Syllabus and Guidelines for B.A. Honours Programme Session: 2016-2017 Examinations: Part I 2017, Part II 2018, Part III 2019 & Part IV 2020 Department of Philosophy Faculty of Arts University of Rajshahi 1 Syllabus for B.A. Honours Session: 2016-2017 The students will have to take up the following courses at the levels of part-1, part-2, part-3 and part-4. Total Marks: 3000. Total Credit will be 120. Each and every course is compulsory. Each course is of 100 marks (written 90 and internal evaluation 10). Total allocation of marks st th Written + Internal Evaluation (1 year 4 year) 2800 Viva voce (404) 160 . Class Attendance (104) 40 . Total 3000 Marks 2 Part 1: Examination, 2017 Courses Title of the Courses Marks Course-101 : Problems of Philosphy 1 90+10 `k©‡bi mgm¨vewj 1 Course-102 : Problems of Philosphy 2 & Basic concepts of Ethics 90+10 `k©‡bi mgm¨vewj -2 Ges bxwZwe`¨vi †g․j aviYv Course-103 : Ancient Western Philosophy 90+10 A. History: (Thales to Socrates) B. Classical Philosophers : (Plato & Aristotle) cÖvPxb cvðvZ¨ `k©b: K. BwZnvm: (†_wjm †_‡K m‡µwUm) L. wPivqZ `vk©wbKe„›`: (†cø‡Uv Ges G¨vwi÷Uj) Course-104 : Psychology 90+10 g‡bvweÁvb Course-105 : History of Civilization & Bengal And Islamic History 90+10 mf¨Zv I evsjvi BwZnvm Ges Bmjv‡gi BwZnvm Course-106 : English Language 90+10 Bs‡iwR fvlv Viva voce 40 †g․wLK Attendance 10 nvwRiv Total marks = 650 3 Part 2: Examination, 2018 Courses Title of the Courses Marks Course-201 : History of Western Philosophy 1 90+10 (Mediaeval period and the origin of the modern philosophy & rationalist school) cvðvZ¨ `k©‡bi BwZnvm 1 (ga¨hyM Ges AvaywbK `k©‡bi DrcwË I eyw×ev`x m¤cÖ`vq) Course-202 : History of Western Philosophy 2 90+10 A. History: (Locke, Berkeley, Fichte, Schelling & Hegel) B.Classical Philosophers: (Hume & Kant). cvðvZ¨ `k©‡bi BwZnvm 2 K. BwZnvm: (jK, evK©jx, wdK&‡U, †kwjs Ges †n‡Mj), L. wPivqZ `vk©wbKe„›`: (wnDg Ges Kv›U) Course-203 : Ethics:( Normative Ethics & Meta Ethics) 90+10 bxwZwe`¨v: (Av`k©wbô bxwZwe`¨v Ges civ-bxwZwe`¨v) Course-204 : Indian Philosophy 90+10 fviZxq `k©b Course-205 : Muslim Philosophy 90+10 gymwjg `k©b Course-206 : Logic 1 (I.M. Copi) 90+10 hyw³we`¨v 1 (AvB.Gg.Kwc) Course-207 : Political Science & Economics 90+10 ivóªweÁvb Ges A_©bxwZ Viva voce 40 †g․wLK Attendance 10 nvwRiv Total marks = 750 4 Part 3: Examination, 2019 Courses Title of the Courses Marks Course-301 : Post Hegelian Philosophy 90+10 †n‡M‡jvËi `k©b Course-302 : Logic 2 (Stebbing and Cohen & Nagel) 90+10 hyw³we`¨v 2 (†÷wes Ges †Kv‡nb I †b‡Mj) Course-303 : Muslim Philosophers 90+10 gymwjg `vk©wbKe„›` Course-304 : Contemporary Indian Philosophy 90+10 mgKvjxb fviZxq `k©b Course-305 : Practical Ethics 90+10 e¨envwiK bxwZwe`¨v Course-306 : Bangladesh Philosophy 90+10 evsjv‡`k `k©b Course-307 : Social Philosophy & Political Philosophy 90+10 mgvR`k©b I ivóª`k©b Viva voce 40 †g․wLK Attendance 10 nvwRiv Total marks = 750 5 Part 4: Examination, 2020 Courses Title of the