FROM THE EDITORS omething is wrong with this world… but you know that! you always knew it, otherwise you wouldn’t be reading these lines. You knew something was wrong, and you wanted to know what exactly. Press, televi- sion, and then internet, never lacked explanations, analyses, indications, telling you that the System is damaged, that there are elements to replace, to repair, to improve. And they have been replaced, and repaired, and im- S proved. Over and over again. Over and over – in vain. OK, nothing’s perfect, you used to say. But one day you noticed something strange: the System improved, but – not the world. That was the day you saw that the System and the world are not the same thing. That was the day you woke up. You have woken up, but still cannot see what exactly is wrong with the world. Because nothing has ever been wrong with the real world. What’s wrong is the virtual world, like the wool pulled over your eyes by the System to blind you. The more you invest yourself, your forces and talents, neo: Why do into repairing and improving that virtual world, the more you improve the my eyes hurt? System, the more you help it to better blind and enslave you. The System is not a kind of divine superpower. It is neither above you nor morpheus: You’ve elsewhere outside of you – it is inside … well, not of you, but of what it never used them made you believe you are. It made you believe your body is all there is of before. Rest, Neo. you here, in this world. “Which world?” you may ask. We hope you do! Because the System is right: in its virtual, blinding, enslaving, fake world The answers are you are nothing but flesh and bones. But in the real world you are infinitely coming… more than that! Not a mortal human, but an immortal Universal being. (matrix, the movie) Look, it’s just logical. As human beings, we need a spacesuit to stay alive outside our planet. As Universal beings, we need a similar sort of “earthsuit” to experience a journey called “life” on the planet Earth. Our bodies are such “earthsuits”. As any example, this comparison is rough and limited, but it still shows the distance between feeling the false (waking up) and becoming aware of what’s true. What’s true is that there is no more difference between you and the world around you than between a single drop of water in the ocean and the ocean itself as a whole. An even better example would be that of a hologram. Most of you know what one is. No matter how many parts a holographic picture is broken into, even the smallest part of it will still contain the whole picture down to the smallest detail. It’s as if every page of every book in every library in the world contained all the pages of all the books of all libraries. What does it all have to do with the System, the Illuminati, the New World Order, wars, politics and you? Absolutely everything. Not only such a “holo- graphic” vision of the world and of ourselves allows us to see what is called “the Big Picture”,it allows to recognize this Big Picture in every smallest “dot” of it, however insignificant and separate from other “dots” it might seem, and to see your reflection in it. So, since you’ve woken up, it’s time to hit the road. We don’t promise this road to be an easy one. We don’t promise you’ll appreciate every step of it. We just promise this road will lead you to the truth. ● ● ● ● ● the dot connector • january-february 2009 | 3 CONTENTS 5 IN BRIEF THE The Obama factor: How to control a herd of humans Global Warming scam is a war on economic liberty INTERNATIONAL INDEPENDENT MAGAZINE MOBVIS: Mapping you here, there and everywhere N° 1 ● JANUARY-FEBRUARY 2009 UFO-related data: NASA has been lying for decades www.thedotconnector.org Soft drinks with 300 times more pesticide than tap water Why build your own community currency system? FOUNDERS / EDITORS Paul Bondarovski (France), CONSPIRACY Andrew Cheetham (U.K.), mOz (U.K.) 11 Barack Obama: The Naked Emperor DESIGN & LAYOUT – By David Icke Paul Bondarovski 22 The United States Isn’t a Country – CONTRIBUTORS THIS ISSUE Ken Adachi, Robert G. Bednarik, It’s a Corporation! – By Lisa Guliani Chris Carlton, Zoe Desmond, F. William Engdahl, Lisa Guliani, 27 Doomsday Seed Vault in the Arctic Carol Hiltner, Jim V. Humble, – By F. William Engdahl David Icke, Matthew D. Jarvie, Jason Licht, Henry Makow, 39 Project Blue Beam – By Serge Monast Rixon Stewart, Gary Vey. 47 The Trinity of Global Empire – By Matthew D. Jarvie CONTACT e-mail: [email protected] MANIPULATION 51 War – By Jason Licht Reproduction and dissemination of the information in The Dot Connector 2012 magazine is actively encouraged! 