February 3, 1999 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S1133 the needs and expectations of its pri- team member deserves to be recognized Senate’s commitment to the American mary users. and I will mention them in numerical people to make our streets safe from Mr. President, I know that Treva order: Jason Elam, Bubby Brister, crime, to ensure that the benefits of Turner is going to be missed by all Brian Griese, Tom Rouen, Tory James, this great technological and commu- those who had the opportunity to work Darrien Gordon, Vaughn Hebron, nications age reach all our people with her. I also know that each of us is Darrius Johnson, Eric Brown, Steve unencumbered by artificial legal bar- grateful for the dedicated service and Atwater, Tito Paul, Howard Griffith, riers, and to ensure that we preserve support she has rendered to the United Derek Loville, Tyrone Braxton, An- and protect the rule of law. I will have States Congress and that we wish her thony Lynn, Ray Crockett, Detron more to say in the coming days about health, happiness, and success in the Smith, George Coghill, John Mobley, this agenda. Today, however, I would years to come. Bill Romanowski, Nate Wayne, Keith like to focus my comments on what I f Burns, Glenn Cadrez, K.C. Johns, Dan believe are highly irresponsible cuts to Neil, David Diaz-Infante, Tom Nalen, administration of justice programs in RECOGNIZING THE ACHIEVEMENT Mark Schlereth, Trey Teague, Cyron the President’s budget proposal. OF THE DENVER BRONCOS Brown, Harry Swayne, Tony Jones, This year, criminal justice issues Mr. CAMPBELL. Mr. President, Matt Lepsis, Chris Banks, Rod Smith, should and will once again require the today I recognize the members of the Marcus Nash, Justin Armour, Shannon attention of the Senate. Many of our World Champion Denver Broncos of the Sharpe, Willie Green, Byron Chamber- communities are not sharing equally in National Football League and their lain, Ed McCaffrey, Dwayne Carswell, the decline in crime rates. For in- stunning Super Bowl victory this past Neil Smith, Alfred Williams, Trevor stance, according to FBI data, while weekend. Pryce, Keith Traylor, Marvin Wash- the rate of violent crimes decreased na- For the second consecutive year, the ington, Harald Hasselbach, Mike tionally by four percent in 1997, the Denver Broncos have proven the value Lodish, Maa Tanuvasa, Seth Joyner, FBI’s Uniform Crime Reports dem- of dedication, preparation and execu- Steve Russ, Jeff Lewis, Chris Gizzi, onstrate that in the Mountain West, tion as they played through the regular Andre Cooper, Tori Noel, Curtis Alex- the decline was only 2.4 percent, and football season, into the playoffs and in ander, Viliami Maumau, Marvin Thom- my state of Utah posted a slight in- the league championship, Super Bowl as; and the coaching staff, Frank Bush, crease. Similarly, property crimes de- XXXIII. Barney Chavous, Rick Dennison, Ed creased nationally 3.1 percent, but only I would also like to recognize the At- Donatell, George Dyer, Alex Gibbs, decreased one-half of one percent in lanta Falcons for a terrific season. Mike Heimerdinger, Gary Kubiak, Pat the Mountain West. Again, my state of They deserve praise for their efforts McPherson, Brian Pariani, Ricky Por- Utah actually had an increase in prop- and a well fought game. Few gave them ter, Greg Robinson, Greg Saporta, Rick erty crime. Compared to rates in the a chance to make it as far as they did; Smith, John Teerlinck, Bobby Turner, Northeast, the violent crime rate is but, they proved to everyone that they and Rich Tuten. 46.4 percent higher in the West and 52.1 are a team of the future. Many people also underestimated the percent higher in the South. Most folks know how close the Den- strength of the Denver Broncos’ de- And it is not just crime rates that ver Broncos came during the past sea- fense. When push came to shove, the need further improvement. The youth son to going undefeated. In addition, defense kept the second best running drug epidemic continues to plague us. the Denver Bronco players and the en- back in the game this season from According to the National Institute of tire organization won more games dur- gaining 100 rushing yards and inter- Drug Abuse’s Monitoring the Future ing the three most recent seasons than cepted three passes from the opposing surveys, drug use among our youth has any other NFL team. Great teams are quarterback in the Super Bowl. De- grown substantially, and recent mar- measured by sustained success and by fense wins championships, and Den- ginal improvement cannot hide the any measure, the Denver Broncos rank ver’s defense proved this to be true. fact that more of our young people among the greatest teams in history. Mr. President, the offensive line than ever are ensnared by drugs. From For the first time in nearly 20 years needs to be recognized