EYESLEEO Features in This Number: New England Courses Brice 8. Evans Rosedale Golf Club Essex Golf and Country Club = os tO sS __OEee Snaholetel b IaT Aan. epeea ETE FEY CANADIAN GOLFER Subscri tion orice 25¢ p re py.. $3 O00 per year. Office of Publication. BRANTFORD, Canada Vol. 1. CONT NTS FOR JANUARY,1916. or: No 9. PAGE A NewGolfing Knight—Sir Thomas White....... ser sare are Na atvid Viaveratalaie Mister a aienese: 514 Editorials—Rule 25, Celebrated Devotees of Golf...........5.0 2. cece cece eet eeeeee 515-518 ORID BOB y voices crete 8 slareyte che ME a elas Nah chereth eetes Wil ae, MOE Niete bre alae sh AE oiVin tein aleldcid's as 518-519 Wamoes Golhng sOrOketers's tec. ove cee sc coe feels ts hace oPoltie one ahofthe. stele ole Clone aa 3 519 Mr. George Gould: Plays) Golf... 2 2. fo. tei thew eee. oh 505 520 Rosedale—A Successful Golf Club. ...0...... 0.66.2 l ccc eee eee THE EDITOR 621-525 ay: CLOMUTTS TWOAK WED RW OULU ore is oo a aio. Foes Th sans esa ectathole edie: oid, OUR UR. oe eiee Me sare ales 6, s\s 525 Ee BsGPe PLMGOAT TORORE 5 ote ctel ots asc 3 ao) «op nioe mvaicie te pera st res athe er esene GEORGE DUNCAN 526-528 INGW LUM SIONE KOOUFEOR « celina hiro cigidaje nlc peeled acahint aeys BRICE 8S. EVANS 529-533 Rivermead Golf Club BTNOGL ee or ee ee ets BEF 534 masex Gols and, Counmtey.. Clan somites sls years oie bs thers Baile sin THE EDITOR 535-539 Golfers) On Ors MP. WWAGO ei Mei. 01s tia foo n Fs NIN a 02 bie. pie wichato aye! oop alajeiel viele He elelelelg sletetn 540 Ladies’ Golf Department..........................MISS FLORENCE L. HARVEY 541-544 Officers of the C.0..G-U.—Mrast Sweeney... 22 iis. 01s laren v > oo cis tas ereleielel@bitieipiave ove ¥ 545-547 BOMTESA MUOR oir, iran a teecteae octet ral crc uinaa vie teteaate a hate Holi cjelererdle'e( ofu'a caalelar apie re.e(e theio's 547 GAINUSANAE’ OB ALTONA WAGON MLCCRAIN Gs cicero Bol hoa ke tote c Gyctho Aen Ga. np alee aichatersepyiore alae aferaye ok aid 548 GONETEMG FASOVOMIOWE OF SMLOT cee Freee ort ateee Re eas. the &, Lane UR TR o MA Orel diet ova etek wie ea 550 AP O]SATT pee ELEM Git 6% te iesarc peices e's pine dee ain: econ tsa Guetahel « ctatayert cts, die. Leite vie aatolare «al 6 Nee eae chee 550 A MOP AP OM Pte RE OMON force alse cece Pore VAL ware Sime ee ets Tie "a det Wo Ae tinieina alote eh aicet deiseiew 551-552 A New Golf System...... 552 Concerning Golf Balls. 652-554 Southern Tournament 554 inv and Around, the Clab RLOUAG 5.) oa eoit oie cic be eatin Re Pepe ces clas ve'ealelel since 555-562 Merion Cricket Club Secures U. S. Championship...........6.....0cccecceeeeeees 563 MOREE SER LONEUM 5 cores rete air) fie ie Nha eit sveisth aio rita ris oveihne Mic oinel Pole eip\atereca ui cle: adiciceietel Meter datdisre gin) 563 MxMOERAMORURB Le plete cree nian ce Uipieis ORs Sea eR TUTES ae Mele cette ee ihe a'a «alee ogc ale eis 563 OAM PRT AN RO MN SF eei ac Seer stn cleat aces Sie coke «pre BR phos tha Fandie aie chaats, Me eo} hagas T. G. GRAY 564-566 WHAGH he ROLCRBIOMGIGS , ooco5)s,<lains- alti ta inte 'a rps 8 ccf cis os siee LMA Da ow eaadetn' es 6/ dig Biel esecn cielo e 568 BY APPOINTMENT Headquarters for Canada,of JAMES CARTER & CO. Seedsmen by Royal Warrant to His Mijesty King George V. and to Her Majesty Queev Alexandra Carters Tested Seeds Inc. 133 King Street East Toronto, Ont., Dec. 22, 1915. The Editor, The Canadian Golfer, Brantford, Ontario. Dear Sir:—Wehaverecently received our copy of the Decemberissue of the Canadian Golfer and must congratulate you upon the interesting news it contains. Especially in such a dull golfing month. It is our intention to send you copy for our advertising for the months of February, March, and April, early next month, as we consider your magazine is the best advertising medium to reach the actual purchasers of Grass Seed, Fertilizer and Golfing Requisites. Wishing you the compliments of the season and a successful 1916, we are, Yours faithfully, CARTERS TESTED SEEDS, INC. (Signed) J. W. HYRONS; Mg: HVH/GW, (The above entirely unsolicited letter shows what one of the leading firms in the Empire thinks of the value of advertising in the Canadian Golfer.’’ January, 1916 CANADIAN GOLFER 513 Oe s I BERMUDA .ee ee p The Ideal Winter Resort e Beautiful Drives, Saddle Riding, Golf, g e Tennis, Yachting, Fishing S | and Sea Bathing e s Garrison Station of the Ottawa (38th) Regiment e F foe FRINCESS HOTEL A E OPENED DECEMBER13th R R Ranks as one of the Leading ‘ Situated strictly on the harbor. Accommodates 400 E Nine-Hole Golf Course within easy reach. S P F P HOWE & TWOROGER, Managers, HAMILTON. BERMUDA 3F Reached by Quebec S. S. Co., 32 Broadway, New York 5 ] 5 a Olaela selgelgalaeiselgaelaelgelgelsalgelselonelalene)C Yinehurst NORTH CAROLINA The center of Winter out-doorlife in the South HOTEL CAROLINAandCottages now openfor the Season HOLLY INN, BERKSHIRE and HARVARD openearly in January Y Gol 3 eighteen-hole courses and a new nine-hole course. Thefairways received special attention this year. Tennis the clay tennis mifex in every direction, This eae courts are famous form of recreation at its beat Through Pullman both among professionals and j service from New amateurs for their exceilence Trap Shooting facAielitaye York via Seaboard it iver » The large stable of provided for trap shooting Air Line Railway aseweDty gaddles and driving 4,000 acre private shooting pre Only one night horses is under the direct super serve. Guides, trained dogs from New York vision of the General Office and shooting wagons to be had Boston, Cleveland, Pittshurgh and Wo ( o Bae eLLeDL ney by day or week Cincinnati Motoring § ads for filty No consumptives received at Pinehurst Full information on request ~ Pinehurst Office, Pinehurst, N.C., or Leonard Tufts, \\ 282 CongressStreet, Boston, Mass ~eJ ge iy THTti ~—— —— When writing advertisers, kindly mentlon CANADIAN GOLFRR A New Golf ing Knight EARTY congratulations from lant course at Toronto University a1 golfers the Dominion overto Sir ( Jsgoode Hall. As A young man ‘Thomas White, Canada’s well-known took .up journalism and then enter Finance Minister, whose knighthood financial life in the city of Toront was amongst the most popular in the making a great success of the Natio: NewYear’s honorlist. He is an en Trust Company, of which he was CG: thusiastic golfer, a memberof the well eral Manager. He was sworn of t known Royal Ottawa. In writing to Privy Council and appointed Minist the editor of the “Canadian Golfer” a of Finance, October 10, 1911. He short time ago Sir Thomas veryaptly elected to the House of Commons referred to the fact that “golf has now Leeds, 1911 He is an ex-Governo! become one of our most beneficial na- Toronto University and Trustee of tional institutions.” So it has, and an Toronto General Hospital. He ther “national institution” is the Fin day one of Canada’s most brilliant P ance Minister himself. liamentarians ani The concensus. of Finance Minister t] opinion, irrespective confronted with er of politics, is that he problems, h a has made good, more them in a most 1) than good, these trou- terly manner blous war times. He It used to be is in every way wor- that Gladstone thy of the great honor the only Engl conferred upon him Chancellor of the by the King. chequer who The favorable terms make an_ interest ipon welch) 27S 13 speech on the su Thomas’ $45,000,000 of finance. But loan was negotiated in one who has the United States Sir Thomas when moneycould be House or addr hardly borrowed any- Boards of Trad whereentitled him to gatherings of bus the public thanks. inen can testify ti Thhenen ccameamehihiss domes>S- SIR THOMAS WHITE fact thaE t hisis ffir na tic war loan. Fifty ; ie speeches are abs ; : Finance Minister of Canada millions was asked ingly interesting for, and the response was overonehun- invests with a charm even thereal dred millions—to be exact, one hun- dry figures. He has all his life mai dred and ten millions. Sir Thomas study of financial questions, and to Whiteis placing $50,000,000 of the pro- is easily one of the best-equipped ceeds of this loan at the British Gov- in. that respect in the Empire—a| ernment’s service to help pay munition tion accorded him by the Lor bills due to Canadian manufacturers— “Times” and other papers of G , certainly a very wise financial arrange- Britain in discussing his recent ment. deserved knighthood honors. The Minister of Finance is still in the A lasting monument to his fina heydayof life and in the plenitude of abilities 1S the revised Banking his powers. He was born at Bronte, brought down two seasons ago, Ontario, in 1866, and was educated at is recognized as one of the most the High Schools of Oakville and prehensive and complete measures t 3rampton, subsequently takinga bril- any country possesses, 514 ——oeer Vol. | BRANTFORD, JANUARY, 1916 No, 9 “The Golf Doctor’s” an Wel Was as Ganadian Golfer follows A player may not “lightly sole his club’ Official Organ Royal Canadian Golf Association in a bunker He may not ground hi club Official Organ Ladies’ Canadian Golf Union in “any grass, bent, bush o1 other growing (See Ruk Published Monthly substance.” Sle may, however 25, exception 2), in addre sing the ball, or Ralph H.
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