Letubti( ol tlrf .SDtlrp$rre r D$srtmeil of G!ilmtion Reglon lV-A scHoots DrvtsloN oF QUEzori PRovrNcE Apt1l21 ,2021 DIVISION ME]IIORANDU txrl No. _31E_, s. 2021 EPP TRAINING ON CONTENT AND PEDAGOGY / FINALIZATION OF RESEARCH - SASED TEACHER - MADE ASSESSMENT TOOL To: OIC - Assistant Schools Division Superintendents Public Schools Distric{ Supervisors Elernentary Schools Principals School Heads,/Tlcs All Others Concemed 't. To address the need to enhance the perfomance qf newly hired EPP Grade 6leachers and EPP Grade 6 teachers without iraining on the content and pedagogy of the EPP curiculum urder the K - 12 programs, this Offce will conduct ihe EPP Training on Content and Pedagogy/Finalization of Research-based Teacher-made Assessment Tool for Sdeded TLE Specialization on May 19 - 21, 2021 al Sevilla's Farm and Resort, Brgy. Oomoit, Lucena City. Follo.ring health and safety prolocols. 2. The training aims to: . Showcase selecled action res€arches on improving ihe least leamed compeEncies in EPP 6 . lntegrate ac,iion research processes and principles in the assessmerfl of leamefs performance . Revisw lhe fundamental concepls in teacfiing lnlormation Communicalon Technology (lCT) and Erirepr€neurship, Agricultur€, lndustdal Arls, and Home Economics . Enhance the teaching performance of Grade 6 EPP teachers 3. Participanls lo this training are newly hired EPP GEde 6 teachers and EPP Grade 6 teaciers withoul training on the content and pedagogy of the EPP cuniculum under the K - 12 Program. R€gistration starts at 4:00 p.m. of Day 0 (May 18,2021\. One represenlative from each dislric{ i6 advised to register on this link https://tinyurl.com/ReqistrationEPP on or More May 15, 2021. CONGRESSIONAL CONGRESSIONAL CONGRESSIONAL CONGRESSIONAL DISTRICT 1 DISTRICT 2 DISTRICT 3 DISTRICT 4 1. Pagbilao I 1. Sariaya East 1. Padre Burgos 1. Atimonan I 2. Mauban 2. Sariaya Ytlesl 2. Agdan9n 2. Plaridel 3. Sampaloc 3. Canddaria 3. Unisan 3. Gumac€ East 4. Lu(ban East 4. Pitogo 4. Lopez Easl 5. Real 4. Candelaria 5. Macalelon 5- Calauao DEPEDOUEZOTTTM-SDS{.t Ootio3 "CEorlng PosilUll,/f,,s, Inspttng I 'ovo,'tons' Add.esa: Sitio Fori, BrEy.Talipan, Patbilao, Quezon Trunllln. t* 10421 784{365, 1042} 784-0154, 1042 ) 7a4{391, (042 } 784{ 321 UP Emall Addrcsrr q uezon@ d6p€d.gov. ph W.blltc: ww*.d.p.dquEzon.com.ph Itepubtir ot ttrB .lBrilippirc, @r$Er0rcrt of Gtuution RegtoD IV-A scHooLs DrvtsloH oF QUEzoN PRovINcE 6. lnfanta West 6. Catanuan I 6. Guinsyangan 7. Gen. Nakar 5 Iaong I 7. Gen. Luna South 'l'iaong 8. Polilio 6 2 8. Mulanay 7. Tsgkawayan I L Burdeos 7 San Antonlo 9. San 8. Alabat 10. Patnaungan Dolores Francisco L Perez 'l 1 . Panukulan 10. San t'larciso 10. Quszon 12. Jolr|alig 1 1. San Andres 11. Atimonan ll '13. Pagbilao ll 12. Buenavista I 12. Gumaca \ bst ,l3. 14- Mauban North 13. Buenavista ll Lop€z Yvest l4- Calanauan ll No. of participants: Ho. ofpa icipants: No. of paiiclpants: No. ofparticipants: 14 6 1[ ,11 TOTAL NO. PARTCIPA TS: 50 plus 8 TWGrStaff = 50 4. Each participanl is advised to bring laptop and intemet source in case of no inlemel supply, extension cord, writing materials, reterence book in TLE 6/Modules. face shield and facemask. 