:%aw#PI^5» • ,v ;4.V' •■•'■dw- [ Vol. 59, No. 38 j September 1 8, 1947 J AS IT LOOKS FROM HERE | Adult School Program Outstanding \ study of the Millburn Adult School catalogue which , n,ailed this week to each home in the Township reveals l'a (|ie Adult School and Forum Committees have done an m i 1 '-client job in arranging the courses which will be offered „,l jn securing the outstanding speakers for the lecture and 'er"fhe chief executive of our state, Governor Alfred E. ni coll will honor Millburn on October 8 when he will ITEM Ik*on “Our Federal System—Can It Be Made to Work?” '* t|,e first speaker in the Forum. The speakers who will i^llow Governor Driscoll in the series are leaders in their SHORT HILLS “lds and are expected to bring messages of importance to heir Millburn audienfce. Adult courses selected by the Committee are those which PSJt lave proved popular in former years and the caliber of the S IX CENTS COPTcorr Various instructors who will give the courses is exceptional, FoUNDED 1 8 8 8 PuUliiieJ rvery Thursday at M ILLB U R N , N. J. iidicatjons ire that every course will be filled early and irompt registration and purchase of lecture series tickets is 'dvised. In order to facilitate registration and purchase of ickets, a blank is printed in the catalogue for those who , % Legion Sponsored A. A. U. J totild prefer to use the mails. ! - Ti,e. item commends the Adult School Committee for its Road Race Attracts 69 Runners Client work and urges as many residents as possible to series, ake advantage Representative Robert IV. Kean to Start Race e Changes A t 1 P. M. Sunday— Thousands Expec­ Ever since we got’the Startling news about skirts, we’ve ted to Line 15 Mile Course mvv„ that we would have to announce ‘our position on Joe Swankie, chairman of the berf Bradle, 25 William New- National Junior A.AlU. 25 Kilo* brand, 26 George Waterhouse, 27 cm, sooner or later. But last week we had a change of meter Championship Road Race John Lizak, 28 Peter p. Rqplenas, ind! For very good reason. We went to talk with an elderly (approximately 151, miles), that 29 Claude - W. Gdlft. Jrw,IA Wall at oman we respect very much. is being sponsored by the Guy R. H. Childs. 31 Edward Shepard, -32 The woman said: “Young man, don t you know that Bosworth Post No. 140, cloaed the William Smith, 33 Frederick, 'TL entries on Monday, with 69 ath Brown, Sr, 34 Victor A. Green- e'WdWeti wSoree,- geist, 35 Herbert Benario, 38 Louia „ at tlie time about how some of the organizations she has letes who will compete this Sun­ day (Conatitution Sunday), Sep­ White, 37 Harry W. Murphy, 38 ell interested in have carried through their civic programs, tember 21, for 19 beautiful Thomas F. Lyden, 39 Lawrence 1 of benefit to Millburn. But she set us to thinking. Who trophies, 15 A.A.U. team medais N. Lesser, 40 William Clark. e we, anyway, to advise a m atriarch—or even a very well- and six medals emblematic of the 41 Charles Serritella, 42 Chick Championship of the United Biolochick, 43 Harry J. Lynch, 44 nbed potential matriarch? States. John Neupauer, 45 Rudy Wunsch, We’ll let the girls decide their own problem. The race will atari at the 46 Michael J. O’Hara,' 47 Clarence Of masculine comment, the best we’ve heard was by a Harmony Shop on Essex street Preston Young, 48 Walter J. nmg friend of ours, a hardworking bridegroom. He came and the runners will be started at 1 Berger, 49 Arnold Briggs, 50 ,me from the office one night last Week and found his sweet p. m., sharp, by U. S. Representa­ James H. Montague, 51 Tyko Huoppi, 52 Robert F. McCormick, mug thing all agog about the new styles. With love in his tive Robert W. Kean. The trophies are: 1st prize, The 53 Theodore Corbitt, 54 Anthony .„ he whipped his checkbook out of his pocket. He studied Harmony Shop Trophy; 2nd, Com­ Passarelli of Millburn and oap- a moment and then he handed it to her. “Look at the bai­ t a w i s mander Ted Jamison Trophy; 3rd, tain of the Warlnanco A.C, 55 lee,” he told her, “I’m caught short myself.” w § The Nicholas A. Gentile Memorial Dan Van Dorp, 56 T. Bagwell, 57 Trophy, donated by Mrs. N. A. J. Brown, 58 J. Kalie, 59 John T. ★ * \ i n i ' i Gentile; 4th, The Cpl. Harold W. Cain, 60 Arthur J. Hamilton, Jr., Smith Trophy, donated by the 61 John Sterne, 62 Jerry Vander- Mult School Millburniruuxuiu iP.B.A. Local 34; _5th,_____ The heyden, 63 Dr. George Lleberman, Post Commander Joseph F. Swan- 64 George Casper, 65 Joseph M. kie• Trophy;- 6th,-■ —.......................The Jewish War Harvey, 66 Nevin