHVHQWDWLRQ RIÁDYRXUDQGFRQVLVWHQF\&RQYHQLHQWO\ packaged in a 300mL bottle ideal for front of house and tabletop use at venues and RXWOHWVVHUYLQJSODWHGPHDOVDQGVQDFNV 1RDUWLÀFLDOÁDYRXUVFRORXUVRU preservatives - The ‘never empty’ packaging hides the mess you usually get with table sauces – no drips or runs inside the bottle - Goes perfectly with chips, meats, pies, sandwiches, eggs, burgers and much more 300mL Heinz Big Red 500mL Heinz Organic Tomato Sauce Ketchup Up/Down 3URGXFW&RGH 3URGXFW&RGH Units Per Ctn : 12 Units Per Ctn : 10 Ideal everyday performer, with 8QLTXHÁDYRXUSURÀOHRIUHJXODU GLVWLQFWLYHWRPDWRWDVWHDQGÁDYRXU +HLQ].HWFKXSEXWZLWK&HUWLÀHG FRQVLVWHQF\ 2UJDQLFVWDWXV Gluten Free = Recommended for Heinz table top caddy = 9 TABLE TOP SAUCES continued 220mL Heinz American 300mL Heinz BBQ Sauce Mustard Product Code : 11121 3URGXFW&RGH Units Per Ctn : 12 Units Per Ctn : 8 The perfect complement to steak, Made with mustard seeds and a sandwiches, fries, barbecued meats, secret blend of spices and vinegar, EXUJHUVDQGPRUH BEST Heinz American Mustard provides the SELLER SHUIHFWEDODQFHRIÁDYRXUDQGWDQJ making it an ideal tabletop choice for steakhouses, restaurants, cafés, bistros DQGEXIIHWVDOLNH 390mL HP Sauce · Genuine American mustard, imported from the USA 3URGXFW&RGH · Perfect for burgers, sandwiches and Units Per Ctn : 12 PRUH 7KHWUDGLWLRQDOÁDYRXUSURÀOHRIWKLV · ‘Never empty’ packaging hides the classic brown sauce, with its unique blend mess you usually get with tabletop of tomato, dates, tamarind and spices in KETCHUP, CONDIMENTS & SAUCES CONDIMENTS KETCHUP, sauces – no drips or runs inside the DPDOW\YLQHJDUEDVHKDVPDGHLWDÀUP bottle IDYRXULWHLQWKH8.IRUJHQHUDWLRQV ă (OLPLQDWHVWKHQHHGWRUHÀOOIURP - The original and authentic HP Sauce with bulk – saves on labour and improves DFODVVLFÁDYRXUSURÀOH hygiene - Ideal for venues and outlets serving plated meals and snacks (OLPLQDWHVQHHGWRUHÀOOIURPEXONVDYLQJ on labour and improving hygiene 290mL Lea & Perrins 220mL HP Sauce Worcestershire Sauce 3URGXFW&RGH 3URGXFW&RGH Units Per Ctn : 12 Units Per Ctn : 12 Ideal tabletop choice for steakhouses, The original
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