_TABLISIDIID m 1881 VOL XXXIX. JULY 1901. .1.00 £ Y1IIABo BO.80. TO�EKA, KANSAS, THURSDAY, 25" CATTLE• CATTLE. •reeder.' Dlreotory 8WINE. •• Begatered Stock, DUDOC-JERSEYS,' contalnl A. D. SEARS & BROS., LeoD,Iow&.' breeders of the Itralnl. HORSES AND MU.LES. leading B. B.S£WYER, -- Cherr;rvale, Ka_. Norwood Shorthlrns. :�!�e����� SHORTHORNS. Sir CharmlDlr 4th at head of herd. Cmlcklhank top 2!l Grand Duke of Hazelhunt 1Il0081 headl the herd. GBABGER HERD. crollel on belt American famlllel. Youq.ltock for PERCHERON HORSES lale. E. S. R. R. Breeder of Established 25 _years. Over 2000 Ihlpped. Four COWEE, Elkridge, Kana., 2, Kansas. crosses. World's Fair,' highest priced Itralns of Po­ J. W. &. J. C. ROBISON, Towanda, laud·Chlnas.' Send stamp. W. S. Hanna, Blchter PURE-BRED HEREFORD CATTLE HEREFORD BULU FoR aLE. and Breeder.. Herd in the State. Kans. KIDS' D'IIKB 966S7 at head of herd. Young buill Importe,. Largest Five bred, tielr. Ilre.;belnl ' reglltered buill, cholcel; and helfen for sale. Inspection Invited. Lincoln 470811 by the great �eau Beal"and Klondike DUROC-JERSEY SWINB-REOISTERED. '12001 by the Beau Brummel blill, Senator. Thelrdam. are of Grove lat, and Lin· Write for prices on choice spring pigs; 100 to ae­ Stonemason'{,Star PERCHERON HOR8ES and them low to an Inquirer lect from. Third annual sale date, October 7. coin.daufhterl11'111 price verj early SYCAMORE SPRIN6S STOCK FARM Addreas ALBERT DILLOB, Hope, Kana. ABERDEEN·ANGU8 CATTLE. NEWTON BRO.THERS. Whltln.. Kansas. dARRETT HURST, Breeder, Zyba, Sumner Co. S H R T H N S. Kana. Young stock for aale of either sex. All regll' HEBD OF POLAND'CHINAS haa some SHORTHORN BULLS FOR SALE � O·� teredo KANSASextra llne Iprlng g11t1, lome January g11t1 and H. M. HIli, Prop'"La Fontame, Kans. 1011'1 18 monthl, bred to Sen. I Know he by Perfect I AfeW�hOICelYbredYOUngbUlll,IPrlngyearllnP,ior . L and No Shorthornl for sale at prelent, but 11'111 have a few and lome nice fall boars b,. sen. I Know and lale at very re8lOnabie prlcel. Allo 2 Sliroplhlre Know.i buck. Addrel. ,oung thlnp In the sprmg. PenonallDlpection of our HENRY AVERY & U. S. ·1'8C. Address F. P. 1 croll-bred Shroplhlre·Cotiwold . SON, MAGUIREJ.. Invited. .' herd . Baven, Beno uo., Kald. JAlIIES (l. STOKE. LeaveDworth, Kana. BRRfI!DERS OF CORRESPOBDEB(lE SOLI(lITED. POLAND·CHINAS Mound Valley Herd of DURHAMS I imsd�:���:to�8 POLLED u aa the ALLENDALE HERD OF Pure Percherons. Hal lome ahow g11t1 bred to I. B. Perfection (2111'12 S.). largelt. well Others bred to Black U. S. Belt (21767). Allo a llne lot beot Scotch bred Polled Durham herd of cattle In the The largest herd of Percheron horses In the west and fall pigs for lale. Prlcel reasonable. United Statel. ....1150 FIne Duroc-�ene:r Pip. the best bred herd In Amertcu. A choice collection of W. P. WIMMER a SOB, MouDd KaDB. F. Newton,lowe. Cattle on haud. Prtces con­ Valley, F. FAILOR, young stallions and mares 1l1WIlYli Aberdeen-Angus alHtant with quality. Address, or come and see at Sl1'NNYSmE HERD OF The Oldest and Largest In Ihe United States Walkefl.ld, OlllJl Oounty, Kana.a. ALFALFA MEADOW'STOCK FARM ot PEDIGREED POLAND.CHINA HOGS. B�����!