Courses Marks Course-401 : Post Hegelian Philosophy & Philosophy of Analysis 90+10 †n‡M‡jvËi `k©b Ges we‡kølYx `k©b Course-402 : Epistemology 90+10 ÁvbZË¡ Course-403 : Applied Philosophy 90+10 cÖv‡qvwMK `k©b Course-404 : Logic 3 (I.M.Copi: Symbolic Logic & Set Theory) 90+10 hyw³we`¨v 3 (AvB.Gg. Kwc: cÖZxKx hyw³we`¨v Ges †mUZË¡) Course-405 : Philosophy of Education 90+10 wk¶v`k©b Course-406 : Fundamentals of Aesthetics 90+10 †m․›`h©Z‡Ë¡i †g․wjK aviYv Course-407 : Comparative Religion 90+10 Zyjbvg~jK ag© Course-408 : Research Methodology and the basic Concepts of 90+10 Computer Science M‡elYv c×wZZË¡ I Kw¤úDUvi weÁv‡bi †g․wjK aviYv Viva voce 40 †g․wLK Attendance 10 nvwRiv Total marks =850 6 Part 1: Examination, 2017 Course 101 : Problems of Philosophy 1 Marks 90 (`k©‡bi mgm¨vewj 1) `k©‡bi Drm, msÁv, ¯^iƒc I cwimi| mvaviY Ávb, weÁvb, ag© Ges BwZnv‡mi mv‡_ `k©‡bi m¤úK©; `k©b I Rxeb, `k©b I fvlv| `k©‡bi c×wZmg~n| Áv‡bi DrcwË m¤úwK©Z gZev`mg~n: eyw×ev`, AwfÁZvev`, wePviev`, ¯^Ávev`, nve©vU© †¯úbmv‡ii wee©Zbg~jK AwfÁZvev` I cÖ‡qvMev`x AwfÁZvev`| Ávb I wek¦vm| mZ¨Zv I åvwšÍ m¤úwK©Z gZev`mg~n| Áv‡bi K¨v‡UMwi: †`k, Kvj I Av‡cw¶KZv-ZË¡, Kvh©-KviY, `ªe¨| fveev` I ev¯Íeev`| Roev`: hvwš¿K I Øvw›ØK; Awawe`¨K fveev`| AvZ¥v: AvZ¥v welqK gZev`mg~n, †`n-g‡bi m¤úK© welqK gZev`mg~n I AvZ¥vi AgiZv| Origin, definition, nature and scope of philosophy. Relation of philosophy to commonsense, science, religion and history; philosophy and life, philosophy and language. Methods of philosophy. Theories regarding the origin of knowledge: Rationalism, Empiricism, Critical theory, Intuitionism, Evolutional Empiricism of Herbert Spencer, Pragmatic Empiricism. Knowledge and Belief. Theories of Truth & Error. Categories of knowledge: Space, Time, Theory of Relativity, Causality, Substance. Idealism and Realism. Materialism: Mechanistic and Dialectical; Metaphysical idealism. Self: Theories of self, theories of mind-body relation and immortality of self. Recommended Books 1. Abdul Matin : An Outline of Philosophy 2. Rama Nath Sharma : Problems of Philosophy 3. Jadunath Sinha : Introduction to Philosophy 4. B. Russell : Problems of Philosophy 5. A.D. Woozley : Theory of Knowledge 6. Hocking : Types of Philosophy 7. G.T.W. Patrick : Introduction to Philosophy 8. G.W. Cunningham : Problems of Philosophy 9. Calkins : Persistent Problems of Philosophy 10. R.J. Hirst : Philosophy 7 11. J.Hospers : An Introduction to Philosophical Analysis 12. Harold H. Titus : Living Issues in Philosophy 13. B.Russell : An Inquiry into Meaning and Truth 14. W.H. Allen (ed.) : Philosophy Made Simple 15. E.Forst : Basic Teachings of Great Philosophers 16. Cornman & Lehrer : Philosophical Problems & Arguments 17. J.G. Brennan : The Meaning of Philosophy 18. Wt †Mvwe›` P›`ª †`e : ZË¡-we`¨vmvi 19. Avãyj evix : `k©‡bi K_v 20. Wt ikx`yj Avjg : `k©‡bi f‚wgKv 21. ‡gvn¤§` b~ibex : `k©‡bi mgm¨vejx 22. Ave`yi ikx` : Dhjxi ÁvbZË¡ (Abyw`Z) 23. bRiæj Bmjvg : mvaviY `k©b 24. W. Ave`yj