FEATURES OP/ED A & E SPORTS Professor Adenwalla Dinosaurs are Appleton’s Corey Chisel Brengel qualifies to recalls a storied career missing in action performs with Dawes swim at nationals >> page 4 >> page 6 >> page 8 >> page 10 FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 19, 2010 THE LAWRENTIAN Vol. CXXVII, No. 15 Lawrence University's student newspaper since 1884 www.Lawrentian.com Lawrence grants tenure to seven faculty members Bridget Donnelly the enduring success of Lawrence didate, the teaching aspect is cru- Burrows said these activities bers observe the candidate’s class- Staff Writer through “bringing together strong cial. Burrows finds the particular are “important to ensure intel- es, lectures and performances and students and excellent faculty.” strength of teaching in both the lectual and creative stimulation, write recommendations based on The Lawrence board of trust- Professors hired into tenure- ability to engage a student and in to ensure being up-to-date and to their experience with the candidate ees recently granted tenure track positions undergo a reap- the “importance of learning useful model for students the processes as fellow committee members, to seven members of the fac- pointment review, headed by the skills for the future — to be ready of obtaining knowledge and creat- partners in research and in other ulty. The newly tenured profes- tenure committee, in their third for everything, for a future that ing what is new.” collaborative roles. sors include Associate Professor year of hire. Candidates then gen- does not yet exist.” The final criterion is that of The tenure committee also of Anthropology Mark Jenike, erally stand for tenure in their The legacy of Lawrence as an service, which includes service to collects “evidence of professional Associate Professor of Physics sixth year at Lawrence, though this institution of superior learning, the Lawrence community as well productivity,” which may include Megan Pickett, Assistant Professor may occur earlier if the faculty according to Burrows, depends on as to the professional community. published papers, recordings of of Education Robert Williams, member holds previous experi- what he calls the “teacher-scholar Lawrence encourages professors performances or compositions. and Assistant Professors in the ence. model,” in which teachers illus- to join committees early in their The evidence is amassed into a Conservatory Andrew Mast, Julie Pickett is one such example. trate both “how to learn and be a careers and to collaborate on proj- packet that is reviewed by at least McQuinn, Phillip Swan, and Mark Pickett has obtained tenure for a life-long learner.” For this reason, ects with other faculty members, four external sources. These are Urness. second time, having gone through the tenure review process empha- both within and outside of their experts in the specialized area of Provost and Dean of the the process for a previous posi- sizes active scholarship and cre- home departments. the candidate, and they represent Faculty David Burrows described tion at Purdue University. Pickett ative activity. Professional involvement out- both liberal arts colleges similar the tenure process as an interme- achieved tenure one year after her Though Burrows said that the side of Lawrence is also important. to Lawrence and larger universities diate step in a process beginning reappointment. Lawrence tenure committee does For example, Pickett served on and research institutions. with the initial recruitment of a The tenure review at Lawrence not endorse the “publish or per- NASA committees and Swan will The candidates themselves professor and continuing through- takes into consideration three ish” trope in its standards for serve as guest conductor this week must submit a self-evaluation. out the duration of that faculty important criteria, including ser- candidate evaluation, he insisted for the TAISM High School Choral Pickett described this personal member’s career. vice, excellence in teaching and that “active involvement as a pro- Festival in Muscat, Oman. statement as a “narrative” show- Burrows said that the tenure active scholarship or creative fessional” includes publication Once a candidate stands for ing the “evolution” of one’s own process itself, however, is par- achievement. of research and scholarship, or tenure, the tenure committee con- ticularly important, as it ensures Although all three components active performance in the case of siders four important pieces of hold significant weight for the can- Conservatory faculty. information. Other faculty mem- See Tenure on page 2 Lawrence awarded $25,000 grant Bornstein presents a new perspective on suffering Caitie Williamson said. Associate News Editor Emily Bowles, visiting assis- for suicide prevention training tant professor of English, agrees Kate Bornstein, author, play- with Boyd Kramer on the impact Amy Sandquist reach into the community to share Bornstein’s talk will have on the Staff Writer suicide prevention efforts with wright and performance artist, spoke at Lawrence Wednesday, campus community. many organizations that reach “Kate Bornstein’s talk and hir