1941 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-HOUSE 9665 John Joseph Gahan, Infantry. Heavenly Father, Thou who art light, course of world conquest, declared war James Franklin Greene, Quartermaster help us to dissipate the darkness; Thou against the United States. Corps. Charles Maze Simpson, Jr., Signal Corps. who art life, may it beat in us with full The long known and the long expected Albert Milton Pigg, Signal Corps. pulsation and with a deep sense of fidel­ has thus taken place. The forces en­ Arnold Richard Christian Sander, Infantry. ity, of meekness, and long-mffering. It deavoring to enslave the entire world now Stanley Marshall Prouty, Infantry. is only through entire consecration do are moving toward this hemisphere. Glenn Charles Salisbury, Air Corps. we get an insight into the transforming Never before has there been a greater Harold Ralph Wells, Air Corps. power of the things of God, augmenting challenge to life, liberty, and civiliza­ Samuel Nairn Karrick, Corps of Engineers. the divine in us and clearing our faith. tion. Malcolm Stoney Lawton, Air Corps. Delay invites greater danger. Rapid Jasper Kemper McDuffie, Air Corps. Oh, do Thou appeal to that instinct of Howard Knox Ramey, Air Corps. recovery, love of country, and to that and united effort by all of the peoples of Lionel H. Dunlap, Air Corps. temper of hope which Thou hast estab­ the world who are determined to remain Harold Daniel Smith, Air Corps. lished in the true American heart. free will insure a world victory of the Michael Al Quinn, Quartermaster Corps. Almighty God, let us live alive and forces of justice and of righteousness over Earle J. Carpenter, Air Corps. free, never forfeiting the dreams and the the forces of savagery and of barbarism. James Pratt Hodges, Air Corps. ideals of our religion, free education, and Italy also has declared war against the Jame·s Alvin Lewis, Infantry. United States. Herbert Edson Willis, Quartermaster Corps. the open church. Breathe upon them all Frank Lauderdale Cook, Air Corps. the pure spirit of Heaven, delivering our I, therefore, request the Congress to Bradford W. Kunz, Quartermaster Corps. people from fear, never being seduced by recognize a state of war between the Ade,l Curry Harden, Finance Department. sordid reckonings nor by the disguises of United States and Germany, and between Oakley George Kelly, Air Corps. false friendships. We pray Thee to the United States and Italy. Bernard Tobias Castor, Air Corps. crown us all with Thy blessed promises FRANKLIN D. ROOSEVELT. James Alexander Mollison, Air Corps. which mean faith, conviction, sacrifice, THE WHITE HousE, December 11, 1941. Harold Webster Beaton, Air Corps. and heroism. Lawrence Brownlee Savage, Quartermaster Mr. McCORMACK. Mr. Speaker, I Corps. We praise Thee, Almighty God, that Richard Clark Jacobs, Jr., Infantry. weeping may endure for the night, but move that the message ·of the President Charles Stricklen Shadle, Chemical War­ joy cometh in the morning. be referred to the Committee on Foreign fare Service. In our dear Redeemer's name. Amen. Affairs, and ordered printed. Edwin Thomas May, Infantry. The motion was agreed to. Stephen Bowen Elkins, Finance Depart- THE JOURNAL ment. DECLARATION OF WAR AGAINST Mr. McCORMACK. Mr. Speaker, I GERMANY Edgar Eugene Glenn, Air Corps. ask unanimous consent that the reading Joseph Jones Yeats, Infantry. of the Journal be dispensed with, and Mr. McCORMACK. Mr. Speaker, I William Henry Buechner, Infantry. move to suspend the rules and pass John William Monahan, Air Corps. that the Journal be approved. Cortlandt Spencer Johnson, Air Corps. The SPEAKER. Is there objection? House Joint Resolution 256, which I send Andrew Reid Duvall, Infantry. There was no objection. to the desk and ask to have read. Henry W~lter Ulmo, Coast Artillery COrps. SUSPENSION OF THE RULES The Clerk read as follows: · Charles Carl Chauncey, Air Corps. Whereas the Government of Germany has Julian Mereditl;l MacMillan, Infantry. Mr. McCORMACK. Mr. Speaker, I formally declared war against the Govern­ Raymond Dailey, Quartermaster Corps. ask unanimous consent that it shall be ment and the people of the United States of Homer Barron Chandler, Air Corps. in order today for the Speaker to enter­ America: Therefore be it Carl Weston Pyle, Air Corps. tain motions to suspend the rules. Resolved, etc., That the state of war be­ Frederick Eugene COyne, Jr., Finance De­ The SPEAKER. Is there objection? tween the United States and the Government partment. There was no objection. of Germany which has thus been thrust upon John Myers McCulloch, Air Corps. the United States is hereby formally declared; AnpiTIONAL PROMOTIONS IN THE REGULAR ARMY RECESS and the President 'is hereby authorized and MEDICAL CORPS The SPEAKER. Without objection, directed to employ the entire naval and mili­ To be majors the House will stand in recess at the call tary forces of the United States and the re­ sources of the Government to carry on war Frederick