MAUNGTAW DISTRICT DEPUTY COMMISSIONER MEETS REPATRIATES IN BORDER AREAS P-3 (nATIONal) N ATIONAL NATIONAL NATIONAL LOCAL BUSINESS State Counsellor VP U Myint Swe attends Charges filed against Domestic receives Chinese Private Sector Development MP, writer following gold price on Vice Foreign Minister Committee meeting their talk in Yathedaung upward trend PAGe-6 PAGe-6 PAGE-3 PAGE-5 Vol. IV, No. 276, 2nd Waxing of Tabodwe 1379 ME www.globalnewlightofmyanmar.com Thursday, 18 January 2018 Seven killed, 12 injured in MraukU riot SEVEN civilians were killed and 12 injured by police during a protest that turned into a riot Tuesday night in MraukU, Rakh- ine State over the banning of a literature talk marking the anni- versary of the end of the ancient Rakhine Kingdom. A ceremony to mark the 233rd anniversary of the fall of Rakhine Kingdom was held at Nandawyar, the ancient site of the former king’s palace in MraukU on Tuesday morning. But the Rakhine State Gov- ernment prohibited the talk re- lated to the ceremony from being held at the same place later in the evening. State Counsellor Daw Aung San Suu Kyi delivers a speech at a meeting on Rakhine State held in Nay Pyi Taw yesterday. PHOTO: MNA In a letter sent on Monday by the MraukU office of the De- partment of Archaeology, Na- tional Museum and Library to State Counsellor sends condolences the committee that manages the site, authorities prohibited from the talk and warned that action for victims of Rakhine State riot would be taken against those who failed to follow the order. At 6:30 pm on Tuesday, just STATE Counsellor Daw Aung a meeting on Rakhine State U Nyi Pu and Chief of Myanmar before the talk was originally San Suu Kyi expressed con- yesterday at the Presidential Police Force Police Maj-Gen scheduled to begin, the Mrau- dolences yesterday to the vic- Palace in Nay Pyi Taw. Aung Win Oo gave a briefing on Measures kU District General Administra- tims of the riot that occurred The State Counsellor ex- the outbreak of the riot. tion Department cut the power in Mrauk-U, Rakhine State on pressed her condolences to Regarding the talk given are being takenfor supply to the event, resulting in Tuesday, and pledged to probe the Rakhine ethnic people who by author Wai Hin Aung and the restoration raised voices from the people the incident, take action against were killed or injured, as well Dr. Aye Maung in Yathedaung gathered there, officials said. those who violated the law, and as the police who were injured about Rakhine sovereignty, ac- of rule of law By 7 pm, about 400 people restore community peace and in the incident that occurred tion would be taken against the and stability in were marching in protest from the rule of law. on Tuesday night, officials said. pair in accordance with the law, Rakhine State. Merchant Street to Nandawyar, She made the remark in Following her address, according to the police force. shouting slogans. her opening address during Chief Minister of Rakhine State SEE PAGE-3 SEE PAGE-3 18 JANUARY 2018 2 PARLIAMENT THE GLOBAL NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Pyidaungsu Hluttaw Budget for fiscal year gap discussed at Pyidaungsu Hluttaw THE spending plan for the six- thus becoming Ks73.48 billion. month period created by the Proposed ordinary expendi- change in the fiscal year tha tures were Ks34.54 billion, which now runs from 1 October to 30 was reduced by Ks3.69 billion September was the main top- after assessment, bringing or- ic of discussion at yesterday’s dinary expenditures down to Pyidaungsu Hluttaw meeting in Ks30.83 billion. Proposed capital Nay Pyi Taw. expenditures was Ks4.17 billion, The 2nd Pyidaungsu Hlut- reduced to Ks1.82 billion after as- taw 7th regular session’s third sessment and becoming Ks2.35 day meeting was held at the Py- billion. idaungsu Hluttaw meeting hall. The proposed total ordinary At the meeting Union Min- and capital expenditures of the isters, Deputy Ministers and Ministry of Labour, Immigra- members of union-level organ- tion and Population was Ks38.71 isations of Ministry of Labour, billion, which was reduced by Immigration and Population, Ks5.52 billion after assessment, Ministry of Education, Ministry making the total Ks33.18 billion. of Health and Sports, Ministry of Pyidaungsu Hluttaw is being convened in Nay Pyi Taw. PHOTO: MNA The ministry agreed to the in- Planning and Finance, Ministry creased and reduced assessed of Social Welfare, Relief and Re- Pyi Taw Council, Central Bank six-month period from 2018 April month period from 2018 April amounts and the implementa- settlement, Ministry of Hotels of Myanmar explained about to September. to September the ministry’s tion will be up to the standards and Tourism, Ministry of Border projects in National Planning Union Minister for Labour, proposed ordinary