� ���!l� �,:P{;:!�d t��ll:al�t :� ::��e . acrel. Pure·bred., ltock only. Hereforda, Poland­ prlcel at all tlmel. Inspect herd at Allen: neaf'·. J We now have for sale some young boan, blIOO hirel. Stock of . Light Brahmaa and BelgllUl lola and La Harpe, Allen co., Kanl., and addre.. Tlici. \\- and a lot of Kilts 8 to 10 months old. II good. Gllti 11'111 \ibinu, extral°Od for .. ' SWINE. all klnoa te, Pedigreed S. or . -i;,: or sold al desired. This Is a choice lot harelt!<L Andenon, Manager, there; be bred open O. B. WHITAKER, rroprieior. of young atulr that 11'111 be priced cheap, qnallty con­ Beaa, Iauu. ANDERSON. FINDLAY, Prop'I, Lake Fom.. III. sldered. SIaa417 ·'amous Du- ABlLJUIB, �11.... M. � sonDRS, AHoou, K..... roo-Jerseys and Pb1iifd-ChIDas BLACK DIAMOND STOCK FARM O a TROTT Maple'Lul Herd 01 Thorouihbred .,.A.DARD HEIID 0' Has for Sale a Few •• H. ALBERTY, - - (lherokee, KaDBa•• SHORTHORN CATTLE DurtHl-Jer.ey. OHOIOE GALLOWAY BULLa, .Duroc-Jerseys. Regl.tered And POLAND CHINA SWINE. Sired by a World's Fair winner. AllO a few Engllsb ' " 100 head for thlll year'l trade; all eligible to record. mlles'south JAME& A. WATKIB&,: Fox Terrier of llnest PETER BLOCHER, Richland, Shawnee Co.. Kanl. Farm 'II 2 pups quality. of Bock lBland &ana. FOR SALE OB TBADE-A ts-scre suburban prop· Herd headed Joe and othen. A few male depot. WbltlDc, by Big 'jS6S, In Des Iowa. Information rur- erty Moines, promptly. MAPLE AVENUE HERD of March and April farrow. S. C. B. Leghorn eggl. w't'o,RT���'S. pigs ntshed by the owner. HEREFORDS. J. R. HIGGIN8, DUROC-JERSEYS. F�ft':;nmJ�;I:r�e�f Herd of REGISTERED. Ridgeview Farm Keswick, Keokuk (lo., low.. THOS. EV.ANS� BREEDER, Kans. - V. B. Howev Box 103, TODeka, Hartford, Lyon County, Kanaas. MT. PLEASANT �RD OF and of Poland·Chlna hogl, Jerley Berkshires Breeder llilpper Large English -SPE(lIAL OFFERI:NG8- chickens. In season. cattle, S. L. Wyandotte Eggs and two November boars December - Four farrow, FOB SALE Four yearling bUill one Imported for sale. No gilts old enough to breed. Spring farrow, 4-year-old bull, a few young. COWl and helferl. CEDAR SUMMIT pil'I quoted also. SHORTHORNS:. POLAND-OHINA STOCK FARM. for MAl!iWABI:NG BROS., LawreDce, Kana. Herd headed by Acomb Duke 18th 1421'17. Herd com­ Only choicest Individuals reserved breeding Elk Kans. NORTON'S posed of Young Maryl, Galateaa and Sansparelll. Youn, purpose•• J. M. GILBERT, Busby, County, D. P. SHORTHORNS, Verdlgrla Herd buill for sale. Valley Morris Co., Kanaaa. M. HERD DURO(l-JERSEYS Dunlap, FAIRVIEW POLA.ND-OHINA.S. InqUlr�t ASHCRAF��J?�W�.��Ds. Bas SO of March, April, and May, 1901, farrow for Ashcraft & Sage Livery Barn, Main Street. pigs Prlze·wlnnlng. We have for lale 80 Breeder of PURE-BRED SHORT·HOR'. CATTLE, thll lOalon's trade at reasonable prices. Large·boned, best out lot we ever raised. B. Fairview, KaDS. bead of fall plga-the grown Brltlab 13369Z, J. DAVIS, Herd BuD, Imported UOD, CLOVER CLIFF FARM - !t�e��af��I�eh:!