•v '•(0 ONLY NEWSPAPER WITH COMPLETE SCpTCH PLAINS • FANWOOD NBWS u VOLUME 14; NO. 10 SCOTCH PLAINS-FANWOOD, NJ. THURSDAY, MARCH 8, 1973. 15 CENTS A COPY </•> State To 1 ^W Center Two Town Councils Barriers On Route 22 Ask $685,000 Cut The center barrier between the east and westbound lanes of Route 22 will be higher soon, when the state completes a planned improvement. According to information released at Tuesday's Council meeting in Scotch Plains, the state is willing to proceed In School Budget w;-;h ihe improvement. The added height will be pro- vided from the Green Brook to the serve as a deterrent to crime and Mountainside border, Work will a source of increased confidence Honors For be done at night to avoid inter- to the residents. Matter Will Probably Go To ference with daytime traffic. Flo Dwyer There will be no cost to the mu- The PlnRose Company, Inc. Former Congresswoman Flor- nicipality. was awarded the contract for a ence P, Dwyer was feted at a Trenton For Final Decision By spring cleanup, The company According to a report from the luncheon -given in her honor by was low bidder, at $27,790 for the executive and professional Police Chief, there have been the cleanup. Commissioner Of Education fatal accidents along the high- staff of Muhlenberg Hospital on way in Scotch Plains, involving Councilman Walter Crote re- Can the Scotch Plains-Fanwood school district maintain its ex- cars out of control coming ac- ported that the search for a ross the existing barrier, isting level of education for a price tag of $11,384,732 in the 1973- permanent township manager is 74 school year? That is the $11 million question now facing the In other actions, the Council in- narrowing, A special committee, Board of Education. " The Board was handed the.reduced figure by troduced an ordinance which called the Manager's StudyGom- the combined Councils of Scotch plains and Fanwood last Monday would provide' storm sewers in mittee, had been named, That night, 27 days after voters had given the proposed budget a sound Hill Road, Councilman Alan committee has been working ex- defeat at the polls, The original budget was presented at a figure Augustine abstained on the action tensively to attract and screen 11 percent over the previous year. As trimmed by the Councils it because of personal knowledge of candidates for the position. Ac- would be five percent higher, one of the Kill Road families, cording to Orote, the committee The Councils of Fanwood and only in the interim until a re- March 20 is the public hearing, has come up with names of about Scotch Plains voted to eliminate placement for Marburger can be and the storm sewer would in- 13 people it considers topflight $685,000 of the $1,207,380 in- found. Therefore, some know- volve a .$22,000 appropriation candidates. The Committee will crease proposed by the-Board, ledgeable local sources have po- from the capital improvement, now meet with the Council to dis- Now, the Board has a SO-day inted out, the climate and the cuss the matter, and then In- period in which to study the im- situation in Trenton is quite un- A second ordinance, with the terviewing of candidates is ex- pact of ths cut upon the level predictable this time around, in same public htarinc tints, sacs a pected to begin, at education, and to makfl a de- thft face - of an absence of a ;%Q: Passing zune on Mountain cision, , The Board may decide permanent cnm-nissio.ier, Wnei- Avenue, The Building Study Commit- FLORENCE P, DWYER to live with the reduced budget, ther this will or will not af- A third new ordinance would tee is also very busy, reported which was the route chosen three fect the decision of the local Monday, The luncheon was the board Is not known. appropriate $4,500 for the Mayor William Kitsz, That com- staff's way of saying "thank you yaars ago when a large cut was purchase of a truck for the Rec- mittee Is studying the possibili- Flo," according to Edward Dai- taken from the budget. In that A single sentence has been reation Commission. ties for the future of the pres- ley, hospital administrator, ease., decisions will have to be released by the Board regard- ent municipal building and will made on just what areas of the ing the Councilmanic action. It Frank Terry was appointed soon present a report which will Mrs, Dwyer was presented with budget are to be trimmed - a states, "The Board is studying animal warden in a new annual suggest whether the building is an engraved silver bowl. decision which is usually the ul- the implications of the combined contract. It was pointed out useable in :ha future or not, and Staff members representing timate rasponsibllty of the Council's recommended budget: that Township Manager Shirley if so, in what ways it might best virtually every department in Board, arrived at after consulta- cuts. Upon completion of our Capone had checked carefully on be utilized. the hospital were there to thank tion with the superintendent. jtudy, the Board will release Mrs. Dwyer for her 20 years several other comparative sour- If