DEALS OF THE $DAY$ PG. 3 THURSDAY, AUGUST 5, 2021 DEALS Flies have own In LynnOF THEeld, $DAY$ out of Saugus he’s 67 PG.and 3 By Sam Minton The health depart- ITEM STAFF ment’s claim comes after he’s CrossFit the Massachusetts State SAUGUS — Some un- By Sam DEALSMinton Police sent in cadaver ITEM STAFF welcome tourists, a pack dogs over the weekend to OF THE of pesky cof n ies, are look to nd the source of LYNNFIELD — Thomas Ackerman no longer bugging resi- the infestation. According had quite the performance$ down$ in Mad- dents, according to Direc- ison, Wis. DAY to Fralick, the town found PG. 3 tor of Public Health John evidence of animal re- The 67-year-old returned to the Cross- Fralick. mains in the area where Fit Games after missing out on 2020’s Also known as Phorid the infestation was con- limited event due to the COVID-19 pan- ies, the insects known for centrated. demic. The competition took place over feeding off of dead bodies However, the work is not three days and Ackerman participated had previously taken over done as Saugus of cials in seven different events. This was the the area by Fiske’s Brook, DEALS will continue to moni- Thomas fourth event that Ackerman has been but that no longer appears tor the situation. Fralick able to participate in.OF THE to be the case. Fralick said Ackerman said that Tony Kiszews- competes The road to Wisconsin is a long one. the y infestation has sub- The journey started $in February$ when ki, a consultant hired by in an event DAY sided signi cantly. participants entered the competition by the town, will continue to at the 2021 PG. 3 “No Phorid ies have sample the area. submitting scores from their local gym. CrossFit been found in any signif- Kiszewski, an associate In the following “quali er,” Ackerman Games in icant quantity in the sur- professor of public health ended up nishing in rst place. After the rounding environment,” Madison, said Fralick. FLIES, A7 Wis. DEALSCROSSFIT, A7 OF THE $DAY$ LYNN IS GETTING TO KNOW ITS CANDIDATESPG. 3 ITEM PHOTO | JAKOB MENENDEZ ITEM PHOTO | JAKOB MENENDEZ Lynn School Committee candidates, from left, Brian Castellanos, Don- Mayoral candidates, from left, Michael Satterwhite, Darren Cyr and na Coppola, Lorraine Gately, Eric Dugan, Daniel Richard, Tiffany Mag- Jared Nicholson answer questions posed by Rebecca Bourque, front nolia, Lenny Peña, Sandra Lopez and PoSan Ung met at the Lynn Mu- right, during a forum at Old Tyme Italian Cuisine Wednesday night. seum Wednesday night for a public forum hosted by Prevent the Cycle. Lynn mayoral candidates Lynn School Committee discuss schools, development candidates talk diversity, equity By Allysha Dunnigan sion that was hosted by top three priorities, all By Tréa Lavery needs to do more to ad- bers Brian Castellanos, ITEM STAFF the Sacred Heart Knotty citing infrastructure and ITEM STAFF dress the issue of racism. Donna Coppola and Lor- Knitters. the schools as large issues The event, held at raine Gately, along with LYNN — The three LYNN — Candidates that need to be addressed Lynn Museum and candidates Eric Dugan, mayoral candidates gath- The candidates, City for School Committee dis- Council President Darren in Lynn. hosted by participants Daniel Richard, Tiffany ered at Old Tyme Italian cussed diversity in the Magnolia, Lenny Peña, Cyr and School Commit- The candidates agreed in Prevent the Cycle’s Cuisine on Wednesday that the success of build- city’s public schools at a Sandra Lopez and PoSan tee members Jared Nich- summer youth program, night, where they dis- ing new schools is a reality debate Wednesday night, Ung. cussed their plans for the olson and Michael Sat- with many candidates was attended by current city in an informative ses- terwhite, discussed their MAYOR, A2 saying that the district School Committee mem- SCHOOL, A7 Brooksby Farm in Heather Leary Peabody grows is Nahant’s rst worldwide appeal female of cer By Allysha Dunnigan By Sam Minton time basis in town. She ITEM STAFF ITEM STAFF said she loves being part PEABODY — Local produce lovers may not be of the community in Na- NAHANT — It was a hant. aware, but Brooksby Farm, located at 54 Felton St., historic occasion at Town has a program offering standing, seasonal employ- “Everybody works well Hall Wednesday afternoon together,” said Leary. “Ev- ment to individuals from other countries. as the Police Department’s erybody’s friendly. Ev- During the busy season, typically April to Decem- rst full-time female of- erybody gives a helping ber, Brooksby’s crops need the oversight of additional cer, Heather Leary, was hand.” workers. sworn into her new posi- Being the rst female The farm contracts out with the federal work pro- tion. police of cer going into an gram H-2A, also known as the Temporary Agricul- Leary has served as a all-male environment can tural Employment of Foreign Workers program. reserve of cer for the Na- be challenging, but Leary