THE SCHOLASTIC. DEVOTED TO THE TNTEI^ESTS OF THE JSTUDENTS. • •••--IB-- .- -• . I>lsce c^Tiasi sempex* -"sricfrux'Txs; "vi^^e q.Tiasi eras xnorltiu^ris Volume VIII. NOTRE DAME, INDIANA, DECEMBER 26, 1874. Number 14. JIfO.HAGERTT, •L. G.TONG, NICAR & Co., Cirr JUDGE. NoTAKT PUBLIC. E. HARDWARE MERCHANTS, -pj-AGERTY & TOIS^G, ±1S MTCHIGAN St., - - - SOUTH BEND, JNDIANA. HEADQITABTEBS FOB REAL ESTATE AKU laSTSURANCE AGENTS, Cutlery, Skates, Cartridges, Fishing-Tackle, Etc. Agents for Steamship Lines. DESK-LOCKS, PADLOCKS, JAPAITNED BOXES, ETC^ . o24-tf COLLECTIONS SOLICITED. pn- NICAR, Ko. O Odd Fellows' Block. - South Bend, Indiana. o24-ly DEALER IN HARDWARE, 9X MICHIGAN St., - - •- SOUTH BEND, INDIANA. - Before going elsewhere, go to . ALL S0BT3 OP J]^S. PECKS, ^^^^^^^^ Catlery, Yale Desk-Locks, Fisbing-Tackle, Etc. —ALSO— HATS, CAPS, TRinSTIS, SKATES, CARTBIDGES, TIS' TKCSKS, ETC. Boys' Clothing and Gents' FurnisMng Goods. •_ o^-tf COR. MioniGAif AXD "WASHIKGTON STS., •jy/FRS. C. S. STOVER, _ o24-tf " South Bend, Indiana. MIEEHSrER, 129 Michigan, Street, - • SoutTt Bend, Indiana. JT) J. HOLLAND, & Co., Dealer In Wholesale Manufacturers of Millinery Goods, Hats, Bonnets, Laces, Etc. HAVAls^A AND DOMESTIC CIGARS, The yonns ladies at St. Mary's Academy -will find it to their —^ALSO— advantage to give her a call. oSi-Jan 1 WEOLESALE JOBBEBS and GENERAL DEALERS IN SMOKERS' ARTICLES. ]g[I6HT & FAIRFIELD, 1.00 MICBIGAN St., - SOUTH BEND IND., o34-tf. jr,E^WELLEIiS SOtJTH BEIfD, - - - IsniAKA. Y\ E. CUMMINS, Solicit the Patronage of the Students of Notre Dame and St. Marj/^t coKFroEST nr DENTIST, . THEIR LARGE AND VARIED STOCK, . NoKE CAN FAIL TO BE SUITED. No. 96 Micldgan Street, - • South Bend, Indiana. ^^ Particular attention given: to repairing fine Jewelry and Watches. o24-3in (Over Wyman's.) o24-lm Q.EORGE HEHR, Do you -want a drive ? Go to FASHIOJfABLE TAIliOR, OEN COQUILLARD'g AND GEKEBAL DEALEE EI LIVERY STJ^^BEES, Cloths, Cassimeres and- Vestings. No. IIX MICHIGANSTIiEET, SOUTH BEND, IND, Corner of Michigan and Jefferson Streets, (Up Staiis.) %o24-tt South Bend, Indiana. o24-2m M. A. SMITH. B. P-.HALLOWAT. MITH & HOLLO WAY, m^HTRE STUDENTS' OFEIGEH.MI S Dealers In -CTENRT BLUM, BOOKS, STATIONERY, FA]?Cr GOODS, •WnOLESAI-E AND r.ETAIl. SEALER IK C]3J?oinos, Picti-ires, Notions, Tpvs' and IHiisicai iDStx'Uineiits. j^ CIGARS, TOBACCOS, PIPES, Etc., No.'i7, Wdshingion St., ' -• r - SOUTS BSNBiisrj). •^'0. 54 WASHINGTON St., • SOUTH BEND, IND. Ho24-tf — -^r^- -• • • s7dec5^}43ni lis THE SCHOLASTIC. -pAL^lER & VAITWINKLE, JRELAiND & SON, Dealers in PROPKIETORS OP LIVERY AND FEED STABLE, COISTFEOTIONERIES,:" No. 34. MICHIGAN SI, - SOUTH BEND, IND., Musical Instruraeuts, Gold. Pens, School and Miscellane­ ^Opposite the Dwight House). ous Books, Stationery, Slates, Inks, Newspapers, Periodicals, Magazines, Etc. To and from all trains lo the Dwight House or any part of the City, and to the College and St. Mary's. }io24 2m Special attention paid to filling orders for Students. o24-tf "THE iJ^IifE CENT STORE! j» •p DUBAIL, BAEBEB AND HAISDRESSER, ' DROP IN AT 71 WatMngton, St., . South Bend, Ind. "THE NIKE CENT STORE!" AND Mr. Dubail spares no pains to make his work satisfactory. See the Curiosities. He •will be ia attendance every Wednesday at the College, at 