The Reporter The Center on for Conscience’ Sake Conscience & War Volume 61 SPRING 2004 Number 1 war is over. World War I ushered in the age War’s Environmental Effects: “Camp of chemical weapons, which has left its toxic American University” sting on the world ever since. World War II By Michelle Williams and Theo Sitther was the time of fire bombings and the usher- ing in of the nuclear age. Consequently, dur- ing the Cold War the monstrous buildup of This is the first in a series of articles by Michelle and nuclear weapons by the United States and the Theo on the environmental disasters caused by war. Soviet Union has created toxic waste dumps around the world. In the Vietnam War, na- War, often waged on the premise of palm was used and entire forests and rice preserving life and eradicating evil, has invari- patties were eradicated. Moreover, leftover ably had the opposite effect. Throughout the landmines are still a danger in Vietnam and centuries to the present day, war has had other countries; children and cattle are most numerous disastrous consequences, many of often the victims of these landmines. In the which are obvious. One such consequence, 1991 Gulf War, the world witnessed the burn- the environmental disaster caused by war, is ing of oil fields, toxic chemicals being released often the least reported subject. For as long into the air, and devastation caused to plant as wars have existed, the environment and and marine life in the Persian Gulf. Conflicts natural habitats have been disrupted and de- in Afghanistan and Iraq are ongoing, and the stroyed. The environmental cost of war is environmental devastation can only be fully frequently ignored. assessed when these conflicts are over. The environment is the first and the last Once the U.S. military stops its de- casualty of war. War effects the environment structive actions in Iraq and Afghanistan and in such a way that the consequences are begins its reconstructive actions, environmen- sometimes irreversible and it can leave a long tal programs will be put into place. Much of lasting effect. The this expenditure would not have been neces- Also Inside: environment is ef- sary had the military always taken precautions Newsbriefs...........page2 fected from the mak- to protect the environment and the people ing of bombs and Lobbying for Conscience living in it to begin with. Moreover, in many weapons to the first Sake..............page4 cases of environmental damage, the military bomb dropped to has yet to take responsibility. Eyes wide Open...page7 years after an actual The particular case that will be illus- trated in this and the next newsletter concerns Reporter for Conscience’ Sake Spring 2004 continued on page 5 News Briefs Board of Directors Guardsmen is Sentenced was turned down by the Conscience Jim Feldman, Sec. Committee. Inbal Gelbert, a pacifist, was At-Large On Friday, May 21, 2004, US then ordered to enlist, and refused. She Anita Cole Army National Guard staff sergeant was also rejected by the Incompatibility At-Large Camilo Mejia was sentenced to one Committee. She was expected to be Phil Jones year in prison, reduction in rank to E-1, released on March 12, 2004. Church of the Brethren forfeiture of 2/3 pay for one year, and a Shannon McManimon bad conduct discharge by a special Jonathan Ben-Artzi to be sentenced Pax Christi court martial at Fort Steward. Camilo David Miller Mejia had been charged with desertion, Israeli conscientious objector Jonathan Mennonite Central Committtee although he applied for conscientious Ben-Artzi has finally been discharged Mary Miller, Treas. objector status. from the military. Jonathan Ben-Artzi was Episcopal Church After returning from duty in Iraq for first called up on 8 August 2002, and Jonathan K. Ogle, Chair rest and recreation, Camilo Mejio went began a tour through military prisons on Philadelphia Yearly Meeting into hiding to prepare his conscientious that day. He got seven prison sentences Ibrahim Abdil-Mu-id Ramey objection application. Fellowship of Reconciliation for refusing to enlist, and then a long court-martial began, which lead to the Irving Ruderman Finnish objector is Sentenced Jewish Peace Fellowship military court finding Jonathan Ben-Artzi guilty, but also recommending to the On March 8, Finnish objector Israeli Army to accept Jonathan Ben-Artzi J.E. McNeil Aleksi Uski, started to serve 192 days as a pacifist and postponing sentencing for Executive Director in prison for refusing to serve military or a future date. Bill Galvin substitute service. Aleksi Uski’s refusal Counseling Coordinator is based on his anarchist-pacifist world Germany has CO Festival Michelle Williams view. He considers the conscription BVS Volunteer system foolish and therefore