• (ojournafof SPORTS PHILATELISTS INTERNATIONAL SPORTS PHILATELY Number k March - April 1973 Volume 11 % - s>am 2 by Ira Seebacher Having whipped out our faithful Reporterflex with f/2.8 macro and having been ably assisted by the sterling services of the corner drug­ store which undertakes to do what it fondly but over-optimistlcally describes as processing, we are ready with another installment of off- the-beat philatelic collections. Perhaps more sporting than philatelic is the collec ting of corner cards , foreign and domestic. We have found that their plurality can beat you down but should you assay this form of colle cting, you can make it tougher by deciding on an early cut-off date o r by rejecting cards not in color. Since so many SPI members are Olym pic collectors exclu sively, we show corner cards of the '12, '20, %2k and '28 (Win- ter) organizing committees from the Orovsky corresponde nce. A chaste and e arlier entrant is that of the Royal Bermuda Yacht Club with its corne r card on the back flap. Obviously the opportunitle s for finding such cards are many, particularly of U.S. origin. Have fun. (Pigs. 1 to 5). V. OLYMPIADEN OLYMPISKA SPELEN I STOCKHO COMITE BELCE DE LA VII™ jM^ftHADE ,ATDCKHOLM ORQANISATIONSKOMMITTe »"-*, - / "\ j*80*' COMITE E*ECU 41 ii-ijir m It'it.Ti. httf-. iirm p i , MtUHfi Monsieur I. ROESSLER-OROVOfJ, i. A.- tiOCUA^^ jft/a 1 tV 0>\O U4$y Secretaire Seneral du Ooalte' Tcheijue dea Jeux Olympiques a Prague, /y Vaclawalce' 63, /icL^^-4^ PRAGUE. BOhime. Fig. 2 Pig. 1 rr 1 '.'.'. VIII OLY/nPlAB^^ PARIS l')24 Fig. 3 /yi'-'^ COMITE EXE.CUTII- ,,KS 30 RIJE DU ORAWMONT JEUX OLYMP.1 pWRSJLXJH ST-.MORITZ1928 ~f^<^Ss iionaitUi' .vocjl^r-Oi'ovd.^y 60044 Mr.I.ROSSLEl-oaOVSXY ^t-c: t't; ii ,i jt..Li': 1 -u .1.0.1. SEC.OEM.du CO. PalaaJceho i-abrezl 4 TcMco-Slovnoue 1 8 Kue St«i mdltt pptOIif •!(::•-: ,-.;!,-VJOUIr k Fig PSASU3 II 2 NO OLYMPIC WINTER OAMES L SIMonUII.UiPADMS Maximun cards: Ordinarilly showy and trashy but just now and then worth col- lectlng. Each to his own, however. The one shown here has inter- est however for the yachting scene shown off Monte Carlo is ob- /•'£ , <T J'r. ' / .V**'., viously the same pic- ture that was used to design the stamp with which the card is Fig. 5 '•'•,•;•••' franked. But note the changes and dele- tions, particularly the identifying let- i, / ters of each sail- boat high upon the sails. (Fig. 6) • "t • : Another of our col- lections is of sport meters—foreign and i U.S. There must be a zillion. They're fun and inexpensive, Again, if you like the sledding tough, shoot for the early ones. That shown here is from the Berlin Oberbergermeister (the mayor, nicht wahr?) ad­ vertising the coming Berlin Games of August '36. (Fig. 7) BEKJULN STADT DER Fig. 6 otraHADr. 193C «^^g^> DER OBERBtJRGERMUSTER I An lea Verband Berlin l.Bd. Beutacher Rillataliattn- TerbUndt t.T., a.Hd.4. Verbonlefuhrera Herrn Major e.E. von Rudolphl, Berlin-Spandau [ Seegefelder Str.?0. Fig. 7 Then as another collection, you might just consider paquebot cov­ ers with sports stamp franking. Not so easily found but worth the seeking. We'll show just one posted aboard the Grace Line's Santa Rosa, franked with the Turner stamp, and. cancelled at Curacao. (Fig. 8 Perhaps we made a boo-boo in not mentioning, while on the subject of corner cards, that the field is narrower and tougher when confined exclusively to U.S. and/or foreign postal stationery. For your edifi­ cation, please note the 1895 card from a Boston concern that, among other items, carried flies for fishermen, (Fig. 9) PAQUEB 1. - ': V'j. \r,\ -.-rji ST. MIIMiiUS, MARflAUD U.S.A. Fig. 8 Another interesting pursuit—perhaps a lonely one since we know of few others interested, is the collecting of covers adorned by sport labels. We've a number, many, unfortunately, with the label on the back but ever so few are heart palpitatingly gorgeous by being labeled on the stamp side and tied by cancel. Again with deference to the Ol­ ympians a corner card from the 1912 Stockholm Games with one of the multi-colored, multi-lingual labels Issued for the Games. (Fig. 10). Early U.S. examples: a 1910 cover from Taunton with a label for a Boston motor boat show and an 1896 cover from Appleton, Wis. whose label publicizes a coming statewide bicycle meet of the Wisconsin Div­ ision of L.A.W. (League of American Wheelmen). (Figs. 11 & 12). // V /f/j/z/f/fit/c. • Afirr 3 .l-.tA. r-inn to r - CTAlCflXO A n.ATlKO CO, TAt\\"n>X. MASS. E. P. Young, Aeent, •>.<*£.-.