57 Illuminati Reveal Crazy Apocalyptic Agenda – By Henry Makow The Dot Connector magazine welcomes articles, photos, and any material suitable for publica- SCIENCE tion. Persons wishing to write letters to the ed- itor are invited and encouraged to do so. The Dot Connector magazine assumes no responsibility 61 The Breathing of the Earth for unsolicited materials, manuscripts, CDs, – By Carol Hiltner with Vladislav Lugovenko DVDs, or photographs. Material may be edited at the discretion of the editors. The opinions ex- HEALTH pressed in this publication by individual authors are not necessarily the editorial opinion of The 65 MMS: The Miracle Mineral Supplement Dot Connector magazine. of the 21st Century – By Jim V. Humble The Dot Connector magazine is published bi- monthly. Articles, graphics and photos are property of their authors and/or publishers, 75 Television: The Hidden Picture – By Rixon Stewart where indicated. 77 To Cook or Not to Cook? Advertisers upon and by lodging material with the Publisher for publication or authorising or – By Zoe Desmond and Chris Carlton approving of the publication of any material IN- DEMNIFY the Publisher and its servants and P ACEMAKERS agents against all liability claims or proceed- ings whatsoever arising from the publication and 80 John Trudell: Madness & The Moremes without limiting the generality of the foregoing to indemnify each of them in relation to defama- – By Paul Bondarovski tion, slander of title, breach of copyright, in- fringement of trademarks or names of publi- HISTORY cation titles, unfair competition or trade prac- tices, royalties or violation of rights or privacy Dampier: The Australian Apocalypse – By Gary Vey AND WARRANT that the material complies 85 with all relevant laws and regulations and that its publication will not give rise to any rights 88 The killing fields of Murujuga – By Robert G. Bednarik against or liabilities in the Publisher, its ser- vants or agents and in particular that nothing BOOKS, DVD therein is capable of being misleading or de- ceptive or otherwise in breach of the Part V of 2, 26, 38, 50, 55, 56, 74, 76, 90, 91, 92 the Trade Practices Act 1974. 4| the dot connector • january-february 2009 IN BRIEF The Obama factor: How to control a herd of humans Hitler and Mussolini both had the ability to bend millions of people to their fascist in line with the group consensus will. Now evidence from psychology and neurology is emerging to explain how tac- (Neuron,vol. 61, p. 140). His team asked tics like organised marching and propaganda can work to exert mass mind control. 24 women to rate more than 200 women for attractiveness. If a partici- cott wiltermuth of stanford can ease local tension, for example – a pant discovered their ratings did not SUniversity in California and col- theory he plans to test experimentally tally with that of the others, they tended leagues have found that activities per- (Journal of Legal Studies, vol. 37, June to readjust their scores. When a woman formed in unison, such as marching or 2008). realised her differing opinion, fMRI dancing, increase loyalty to the group. Meanwhile, the powerful unifying scans revealed that her brain generated “It makes us feel as though we’re part of effects of propaganda images are being what the team dubbed an “error signal”. a larger entity, so we see the group’s wel- explored by Charles Seger at Indiana This has a conditioning effect, says fare as being as important as our own,” University at Bloomington. His team Klucharev: it’s how we learn to follow he says. primed students with pictures of their the crowd. Wiltermuth’s team separated 96 peo- university – college sweatshirts or the David Robson, ple into four groups who performed buildings themselves – then asked how New Scientist, 4 February 2009 these tasks together: listening to a song highly they scored on different emo- while silently mouthing the words, tions, such as pride or happiness. The EDITORIAL: THE OBAMA singing along, singing and dancing, or primed students gave a strikingly sim- FACTOR, REVEALED listening to different versions of the ilar emotional profile, in contrast with song so that they sang and danced out non-primed students (Journal of Ex- hen it comes to barack obama’s of sync. perimental Social Psychology,December Wpopularity, are some of us just In a later game, when asked to de- 2008). sheep following the herd? Yes, he’s got cide whether to stick with the group or Interest in the idea of a herd men- bucket loads of charisma, but we may strive for personal gain, those in the tality has been renewed by work into be more susceptible to conformity than non-synchronised group behaved less mirror neurons – cells that fire when we we imagine.
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