nvB Xvjx I gwZDi : `k©‡bi g~jbxwZ ingvb 25. D‡gk P›`ª fÆvPvh© : `k©‡bi iƒc I Awfe¨w³ 26. Avwgbyj Bmjvg : `vk©wbK mgm¨vejx 27. Mvwje Avnmvb Lvb : `k©‡bi cÖ‡qvRbxqZv : wesk kZvãxi Av‡jv‡K 8 Part 1: Examination, 2017 Course 102 : Problems of Philosophy 2 & Basic concepts of Ethics Marks 90 (`k©‡bi mgm¨vewj 2 Ges bxwZwe`¨vi †gŠj aviYv) K wefvM: `k©‡bi mgm¨vewj 2 cÖK…wZ welqK `k©b: cÖK…wZev`, hš¿ev`, Rom¤úwK©Z gZev`mg~n| Awae`¨K fveev`| cÖv‡Yi DrcwË I cÖK…wZ m¤úwK©Z gZev`mg~n| m„wó I weeZ©b, weeZ©b m¤úK©xq gZev`mg~n| B‛Qvi ¯^vaxbZv| Ck¦i m¤úwK©Z `k©bt Ck¦‡ii aviYv, Ck¦‡ii Aw¯Í‡Z¡i c‡¶ cÖgvYmg~n, Ck¦i I RMr| mËv m¤úwK©Z gZev`mg~n: GKZ¡ev`, •ØZev` I eûZ¡ev`| g~j¨: g~j¨ Aeavi‡Yi ¯^iƒc, g~j¨ I ev¯ÍweKZv, AKj¨v‡Yi mgm¨v| L wefvM: bxwZwe`¨vi †gŠj aviYv bxwZwe`¨vi msÁv I cwimi; Av`k©wbô bxwZwe`¨v, civbxwZwe`¨v I e¨envwiK bxwZwe`¨v| bxwZwe`¨vi DrcwË, bxwZwe`¨vi mv‡_ ag©, ivóª`k©b, Awawe`¨v I g‡bvwe`¨vi m¤úK©| •bwZK, A‣bwZK I b-‣bwZK wµqv; •bwZKZvi gb¯ÍvwË¡K wfwË: Kvgbv, Kvgbvi RMr I Kvgbvi Ø›Ø, D‡Ïk¨ I AwfcÖvq, PwiÎ I AvPiY; •bwZKZvi ¯^xKvh© mZ¨; •bwZK Aeavi‡Yi ¯^iƒc I welqe¯‘| Group A: Problems of Philosphy 2 The philosophy of Nature: Naturalism, mechanism, theories of matter. Metaphysical Idealism. Theories of origin and nature of life. Creation and Evolution, Theories of evolution. Freedom of will. The Philosophy of God: Conception of God, Proofs for the existence of God, God and the World. Theories of reality: Monism, Dualism and Pluralism. Value: Nature of value judgement, Value and Fact and the problem of evil. Group B: Basic concepts of Ethics Definition and scope of Ethics; Normative ethics, Meta-ethics and Practical ethics. Origin of ethics, Relation of ethics to religion, political philosophy, metaphysics and psychology. Moral, immoral and non-moral actions, Psychological basis of morality: Desire, universe of desires and conflict of desires, motive and intention, character and conduct, postulates of morality; Nature and object of moral judgment. Recommended Books (Problems of Philosphy-2) 1. Abdul Matin : An Outline of Philosophy 2. Rama Nath Sharma : Problems of Philosophy 3. Jadunath Sinha : Introduction to Philosophy 4. B. Russell : Problems of Philosophy 5. A.D. Woozley : Theory of Knowledge 9 6. Hocking : Types of Philosophy 7. G.T.W. Patrick : Introduction to Philosophy 8. G.W. Cunningham : Problems of Philosophy 9. Calkins : Persistent Problems of Philosophy 10. R.J. Hirst : Philosophy 11. J.Hospers : An Introduction to Philosophical Analysis 12. Harold H. Titus : Living Issues in Philosophy 13. B.Russell : An Inquiry into Meaning and Truth 14. W.H. Allen (ed.) : Philosophy Made Simple 15. E.Forst : Basic Teachings of Great Philosophers 16. Cornman & Lehrer : Philosophical Problems & Arguments 17. J. G. Brennan : The Meaning of Philosophy 18. Wt †Mvwe›` P›`ª †`e : ZË¡-we`¨vmvi 19. Avãyj evix : `k©‡bi K_v Recommended Books (Basic concepts of Ethics) 1.
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