+=+. ~VI~OIAL L[BRAR¥ BLD3~ : r ?ARLXAMS~F I • _ , + f ' :- +. ; .. $175,OOO ( UESTION / (•;, Library relerendum sought by board •!. '.ih -' ByBILL MARLES The library has been pressured to expand Services to someday be regionaUzed. When this happens, he feels Herald staff writer Terrace and the oulying regions. A yea~ ago a bylaw for Terrace is the obvious centre. But if Terrace does the sharing of net costs of the Terrace Library with nothing to improve its library, Prince Rupert might get ~errace district council will meet with representatives Thornhill and Lakelse Lake was defeated at a regional the regional centre and offices to serve the area from of the library association later today to discuss an district meeting. Terrace's mayor of that day, Gordon, Ocean .Falls to the Yukon border. ¢BETH .L ..,, • association request to put a $175,000 library• expansion' Rowland, knew of the Hbrary's space problems and Soutar syas everyone on council seems to be in favor of proposal up for referendum inthe fall. .-~ : opposed the addition Of a possible 5,000 more patrons to the library expansion in principle. At least nobody has Allan Soutar, library board chairman, said the library the already over-extended building. corn eout against it yet. needs 1,728 square feet more space in order to meet Soutarls basically agreeable to Thornhill and Lakslsa provincial standards for,a population of Terrace's'size. Lake using the library. However, he feels the library • $outar hopes construction will begin after the PEY ~.'~. :,'TEE According to Soutar, the llbrary has 17 percent fewer cannot expand its services until extra space is provided. November referendum. He would li~e to see the A~G. ~2.i : " ,~gpm books and25 percent less space than it should have.' Soutar says the' ~brary system in this area will extension completed by June of 1978. • An. imp0rtant question during today's committee irl I I I II I I I II I i I I I meeting .will be cost sharing of the $175,000 in capital expenses. Contributions will be sought from private individuals, the provincial government, and the municipality. • , The library has a display problem. Ma~y of its books have to be kept from the shelves because of a lack of . ace. Thus, many readers do not see them. But it's not ;library's ,fault because there is no place to put the ~oxs thatare in storage. ' . ~'~ ....... ~1 • ,The library has been having problems became of a the''hIer Library worker Maria Young shows off model of [ rhpidiy growing circulation. Ovei* the past five years or Serving Terrace, Kltimat, the Hazeltons, Stewart and the Nass proposed new Library. The Terrace library board is so there's been a doubling in 'the numbe r of books. I hoping to add 172d square feet of space to its present Circulation rose b~ 21 percent in 1975. 'VOLUME-71 NO. 64 Price: 30 cents . WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 3, 1977 facility. Architectural plans for the extensiou Lave been %--~L __ I ..... I I I L • in existence for the last four and a half years. - -::~ :.. : : . i SHIPMENT OF ALASKAN NATURAL GAS ,Lysyk wants delay on Alcan pipeline Special inquiry says Indian claims, social effects need time for study: • OTTAWA CP - A special inquiry order by the federal government said Tuesday a northern pipeline can be built ~rough the Yukon, but that construction should FISHERMEN'S PARK be delayed by two years until 1981. The call for a delay in the benefits to the North, which HA VEN FOR THIEVES scheduled, start of work on now faces the full negative the $10-bllUon project led a impact of a pipeline while Herald staff writer list of conditions the Lysyk the benefits go to the south. ,f Commission felt must he - Establishment of a single Police are advising people not to leave articles met :so that "undesirable planning and regulatory unattended at Fishermen's Park. h social and economic agency to 'oversee all The warning follows the latest in what has become consequences of the project aspects of the pipeline and almost a rash of thefts from the area. can be kept, within accept- to make a more detailed • Yesterday, a 35mm Minolta Camega and ~ easette able limits. : • .... study of its impact on the tape player were reported stolen. Total value was put The report was the last of Yukon if the government at $625. .