SUBSCRIBE TO YOUR ONLY NATIONAL CATHOLIC NEWSPAPER SEE PAGE 2 FOR DETAILS New Apostolic nuncio has a pivotal role Page Archbishop Antonio Mennini heralds progress at home and abroad 6 No 5402 www.sconews.co.uk Friday February 11 2011 | 90p New Missal will be REMEMBERING REAMONN GORMLEY in place this Advent I Scottish bishops outline plans for dioceses I Priests in Ireland and the US raise concerns By Liz Leydon and Martin Dunlop the new Missal is proving controversial interna- tionally. THE Bishops’ Conference of Scotland has outlined its plans to introduce the new Vatican view English translation of the Roman Missal to The new translation has been prepared under the Scottish parishes by Advent. guidance of the Congregation for Divine Worship The Scottish bishops plan to begin introducing and the Discipline of the Sacraments (CDW) the new Ordinary of the Mass between September through the Vox Clara committee. and the start of Advent this year. Later, when the Cardinal George Pell of Sydney, chairman of final Missal is ready and published, they will Vox Clara, said that ‘with the work of the transla- begin to use it across the dioceses. tion of the Roman Missal substantially complete, “At the end of his recent visit, Pope Benedict initiatives should continue around the English- XVI described the provision of the new Missal as speaking world for its effective reception.’ ‘an immense service to Catholics throughout the Vox Clara this month added five new members, English-speaking world,’ and he encouraged us to including two Americans: Bishop Thomas use it as an opportunity for ‘renewed devotion,’” Olmsted of Phoenix and Bishop Arthur Serratelli Bishop Joseph Toal, the Bishops’ Conference of of Paterson, New Jersey, former chairman of the Scotland’s representative on the International US Bishops’ Committee on Divine Worship. Commission on English in the Liturgy (ICEL) that “Some of us who have been around since Vatican prepared the new translation, said. “The bishops of II recall the implementation of the new Mass after Scotland endorse this view and have agreed to a the council,” Bishop Serratelli told Adoremus national time-table for the introduction of the new Bulletin. “At times, there was chaos and confusion Missal in Scotland starting in September. with the quick implementation of the new Mass... “We ask Scotland’s Catholics to welcome it as We should not put blame anywhere. something good, a gift from the Church, through “The present moment is better, but the challenge which we will continue to worship God and cele- remains. brate in English the Holy Mysteries of our Faith.” “In fact, I would go so far as to say that some of the opposition to the introduction of the next texts Scottish excitement arises from an insufficient understanding of the Cardinal Keith O’Brien, president of the Bishops’ Liturgy itself.” Conference of Scotland, indicated that his brother bishops and himself were looking forward to the Irish concerns introduction of the new Missal. The Association of Catholic Priests in Ireland last “Many of the present members of the Bishops’ week called on the country’s Bishops’ Conference are of an age to have remembered the Conference not to introduce the third edition of very considerable changes in the Mass introduced the Roman Missal until it has consulted with following on from the Second Vatican Council,” priests and laity. he said. “Obviously, these present changes are not The priests, 400 of Ireland’s 4500, have called to the same extent as the previous changes in the the new English translation, due to be introduced Mass as we knew it in our earlier years. However, in Ireland at the beginning of Advent, ‘sexist,’ I am aware that there is still that same sense of ‘archaic,’ ‘elitist’ and ‘obscure.’ excitement and anticipation as there was previous- However Fr D Vincent Twomey, SVD, professor ly as we prepare for the forthcoming changes in the emeritus of moral theology at the Pontifical new English translation of the Mass.” University, Maynooth—where a number of Scottish Catechetical materials are to be distributed by seminarians are studying—this week rebutted the the Liturgy Commission and each bishop in Association of Catholic Priests’ statement. Scotland will decide what materials he wishes to “I don’t expect the new translation to be per- use and how they will be presented in his diocese, fect. It can only be an improvement on the trans- Friends and former classmates of murdered Catholic teenager Reamonn Gormley joined a commemorative according to Bishop Toal. lation in use at present,” he said. march through the streets of Blantyre, South Lanarkshire, on Saturday. The 19-year-old Glasgow University The news from the Scottish bishops comes student was fatally stabbed on Tuesday Feburary 1. See story page 3 PIC: LIZ LEYDON ahead of a series of pastoral letters that will pro- I Continued on page 23 vide more details. It also comes at a time when I Editorial, page 10 JOHN BATTLE PETER KEARNEY POPE BENEDICT XVI speaks at Justice debunks the backs new youth and Peace Day critics who ignore Catechism; Delia held at Lauriston or try to explain Prizeman looks at Jesuit Centre away the issue reaching the young YOUTH CATECHISM YOUTH ANTI-CATHOLICISM FAITH AND FAITH POLITICS Page 8 Pages 9, 24 Page 5 visit www.sconews.co.uk SCO, 19 Waterloo Street, Glasgow G2 6BT I tel 0141 221 4956 I fax 0141 221 4546 e-mail [email protected] 2 NEWS SUPPORT YOUR NATIONAL CATHOLIC NEWSPAPER SCOTTISH CATHOLIC OBSERVER Friday February 11 2011 His Eminence celebrates world day for religious By Martin Dunlop years progress, are to be lives of refining and purifying. They are CARDINAL Keith O’Brien the years when we have the marked the World Day for opportunity of considering what Religious for St Andrews and is most important in our lives; of Edinburgh Archdiocese by thinking just what we want to celebrating Mass in St bring before the Good Lord Margaret’s Chapel at the when we meet Him face to face. Gillis Centre last Wednesday “As so often over the years we —the Feast of the Presentation realise how we have been refined of Our Lord. and purified because of the lack The Mass was attended by of large buildings, which we religious from across the arch- once regarded as absolutely nec- diocese, including Cistercian essary; we have been refined and monks, Missionaries of Charity, purified in the manner of our Jesuits, Schoenstatt Sisters and external dress; we have realised the Little Sisters of the Poor. that refining and purifying must Cardinal O’Brien, who was continue day by day in our own joined by clergy from the arch- spiritual lives until we are all diocese (top right), spoke in his called to give an account of our- homily about ‘purification and selves to Almighty God.” refinement,’ spoken of by the The cardinal concluded his prophet Malachi and to be sought message by adding: “Let us in the lives of each one of us. focus our lives more and more The cardinal spoke of his own on the person of Jesus Christ, as pastoral visits at the beginning Pope Benedict XVI would say: of his 25 years as bishop, to El ‘On the face of Jesus’ —and Salvador and just two weeks then all else will fall into place.” before in his 26th year as a bish- Sr Monica of the Little Sisters op, of his recent visit to Haiti. of the Poor and Br Ted Coyle SJ In both places he said that the presented the cardinal with the people were indeed being puri- offertory gifts, with the three fied and refined—both physi- having given a total of 156 years cally and spiritually—and this is of service to the Catholic something necessary in the lives Church in Scotland (far right). of each one of us. Speaking to the religious pres- [email protected] ent (right) the cardinal said: “Our lives on earth, particularly as the PICS: PAUL McSHERRY Having difficulty getting Paisley’s praise for religious your copy of the ? Don’t be disappointed! Take out a subscription today from only £14 and claim an inspirational free book with every annual subscription. 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