release, another Tribune story even, at times, inspiring in the NEWS reported that David Knowlton testimony-building sense." had had an interview with his Robyn Knibbe’s letter to the stake president about his sym- News said she moderated a sym- CHURCH ISSUES STATEMENT posium session on South Ameri- posium panel on divorce which can terrorists. Apparently, several was a "positive, uplifting and ON "SYMPOSIA" parents of missionaries in South open discussion." She described America contacted general au- the symposium as a "rewarding, ON FRIDAY, 23 August 1991, in the media. thorities because they were con- testimony-building experience two weeks after the Sunstone In its reporting on the State- cerned for their children’s safety that nurtures and excites my in- symposium in Salt Lake City, the ment, Salt Lake Tribune quoted a as a result of reading press tellect." "Because Sunstone is in- LDS church released the accom- response by SUNSTONE’s pub- reports of Knowlton’s presenta- dependent of the church, it oper- panying "Statement" which ex- lisher and editor, Daniel Rector tion. Knowlton felt that since the ates without censorship. On rare pressed concern about some and Elbert Peck: "We are very BYU board of trustees and the occasions, presenters have been topics presented at unnamed sorry if some deliberations at our Church leaders were nearly iden- insensitive and have offended the "recent symposia." symposia gave offense or were tical, the interview was a form of church. I am sorry for those oc- Although the Statement didn’t interpreted as detracting from academic intimidation. The story casions, but what saddens me mention specific Sunstone the mission of the Church. Our quoted from his letter to the gen- more is the attempt to divide the sessions, most informed ob- intent is to conduct thoughtful eral authorities. membership of the church rather servers identified several discussions of religious questions In response to the Statement, than encircling all members to sessions: "LDS Garments: A View in a spirit of good will. We be- letters appeared in both Salt Lake include the wonderful diversity From the Outside" by Colleen lieve that, in the long run, an newspapers. Garold Kotter wrote in the LDS church." McDannell, the non-Mormon open and honest examination of to the Deseret News criticizing the Don S. Redd responded to McMurrin professor of philo- the varied perspectives of the News’s journalism for simply Knibbe in a letter by saying that sophy at the University of Utah; a Latter-day Saints and their running the Statement without the Statement was only to "cau- widely-reported discussion of friends helps to build the king- providing context or seeking tion those who have gone out of Church policies relating to the dom of God." quotes from affected parties. "Al- bounds.., not to silence them." continuing problems of terrorism The Tribune also quoted noted though occasional remarks (not Then a story headlined "LDS against LDS missionaries and author and symposium particip- entire presentations) may have Church Turns Up Heat in Feud chapels in South America by BYU ant Lowell Bennion: "We are stretched the bounds of pro- With Intellectuals" by Associated assistant professor of anthropol- asked to love the Lord with all priety," said Kotter about the Press reporter Vern Anderson ap- ogy David Knowlton; and John our hearts and minds. It is a poor Sunstone symposium, "I found peared on general conference Sillito’s paper on the excommu- religion that can’t stand the test of the presenters well-intentioned Saturday. "Consistently, from the nication of Apostle Richard thinking." and the presentations enlighten- beginning, the church leadership Lyman, which also was reported Shortly after the Statementb ing, thought provoking and has always been uncomfortable STATEMENT THE COUNCIL of the First Pre- Latter-day Saints and who have tive to those matters that are have doubtless participated in sidency and the Quorum of the allowed their stature to be used more appropriate for private these symposia because they Twelve Apostles of The Church to promote such presentations. conferring and correction than were invited to state or defend of Jesus Christ of Latter-day We have a different concern for public debate. Jesus taught the Church’s position on a Saints has issued the following about some of the other topics at that when a person has tres- particular topic. There are times statement to members of the these symposia. Some of the pre- passed against us, we should "go when it is better to have the Church. sentations by persons whom we and tall them his fault between Church without representation than to have implications of Recent symposia sponsored believe to be faithful members of thee and him alone," and if he and attended by some members the Church have included will "neglect to hear" this private Church participation used to promote a program that contains of the Church of Jesus Christ of matters that were seized upon communication we should "tell it Latter-day Saints have included and publicized