however, the majority of their findings." ces for the same services, and Several residents of the Second of public service and particularly for the help she has given hos- "the Board decides that the cut In hearing appeals, it is the the contract arranged with Mr, Street - Flanders Avenue area cannot be accepted, they may el- responsibility of the Commiss- Terry was the most profitable were at the meeting, indicating pital employees through the years. ect to seek a hearing with the ioner to insure that enough to the township by far. interest in the "topsoil" ordin- New Jersey Commissioner of Ed- money is available for main- ance. However, they were told In her response, Mrs. Dwyer ucation In Trenton, The Commis- tenance of the existing budget. Eleven residents of Grand that the Council will act very entertained her hosts with ane- sioner, when he presides at such He is not expected to hear ra- Street between Union Avenue and soon. The ordinance has been cdotes reflecting upon her Con- school budget appeals, hears the tionale for Improvements, how- Forest Road petitioned the Town- planned, not around a single per- gressional service duringthe ad- rationale from a governing body ever. ship Council for improved street son or a single business, but ministration of four different reprdinf their, decision to cut Presidents, The most recent annual bud- lighting in the area. Their peti- around a local problem, legisla- the budget. The members of a get had Included, for the first tion claimed they were being har- tors told the residents. In writ- ? local governing body, as well as time in several years, some ar- assed by strangers attracted by ing the ordinance, the Council did Oops! They ll the general public, are permitted eas of improvement in the school the youth activities at theYMCA, not single out one business, but to attend such appeal hearings. program, Driver education had which created "conditions such has considered what conditions Dance On Mar,25 Nest the Superintendent cus- been proposed for reinstatement that we are afraid to leave our would be best for the general tomarily addresses the Commis- at the high school level, while homes after dark," Theyfeltthe welfare of Scotch Plains resi- The annual dinner-dance to be- sioner, pointing out the reasons the majority of the improvements improved, street lighting would dents , nefit a children's nursery school why the Board finds the reduced had been planned at the elemen- in Montazzoii, Italy will be held budget unacceptable. The Com- tary level, to coincide with the this year on Saturday night, missioner then makes a ruling opening of a new school and four March 24 at Martinsville Inn, based upon the presentations. new elementary additions next Fanwood Municipal Mnrtlnsville. Although the local school district September, In a feature story carried in has never had occasion to date The improvements had Inclu- last week's issue of "The Times'* to seek relief In Trenton, other ded an expanded music and art Budget Down In '73 it was Incorrectly stated that school districts which have program, elementary librarians the dance would be heldonMarch taken such a route have, almost at each school, two more clas- Councilman Charlas J, Coronella, Chairman of the Finance Com- 25. overwhelmingly, had at least ses for handicapped children, some of the cut money restored, mittee, announced that the 1973 amount to be raised by taxation for be known until more accurate a third child study team, more Municipal purposes will decrease for the second consecutive year. figures are received from the Heretofore, New jersey Edu- teacher aides to improve lunch- This, said Coronella, is consistent with the pledge made by Mayor County and a final resolution of cation Commissioner Carl Mar- time and play period conditions, Trumpp to administer the affairs of the Borough in the most econo- the amount to be cut from the burger has been the presiding more library books and texts, and miral and responsible manner and continues a 10-year tradition School Budget is made, official at the budget appeal more monies for an athletic pro- of Council action to hold the line on the local share of taxes. cases. However, the New jersey gram, primarily for a junior Unfortunately, continued Cor- high intramural sports program. The original Budget, introdu- onella, the ability of the Bor- Legislature failed to confirm ced on February 14th anticipa- $43,000 less is required as com- ough and County to hold the line Governor Cahill's reappointment of Marburger, and he has noti- The two Councils may desig- ted an increase in the amount pared to the earlier introduced does not mean taxes will not in- nate ,what budget area (current K be raised for Municipal pur- budget resulting in a decrease of crease in Fanwood In 1973, The fied Cahill that his resignation will be effective April 30, but expense or capital outlay) is to poses of $13,390 (or about 2 tax approximately $30,000 as com- reduction on the 1973-1974 School be trimmed.
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