9 o'clodk A M., to attend to all students desiring his Ko. 114 MioHiGvx STKEET, - South Bend, Indiana. Jio24-tf. services. o2i-tf THE OLD "RELIABLE'' TX^- ^- S. MIDDLETOIf, DWIGHT HOUSE, SOUTH BEND, INDIANA. DENTIST, ESSRS. KNIGHT and MILLS Having hecome managers of the M above popular and reliable House, renovated, repaired and 109 Micldgan Street, South Bend, Indiana. furuislied it with new, first clats furniture. Iha travelling public may rely on finding the best accomn odation. oai-tf Ladies and tjentleraen vii^itjng Noire Dame and St. Mary's will find here all the comforts of hon e durins their stay, JEREY^KNiGHT, fpronrietorB •gJDWARD BUYSEE, CAPTAIN MILLS, f' 'opnetors. Dealer in o34-tf - WATCHES, CLOCKS, JEWELET, Etc., A. KLINGEL & SONS, 76 MICHIGAN STREET, 69 WASHINGTON St., - SOUTH BEND, IND. South Bend, Indiana. Keep Constantlj' on liand a Complete Assortment of Eepairing promptly done, and all -work warranted. %-il Meits' and Boys' Fine Boots and Sbocs OP THE ,y\ HAITAUER, Celebrated BUET, Nos. 33 & 34 MiceiGAir STREET, LILLT TOUNG PRATT South Bend, Indiana. and Dealer in BRACKETT & BOTDEN'S READY-MADE CLOTHmG, Hand and jkiachine GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS, sewed Goods, STAPLE AND FANCY DRY GOODS. TUB AI! goods sold are gnaranieed. o24-tf Largest Stock Students •wishing well made Clothing should go lo IN THE CITY. Give lis a Call and see the Nobby Styles! , -gUZBT & GALLAGHER, CLOTHIERS, •We would call your attention to our immense Stock of FINE MERCHANT TAILORS, SHOES of all the Siandard makes. oat-3m ANT) DEALERS IN ICE CREAM! SODA WATER! OYSTERS! Gents'. Furnishing Goods, HATS. CAPS, &c. For the Best Confectionery, go to No. 109 MICHIGAN St., • SOUTH BEND, IND. o24-2m ED. GILLEN'S REST ATJIlANT, J^ E, MAYR, OO MAIN STUEET, - - - SOUTH BEND, INDIANA. Engrarer, Watclimakcr and Jeweller, MEALS AT ALL HOURS! 105 Michigan St., • - - SOUTH BEND, IND. Fruits, Nuts, Confectionery, and Ciioice €igars, ALWAYS OK HAND! Special attention given to FINE ENGRAVINGS, in Script and Old SnsUgh, on Watches, Binge and'Badsee. B^ FRESH CANDIES MADE DAILY. THE SCHOLASTIC. DEVOTED TO THE TNTEI^ESTS OF THE JSTUDENTS. -^-- -'^ -T' I>isce q^uasi sempex* "victurxxs; •vi've q^uasi eras moriturus Voltune VIII. NOTRE DAME, INDIANA, DECEMBEK 26, 1874. Number 14. The Burning Sabs," Ij SoutliT^ell. great Pontiff, in all parts of Europe, was approved and confirmed in every particular. The second rank among [Ben Jonson in his conversations with Drummnond of the Patriarchs was assigned to the Bishop of Constantino­ Hawthornden, said Southwell ' had so written that piece ple, (the Bishop of Antioch holding the first). But the most of his, The Burning Babe, he (Jonson) would have been remarkable work of this twelfth General (4th Lateran) content to destroy many of his'.] Council was the promulgation of the disciplinary canons As I in hoary •winter's uight which in one complete body of regulations meet every Stood shivering,in the snow,' Surprised I was with sudden heat, want of the Church. The groundwork of the great re­ Which made my heart to glow; form undertaken by Gregory VII received a new consecra­ And lifting up a fearful eye tion, and the genius of that great Pontiff may be said to To view what fire was near, have inspired the august