Hacettepe University Graduate School of Social Sciences Department of Translation and Interpreting TRANSLATION AS A NORM-BREAKING ACTIVITY: A CASE- STUDY ON THE TURKISH TRANSLATION OF MARJORIE HOUSEPIAN DOBKIN’S SMYRNA 1922 THE DESTRUCTION OF A CITY Merve AVŞAROĞLU Master’s Thesis Ankara, 2014 TRANSLATION AS A NORM-BREAKING ACTIVITY: A CASE-STUDY ON THE TURKISH TRANSLATION OF MARJORIE HOUSEPIAN DOBKIN’S SMYRNA 1922 THE DESTRUCTION OF A CITY Merve AVŞAROĞLU Hacettepe University Graduate School of Social Sciences Department of Translation and Interpreting Master’s Thesis Ankara, 2014 iv ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS I would like to extend my heartfelt thanks to my thesis advisor Asst. Prof. Dr. Hilal Erkazancı Durmuş, who has always stood by me with her immense academic knowledge and experience as well as her sincerity throughout my thesis. I am profoundly grateful for her invaluable guidance, painstaking edits and motivating conversations, which enabled the finalization of the present study. I extend my hearty gratitude to the publisher, Ragıp Zarakolu, the translator Attila Tuygan, and the researcher-writer, Ali Sait Çetinoğlu, for their significant contributions to my thesis. I am deeply indebted to them especially for their sincerity with my interview process. I would like to thank the esteemed instructors of the Department of Translation and Interpreting at Hacettepe University, namely Prof. Dr. Ayfer Altay, Prof. Dr. Asalet Erten, Assoc. Prof. Aymil Doğan, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Orhun Yakın, Asst. Prof. Dr. Elif Ersözlü and Asst. Prof. Dr. Sinem Sancaktaroğlu Bozkurt. I am more than happy to have the chance of benefiting from their impressive academic background, which has broadened my horizon. I would also like to thank my dear friend Damla Kaleş for her pertinent suggestion of the book which constitutes the core of the present study. I would like to express an eternal gratitude to my dear parents, Nebahat Avşaroğlu and Osman Avşaroğlu, and my dear brother Mustafa Avşaroğlu, who provided me with their unconditional affection and wholehearted moral support, especially at difficult times. Moreover, I am grateful to The Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey (TÜBİTAK) for the scholarship which facilitated my academic performance. v ÖZET AVŞAROĞLU, Merve. Norm-kırıcılık Etkinliği Olarak Çeviri: Marjorie Housepian Dobkin’in Smyrna 1922 The Destruction of a City Adlı Eserinin Türkçe Çevirisi Üzerine Bir Vaka Çalışması, Yüksek Lisans Tezi, Ankara, 2014. Bu tez çalışmasının amacı, birçok bilim insanının (Toury 1995, Brownlie 1999, Schäffner 1999, Chesterman 2000, vb.) asıl olarak normların belirlediği bir eylem olarak kabul ettiği çevirinin, norm-kırıcı boyutunu göstermektir. Marjorie Housepian Dobkin’in Smyrna 1922 The Destruction of a City adlı eserinin, Belge Uluslararası Yayıncılık tarafından 2012’de basılan Türkçe çevirisi olan İzmir 1922 Bir Kentin Yıkımı, bu tezde vaka çalışmasında kullanılmaktadır. Betimsel Çeviri Çalışmaları ve Eleştirel Söylem Analizi’nin birlikte kullanımı, çeviri metnin Türk toplumundaki sosyal biliş ile bağdaştırılmasında önemli bir metodolojik bakış açısı olarak işlev görmektedir. Bu bakımdan, bu tezde, Eleştirel Söylem Çözümlemesi alanında önde gelen bilim insanları olan Teun A. Van Dijk ve Norman Fairclough’un eleştirel yaklaşımları benimsenmektedir. Van Dijk’ın (2000) söylem, biliş ve toplumdan oluşan üç aşamalı yaklaşımı ve Fairclough’un (1995) metin, söylemsel eylem ve sosyokültürel eylemden oluşan üç aşamalı yaklaşımı, Türkçe çeviri ve çevirmen ile Türk toplumundaki sosyal biliş, güç ilişkileri ve baskın ideoloji arasındaki ilişkiyi analiz etmek üzere kullanılmaktadır. Yayıncı Ragıp Zarakolu, çevirmen Attila Tuygan ve sonsöz yazarı Ali Sait Çetinoğlu ile yapılan röportajlar ise, söz konusu aktörlerin, çeviri eylemini Türkiye’de kabul gören resmi söyleme karşı bir söylem geliştirmek için araç olarak kullandığını gösteren bulguları destekleyen önemli tamamlayıcı materyal olarak işlev görmektedir. Türkiye’deki tabu konuları içeren Smyrna 1922 The Destruction of a City adlı kitabın, Türkiye’de tabu-kırıcılık rolü ile yaygın olarak bilinen Belge Uluslararası Yayıncılık tarafından kaynak metin olarak seçilmesi ve çeviri sürecinde kullanılan söylemsel stratejiler, baskın güç ve itaat ilişkilerinde araç olarak kullanılabilecek olan çevirinin norm-kırıcılık işlevini göstermektedir. vi Anahtar Sözcükler Eleştirel Söylem Çözümlemesi (ESÇ), baskın güç olma ve itaat etme, norm, çeviri normları, norm-kırıcılık, ideoloji, güç ilişkileri, sosyal biliş vii ABSTRACT AVŞAROĞLU, Merve. Translation as a Norm-breaking Activity: A Case-study on the Turkish Translation of Marjorie Housepian Dobkin’s Smyrna 1922 The Destruction of a City, Master’s Thesis, Ankara, 2014. The purpose of this thesis is to illustrate the