APRIL 2015 Vol 18 #2 Contents APRIL 2015 NEXT ISSUE: May Vol. 18 # 2 DEADLINE: April 20 THE GOODS To place an ad or 4 Le Beat: Who’s who and what’s happening locally submit information, 11 Rock ‘n’ Roll Moment of the month call 398-1155 or 13 11 Questions: Kevin Chryst e-mail editor@ 24 Calendar whatsup-magazine.com. 32 Monthly Pin-Up: Dinofour 34 Tales from the Road: Wild Throne in LA 35 Stuff Yer Face: The Black Cat (le Chat Noir) SUPPORT SPOTLIGHTS LOCAL 6 Painters: The next wave 7 Soft Sleep: Local music vets in new project MUSiC 9 Smalls All Stars: A bit of NYC in Bellingham Thanks for reading! FEaturES 14 The Ded Reckoning: Space Musical 16 Bass Area Crew: : Bringing bass to the Bay 18 The Handsome Family: A couple of great musicians 21 Pictorial: What’s Up! 17th anniversary/200th issue show 22 Bill Horist: Impeccable variety of strange things REVIEWS 10 Live Shows 29 Recordings 360.398.1155 • P.O. Box 30373, Bellingham, WA 98228 www.whatsup-magazine.com • [email protected] CO-PUBLISHER/EDITOR-IN-CHIEF: Brent Cole CO-PUBLISHER/DESIGN DIRECTOR: Becca Schwarz Cole CONTRIBUTING WRITERS: Brandon Stahlbush, Matt Long, Kellan Green, Daniel Roth, Jared Curtis, Charlie Waltentiny, Rip Langston, Raleigh Davis, Bailey Cheney, Aaron Kayser, Aaron Apple, Josh Holland, Sarah Bryant, Keenan Ketzner, Adam Walker CONTRIBUTING PHOTOGRAPHERS: Ryan Russell, Sarah Day, Shasta Bree, Tommy Calderon, David Johnson, Ken Kearney AD SALES: Brent Cole, Victor Gotelaere COVER DESIGN: Amy Marchegiani DISTRIBUTION: David Johnson, Brent Cole WEB GENIUS: Django @ Seatthole SUPPORT: Harrison, Ruby, Autumn, Bucky-O What’s Up! is a free, independent monthly music magazine covering the Bellingham/Whatcom County scene, and is locally owned and operated by Brent Cole and Becca Schwarz Cole. What’s Up! is a member of Sustainable Connections, and a sister publication of Grow Northwest. Please take only one copy per person. Copies are circulated in Whatcom County. All content © 1998-2015 and may not be reproduced without the consent of the publisher. Deadline for submissions is the 20th of each month for the following month’s issue. E-mail information to editor @whatsup-magazine.com or call (360) 398-1155. All opinions expressed in What’s Up! are the opinions of the individuals expressing them and not necessarily the opinions of What’s Up! Back issues are available for $1 per copy. Archives are available online at www.whatsup-magazine.com. April 2015 • What’s Up! • TABLE OF CONTENTS • 3 Le Beat little more… could it be an extra layer mus, and Bellingham’s “folkier” flavor this of maturity? That would certainly make is sure to be a unique release to add to sense as they just spent months refining Bellingham’s local music collection. Local notes on what’s happen- their sound recording with the legend- ing with musicians, events ary producer Ross Robinson. Their debut and more. Have something to album Harvest Of Darkness will be out COMINGS & GOINGS share? Send your info to editor@ this summer on major record label Road- runner Records. I think a huge congratu- There is a new band on the horizon whatsup-magazine.com. lations is in order, if anyone deserves all looking to bring head-banging, sludgey, this it’s you guys! metal to the people of Bellingham. A o it must be time for your monthly Actionesse, the spiritual successor to Collection of Cyclops Skulls just an- helping of Le Beat! Some of us here the now defunct Gypsters, have just re- nounced their birth and with members Sstill have bang-overs (a head bang- leased their first bits of music. The boys of Thieves Of Eden, Maszynaz, KVRSE, ing hangover for the uninitiated) from just dropped a 2-song EP called Wew that and The Vaticxnts it’s hard not to get ex- last month’s big birthday bash but that showcases their new style, one reminis- cited about what they have in store for doesn’t mean that Bellingham is slowing cent of those ole Gypsters that you used us. The band is still in its infancy so no down any. The 201st issue can be just ex- to love but with plenty of new flavor to solid news on shows or recordings yet citing. We have a lot of great stuff for you offer. Combining horn instruments, gui- but keep these guys on your radar and this month so let’s dive on in! tar and keyboard in a truly unique way, stay tuned for awesome things down the Actionesse aims to get your toes tapping road! and it’s working. Catch some Actionesse RECORDING & RELEASES tunes April 3 at The Shakedown with Panda, Panda, Panda and Moonhat. GOOD TIMES New Wild Throne! New Wild Throne!!!! A known guitar