Through this program, seven to eight employees hant Police Department said that her colleagues from overseas, typically Jamaica in Brooksby’s case, for more than a year, but have been great to work BROOKSBY, A7 will now be patrolling the with. Leary also noted streets of the small com- that she believes she is the munity on a full-time ba- rst woman to apply for a sis. She said it feels great full-time position with the INSIDE to of cially be sworn in. department. Salem “It’s just nally becom- “Everybody’s reached out Man dies jumping off the ing real to me so I’m really (and) congratulated me,” fourth oor of MBTA excited for the opportuni- said Leary. “Everybody’s parking garage. A5 ty,” said Leary, who spent given me a little bit of ad- some time working in pub- vice here and there. If I Sports lic safety in Revere before have any questions, (I can) Peabody’s MacLean joining the Nahant Police feel free to reach out to ses Olympic run end in them. Everybody’s willing Department. 1500-meter semi nal. B1 to help me out any chance Being the rst woman that I need so that my ca- to take on such a role is reer is successful here.” CORRECTION ITEM PHOTO | SPENSER HASAK a point of pride for Leary, Police Chief Timothy Due to an editor’s error, the name of Saugus Heather Leary, left, is sworn in by Nahant Town who said she felt that she Furlong, who was also sworn Selectman Jeff Cicolini was misspelled in Tuesday’s Clerk Diane Dunfee as the town’s rst full-time was where she needed to Item. We regret the error. female police of cer on Wednesday. be after serving on a part- OFFICER, A7 OBITUARIES ..............................A2 LOOK! .......................................A8 DIVERSIONS .............................B5 HIGH 68° VOL. 142, ISSUE 204 OPINION ...................................A4 SPORTS ................................ B1-2 CLASSIFIED ........................... B6-7 LOW 64° POLICE/FIRE .............................A5 COMICS ....................................B4 BUSINESS ................................B8 PAGE A8 $1.50 A2 THE DAILY ITEM THURSDAY, AUGUST 5, 2021 OBITUARIES Anne F. (Saulnier) Neary, 91 Linda E. (Patterson) Lisa-Marie (Lanzo) Brown, 54 1930 - 2021 Whalen, 62 1966 - 2021 PEABODY - Anne F. (Saulnier) SAUGUS - SAUGUS-Mrs. Li- Neary, age 91, of Peabody, died LYNN - Linda E. (Patterson) sa-Marie Brown, age 54, died Monday at Salem Hospital af- Whalen, age 62, passed away on Tuesday, August 3 at her ter a brief illness. She was the on Saturday, July 31, 2021 af- home after a courageously wife of the late Leo S. Neary. ter a brief illness. She was the fought battle with cancer. She Anne is survived by her daugh- loving wife of Paul F. Whalen of was the beloved wife of Robert ter, Peggy LaBrecque and her Lynn. L. Brown with whom she shared husband Henry, daughter-in- Linda was born in Lynn and 30 loving years of marriage. law, Kathleen Neary, son John lived there all of her life. She Born in Lynn and a lifelong Neary and his significant other was the daughter of Jacqueline resident of Saugus, she was Terri Iovine, and son Ted Neary and Wayne Hathaway of Venice, the daughter of the late Sal- and his wife Kristen. She was FL and Edward Patterson of NH. vatore and Doris (Mazzone) also the mother of the late Linda was employed as a Lanzo. A longtime member Richard Neary, who prede- cafeteria worker for the Lynn of SWAT, Saugus Women over ceased her in June. Anne also School Department for 23 30 Softball League, Lisa-Marie leaves her seven grandchildren; years. Previously, she worked was a devoted and dedicated Justin LaBrecque and his wife as a waitress at the Porthole employee of Foley & Lardner Meaghan, Brendan LaBrecque Pub in Lynn. Law Firm in Boston. and his wife Carrie-Ann, An- Linda loved time being with Besides her husband she is drew LaBrecque, Laura Doherty Theater, and enjoyed writing family, especially the precious survived by her only son, her donate. and her husband Shawn, Ryan song parodies for her friends, moments with her niece Kier- husband Mike of Lynn; sisters- pride and joy, whom she lived Service Information: Rela- Neary and his partner Ricky coworkers and her golf league. sten Stewart, and her nephews in-law, Judy Salt (Kevin), Barba- for; Robert L. Brown, Jr. of Sau- tives and friends are invited Lurie, Kara Neary and her fian- She was a member of the St. Cameron Stewart and Lucas ra Whalen, Christine Auslander gus. Lisa-Marie was the sis- to attend an hour of visita- cé Patrick Doherty, and Melissa Mary’s High School Jessamine Hathaway, spending time at (Brent), Aunt’s Janet Carey and ter of Laura-Lee Lanzo of NH, tion in the Bisbee-Porcella Neary; four great-grandchil- Club, and was a volunteer for Salem Willows, going out for Patricia Hardwick (David) of Robert Lanzo of Georgetown, Funeral Home, 549 Lincoln dren; Emilia, Wyatt, Kelan and the Red Cross Blood Bank.
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