5. Food and accommodation shall be chaEed to (HRTD) while lrayel expenses shall be charged to MOOE/Loc€l Fund subi€ci lo accounting and arditing procedures. This is a live-in seminar, Atiendance is a must. 8. Th€ following memb€rs of the Twclracilitators ars advised to attend to the danning conference for lhe aclivity on May 12.2021 dt Lib.8ry Hub, Division Offce at 8: AM. Juanito A.M€rle EPS -DedEd Quezon Sherwin l. Diala MT II -LNHS Leovino A. Merle MT II -LNHS Jeric€ B. Japor MT I -LNHS Xyrine Jael T I .QNHS Geellaine J. Arellano Tl-TumbagalES Vien Lester L. Flores Tl-TumbagalES JoelAbot T I -MIS 9. lmmediate dissemination of this Memorandum is desire. EUAS A. ALICAYA Jr. EdD AssistEnt Schools Division Su dent Offcer-ln-Charge " Omce ot the Schools Division Superintendent dd.ns/cn qnl:'1/21 /2O2 I DEPEOOUEZON-TM-sos-0,t-009-{D3 ' Cre raing P oss tbt'fi,te{" I N p I rtn, l,tfr v oa:b n s' AddreB: Shio Fori. BrBy. Talipan, Pa8bilao, qu€.on Trurtkllne 784-0366, (042)784-0164, (042) (042)784-0321 HE t: 1042) 784{391, Em.ll Addrers: q u€zon @ d.p€d.aov. ph Webtlta: wrxw,depadquaron.com.ph llsDrttir of tlrc SDilipoine, Er{ertmert of GDuation Reglon Iv-A SCHOOI-S DIVI$OI{ OF OUEON PROVII{CE EPP TRAI II{G OT{ CONTENT AIIID PEDAGOGY / FINAUZATIOI{ OF RESEARCH . BASED TEACHER. MADE ASSE$S El{T TOOL 1*21,fr21 TRAllilll{G',,ay mATRIX TIME D.y I IfE Dlv2 Ory 3 8io0 - 8:3o uoL MOL E:30 10:15 FreYtng lhe ldion R€ssaft*r - PrElEnl,.tirn lnd Dr.rrasioh df Tith t?om Clsssroorfl Rolat d tha Ro!u{t9 8:0O Probl€rna - Rallsrr€nbn Outininq th€ ConclGions and 10i0O V\4'iting th. lntrodudion erd Rocommendallood Prrp.riry lh€ Fomuhiing lh. Sp.cfrc Adion Rc,ulncrs Resosch Probloms Laovlno A tlada Or. Ju.nlto A, dl. 10:15 - 1&3O BREAK SNACK BREAK SNACK Op€nlno Program Sherwin Dlelg Oqsnizing ihe ReYi6wof L€velihg oI Exp€clElion RBlatBd Literiture erd Saudhs t0:OG PrEtenrrtbn of Oltpul PSOS C.rolln T. and Rls€a'th PEred(f '12:O0 10:3o-12:00 Zallcant O€velopim tha R$oaftrr POAT TEST M€thodology PNE-TEST LoovinoA, .Il. 't2:N- 12:OO 1im Break 'l:OO - Fundamcntal concapl ln t eching lCT, \ilbrkahop In ICT and lndllslrial 1:0O Agricullura, Hqn€ - 1:0O- 2:45 2:6 Prlssnt lion ol SomPl€ lndultdalArE Ass.lmdTml PSDG C.rolln! T. Reiteration of D.p Ed Cb3lE Program 2:0G 3:0O O.da Nd 3l r 2O2O 2:45 - 3:OO Amit PSDS Crrolinr T. Z!rrc!n 2i30- \i!b{i(ino Br€rk 3:00 9lorkahop in Hoha €conomica B€sk Ed'.Eaton 3:0O 5:00 and Alri:llture Pr€sdndion of 3100- - gampL As!63sll6nt Tool 5:00 (BEARA) DEPEDQT EZON-rU,SOS-04{00{03 'Ozodng PffiM{dc' rrbpldng halfvaalons' Addrlrs: Sltlo Forl, 8Ey. Tallpan/ Pagbllao, Quezon rruntllnri: 784{366, ( 21784-0164, (o42) 78/,4391,104217844321 HE {042) Em.ll Addrcrs: q!ezon @ d.ped.8ov.ph WabclL: wvrvr.d.Fdqu.zon.com.ph.
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