©fw Cottier of Campus JKfjougfjt an!) action W$t Bufeijypjjrontcle' Volume 53, Number 41 Duke University, Durham, N. C. Friday, March 14, 1958 Students Approve Constitution Dr. Edens Signs New MSGA Constitution STUCKEY, THORE After Favorable Campus Referendum Vote By CHARLIE WATERS The student-approved MSGA "senate" constitution cleared its SEEK TOP SGA POST final barrier yesterday when it was signed by University president Dr. A. Hollis Edens. In a campus-wide referendum Tuesday West Campus' men Lew' Stuckey and Bob approved the constitution by a 5 to 1 ratio. The student body Thore, two close junior friends who plan to spend voted 517 to 109 in favor of the new government form. spring vacation together in Russell Phillips, MSGA vice-president stated, "It is the most Washington, D. C, were effective plan for student government that this campus can have. chosen last night to oppose As everyone has already stated,*- each other for the presidency it will be responsible and respect- of the Men's Student Govern­ But on the other hand," ment Association. Stuckey Greeks Must Submit was nominated by the incum­ Phillips added, "one need not bent Campus Party and Thore think that this type student gov­ is the Union Party's nominee. ernment will work wonders in Annual Sing Entries the first years that it is in effect. AH entries for the fraternity- Both presidential nominees Nevertheless, it is a strong foun­ sorority sing, which is being were chosen by acclamation dation, which we formerly did jointly sponsored by the Social soon after their respective party not have, that future student Committee of the Student Union caucuses convened. leaders can build on." and the Interfraterrfcty Council, In speaking to his party mem­ must be turned in by tomorrow. bers Stuckey said that "what Major changes in the new gov­ went last year (referring to the ernment concern the legislative Eliminations will be held on Campus party's victories) is just branch. The judicial and execu­ Saturday afternoon, April 5 on . a prologue to what the Campus tive branches remain essentially East and West with final com­ Party is going to do for the cam­ the same. petition among the top three frat­ pus this year. Let's go out and Instead of a 47 member legis­ ernities and top three sororities give the Union Party hell!" lature, the new constitution pro­ to take place the evening of April Thore said, "At this time, I vides for a twelve man senate 13 in the Woman's College Audi­ can only assure you that I will with two representatives from torium. do everything within my powert LEWIS STUCKEY each of the four classes plus to serve the Union Party and the four executive members. Of Each . group participating is all the men on this campus. I am the two representatives from limited to five minutes on stage. confident that the Union slate each class, one must be an in­ Judging is based on originality of will win." dependent and one a fraternity theme, singing quality, and gen­ Other candidates chosen for Engineers' 26th Annual member. eral presentation. The judging the MSGA positions were: for Under new rules the president staff will consist of both music vice-president, Bob Millhauser, of the MSGA can call, for appro­ experts and laymen. Union, and Warren Wickersham, Show To Attract 5000 priate reasons, joint sessions of In a recent IFC meeting a mo­ Campus; for secretary, Mike the MSGA at which time other tion was passed to impose a Korotkin, Campus, and Fred representative organizations -— By SCOTT STEVENS more than 5000 visitors in its fifteen dollar fine on any frater­ Grover, Union; and for treas­ the Town Boys Council, IDC, nity entering the sing and then urer, Mac Sharpe, Union, and The noise of three jet engines two-day run, will be covered in IFC and the Freshmen Council its -entirety by campus radio withdrawing after spring vaca­ Marvin Musslewhite, Campus. and the ultimate in high-fidelity would meet. tion. Competing for president of music heralded' this afternoon's station WDBS, and a short plug is slated for NBC's "Monitor." next year's senior class will he open house in the Engine House, First Election Disqualified Lin Hollowell of the Union Party as the engineers paraded their The three wings of the Engi­ and John Pless of the Campus skills in the twenty-sixth annual neering Building, under the dir­ Party. ection of wing chairmen Jerry I)uke Engineers' Show. Running with Pless on the Neal (ME), Harry Blackburn Campus Party senior class ballot This year's Ralph Barnes-dir­ (CE), and Ed Jenkins (EE), will Dave Sims Wins YMCA (Continued on Page 7) ected show, expected to draw stress student accomplishments and student projects, with dona­ tions from