+ , five special inquiries decides to go ahead. According to a police release, thecomplainant left • ordered ;..by.:the Trudeau.......... ::.. Desp.i~..its.caDespi~ fls.caution, t the the articles unattended for only a few minutes on the. ...:comnii~sion~aid: that: ff .its , beatramp. Upon his return, they were gone. " .: ": "~61ice have 'recelved a "great deal t~ILreports of ': ~,~¢des:~ stolen ~from '.this~, :Etea~ (i;~'~,,- ~t~vo " .outl~iai~l ': pipeline~should economic consequences of motors) and tl~ public is requested not to leave ~.:built. , :: : the project can be kept Valuable or eabfly-l:emoved articlez unattended,,.' said The final public debate within acceptable limits." the release;; takes place ~hursday and The •federal cabinet hopes Meanwhile, a guest at the Kalum Motel reported :Friday when the Commons to decide the pipeline that almost $2,500 worth of fishingequipment was holdsa special debate on the question within a week to 10 stolen from his vehicle, overnight Monday. _ issue bet'ore the cabinet goes days "after Parliament There was" no indication whether this out-of. i behind closed doors. completes a special pipelime province visitor had left his automobile unlocked.. The inquiry, headed by debate. / Dean Kenneth Lysyk of the University of. British , TOUGH LAws FAIL Columbia law faculty, says the two-year delay/is needed to settle and ~nplement native land claims, select a Skeena MP lona Campagnolo presented a $7,200 from left) Kevin Mould, Dwayne Clairmont, Yvette route through the southern • Marijuana smokers cheque, MOnday, to the Kermode Friendship Centre Mould, and Dean Clairmont. At back stand Mary-Lou Yukon and- allow Yukon Society in Terrace and she was determined to meet as Torglason and RachelMould. Mrs. Smith said the funds communities to prepare many of the eentre's co-ordinators an'd participants as will go towards hiring back the centre's administrator themselves for. the possible. It didn't take much prodding to arrange these and providing new programs. Total grant to the centre is development a pipeline will inot criminals,Carter cidldren for a photo with society president Lorelei Smith over $14,000. bringS... and Campagnolo. The children are (standing at front • Akt- a newsconference WASHINGTON (AP) -- caine and find small president wants at least i • / :/ following release of the President Carter asked the amounts of marijuana, we some fine retained as ..a report, Lysyk turned aside United States Congress on normally refer that to the penalty. States are free to Tuesday to scrap all federal state Or local authorities," adopt whatever marijuana ~ +., CAMPAGNOL O 'S LAMENT. ' questions 0~ what the U.S. • reaction to the delay might criminal penalties for the spokesman said. laws they want. possessing UP to an ounce cf Carter's prop.osal would Carter's demand for a : be~'OOthills Pipe Lines Ltd., marijuana, but demanded a substitute a civil fine, much crackdown on buyers and • . Canadian 'partner in the crackdown on dope dealers like a traffic ticket,nfor sellers was aimed : pipeline proposal, had to ensure "swift, certain and existing criminal sanctions. Particularly at large sup- • No speci fic ' prOposals planned to start severe punishment." Congress is considering pliers and smugglers. "We can, and should, con- one measure that would "Going after the opium tinue to discourage the use attach a $100 fine to a _poppy (frOm which heroin is i to help Terrace d e:ve [o p constructionsummerAlaskanmarketsOf 1979 Onnaturalina inlinethe the t0gaSunitedCarrYto of marijuana," Carter told lyossession violation, said derwed) as close to the- Congress in a message Dr. Peter Bourne, the source as possible is the key :, . ./ . - . States. A connecting link'to outlining a broad plan to president's special assistant to what we are trying to do," • • ByALLAN KRASNICK orient the interview towards province and now they are unitedT/~ she was asked, the Northwest Territories curb drug abuse. "But this for health issues. He said a ' Bourne said. Managing Editor, local issues but as doing well." - , i • "I think we will but I'm could be added to move can be done without defining second bill before Congress 'Tin ordering the • ' discussion proceeded on the To Campagnol0, minister concerned with Bill 1Ol (the Canadian gas, if needed, in the smoker as a criminal." contains no fine. attorneygeneral to i Though Department of- nationalumtyquestion, talk of state::for fitness and language ~ legislation 'the 1980s. Declaring four decades of Bourne said the adminis- concentrate on breaking the Regional Economic about national matters amateur sport, one reason •introduced by the Quebec The recommendation for stringent U.S. laws against tration would not send links between organized ! Expansion (DREE) seemed to dominate, British Columbia has not "government of Rene a delay is expected to lead to marijuana a failure because Congress a bill of its own, crime and drug traf- ince-ntivecanbecomeareal- perhaps a fault of the received its fair • share of Levesque) and the tactics of pressur~ from l~arts of the more than 45 million but from Carter's message ficking,'" Carter told Snur to growth in the |nterviewer,'andwhen aide federal grants is that: :the the Levesque cabinet: U.S. petroleum industry for Americans have tried the it was clear that the reporters. northwest, no specffm .Peter Jones stuckins head prownce .has.
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