norm-breaking dimension of translation which is considered by various scholars (Toury 1995, Brownlie 1999, Schäffner 1999, Chesterman 2000, and the like) to be primarily norm-governed. İzmir 1922 Bir Kentin Yıkımı, the Turkish translation of Marjorie Housepian Dobkin’s Smyrna 1922 The Destruction of a City, which was published by the Belge International Publishing House in 2012, is used as a case study in this thesis. The integration of Descriptive Translation Studies (DTS) and Critical Discourse Analysis (CDA) serves as an important methodological perspective to relate the translated text (TT) to the social cognition in Turkish society. In this respect, the critical approaches of Teun A. van Dijk and Norman Fairclough, two prominent scholars in the field of CDA, are adopted in this thesis. Van Dijk’s (2000) three-dimensional approach, which consists of discourse, cognition and society, and Fairclough’s (1995) three-dimensional approach, which consists of text, discursive practice and socio-cultural practice, are used in order to analyze the relationship between the Turkish translation and the translator, and social cognition, power relations and the concept of dominant ideology in Turkish society. The interviews with the publisher, Ragıp Zarakolu, the translator, Attila Tuygan, and the afterword writer, Ali Sait Çetinoğlu, act as important complementary materials that support the findings which suggest that these actors have instrumentalized translation practice to develop a discourse that resists the official discourse accepted in Turkey. The selection of Smyrna 1922 The Destruction of a City, a book on the taboo issues in Turkey, as the source-text (ST) by the Belge International Publishing House, which is widely known for its taboo-breaking role in Turkey and the discursive strategies used in the translation process illustrate the norm-breaking function of the viii translation, which may be instrumentalized in the relationship of dominance and subservience. Key Words Critical Discourse Analysis (CDA), dominance and subservience, norm, translational norms, norm-breaking, ideology, power relations, social cognition ix TABLE OF CONTENTS KABUL VE ONAY .......................................................................................................... i BİLDİRİM ....................................................................................................................... ii DEDICATION ................................................................................................................ iii ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ........................................................................................... iv ÖZET ................................................................................................................................ v ABSTRACT ................................................................................................................... vii TABLE OF CONTENTS ............................................................................................... ix INTRODUCTION ........................................................................................................... 1 I. General Remarks ........................................................................................................ 1 II. Purpose of the Thesis ................................................................................................ 3 III. Research Questions ................................................................................................. 4 IV. Methodology ........................................................................................................... 4 V. Limitations ................................................................................................................ 7 VI. Outline of the Thesis ............................................................................................... 8 CHAPTER 1: CRITICAL DISCOURSE ANALYSIS AND TRANSLATION ...... 10 1.1. IDEOLOGY, POWER AND DOMINANCE ...................................................... 10 1.2. WHAT IS CRITICAL DISCOURSE ANALYSIS? ............................................ 12 1.2.1. The Definition of Discourse .......................................................................... 12 1.2.2. Critical Discourse Analysis and Its Relation to Ideology .............................. 15 1.3. THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN CRITICAL DISCOURSE ANALYSIS AND TRANSLATION STUDIES ........................................................................................ 17 1.3.1. Teun A. van Dijk’s Approach to Critical Discourse Analysis ....................... 18 Discourse, Cognition and Society ........................................................... 18 Van Dijk’s Approach
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