Boston, MA 02111 402 Suite 38 Chauncy Street AFT Massachusetts Find us on Facebook at AFT Massachusetts February 2014 Establishing a Firmer Foundation Teachers and legislators unite to support ECE s Massachusetts schools pre- buildings, we also need to support the “Go back to your offices,” he sug- pare to “test drive” and perhaps workforce.” He also suggested that the gested, “and please tell your legislators Aeventually adopt the new Com- increasing emphasis put on testing that this is an important bill to put mon Core-based PARCC assessment, makes it necessary to support the ear- through this session.” considerable attention continues to liest educators because, “as we impose In addition to being important for be focused on what can and should be increased standards, we must be sure parents and legislators, this issue is done to better prepare our students the children are prepared.” also foremost in mind for many of our for success in these tests and in life. In As the father of a five-year-old brothers and sisters in Labor. In fact, Massachusetts and across the country, daughter, Sanchez is especially at- MA AFL-CIO President Steve Tolman a growing number of stud- was keen to comment on it. ies points to the impor- “Early child care educators tance of early childhood are critical to the lives of many education (ECE). Massachusetts working fami- For this reason, a large lies,” Tolman said. “We need to number of state legislators ensure that these professionals have come together with have a voice in setting general the support of the Massa- and basic standards for early chusetts Early Childhood education. Their professional Educators Union - a joint experience and their own educa- campaign of AFT-MA and tion is too closely aligned to the MTA - to put forth and improvement of our state’s early support a pair of bills that education system to keep them would establish a new out of the deliberations about group through which ECE how best to strengthen early workers could discuss education for all children in In This Issue and seek to improve the GIVING CHILDREN A BETTER START Commonwealth Massachusetts.” President’s Column conditions in ECE centers 2 Children’s Center Assistant Director Susan Rogers, In addition to the legislators so that they could focus TELL MASS survey reminder Chicopee Child Development Center Director Alissa and union administrators, many more time and energy on Papuzynski, and Pittsfield Kidzone Director Tracy Sheerin teachers had taken time off to Citizens for Public Schools serving their students and 3 unite to support their fellow Early Childhood Education participate in the event and sup- Shares the Truth About communities. House Bill workers in turning House Bill 477/Senate Bill 223 into law port the legislation. Among them Charter Schools 477 and Senate Bill 223 was Susan Rogers, a teacher and would enable teachers and directors tuned to the needs of parents with assistant director at Commonwealth Diary of a New Teacher: 4 Lisa Janco working at about 500 resource-needy young children. “I want to make sure Children’s Center. independent centers to form a certi- she is ready to learn,” he said, noting, “This legislation is important FEATURE FOCUS: Snow Days fied organization empowered to ne- “That is what this bill is about- invest- because it is the only way for teachers gotiate with the Department of Early ing in our educatolers and allowing and directors to unite across the state 5 FEATURE FOCUS: Education and Care (DEEC) over a them to talk about the conditions they of Massachusetts in order to have New Paths to Success range of issues that are currently regu- are working under.” an effective impact on the direction lated by DEEC. Senator Sal DiDomenico, the lead of early education,” Rogers claimed, 6 On Campus: Costs of College On February 6, educators, legisla- sponsor of the Senate version of the urging the assembled and everyone tors, concerned parents and students legilsation, explained his motivation in Reclaiming the Promise to reach out to their colleagues and in Lynn packed a private room in the House offering the bill that now enjoys over local representatives to help push this lobby at the Massachusetts State 50 supporting sponsors in the House important bill forward. “We should be 7 Retiree Corner: Tax Issues House to learn more about pending and Senate. the people ensuring that the state as- legislation (House Bill 477/Senate Bill “We filed this bill…[because] the sists us in upholding our oath, which Summa Cum Laude: 223 ) that would allow and encourage teachers are who makes things hap- is to provide children with a quality 8 Carolyn Wilkins and many early childhood educators to pen,” he said, “so keeping good teach- education from birth. Every child Kerry Gordon Winer speak on their own behalf in an effort ers is important!” should have access to childcare that is to improve their working conditions Citing