�: :�':e�:l�h�� :�l:�:;::b�O:!; YOUNG - 8TOeK - FOIt SALE. STOCK AND FRUIT FARMS lit for next fail's showl. Prices reasonable. Noli:lng REGISTERED GALLOWAY OATTLB, PARKDALE orders. but good ones shipped on Also German Coach, Saddle and HEREFORD CATTLE, WAIT a AltooDa, KaDII. «'1==== THOROUGHBRED EAST, ====.12 Trottlng·bred honel. World'i Proprietor, • FRANKFOBT, KANS. CHAB. A. SCHOLZ, it�:; £���o?��f���gs�m: :::1: 90 GOOD R. S. spring pigs; Cook, Kansas, I \ lion a III-hand Wichita, _ ...... "'''','1, Rosewood, 1,100- • RAVENSWOOD a few fall S.HORTHORNS, Ion of Montrole In lervlce. • only gilts BREEDER OP pound POLAND CHINAS '.... ..... one. • "f··I� VlaltOrs welome. bred but they are OHOIOB. Write for Don'tdelay. E. lIIO. always o. LEGNABD, BEIJ,Am, Address SWINE. BLA(lK8HERE BROTHERS, , a SPAULDING, RlchmODd, KaII. POLAND-CHINA' DIETRI(lH . tor sate. especially /' Elmdale, (lba8e Co., KaDa The prlze·wlnnlng herd Of Great Welt. Seven Males and temalel Inspectton til! Lavender Viscount 124711(1, the champion bull prlael at the World's Fair'. The home of the greatelt Invited. National Show at Kans'" City, hew the herd. Riverside Herd of Poland-China Swine. breeding and prlze·wlnnlng boarl In the Welt, luch aa ot the of alslsted SUNFLOWER Commodore Dewey No. 46187 head herd, Banner Boy 28441, Black Joe 28608, World Beater and ED. Manager. Black Chief. Young stock extra PATTER80N, by a grandlon of Missouri's King Hadley. FOB,SAI1E-An choice lot of SCOTCH AND SCOTCH-TOPPED stock recorded free. and Mo. for ..te reasonable. All rlchl,·bred, well-marked pigs by these noted lirel and Ballroad Telephone ltatlon., Bunceton, M. O'BRlEB, Liberty, Kana.' out of thlrty·llve eJ:tra·large:rlchly·bred 1011'1. InIpeo- . *kiD or correepondence invited. SHO�THORN CATTLE, H. N. HollCle:ar.1an., CHERRY GROVE FARM DUROC8, POLAND-CHINA SWINE allo fall THOROUGHBRED Crawfo,=d Co., Kana. 'From belt prize-winners. One spring boar, Girard, and winter pigs for sale. Herd Bull, Sb- Knlgh 124408. ' .: PERCHERON HORSES Herd Blacli: 1l. S. 2d 251582 S, aDd a PO(lOKE, StatiOD B, St. Joseph,Mo. BREEDER OF Boars, WARE POLAND-OHINA HOeS Sunflower Black (lhlet· 24608. And HOLSTEI. FRlfSlli CATTLE•. , Represllntatlve stock for safe. POLAW-OHINA PIGS I have for sale a few October boars and Kilts. 4 .ADDBESS A FEW Mechthllde and Parthenea bred sows. and 70 winter and spring pigs, good Bepresentlng JOlephlne, FOR SALE. of MllIlourl'l Black ANDREW PRINGLE, head and ears. boned. Come and see them, famllIel. Poland·Chlna hop. Son large. I Know" lind "Look Me at head Of herd. B. P. ,B. and B. L. H. chlckena. Fine Individuals. "Chief or write me. Chief Rural Route KaDs. as reprelented. 2, Eskridge, Kans,: Over" stralnl. R. J. (lonnewa:r, Edna, .JOHN BOLLIN. Egp In leaaon, alwaYI l'Il.aranteed Klokapoo. Leavenworth Co•• Kans. Do L. BUTTOB, North Breeder of (Express Om'ce, Leavenworth.) Herd Topeka,.KaDs., Silver Creek ROCKY HILL Improved Cheater White•• .� Stock For Sale. SHORTHORN CATTLE.', - CATTLE. .on � �-� Farm Is two miles northwelt GWENDOLINE'S PBINCE·II1Ot18In Hrvlce ·a cf .... --.� Of Reform School. the '1,100 cow G'wendollne ·5th. Belt scotcli� Batel SHORTHORNS and American famllIel reprelented. AllO hreell BED POLLED CATTLE-PuTe·bred young J.
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