C. Schopf, Sr., Veterans; 7th, The Orange Post 67 Louis Young, 68 William Jones, Mds 2 Courses No. 190 Memorial Trophy; 8th, 69 Walter L. Wcsterholm. no additional courses, Phl- The Ensign Howard P. Hulse- W ly, to be given by Athol W. boech Memorial Trophy donated by Francis P. Tlghe; 9th, The Lt. f, and Audio-Visual Aids and Joseph N. Marcantonio Trophy, Scout Fund lipment, to be given by Har- donated by P. Albanese; 10th, The J. Woltman, were announced Thomas Lombardi Trophy; 11th, i week by Scott W. Stevens, the William F. Kaupp Memorial Drive Oct. 26 Trophy, donated by Anthony Sunday, October 26,. has been se­ ictor of the Millburn Adult Cordlero; 12th, Millburn Recre­ lected as the date for the Millburn ool. These courses are not out- ation Trophy; 13th, The Millburn Boy and Girl Scout Fund Drive ac­ EDWARD K. 8TROPP, new Veterans Memorial Trophy, do­ d in the catalogues mailed to cording to an announcement made Scoutmaster of Troop 15 who ha* nated by Alfred H. Geissier; 14th h home this week, following a general committee succeeded Milton K. Varner, re­ The Millburn Rotary Trophy; meeting on September 15. Mrs. hilately will deal In an inter- tired. (Photo by Gordon Roth) 15th, The Millburn Klwanis Frank H. Ormerod and Harold B. ng way with practically every Trophy; 16th, The Sgt. George R. Hurd were named co-chairmen of Flynn Memorial Trophy, donated se of stamp collecting, not only this year’s drive. the beginner but also for the by Joseph Miller. re advanced collector. Basic Representative Kean has spon­ Other members of the committee latelic knowledge and lore will Stropp New soredsorea theme Constitutionwonsuiunon Trophy are Mrs- Franklin B. Owen, secre- informally discussed, as well . S. U M W.*Kean at , P m. lh. H .™ ™ , H ' S t , .he topics of evaluating, sources SOME OF THE TROPHIES TO BE AWARDED the Conte supply, specializing, cancelld- Scout Master slants in the National Junior A. A. U. 25 Kilometer Championship Road Race this Sunday afternoon. The race will be started by U ater. - Alfred L. Young and 1st New house-to-house solicitations chalr- is, cachets, envelopes, first day Scout Troop 15 begins the year’s v ers, commemoratives, air ★ " Jersey Team Trophy by the N. J. nian; Mrs. Granville B. Jacobs, activities next week under new ils, and identification of both Association of the A.A.U. supplies chairman; William S. La leadership as Edward K. Stropp ted States and foreign stamps, The medals have been donated L°"de. J r- aPccial Sifta chairman; of 71 West road becomes the wrtunity will be afforded at Pupils Adopt Plan Wyoming by the Millburn and Short Hilis and Mrs- George Koch, Ernest W. troop's scoutmaster, replacing Mil- Forum Tickets Baker, Fred P. Millard, Arthur W. luent intervals for disDtays No Parking Item, Ray Lyon, Phil Gilbert, ton K. Varner. Mr. Varner retired Andy Camarata, the Coffee Shop White, Robert B. Lewis, Leonard Elections and individual items In order to provide a clear Tickets for the Forum Lec­ last spring after guiding the and American Legion Post No. Shiman and Leo J. Keefe. members of the class and out- course for the contestants in French School ture series sponsored by the Mail Survey tro * for over eleven years. Millburn Adult School may be 300, Newark. A joint meeting of the zone : exhibitors. the National A. A. U. 25 kilo­ Mr. Stropp has been connected Students of South Mountain New developments on the pos­ chairmen and the general commit­ [r. Cliff, who is a graduate of - meter junior championship race Obtained by mail from Scott W. The progress of the race will he with scout work for the greater School through the South Moun­ sible Wyoming mail delivery tee will be held on September 22 University of Pennsylvania, this Sunday afternoon, Police Stevens, at Washington School given at the starting point over portion of his life, having joined tain Parent Teacher Association or at South Mountain Sweet at Christ Church at 8 p; m. i collected stamps for over 30 Chief C. Norbert Wade has switch to Millburn have been of a public addreee system, every East Orange Troop 21 when he are sponsoring an elementary rs and has a wealth of phiia- Issued a “No Parking” order Shop, Glenwood Sweet Shop, a minor nature during the past three miles. was twelve years old. Later he school in Royan, France again this Kaiser’s Pharmacy, Candlelight ’ knowledge and experience at after 11 a. m. on Essex street year, it was announced this week. week. The committee appointed John E.
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