• THE WEATHER TODAY . Hated School-Kills Self POLSOM, Mont. (JP)- A coroner's jury decided yesterday Mostly cloudy weather w ith occa sia nal showers that a i5-year-old Flathead Indian reservation boy shot and killed himself because he hated to go to school. Testimony is predicted for the Iowa City area today. brought out that Louis Ashley objected to school, and when caught "playing hookef" Tuesday was told he would have to Generally fair and wa rmer tomorrow. return to classes. Instead, the youth went to a bunkhouse near bere, got a .22 caliber rifle and shot himself in the head. Eatablabed l8SS-Vol. 79. No. 29S-AP News and Wirephoto Iowa City, Iowa, Friday, Seplember 12, 1947-Five <Ants .. Presiden1t . State Order Fight Costs With Chain -Phone -.C a II s Put~ (lamps Smiles While * * * * * * * * * i rams tumbled while cattle barely true that there are any uncon- held steady. sclon.ble profiteers they will be On GamblingI [Prices Spiral Here wel'e Ihe day', develop­ warned by thiS Investigation", AidesSmarl m nls: Senator Baldwin AI d. Several ABOARD THE U. S. S. MIS­ In prlngfield, Ohio, Mrs. Nel­ 'Nobody Here But he Strong, a 51-year-old woman lIenatorial ifouP are co nducting SOURI, (IP)-President Truman As Protests U. Chickens, I Say faced the awful wrath of King confined to her home wuh rheum­ the price Inve tieal10n in various atic fever, Inaulural d a chaln­ parts ot th country. City Club Operators Neptune and talked himself out of D, RAY H ENRY it, but top While House aides got t I phone ca ll buyers strike. Sh~ In VI nna, Ga, S natal' George "tha works" in traditional cross­ Gain Strength IS uklDi each person she call' to (D-Ga.), predlct~ th re would be The jingle ot hundreds 01 dol­ the-equator hazing ceremonies make five call. to other peraons. no return to price controls, but lars In nickles, dimes, lind Quar­ yesterday. CHI AGO, {iP)-A chaln-tele­ urglni consumers to .trike allln,t said there Is a pouibillty of riiid ters In Iowa City lot machlnu riling Pl1C . • controls over export He said was virtuaUy sUenced last night W1Jile Mr. Truman chuckled lmyers strike and Mrs. Slrong called upon Ihe any braid foreign rell f pro r m followlni a "crackdown order" Is­ , leefully, his dignified military union operated retail stores were city's clerlY to aid her and the will r suit in keeping prices up in su~ enller this month by the 81 d diplomatic aides ran the thrown into the fight alaln t Rev. H. B. Huah • of the First this country. state attorney Ileneral. iamut of punjshment meted out ri ing food ('0 t y st rday, but Church oC Nazlrene sald he woutd An implied warning thlt Ameri­ by King Neptune's minions. Slot machines in various local prl~' of s \ ral important hou - a k th sup ort ot hiS congrega­ c.n ,rain export must be r duced veteran', and private clubs had Willy-nilly, they clutched elec­ tion al a pr y r me hnl. ha b en II ot mba I s In 20 either di opp ared completely or trified "shocking" ladders, gulped In 0 trait, two locals of the countrl s, Lincoln White, press \V re locked III ste I cabinets. noxious fluids, got smeared with IIpward spiral. 10 United Auto Workers nter d omcer of the slale d partm nt, Attorn y Ce-neral Robert L. paint and grease, submitted to Thl' prl( th Iroc ry bu In . A local at dis lased. He reveal~ that the Larson told Iowa's 99 county at­ mustard massages, smarted under (omment from uch varied grollp BrillKs Manufacturing company embassies had been Informed of torney, In I tt I'S mall d tram his violent paddling, and were ignom­ d it D pro ctlve short com and oats as a Il torial commUte , which nnoune would open stor ottlc Septemb r 3 that "law. Iniously tossed backward from S pI. 20 for I1s 16,000 members. crops. prohibiting gambllnl in Ihe lilate cbait·s into a dunking tank. Did it saw some reductions po - Ford's H1lh1and Park local 5- In Wa hlngton, Italian Ambas­ of Iowa must b nforced." As the age-old rites progressed, dl.Jll', and a cl riyman who."lan- tabU~h a blon for Itl 10,000 ador Albello Tarchlanl discus d "AI ttofn y general of Iowa, [, marking the tran ition [rom land­ n d t<'l I k up the probl m with In mb rs last atur BY. l1aly' ,raID n ds with A Istant lubber "polliwogs" 10 full-fledged ther for ,r u t you Bnd 11 law hi pan.hien rs at a prayer meet­ "W ar thoroughly di gu led S cr tary of stale Norman Ar­ enfor m nl oWe at your cou n­ "shelll;lacks" who have crossed Inl'. wi th the lack of 10V rrvn nt ac­ mour. T&rchlanl ,av Armour a the equator, it came Mr. Truman's ty to tak such acllon that may be In Wa hmaton, en. Myers (D­ tion in harnessina runaway copy of ap ch mad Wednesday advisable and necessary to em· own turn 10 iace the bale!ul glare I' .) 