ECE as “the foundation of safe, engaging, professionally staffed and the learning conditions of their education” (a fact that is backed up and of the highest quality.” thousands of students. by copious and convincing data), the Before people can fully get behind “We are all here today because it senator said, “We must provide the the bill, however, they need to under- has been shown that investments in necessary resources to keep people in stand it. That is why Atty. Ira Fader early education lay the foundation this field…. Keep good people in the also participated in the event. During for the rest of a child’s educational field, and we will all be happy!” his talk, the MTA counsel who had career,” said AFT MA President Tom As so many ECE workers make so a hand in drafting the bill carefully Gosnell. “It is essential that we con- little (the average wage is just $25,000 explained each section and point so tinue to invest in their future.” a year), few are able to afford to stay in that everyone could be clear on what is In addition to legislative sponsors the field, especially after they garner and is not being asked in the proposed Sen. Sal DiDomenico and Rep. Jeffrey any advanced degrees. As a result, legislation. Sanchez and co-sponsor Rep. Stephen teacher turnover is high, which is a Citing ECE as a “hot button issue” DiNatale, the event was also attended factor in diminished quality. across the country, Fader pointed out by Rep. Jon Zlotnik, Rep. Tackey “It is about quality,” DiDomenico how “most agree about the importance Chan, Rep. Claire Cronin, Rep. Jay observed. “There is no doubt about of early child education in preparing Livingstone, and other legislators and that!” kids for their eventual educational community leaders. As a parent, DiDomenico has seen careers” and cited evidence that dem- In his remarks, Rep. Sanchez first-hand the benefits of quality ECE onstrates that “kids who have been discussed the difficult and challeng- teaching and teachers. through some sort of program before ing conditions under which many “My children have benefitted from kindergarten fare much better.” CHECKING ON THE CHARTERS ECE workers care for and educate the early childhood education,” he said, Noting that Chapter 15D of MA Citizens for Public Schools’ Vice Commonwealth’s youngest citizens. “and I know it is a big issue in this General Law created a Department President Norma Shapiro with AFT While he mentioned a recent bond bill state.” of Early Childhood and Development MA’s Assistant to the President intended to raise funds for physical That is why DiDomenico closed and that this agency is “already deal- Ed Doherty at the CPS forum at plant improvements, Sanchez em- with a call to action for those in the ing with many of these issues,” Fader Madison Park High School, on January phasized how, “in addition to fixing room and those outside. Continued on page 7 25. For story, see page 3. HEALTH ISURANCE FOR FUTURE REFERENDA ISSUES RETIREES In Massachusetts, referenda are Last year the Governor submitted known as initiative petitions. Within legislation which would significantly the last few years, AFT MA, in alliance Thomas J. Gosnell alter the health insurance benefits for with many other groups, opposed two President, AFT Massachusetts future retirees. Cost would be tied to petitions which would have devastated length of service. For example, those public services by sharply reducing who worked in public employment revenue. Fortunately, the voters for twenty years would pay higher wisely rejected both. premiums than those who worked Now, the labor movement is A Potpourri of Issues thirty years. This type of proposal vigorously pursuing two petitions vents in 2014 have met my Core Curriculum. Massachusetts is would not affect current retirees but which would increase the minimum expectations. Many issues are one of the many states adopting it. would affect current public employees wage and guarantee five sick days for a gushing forth and will continue Whatever its merits or deficiencies E who eventually retire. larger number of workers. to do so. This article will refer to a may be, one thing is certain. If the A hearing was held in 2013 at The Executive Board of AFT number of them. assessment is done in a slip shod and which many public sector unions MA has voted to support both of superficial manner, the assessments voiced their displeasure with the bill. these referenda and will be sending MCAS AND THE COMMON CORE will be suspect. Implementation of AFT MA was among them. So far the information to all of you. the assessments in one state was so legislature has not crafted its own AFT MA has consistently opposed unprofessionally done that students’ bill nor has it taken any action on the If you have any questions or the use of MCAS for high stakes scores dropped so precipitously that Governor’s bill.
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