in such a way as unto the church." (Matthew some (though admittedly not all) presentations that result in some presentations relating to to injure the Church or its 18:15, 17). Modem revelation the House of the Lord, the holy members or to jeopardize the ef- tells us that this last step "shall be ridiculing sacred things or injur- temples, that are offensive. We fectiveness or safety of our done in a meeting, and that not ing The Church of Jesus Christ, detracting from its mission, or deplore the bad taste and insen- missionaries. We appreciate the before the world" (D&C 42:89). search for knowledge and the There are times when public dis- jeopardizing the well-being of its sitivity of these public discus- members. sions of things we hold sacred. discussion of gospel subjects. cussion of sacred or personal We are especially saddened at the However, we believe that Latter- matters is inappropriate. participation of our own day Saints who are committed to Some of our faithful members members, especially those who the mission of their Church and the well-being of their fellow THE COUNCIL OF THE FIRST PRESIDENCY AND hold Church or other positions THE QUORUM OF THE TWELVE APOSTLES that give them stature among members will strive to be sensi- OCTOBER 1991 with open forums that have been are spiritually discerned.’ AWARDS organized by the rank and file," "Recently the Council of the Mormon historian D. Michael First Presidency and the Quorum Quinn was quoted as saying. "In of the Twelve Apostles issued a JOHN WHITMER HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION the 19th century, the leadership statement alerting members of Awarded at 1991 annual meeting on 29 September 1991 recognized the existence of a the Church to the dangers of par- loyal opposition and the 20th ticipating in symposia which Best Article does not." concentrate on doctrine and or- LINDA SILLITOE The A.P. story reported dinances and measure them by "Off the Record: Telling the Rest of the Truth" Knowlton’s interview with his the intellect alone. SUNSTONE, December 1990 stake president. It also reported "If doctrines and behavior are that Christian Fonnesbeck had measured by intellect alone, the Best Book written a letter to the First Presid- ROGER D. LAUNIUS essential spiritual ingredient is Father Figure: Joseph Smith III ency saying he was "puzzled" by missing and we will be mis- the Statement. In response, and the Creation of the Reorganized Church led .... There is safety in learn- Herald House Fonnesbeck was called in by his ing doctrines in gatherings which stake president and relieved of are sponsored by proper attthor- Special Citation his Church calling as a Blazer-B ity" CHAD FLAKE instructor. He said he was told Apostle Marvin J. Ashton For his works on Mormon bibliography the action was taken on instruc- said, "Some of us may be inclined tion of high Church officials. to study the word with the idea In addition, the story said in mind that we must add much DAVID WOOLLEY AND BEATRICE CANNON Kim Clark was called in by his where the Lord has said little! EVANS BIOGRAPHY AWARD stake president for his Tribune Those who would ’add upon’ letter and told that the president could well be guided by the THE ANNUAL $10,000 Evans Biography Award was established was undertaking an investigation anchor question of, do my writ- that could result in disfellow- to encourage the writing of biography in "Mormon Country"--the ings, comments, or observations Intermountain West, Southern Canada, and Northern Mexico. shipment or excommunication. build faith and strengthen tes- Church leaders chose not to Scholarly and professional biographies on persons playing a role in timonies? Oftentimes we can the history of Mormon Country are eligible for the next contest if be interviewed for the story, but cause confusion and misdirec- in a written statement LD5 printed or produced between January 1991 and March 1992. Entries tion in our lives and in the lives are not limited to Mormon subjects. Contact: Evans Biography spokesperson Don LeFevre said of others if we promote the start- dissent can be "conflict, discord, Award, Mountain West Center for Regional Studies, Utah State Uni- ling and unorthodox." versity, Logan, UT 84322-0735 (8011750-3630). strife, objection, protest, rebell- Speaking on testimony, Elder ion, contradiction, or to differ, Charles Didier of the Seventy 1990 Recipient disagree or oppose .... Those said, "Know by asking your WILLIAM DEBUYS AND ALEX HARRIS members whose actions fit those Heavenly Father in the name of River of Traps: A ¼1lage of Life definitions subject themselves to his Son Jesus Christ. Do not turn University of New Mexico Press the possibility of church discipl- to public discussions and for- Judges’ comments: "We were drawn to it because it is so evidently a ine, whether it be formal [a disci- urns," work of art, The powerful and beautiful photographs match the plinary counsel, formerly called Clearly, the limits of indepen- beautiful writing.
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