income was set, explained the Union Min- Affairs, Ministry of Commerce, Bill, incomes and expenditures Immigration and Population U Ks61.16 billion, an increase of ister. Ministry of Construction, Nay in the Union Budget Bill for the Thein Swe said that for the six- Ks12.32 billion after assessment, SEE PAGE-11 Pyithu Hluttaw Amyotha Hluttaw Pyithu Hluttaw to discuss Bridges, wildlife and English teaching motivation of civil servants discussed at Amyotha Hluttaw BRIDGE construction in Rakh- ine, a wildlife conservation bill, and a change in the way English is taught were among the issues discussed at yesterday’s meet- ing of the Amyotha Hluttaw in Nay Pyi Taw. U Kyaw Lin, Deputy Min- ister for Construction, said that the Apote-Wa and Barawa bridges in Kyauktaw Township, Rakhine State will be completed before the 2020-2021 fiscal year. Speaker of Amyotha Hluttaw Mahn Win Khaing Than. PHOTO: MNA Speaker of Pyithu Hluttaw U Win Myint. PHOTO: MNA The two bridges measure 30 feet long and 50 feet long, re- spectively, and will be upgraded Constituency (11). The motion on reading and writing but lack THE Pyithu Hluttaw has de- conditions, and the consequent to concrete bridges. U Kyaw Lin urged the Union Government proper teaching in listening cided to discuss a proposal low productivity, turnover and said the construction budgets to change the way the subject of and speaking. He said that to to motivate civil servants by corruption indicate they need for the two bridges have been English is taught starting from accomplish effective learning of acknowledging their abilities an environment that will pro- included in the 2018-2019 finan- Grade 9 onwards to incorporate English in schools, government and performance, providing mote their abilities and per- cial year spending plan. the four skills – Reading, Writing, teachers around the country re- them with insignias, arrang- formance, said Dr. U Aye Min Also at yesterday’s meet- Speaking, and Listening – in a quire new skills for effectively ing excursion trips and send- during the discussion in the ing, Dr. Aung Myo, a member modern context so that students teaching the language. He also ing them to foreign countries Pyithu Hluttaw yesterday. of the Bill Committee, read the acquire practical English. said the schools will need prop- under scholarship pro- In support of the propos- amended Bill for Conservation Dr. Than Win of Mandalay er equipment for teaching the grammes. al, Daw Aye Mya Mya Myo of and Protection of Wildlife and the Constituency (1) said that the language and that the types of The proposal, submitted Kyauktan Constituency has Natural Environment sent by the citizens of Myanmar need to ac- examination question need to by Dr. U Aye Min of Kayan urged the government to es- Pyithu Hluttaw. The speaker of quire English to integrate with be updated for effective test- Constituency, highlighted the tablish a mechanism that can the Amyotha Hluttaw Mahn Win the international community ing of language acquisition. low salaries and allowances of prevent corruption among civil Khaing Than announced that since the English language is Also involved in the discussion civil servants, which are not servants. Hluttaw members interested in used in legal, business and ac- were four other Hluttaw mem- enough to meet the expenses She also called on the discussing the Bill can put down ademic scenarios in more than bers. for their basic needs. government to adopt urgent their names in the list. 50 countries around the world. The third day of the 7th meet- The job burden on civil measures to tackle corruption Hluttaw members also dis- He said that the current ing of the 2nd Amyotha Hluttaw service personnel due to un- through reforms.—Kyaw Thu cussed a motion set forward teaching methods in basic gov- will be continued on 18 January. derstaffing and poor working Htet by Daw Htu May of Rakhine ernment schools focus more —Aye Aye Thant(MNA) 18 JANUARY 2018 THE GLOBAL NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR NATIONAL 3 Charges filed against MP, writer following their talk in Yathedaung, Rakhine State POLICE have filed charges un- as Aung Kyaw Win said, “Rakh- uation brings good advantage to of sovereignty. they decided to open a file in der the Section 17 (1) of the Un- ine State has lost its sovereignty us. Also, the right time for us to He said the movement for accordance with the law against lawful Association Law against for 233 years, it means about five take armed struggle to gain our liberty is being done by organis- the men and others who were Dr. Aye Maung and writer Wai generations were away from sov- independence. All must partici- ing the people and undertaking involved in organising the talk, Hin Aung, who gave a talk to ereignty.
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