industry as a featured Presidency Over Penny sidelight. Council Chooses Kautz The mechanical engineering departmetot will audibly an­ Dave Sims, a junior from chairman of the Y's religious nounce its presence with three Douglas, Georgia, yesterday won committee this year and as sec­ jet engines, a pulse jet that flies the presidency of the Young retary of MSGA. WDBS Station Manager and ram and water jets on stands, Men's Christian Association by Sims received 436 votes to a 219 vote majority over his Penny's 217. The 653 votes cast manager will be filled by Wilda A titanium bar only .2 inches The radio council Monday thick will support an automo only opponent, Don Penny. was 64 less than last year but elected Pete Kautz, a junior Ann Davis, a junior from Doug­ Sims, who is in the hospital several more than the number- las, Ga. Miss Davis is also an bile in the middle of the ME from Forest Hills, N. Y., as sta­ lab, and three models of steam with a slight ailment, could not cast in Wednesday's disqualified announcer and has been adver­ be reached for comment. A tion manager for WDBS for next plants, worth about $8000, will election. The new election was tising director during the past member of Alpha Tau Omega so­ called because of inadequate year. year. * add color to the displays. The CE's will show off their cial fraternity, he has served as control over voting procedures Kautz is a member of Pi own design for a modern home, in Wednesday's balloting. Kappa Alpha social fraternity ilffo Dick Wood was elected vice- and is a business administration Scenes of this week's pre­ president over Brent Harrison major. He has served as chief paration for the Engineers' by a 374 to 267 vote. Fred console technician for WDBS. Show are shown on page 4. Grover was unopposed for sec­ retary. He is also the Union The station business manager Party's new nominee for MSGA will be Fred Warburton, a soph­ whjch they call a "hyperbolic secretary- omore from Hudson, Ohio. War- paraboloid house," and authen­ Ken Walz received 409 votes burton is a member of Alpha tic models of futuristic architec­ to defeat Bill Drummond for ture like the Trans World Air­ Tau Omega social fraternity. lines terminal in New York and the treasurer's post. The latter Jack Rathmell, a junior from the bronze-sheathed Seagram had 232 votes. Miami, Fla., will serve as engi­ Building. Rick Morgan, present Y presi­ neering manager. Rathmell, an Soft music for the show will dent, commented, "I would just electrical engineer, has been be provided by the electrical en like to say that there were sev­ chief engineer this year. gineers also. A taped stereo­ eral more votes cast in today's Sophomore from Providence, phonic display of high fidelity election than in yesterday's. I R. I., Judy Childs was selected sound will compete with music think all of the candidates for production manager. Miss piped down from the hill on the all of the positions were very Childs, a member of Kappa dining hall music system. Both good men." Alpha Theta sorority, worked as of these, however, are expected Besides Morgan, retiring Y an announcer and account serv­ to be upstaged by Travelling Sam officers are Joe Goodman, vice- icer for the station. the Garbage can, radio-control­ president; Don Fry, secretary; The*post of public relations PETE KAUTZ led girl-chaser, EE by proxy. DAVE SIMS and Glenn Warren, treasurer. Page Two THE DURE CHRONICLE Friday, March 14, 1958 STbrje ©uke A (Etoniri* RUTHLESS AND I FOUNDED IN 1905 Walt Kelly spoke Tuesday The Tower of Campus Thought and Action Something Persona] night, and we were impressed Published every Tuesday and Friday of the University year fay the students of Duke Uni­ versity, Durham. North Carolina. Entered as second class matter at the Post Office at with his bits of philosophy. Took Dmiuun, N. C. under the Act of March a, 1889. Delivered by mail. 13.00 for the University year, f 1.50 per semester; cost of postage to enrolled undergraduates not in a few quotes and they sound like reddeoce on the Campus. Subscriptions should be mailed to Box 4696, Duke Station. this: FHBD R. SHEHEEN JAMES D. BARKER, JR, At first we thought no one had applies to Flaubert's characteri­ Editor Business Manager heard us. Our column concern­ zation ... why not?" And from "Each man must assume unto ing freshman English instruction such discussion can come a store himself a responsibility for what came out in the middle of rush of theme subjects. Instead of as­ goes on in the rest of the world." and two weeks went by before signing "My First Dance" or 'Campus Politics Stricken' anyone commented on it at all.
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