does not Eli Bainbridge accept any substitute civilian service as A demonstration took place in the BVS Volunteer part of it. Although Finland has a law on Northern German city of Münster Theo Sitther conscientious objection, this law re- on May 15, at which Turkish-Kurdish MCC Volunteer quires any conscientious objector to conscientious objectors who fled from Carol Longenecker perform a substitute service which is Turkey and applied for asylum in Ger- Summer Intern more than twice as long as military many publicly declared their conscientious service, and therefore has to be consid- objection. Elizabeth Sprague Outreach Coordinator ered as punitive. Korean Supreme Court to Hand Down The Reporter for Conscience’ Women CO is Sentenced in Isreal Sake is a publication of the Verdict on Military Objectors Center on Conscience & War. An Israeli CO was sentenced to A district court convicted a Jehovah’s 1830 Connecticut Avenue, NW Witness on charges of dodging military Washington, DC 20009 serve time in an Israeli military prison. Tel: 202-483-2220 Inbal Gelbert began her fourth term of duties as the Supreme Court moves to Fax: 202-483-1246 address public concerns over conflicting Email: [email protected] 14 days on February 29, 2004. Inbal URL: http://www.nisbco.org Gelbert already spent time in prison in rulings by lower courts on the refusal of November 2003, after her request to be compulsory military duties based on exempted for reasons of conscience religious grounds. Reporter for Conscience’ Sake 2 Spring 2004 Center News Carol Longenecker joins summer staff Sara Baldwin joins summer staff My name is Carol Longenecker and I am excited to My name is Sara Baldwin. I am from Baltimore, spend the Summer as an intern at Center on Conscience Maryland and I am currently in my Junior Year at Mary and War. Originally from Harrisonburg, VA, I recently Baldwin College in Staunton, Virginia. I am studying graduated from Juniata College (Huntingdon, PA) with a Philosophy, Psychology and Japanese, and I hope to go degree in History and Secondary Education. I look to Law School to study International Law. My beliefs are forward to spending the next three months working at not based upon any religious teaching, but upon my own CCW as a Draft Counselor, and assisting the staff in a ethics and morals that I have had since childhood. Being variety of ways. a philosophy major has also influenced my feelings towards war and everything that comes with it. Kara Fitzgerald joins summer staff The ability to refrain from war and the military is something that, although not considered a right given by the constitution, should be honored as any other pro- Hi, my name is Kara Fitzgerald and I am from tected right. This country prides itself on our freedoms, Teaneck, New Jersey. I am studying geology at Earlham the ability to choose for ourselves what we do with our College in Indiana. I found out about CCW through a lives, but there is nothing about forcing people to partici- peace training that I participated in during the winter. I pate in something they disagree with that rings of free- will be interning with the Center for the summer to help dom. Selective Service states that 50% of its mission is to out and learn about anti-military activism. So far I have protect Conscientious Objectors, and yet their registra- been trained for military and draft counseling by J.E. and tion forms still do not have a place to mark that the Bill. I have also been compiling research and updating registrant is a CO. In addition, it is very difficult and takes some informational packets. During my term here this a long time before the military or selective service will summer I hope I help spread information and aid people even acknowledge that a person is a CO. This, in my in establishing CO files in preparation of a future draft. I mind, does not seem to show that Selective Service is am very excited for this opportunity. At the Center, I will devoting 50% of its resources to protecting CO’s. be trained as a GI Rights/Draft counselor. I will be By working at CCW I hope to be able to help responsible for the Center’s order book, and currently I those who are trying to claim status as a CO. In addition, am rewriting the Basic information packet that we send I hope to learn more about CO’s and the way the military out. I will be in Washington through the summer. and government treat them. With CCW also being a part of the GI Rights Hotline, I am also able to help people get CPS’er remembered out of the military in the best and quickest way possible. I support our troops even though I do not support war. The Center would like to thank the family of Elbert Brubaker of Camden, OH.
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