Cantwell Kelly of the Speaker. against the Government of Germany; and, William Henry Powell, Jr. There was no objection; accordingly to bring the conflict to a successful termina­ Junius Penny Smith (at 12 o'clock and 9 minutes p. m.) the tion, all of the resnurces of the country are Harry George Armstrong House stood in recess. hereby pledged by the Congress of the United To be captains AFTER THE RECESS States. Robert William Lloyd Richard Reynolds At 12 o'clock and 34 minutes p. m., the The SPEAKER. The question is, Will Charles Raymond Sharp House was called to order by the Speaker. the House suspend the rules and pass the joint resolution? DENTAL CORPS MESSAGE FROM THE PRESIDENT To be captains Mr. McCORMACK. Mr. Speaker, on Gerald Arthur McCracken A message in writing from the Presi­ that I demand the yeas and nays. Jerome Joseph Hiniker dent of the United States was communi­ The yeas and nays were ordered. Douglas Monroe Beebe cated to the House by Mr. Miller, one of The question was taken; and there Kenneth David Eye his secretaries, who also informed the were-yeas 393, answered "present" 1, Virgil Gordon Walker House that on the following dates the not voting 36, as follows: Jack Menefee Messner President approved and signed bills of the [Roll No. 131] Hal David Oakley, Jr. House of the following titles: YEAS-393 POSTMASTERS On December 4, 1941: Allen, La. Bishop Butler NEVADA H. R. 768. An act for the relief of William Andersen, Blackney Byron Pete Petersen, Reno. E. Thomas; and H. Carl Bland Camp TEXAS H. R. 3774. An act for the relief of Fred Anderson, Calif. Bloom Canfield Spencer. Anderson, Boehne Cannon, Mo. Mary McMurrey, Coldspring. N. Mex. Boggs Capozzou Thomas L. Satterwhite, Coolidge. On December 5, 1941: Andresen, Bola,nd Carlson Ameta C. McGloin, Corpus Christi. H. R. 4270. An act for the relief of Mar­ August H. Bolton Carter George W. Dear, Troup. garet M. Cutts. Andrews Bonner Cartwright Angell Boren Case, S. Dak. DECLARATION OF WAR BY GERMANY Arends Boykln Casey, Mass. AND ITALY AGAINST UNITED STATES Arnold Bradley, Mlch Celler (H. DOC. NO. 454) Baldwin 'Bradley, Pa. Chapman HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Barden Brooks Chenoweth The SPEAKER laid before the House Barnes Brown, Ga. Chiperfleld the following message from the President Barry Brown, Ohio Clark THURSDAY, DECEMBER 11~ 1941 Bates, Mass. Bryson Clason of the United States, which was read: Baumhart Buck Claypool · The House met at 12 o'clock noon. Beam Buckley, N. Y Clevenger The Chaplain, Rev. James Shera To the Congress of the United States: Beckworth Bulwinkle Cluett Beiter Burch Cochran Montgomery, D. D., offered the follow­ On. the morning of December 11, the Bender Burdick Coffee. Nebr. ing prayer: Government of Germany, pursuing its Bennett Burgin Coffee, Wash. 9666 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-;HOUSE DECEMBER 11 Cole, Md. Hinshaw Patton Whelchel Wilson Worley ment of the Senate to the bill (H. R. 5584) Cole, N. Y. Hobbs Pearson Whitten Winter Wright Collins Hoffman Peterson, Fla. Whittington Wolcott Young entitled "An act for the relief of Fred Colmer Holbrock Peterson, Ga. Wickersham Wolverton, N.J. Youngdahl Pierce, Sr., and Mary Pierce." . Cooley Holmes Pheiffer, Wigglesworth Woodruff, Mich. Zimmerman Cooper Hook William T. Williams Woodrum, Va.. DECLARATION OF WAR AGAINST Copeland Hope Pierce GERMANY Courtney Houston Pittenger ANSWERED "PRESENT"-1 Cox Howell Plauche Rankin, Mont. Mr. McCORMACK. Mr. Speaker, I Cravens Hull Ploeser NOT VOTING-36 ask unanimous consent to take from the Crawford Hunter Plumley Creal Imhoff Poage Allen, Ill. Larrabee Schaefer, m. Speaker's table Senate Joint Resolution Cro5ser Izac Powers Bates, Ky. McArdle Sheridan 119, which is identical with the resolution Crowther Jackson Priest Bell McLean Smith, w. va. just adopted by the House, and pass the Culkin Jacobsen Rabaut Buckler, Minn. Magnuson Steagall Cullen Jarman Ramsay Byrne Mansfield Tinkham Senate resolution. Cunningham Jarrett Ramspeck Cannon, Fla. Mason Weiss The Clerk read the title of the reso­ Curtis Jenkins, Ohio Randolph Costello Murdock Welch lution. D'Alesandro Jenks, N. H. Rankin, Miss. Delaney O'Day White The SPEAKER. Is there objection to Davis, Ohio Jennings Reece, Tenn. Flannery O'Leary Wolfenden, Pa. Davis, Tenn. Jensen Reed, Til. Gerlach Osmers the request of the gentleman from Mas­ Day Johns Reed, N.Y. Johnson, Calif. Pfeifer, sachusetts? Dewey Johnson, Til. Rees, Kans. Kelley, Pa. JosephL. There was no objection. Dickstein Johnson, Ind. Rich Kerr Robinson, Utah Dies Johnson, Richards Kirwan Scanlon The Senate joint resolution was read a Dingell Luther A. Rivers third time, and passed. Dirksen Johnson, Rlzley So <two-thirds having voted in favor A motion to reconsider was laid· on the Disney Lyndon B. Robertson, thereof) the rules were suspended, and table. Ditter Johnson, Okla. N. Dak. the resolution was agreed to. Domengeaux Johnson, w.
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