111'8 d a p .r181 se Ion of prices," Anthony C rwin kl, pr SI­ by Italian Premier Alclde DeGas­ of learded King Neptune. force the laws r laUng to gam· conare-. s in arly November to d nl of the Brill local xecull VI! peri, in which the Premier aid Among other things, he had bl ng and glmblin, devices," the cl 31 with the soarini co. t of liv­ baird. said. Italy'S araln allocations w r "ab- letter sold. been indicted by the mythological olut Iy Insufficient". Larger ing Dnd problems at Ild lor urope. In WlIshlnlton, Senators Fland­ The "ther aln" nobody here 1I0d of the seas as "a vale land­ Export d mands have be n a rs (R-VI.) and Baldwin (R­ Am rlcan shipments w re urged. l'Jbber and polliwogs." but UI chi kens" altitude pre­ $­ Conn.) aid they exp eted Ihe White corn reached $3.00 a major tactor In driving up dam "ailed wh n QuesUoM about the With deadpan solempity, Mr. tic food costs. conlressional Investillation of bushel at Omaha, a new record. Truman began to plead his case. who aod why al1flt' of the local M anwblJl', ho,s at Cblcaao ad­ prkes to bring about some re­ This is a scarce type at corn, most Re had no "adequate defense," he but-doWll ~ere a ked. IN AN EFFORT to cut ome o( thl' pocketbook pinch str nuDlnr trom hl,h prius of toDd , Locsl .cOO of vonc d to a n w record high. But­ ductions in the cost at food and corn beln, 01 the yellow variety. SIlid, to the charges against him. Johnson County Altorney Jack the United Auto Workl'rs hllR t'ntercd the I:roCf'ry bu Ine~ 111 Delroll. Above, cu toltln ,..ther around t r, elllls, su,ar al1d cocoa allO clothing. At ChicalO cash corn dropped 1 "I si ncerely hope tha t you will C. White Bai d y terdoy he "un­ counler of the store operatlld on II nOll -profit ba Is. (AP WIR PUOTO) raced up the price ladder, but "We are hopeful that it it is to 4 cents a bushel. be as merciful as possible to these I derstood" all rlubs had dl con­ poor polliwogs," he went on, ges­ tinued u e of their . lot machine., turing to his aides. "They have but said he knew at no concerted no prerogative-not until they drive to stop th m In Jowa CIty. arrive back in the United States. He said no raids or arr •• t. bad "But the commander-in-chief been made. of the navy does have a preroga­ White said he thouaht the .Iot tive which he does not Intend to machines might stay locked up tor Ule, however." Wallace Attack Foreign Policy some time. Mrs. Truman escaped punish­ However, the manaller of one ment, and daughter Margaret was Iowa City vet rans club said that required only to sing "Anchors ---------------------------~ he had "heard" a county order Aweigh" with a sextet of polliwog General Punctures Epidemics Break Out Sees Entire Atom Body Reports Chinese Communists Question Veracify had b n IssUed to halt the ma­ leamen. chines at mldnlllht last night. In Punjab Kasur Camp Relea se American Pilot Internal revenue reeord Nov. Despite Russ 'No' Of Overell Witness 1946 "'owed 8U lederal per­ 'Draft Ike' Moves NEW DELHI (JP)- The first TSJNGTAO, China (JP)-Lt. s., Richard A. Winters, U.s. mar­ mJ ta for "coIn operated . ILID­ outbreaks of long-feared epi­ by SANTA ANA, Calif. (JP)-The (JP)- World Run NEW YORK General of LAKE SUCCESS (JP) - The bU"" c1evleetl" had been !Mued Storm Nears demic disease wl're reported In ine corps pilot, relurned safely United Nations IItomic ell rIY prosecution, toing to bat again out the Army Dwight D. Eisenhower the refugee camps at the Pun· to TSingtao yesterday after '" private clubs, lod&'etI, veter­ yesterday again disavowed efforts commission disregarded bitter having been held by Chinese of turn, dIrected an attack yester· an'. orcanllatlons, etc. In the jab yesterduy as communal Russian opposition y terday and day on the veracity of a key de­ .tate of Iowa. to draft him as Republican candi­ rioting dwindled In Old and Wall Street Communists since his plane was approved Its second report atattng fense witness In the trial of Lou­ The record showed that the•• Truman Ship New Delhi.
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