instructor in Belling- The ass-kicking trio just recently pre- ham is ready to show off how he plays! Western Washington University is miered the first single off of their debut Bob McDonald, who has been teaching putting on their own Ted Talks! TEDx- full-length album, on freaking NPR no guitar in Bellingham for almost 20 years, WWU 2015 is a conference that will be less! The song, “War Is A Romance” finds has announced that he will be releas- held at the PAC of the university on April the Throne boys at their best with all of ing his debut album. Entitled Robert T. 11 with events starting at 10 a.m. There their trademarks: blistering guitar and McDonald III, You’re Already There, the will be 13 speakers in all with topics bass riffs, punishing drum beats, unfor- release will feature 15 original composi- ranging from design to science. Tickets givingly intense vocals that can still find tions for solo acoustic steel string guitar. are $6 at presale for students and $15 melody without devolving into guttural The album will be released on his and for the general public. A complimentary screaming. But there’s also something a his wife’s newly started independent lunch will be provided for those in at- label Living Spectrum Recordings. tendance. Get some knowledge bombs Bob’s style explores contemporary steel dropped on your brain noggin! string techniques that combine alternate Have you checked out the new Bell- tuning, percussion, tapping, and slap ingham Soundcheck yet? This one is harmonics with old time finger picking, quite a doozy. The legendary Naviga- chord melodies, and a polyphony of torCommunicator have burst forth voices that the guitar has to offer. This from the dark shadows of elusiveness album is sure to be a sonic treat for any- to put 22 minutes of atmospheric, in- one who digs the various facets of guitar strumental, prog-rock beauty down to playing! tape. Recorded at North Wave Electric The Illogicians, a band relatively the performance sounds phenomenal fresh-faced to the scene, recently an- in hands of the very talented Shibusa nounced work on recording their debut Sound. And would you believe that album. If their current demos on band- there is another one coming down the camp are any indication then I think we chute for you this month?! Stay tuned to might be in for a real treat. Featuring a see who will be featured next. complex, improvisational style, Illogi- Did someone space SPACE MUSICAL?! cians have fused together aspects of That’s right folks, Bellingham’s own Idi- classic rock, prog rock, and more south- om Theater will be hosting many nights ern bluegrass styles… and that’s just of a new SPACE MUSICAL! The new per- scratching the surface. Sounding like formance is locally written, sci-fi driven, a mutant love child between Rush, Pri- and features an all-original soundtrack. 4 • What’s Up! • April 2015 The musical entitled Ded Reckoning sly $2, and the event will be starting at lent Comedy at the Wild Buffalo April was written and directed by WWU play- 9 p.m. Make sure you get there at least 12. The show is 21+, tickets are $8 and write Kamarie Chapman and longtime 20 minutes early if you wanna submit a doors open at 9:30 p.m. Bellingham musician/singer Spencer trailer. Also word on the street is there The Jacuzzi House is putting on Willows. Ded Reckoning has been de- are only 8 Trailer Wars left in the works, an afternoon of low-key acoustic jams scribed as “the tale of three sisters and so if you love it come and give it your this month. The “Jacouzstic Show” on their ship’s engineer, who have been lost support! Thursday April 30, will feature acoustic in space for six long years, when one day Logan McQuaig, punk rock guitarist acts such as Mathew’s Comatorium, they find out that they are not alone af- turned artist, has opened up Nova Shop ECO, Schizophrenogenic Mothers and ter all…” The show will open with a free and Studio space at 115 W Chestnut. more.There may even be some room for performance on Thursday, April 9, and He’ll be showing different artists work as participants to hop in front of the lime- run Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sun- well as selling cool stuff – Logan custom light with their own songs! As always, day on April 9-12 and April 16-19. Doors paints Vans shoes among other things. If half the fun of house shows is decipher- open at 7 p.m. and the show starts at you haven’t checked ‘em out, do so be- ing the location, so get to sleuthing and 7:30! cause they’re absolutely amazing.
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