As of 24 May 2006 Participants list for thieIriternational INEX3 Exercise Evaluation Woikshop Liste des participants pour INEX 3 atelier d'evaluation international 30/5/2006 - 1/6/2006 Paris, France Allemagne/Germany Mr. Johannes KUHLEN , Tel: +49.228 305 2970 Federal Ministry for the Environment Fax: +49 228 305 2882 Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety Email: [email protected] P.O. Box 1206 53048 Bonn Mr. Erich WIRTH. Tel: +49 1888 333:6710 Federal Office for Radiation Protection Fax: +49 761 382459 Rosastr. 9 Email: [email protected] D-79098 Freiburg .AustralielAustralia Mr. Stephen SOLOMON Tel: +61 (0) 3 9433 2238 Manager, Health Physics Section . , Fax. +61 (0) 3 9432 9043 Australian Radiation Protection and Nuclear Safety Email: [email protected]. 619 Lower Plenty Road Yallambie Melbourne, Victoria Autriche/Austria Dr. Peter HOFER-, Tel: +43 1 71 1004453 Federal Ministry for Agriculture, Forestry, Fax: +43 1 71 -200 2331 ,i . Environment and Water Management Email: [email protected] Radetzkystrasse 2 . I A-1030 Vienna 1 Mr. Bojan TOMIC.0,!- . :,,Tel:'+43 1879 2111 11 Managing Director -Fax:+43 1879 2111:50... , ENCONET donsufitifig GmibHi" Em ail: [email protected] Auhofstrasse 58 A-1 130 Vienna 1.....- -. ~'. Belgi-gue/Belgium Tel: +32 14 33 28 15 Mr. Alain SOHIER Fax: + 32 14 32 10 56:'':-;••:' :'"" Project Manager Radiological Evalhuations Belgian Nuclear Research Centre- "'- Email: [email protected] . Studiecentrum voor - Kemnenenergie, SCK/CEN Boeretang 200, B-2400 Mol Mr. Christian VANDECASTEELE Tel: +32 2 289 20 68 mFax:+32c2e289e2152hsa'-"s-f- gv.b , Coordinator Nuclear Emergency Planning Email: [email protected]'e"".• Federal Agency for Nuclear Control Ravenstein street, 36 B-1000 Brussels Br6sil/Brazil Mr. Raul DOS SANTOS . Tel: +55 21 3411 8220 Head, Radiation Emergency Assistance Division Fax: +55 21 2442 1950 IRD/CNEN • Email: [email protected] Av. Salvador Allende s/no., Rio de Janeiro, 22780-160, RJ "¢: . ,," - Canada/Canada Mr. Jean Patrice AUCLAIR Tel: +1 613 954 6676 Chief, Nuclear Emergency Preparedness Fax: +1 613 954 0792 and Response Division , Email:EmaiI: jp [email protected]. Radiation Protection Bureau Health Canada' ,b'; : - . • • ' '. ; , . ; - i. A/L 6604G Sir Charles Tupper Building 2720 Riverside Drive Ottawa,Ontario KI A OK9 2' As of 24 May 2006 Ms. Maureen GRIFFITHS Tel: +1 416 212 3454 Assistant Chief Prevention, Mitigation and Email: [email protected] Preparedness Progress Ministry of Community Safety and Correctional Services Emergency Management Ontario 12 Wellesley Street West, Rox 222 Toronto, Ontario, MJA-IN3 Danemark/Denmark Mr Steen HOE Tel: +45 45 90 62 47 DEMA Fax: +45 45 90 60 60 Datavej 16 Email: [email protected] 3460 Birkerod EspagnelSpain Mr. Juan Pedro GARCiA CARDIERNO Tel: +34 91 3460 413 Radiological Protection Expert Fax: +34 91 3460 497 Consejo de Seguridad Nuclear (CSN) Email: [email protected] C./ Justo Dorado 11 28040-Madrid Mr. Francisco J. RAM6N Tel: +34 91 34 60 214 Head of Emergency Operation Coordinator Fax: +34 91 34 60 588 Consejo de Seguridad Nuclear (CSN) Email: [email protected] Cl JustoDorado, 11 28040 Madrid Etats-Unis/United States, Ms. Sara DECAIR Tel: +1 202 343 9713 Health Physicist Fax: +1 202 343 2304 US Environmental Protection Agency Email: [email protected] Office of Air and Radiation 1310 L Street N.W. Mail Code 6608J Washington DC 20460 3 Ms. Ann Courtland HEINRICH- Tel:+ 1'202586-8165 ;, .. Deputy Director Fax: +1 202 586 82 72 U. S. Department of Energy Email: [email protected] 1000 Independence Avenue Washington, D.C. 20585 Mr. Vincent MCCLELLAND Tel: +1 202 586 8045 Director, Office of International Emergency Fax: +1 202 586 8272 Management Email: [email protected] U. S. Department of Energy Washington, D.C. 20585 Mrs. Patricia MILLIGAN Tel: +1 301415 2223 Senior Advisor for Emergency Preparedne-s Fax: +1 301 415 2968 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Email: [email protected] MS 06-H2 Washington, D.C. 20555 Ms. Jennifer Amanda STEGEN Email: [email protected] US Department of Energy Pacific Northwest National Laboratory 1000 Independence Ave SW Washington, DC 20585 F6d6ration de Russie/Russian Federation Dr. Oleg PAVLOVSKIY Tel: + 7 495 955 22 03 Head of Laboratory Fax: +7 495 955 22 20 Nuclear Safety Institute Russian Acedemy of Sciences Email: [email protected]. 52, B Tulskaya Moscow, 113191 *1 4 As of 24 May 2006 Finlande/Finland Ms. Kyllikki AAKKO Tel: +358 9 759 88 204 Senior Inspector, Emergency Preparedness Fax: +358 9 759 88 214 Radiation and Nuclear Safety'Authority (STUK) Email: [email protected] P.O. BOX 14 00881 Helsinki Ms. Hannele AALTONEN Tel: +358(9) 7598 82 12 Head, Emergency Preparednes's Fax: +358 (9) 7598 82 14 Radiation and Nuclear Safety Authority -Email: [email protected] (STUK) P.O. Box 14 00881 Helsinki Mrs. Riitta HANNINEN Tel: 358-9-7598 8312 Head of Laboratory, Ecology and Foodchains Fax: 358-9-7598 8498 Radiation and Nuclear Safety Surveillance Email: [email protected] P.O.Box 14 FIN-00881 Helsinki Mr. Risto ISAKSSON Tel: +358 (9) 7598 8312 Information Officer, Public Information Fax: +358 (9) 7598 8498 Radiation and Nuclear Safety Authority (STUK) Email: [email protected] P.O. Box 14 00881 Helsinki Mr. Kyosti ORRE Tel: +358 9 6689 1541 Special Advisor Fax: +358 9 6689 1536 National Emergency Supply Agency Email: [email protected] Pohjoinen Makasiinikatu 7A -: r, FIN00130 5 France/France Ms. C6line BATAILLE .1 Tel:+33 15552 1929 Researcher Fax: +33,1,55 52 19 21 CEPN -"mai:-bataie,@cepn.asso.fr--,, Bfitiment Expansion 10000 28, rue de la Redoute :• ',.•2.i• •9 " 'j F- 92263 Fontenay-aux-Roses Cedex Ms. Dorothee BRIAUMONT.'-,. Tel: +33 (0) 153 83 47 47 National Federation of Agricultural Workei's' Unions Fax: +33 (0) L,53 83 48 48 . (FNSEA) Email: [email protected] 11, Rue de ]a Baume Paris 75008 Mr. Bruno CESSAC Tel: +33 158 35 76 51 Direction de'T'Environnemen't et de& Interverition Fax: +33 146576258 IRSN/DEI/SARG/LERAR•[,'I -; Email: [email protected] -* Service d'Analyse des Risques lids Ala G~osph~re BP 17 92262, Fontenay aux Roses Cedex 77-83 Mr. Frangois DROUET; Tel: +33 155 52 19 30 Researcher Fax:+33 15552 1921 CEPN Email: [email protected] Batiment Expansion 10000 28, rue de la Redoute 92263 Fontenay-aux-Roses Cedex BP 48 Mme Sonia GRAVIER Tel:+33(0)1 4019 8761 Chargde d'affaires Fax: +33(0)1 4019 8790 Direction Gdn~rale de la suret6 nuclaire de la Email: [email protected] Radioprotection 6, Place du Colonel Bourgoin 75572 Paris, cedex 12 6 As of 24 May 2006 M. Jean-Francois LACRONIQUE: Tel: +33 (0)1 58 35 97 86 Pr6sident du conseil d'adminisiration de 1'IRSN- Fax: +33 (0)1 58 35 95 11 Institut de'Radioprotection et, de Sfiret6 Nucl6aire Email: [email protected] BP 17 92262 Fontenay-aux-Roses Cedex M. Jacques LOCHARD Tel: +33 155 52 19 40 Directeur Fax: +33 155 52 19 21 CEPN Email: [email protected] Expansion 10000 28, rue de ]a Redoute 92263 Cedex Fontenay-aux-Roses Ms. Isabelle NETILLARD Email: [email protected] Montb~liard Radiation Protection Pilot Project M. Andr6 OUDIZ Tel: +33 (0)1 58 35 82 43 Director of the Program "Management of Late Phas, Fax: +33 (0)1 58 35 88 29 Situations" Email: [email protected] Institut de Radio Protection et de Sfzret6 Nucldaire B.P. No. 17 92262 Fontenay-aux-Roses 77-83, = Professor Marc POUMADERE Tel: +33 140 46 00 29 Ecole Normale Sup~rieure de Cachan Email: [email protected] SYMLOG-ENSC 262, rue Saint-Jacques i 75005 Paris ., I.:. Mr. Marc STOLTZ 'Tel: +33 (0) 140 19 87 24 Nuclear Safety and Radiation Protection Authority Fax: +33 (0)1 40 19 87 90 6, Place du Colonel Bourgoin Email: [email protected] 75572 Paris 7. Mr. Bruno VERHAEGHE;. , ; Tel:+33 (0)1 40 19,88 86 . Deputy sub-director . ( Fax: +33,(0) 140 198790. Nuclear Safety and Radiation Protection Authority Email: [email protected] 6, Place du Colonel Bourgoin 75572 Paris Professor Jean-Luc WYBO Tel: +33 0 4 9395 7429 Directeur P61e Cindyniques Fax: +33 0 4 9395 75 81 Ecole des Mines de Paris Email: [email protected] B.P. 207 rue Claudio Daunesse 06904 Sophie Antipolis Cedex Hongrie/H.unc.a.. Mr. Andor KEREKES Email: [email protected] Head of Department Frederic Joliot-Curie National Research Institute 1775 Budapest, Pf.101 Mr. Geza MACSUGA Tel:+36 143 64910 Head of Department Fax: + 36 1 43 64909 Hungarian Atomic Energy Authority Email: [email protected] P.O.B. 676 H-1539 Budapest Dr. Sandor PELLET Tel: +361 226 6148 Director for Radiohygiene Fax: +36 1 226 65 31 National Research Institute for Radiology & Email: [email protected] Radiohygiene 1775 Budapest, PF. 101 8 As of 24 May 2006 Mr. Gabor ZELLEI ' Tel: +36 1469 4160 Deputy Head of Department.. ..... Fax: +36 4 469 4272 Directorate General of the National Disaster Email: [email protected] Management 1903 Budapest, Pf 314 Budapest Irlande/Ireland Dr. Tony COLGAN Tel: + 353 1269 77 66 Director of Advisory Services Fax: + 353 1269 74 37 Radiological Protection Institute of Ireland (RPII) Email: [email protected] 3 Clonskeagh Square Dublin 14 iMme Renee DEMPSEY Tel: +353 1 888 22 89 Principal Officer, Nuclear Safety Section Fax: +353 1 888 29 56 Department of Environment, Heritage & Local Email: [email protected] Government Custom House - room B.1 8 Dublin I Mr.
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