for an out- 1991 to 1998, the lifetime use of mari- the Broncos, an American Football standing effort—season after season. juana—the gateway to harder drugs— Conference team, won back to back The reason the Denver Broncos run- has increased among school-age youth. Super Bowls. A total team effort was ning and passing attack was so domi- The number of 8th graders reporting to exemplified by the Denver Broncos this nant was, in large part, due to the ef- have ever used marijuana has increased season. forts of the offensive line. by 55 percent from 1991 to 1998, and the Mr. President, I would also like to The Denver Broncos have come a number of 8th graders who have used recognize several members of the Den- long way since their introduction into marijuana within the past year has in- ver Broncos organization for their out- the American Football League in 1960, creased by 173 percent in that same standing achievements during this past with their mustard and brown vertical time. season. Specifically, Owner Pat Bowlen striped socks, to the Denver Broncos of Not surprisingly, then, use of harder and Head Coach Mike Shanahan for today which have dominated the NFL drugs has also increased. The number their proven ability to assemble the with two consecutive world champion- of 8th graders who have used cocaine necessary players and develop game ships. within the past year has increased by plans that consistently provide vic- It is a special honor for me to make 181 percent from 1991 to 1998, and the tories for this franchise; Quarterback a Senate floor statement for the second number these students who have used John Elway, Super Bowl XXXIII’s Most year in a row to congratulate the Den- heroin within the past year has in- Valuable Player and a consistent Pro ver Broncos. Today I invite my Senate creased by 86 percent in the same time Bowl caliber quarterback who for 16 colleagues to join me in a Mile High period. And significantly, 1997 to 1998, seasons has been the uncontested lead- Salute to the World Champion Denver lifetime heroin use by 8th and 10th er of the Denver Broncos and a valu- Broncos. graders has increased by 0.2 percent, able civic leader and role model for f meaning that the use of this deadly young Americans; and running back drug is still on the rise among our Terrell Davis, the NFL’s Most Valuable PRESIDENT CLINTON’S ADMINIS- youth. Player for the 1998–99 season. TRATION OF JUSTICE BUDGET Because we have so far to go in our These people are the most recogniz- CUTS fight against crime and drugs, I am able names in the Broncos’ organiza- Mr. HATCH. Mr. President, even as particularly disturbed by the Presi- tion and are major contributors to the the Senate has been weighing historic dent’s proposed budget for the Depart- Broncos’ success. But, like in my of- matters, the important work of the Ju- ment of Justice. The Clinton budget fice, the total team effort is what made diciary Committee has gone forward as provides only a marginal 1.6 percent in- the Broncos victorious. The entire well. I am pleased to report that the crease in DOJ funding for FY 2000. But team worked together and went after Judiciary Committee is working to de- even this slight increase pales com- and achieved a common goal. Each velop an agenda that will continue the pared to the massive cuts President VerDate Mar 15 2010 21:39 Nov 01, 2013 Jkt 081600 PO 00000 Frm 00019 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\1999SENATE\S03FE9.REC S03FE9 mmaher on DSKCGSP4G1 with SOCIALSECURITY S1134 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE February 3, 1999 Clinton is proposing in assistance to Mr. President, the recent gains of President Clinton’s budget for Admin- state and local law enforcement. Let state and local law enforcement in the istration of Justice spending is in need me alert my colleagues to what the fight against violent crime are fragile, of significant attention. President is proposing. and have been based largely on the I intend to see that this budget and Undisclosed by the Administration’s Congress’s endless push to place the in- administration of justice programs get spin machine and most media reports, terests of the law abiding over the es- that attention. As Chairman of the Ju- President Clinton is proposing more tablishment of new social spending pro- diciary Committee, I would like to ad- than $1.5 billion in cuts to state and grams. Time and again, Congress has vise my colleagues that a priority of local crime fighting efforts. Among the had to remind President Clinton that the Committee this year will be the re- programs on the President’s chopping government’s first domestic responsi- authorization of the Department of block is the entire Violent Offender bility is to keep our streets and com- Justice.
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