assembly through the voice of A pretty Babe, all burning bright, Innocent III. The disorders of clerics were solemnly Did in the air appear; branded by a special canon, which commands ecclesias­ Who, scorched with excessive heat, tical celibracy as the bulwark and support of faith and Such floods of tears did shed, morals, simoniacal and the abuses still extaut in ecclesi­ As though His floods should quench His flames astical tribunals were severely condemned, and their re­ "Which withHis tears were bred. currence prevented by wise regulations. Paschal Com­ " Alas I" quoth He, " but newly bom, munion was commanded, and many other wise regulations In fiery heats I fry, Yet none approach to warm their hearts framed. Or feel My fire but I; The Pope directed the labors of the Council with his Sly faultless heat the furnace is, wonted energy. He seemed eager to finish his work, nor The fuel, wounding thorns; did he outlive this last act of a Pontificate so fruitful in Love is the fire, and sighs the smoke, great deeds. " All Europe recognized his aathority." He The ashes, shames and scorns ; had bestowed the title of king upon the chief of the Bul­ The fuel justice layeth on, garians, Princislas, and upon Peter of Arragon. Never And mercy blows the coals, did the Papacy shed such a lustre over the world, and the The metal in this furnace wrought death of Innocent III (July 16,1216) was an occasion of Are men's defiled souls: For which, as now on fire I am universal mourning. To work them to their good, His Pontificate, says Darras, forms one of the most im­ So will I melt into a bath, portant epochs of modern history. He knew how to make To wash them in My Blood !" his own the lofty conceptions of St. Gregory VII, and to With this He vanished out of sight, give them splendid development, by the aid of his own. And swiftly shrunk away, great mind. At a distance of three centuries, we find And straight I called unto mind again the same principles which underly all the great That it was Christmas Day. works of Gregory VII, and Sylvester II. This wonderful unity stamps the Papacy with a character of lofty gran­ Znnoesnt HI, and his Timss. deur unattainable by any human institution. Fonns of government pass away with the generations that make BY (J. them; like them they are borne onward by the stream of time. The unchangeable design of God alone stems the The crowning act of this great Pontiff was the assem­ ever flowing tide, and is reflected upon the Pontifical bling of the fourth Council of Lateran. The East and the power, which stands as firm as when it was founded "West, represented by four hundred and twelve Bishops, be­ eighteen centuries ago. The greater any Pontiff has sides heads of leading orders, abbots, deputies from col­ shown himself by the power of his intellect, the more legiate churches, ambassadors from the Emperors of Ger­ closely has he joined his works to those of his predecessors. many and Constantinople, and from every sovereign of The only way to appreciata the history of the Sovereign Christendom, in short the light and learning of the Chris­ Pontiffs is to follow up the admirable succession in men, tian world, had met under the presidency of her illustrious principles and events.
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