--. Q/£r*/U Crn>yy»v7A e Wont Carcp, R, y. S% s M. p <r :;. I 1 ^JbS^-tc /6?o ^C€h~^ OLyttPISKA SPELEN 'STOCKHOLA 1912 A Figs. 11 & 12 Fig. 10 SPORTS PHILATELISTS INTERNATIONAL PRESIDENT: BARBARA WILLIAMS de VIOLINI, P.O. Box 5025, Oxnard, CA. 93030 VICE-PRESIDENT: JOSEPH M. LACKO, 1031 West Chestnut Street, Union, New Jersey 07083 SEC-TREASURER: LEONARD K. EICHORN, 4331 Baintree Road, University Heights, Ohio 44118 DIRECTORS: WILLIAM G. BRECHT, 236 Fifth Avenue, New York, N.Y. 10001 ROBERT M. BRUCE, 1457 Cleveland Road, Wooster, Ohio 44691 GEORGE C. KOBYLKA, P.O. Box 159, Berwyn, Illinois 60402 HELEN TURNER, 21814 Pacific Highway, South, Space 81, Kent, Washington 98031 AUCTIONS: OLECH WYSLOTSKY, 55 Glenwood Avenue, East Orange, N.J. 07017 MEMBERSHIP: MISS HELEN LONG, 6073 Woodland, Apt. 26, Ventura, California 93003 SALES DEPT.: RONALD B. COLLINS, 3219 N. 8th St., Sheboygan, Wis. 53081 SPORTS PHILATELISTS INTERNATIONAL is an independent, non-profit organization dedicated to the study and collect­ ing of postage stamps and related collateral material dealing with sports (including Olympics) and recreation and to the promotion of international understanding and good-will through mutual interest in philately and sports. Its ac­ tivities are planned and carried on entirely by the unpaid, volunteer services of its members. All members in good standing receive the bi-monthly issue of Journal of Sports Philately. The dues for regular membership are $4.00 per year. Membership applications may be obtained from MISS HELEN LONG, 6073 Woodland, Apt. 26, Ventura, Ca. 93003. jj®tMmii EDITOR: JOHN LA PORTA, 3604 S. Home Avenue, Berwyn, Illinois 60402 ASSOCIATE EDITORS: IRWIN BLOOMFIELD, 1300 N.E. 191 Street, North Miami Beach, Florida 33162 PAUL BOSQUET, 20 Hancock Street, Springfield, Mass. 01109 ROBERT M. BRUCE, 1457 Cleveland Road, Wooster, Ohio 44691 SINGREY J. HUGHES, 2541 E. Blanton Dr., Tucson, Arizona 85716 HELEN TURNER, 21814 Pacific Highway South, Space 81, Kent, Washington 98031 HAROLD WASSERMAN, 3703 Somerset Drive, Los Angeles, California 90016 BARBARA T. WILLIAMS, P.O. Box 987, Reseda, CA. 91335 ART EDITOR: OLECH W. WYSLOTSKY, 55 Glenwood Avenue, East. Orange, N.J. 07017 CIRCULATION: JAMES B. YARWOOD, 1034 S. Fancher St., Mt. Pleasant, Ml. 48858 PUBLISHER: WILLIAM G. BRECHT, 236 Fifth Avenue, New York, N.Y. 10001 ADVERTISING RATES: Space for commercial advertising is available at the following rates- FULL PAGE $14 00- HALF PAGE $9.75; QUARTER PAGE $5.50; and ONE-EIGHT PAGE $3.00. A discount of 5% is allowed for three insertions of identical copy, or 10% for six insertions. Camera-ready copy must be supplied by the advertiser or the advertis­ ing will be reproduced from ordinary typewritten originals. Long lists of prices must be supplied in camera-ready form. Publishing deadline is the first day of January, March, May, July, September and November. NOTE: The opinions expressed in this publication are those of the individual authors and they do not necessarily re­ present those of the editor, the officers of SPI or the position of SPI itself. All catalogue numbers quoted in this publication are from Scott's Standard Postage Stamp Catalogue unless specifically stated otherwise. SPI and JSP do not guarantee advertisements, but accept copy in good faith, reserving the right to reject objectionable material. aaaeasKERxxn APS UNIT NUMBER 39 SPORTS S. OLYMPICS NEW ISSUE LIST EVERY MONTH ROLAND RINDSHOJ WANT LIST FILLED, WE BREAK SETS TO SELL YOU THE STAMP YOU NEED! SPORT STfllTlPS P.O. BOX 487 Try our NEW ISSUE SERVICE SOUTH LAGUIMA, to make sure you get all CA. 92677 Sports & Olympic stamps issued. APS SPI ATA Page 4 Continued from page 3 Finally, for this insertion of our rambling discussion of sports philate­ ly's bypaths, you might try dipping into the tremendous area of post card collecting (may we add as a gentle jiggle, we don't mean postal cards). The early ones are often amusing, near­ ly always nostalgic, and surprisingly well-printed as compared with some of today's garnish eye-poppers. The two here are German with one showing a Radfathrer-Bundes (Bicyclist's League) Hotel, the other scenes of Frankfurt including a rather stately tennis match at the bottom left. (Figs. 13 & 1*0. Again, may we stress our need for more photos for this series to conclude. But by now, some of you may be commen­ cing to realize how few branches of philately cannot be topically explored. Olympic Postal Stationery by Irwin Bloomfield Part II CONTINUED FROM THE LAST ISSUE. 8. Great Britain 19*1-8 - XIV Summer Olympic Games. An aerogramme with imprinted stamp, bright red violet, dark blue inscriptions, bluish gray overlay on creamy gray paper. Kessler's numbers 5B. 5a stamp misplaced, printed on top of the bluish gray overlay.
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