youth.” Feb. 17. The event was co-spon- Recently, Lawrence was award- sored by Lawrence’s Substance work on gender activism should ed a $25,000 grant from the J.J. Keller noted that with the J.J. also function as an example of Keller Foundation grant, Lawrence Abuse and Mental Health Services Keller Foundation for suicide pre- Administration campus suicide the complex ways in which gender vention training. Kathleen Fuchs, will be able to contribute edu- studies as a field draws on a set of cational and training materials prevention project and the gender director of counseling services and studies department. discourses and theories about gen- adjunct associate professor of psy- about suicide prevention with local der, the body and identity while school districts and other non- Bornstein is a transsexual; chology, explained that the J.J. zie — a gender-neutral pronoun remaining focused on individu- Keller Foundation is a “local com- profit agencies like Harmony Café als and their daily experiences,” and the Boys and Girls Club. used in conjunction with ‘hir’ — pany that often supports health was born a male and underwent Bowles said. and mental health efforts” in the Lawrence plans to invite these According to Director of community organizations to semi- gender reassignment surgery. Hir Appleton community. works have discussed the prob- Counseling Services and Adjunct The J.J. Keller Foundation nars and training workshops, Associate Professor of Psychology facilitated with the J.J. Keller lems associated with gender iden- grant comes only a few months tity. Bornstein’s recent book “Hello Kathleen Fuchs, “A primary goal after Lawrence received a $300,000 Foundation grant money. The sem- of the Lawrence Campus Suicide inars and training workshops will Cruel World: 101 Alternatives to grant from the U.S. Department Suicide for Teens, Freaks, and Prevention Project is to promote a of Health and Human Services provide participants with skills sense of community and social con- Photo by Stephen Anunson Other Outlaws” focuses on suicide Kate Borstein spoke at LU Wednesday. Substance Abuse and Mental designed to pique awareness about nectedness among all Lawrentians, emotional suffering. prevention. Health Services Administration. Hir talk on Wednesday was because social isolation is a known distress.” While this SAMHSA grant con- Fuchs described the primary risk factor for suicidal thoughts. Lawrence recently received a goal of both the SAMHSA and the a discussion of issues that cause tinues to support Lawrence and people to feel like outsiders, such We are especially interested in $25,000 suicide prevention grant other local higher education insti- J.J. Keller Foundation grants, not- reaching out to those who might from the J.J. Keller Foundation, ing that the training provided with as race, religion and sexual orien- tutions, Fuchs explained that the tation. feel like they are ‘outsiders’.” which will be used for resources J.J. Keller Foundation grant will the grant money seeks to “make it “Kate Bornstein’s presenta- to raise awareness on campus of easier for individuals to acknowl- According to Lecturer of allow Lawrence to extend support Gender and Freshman Studies tion clearly addresses those issues mental health wellness. to other local organizations. edge emotional distress and ask through a creative and supportive “Hir talk should help draw for help and support.” Helen Boyd Kramer, Bornstein was “Our SAMHSA grant supports an excellent choice for a speaker venue,” said Fuchs. “We hope to attention to alternatives for suffer- our on campus efforts and can Specifically, Fuchs noted that draw in people all across campus ing, exclusion, and suicidal tenden- the training will prepare “caring for the department. be shared with our local higher “In addition to hir recent work so they will identify with the goal cies, among other major issues,” education partners like Fox Valley people ... to approach others about of strengthening the caring nature Bowles added. whom they are concerned and on suicide prevention, zie has been Technical College and UW-Fox,” writing and talking about gender of our campus community and Fuchs elaborated. “With the Keller expression and sexual orientation enhancing effective ways for us to grant, we can now broaden our See Grant on page 2 for a few decades,” Boyd Kramer respond to people who might be in MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY SATURDAY SUNDAY Hi: 30°F Hi: 30°F Lo: 14°F Lo: 13°F 5-DAY 5-DAY Source: weatherbug.com Mostly cloudy WEATHER FORECAST Partly sunny Mostly cloudy Partly sunny Mostly sunny THE LAWRENTIAN 2 NEWS FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 19, 2010 Students discuss China’s dam policies in poster session Erty Seidel local environment. said the trip convinced her that Staff Writer “Before our trip we had a really there was a necessity for the dam. limited knowledge of China and Fellow Lawrence traveler Tu Tuesday, Feb. 16 students the [Three Gorges] dam,” said Nghiem agrees the dam has been in the “Destination China” class Natasha Pugh, who attended the a long time coming.
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