DOCUMENT RESUME ED 036 307 LI 001 844 AUTHOR SHERMAN, LCN; ShCiiNIii, RALPH M. TITLE CALIFORNIA STATE LIBRARY: PROCESSING CENTERDESIGN AND SPECIFICATIONS. VOLUME III, CODING MANUAL. INSTITUTION CALIFORNIA UNIV., BEi.KELEY. INST. CF LIBRARY RESEARCH. SFONS AGENCY CALIFORNIA STATE LIBRARY, SACRAMENTO. PUB DATE APE 69 NOTE 213P.; RELATED DOCUMENTS ARE LI 001 842,LI 001 843, AND LI 001 845, VOLUMES I, II AND IV OFTHIS FEPCRT EDRS PRICE EiFS PRICE MF-zi1.00 liC-$10.75 DESCRIPTORS *CATALOGING, *ELECIRCNIC DA:A PROCESSING, *INFORMATION PROCESSING, INPUT OUTPUT,*MANUALS, *PROGRAMING LANGUAGES IDENTIFIERS CALIFORNIA SLATE LIBRARY PROCESSING CENTER,*MACHINE READAELE CATALOGING, MARC ABSTRACT AS PART OF THE REPORT ON THE CALIFCRNIASTATE LIBRARY PROCESSING CENTER DESIGN ANDSPECIFICATIONS, THIS VOLUME IS A CODING MANUAL FOR THE CCNVEFSION OF CATAIMGCARD DATA TO A MACHINE-READABLE FORM. THE FORM IS COMPATIBLEWITh THE NATIONAL MARC SYSTEM, WHILE AT THE SAME TIME II CONTAINSPROVISIONS FOE PROBLEMS PECULIAR TO THE LOCAL SITUATION. THIS CODINGMANUAL ACCOMMODATES MONOGRAPHS ONLY (AS PRESENTLY DEFINED BY MARC),BUT IT IS COMPATIBLE WITH ThE SERIALS SYSTEM NOW BEING DEVELCPED.AGAIN FOLLOWING MARC, THIS MANUAL DEALS CNLY WITH WORKS IN THE ROMANALPHABET. THE "ANGLO-AMERICAN CATALOGING RULES" HAVE BEENUSED FOE IDENTIFICATICN AND EEFINITICN OF CATALOG DATA, AND THE CODINGATTEMPTS TO BE CONSONANT WITH THESE RULES, AS FAR AS POSSIBLE.THE ARRANGEMENT OF THE MANUAL FOLLOWS THE DIVISION CF THECATALOG CARD DATA INTO THREE FIELDS: THE A-FIELDS (WHICH REFER TO THE 'BODY'OE UPPER PART OF THE CARD, THE E-FIELDS (FOR NOTES, TRACINGS AND OTHERDATA IN THE LOWER PART OF THE CARD), ANL THE I-FIELDS (FORADDED DESCRIPTION). EACH OF THESE SECTIONS HAS ITS OWN INTRODUCTION. WITHINTHE SECTIONS THE ARRANGEMENT IS IN ALPHABETICAL ORDER EY CODELETTER. THERE IS AN INITIAL SECTION ON GENERAL EDITING INSTRUCTIONSTHAT APPLY TO ALL FIELDS. (AUTHCE /JB) ti CI) IX' co/ ary U.S. DEPAIITMENT Of HEALTH. EDUCATION & %SILVANE °MCI Of EDUCATION 4) THIS DOCUMENT HAS SEEN REPRODUCED EXACTLY AS RECEIVED FROM THE PERSON ON ON ORGANIZATION ORIGINATING IT POINTS OF VIEW OR OPINIONS STATED DO NOT NEM- SAWS REPRESENT OFFICIAL OFFICE OF EDU- C7 CATION POSITION OR POUCY CALIFORNIA STATE LIBRARY: PROCESSING CENTER DESIGN AN!) SPECIFICATIONS VOL. III: CODING MANUAL BY Don Sherman INSTITUTE OF LIBRARY RESEARCH and UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, BERKELEY 'N. Ralph M. Shoffner April 1969 ZOb be 0 [TABLE OFCONTENTS INTRODUCTION , 1 GENERAL EDITINGINSTRUCTIONS 3a A-FIELDS (BODY Or THE CARD) 18 B- FIELDS (NOTES,TRACINGS, ETC ) 58 I-FIELDS (ADDED PtSCRIPTION ) 128 APPENDIX 186 INDEX 203 IATRODUCTION BACKGROUND AND SCOPE. This coding manual is part of a system for the conversion of catalog card data to a machine-readable form which is compatible with the national MARC system while at the same time con- taining provisions for problems peculiar to the local situation. Our manual is larger and more complex than the MARC Subscribers Guide in its definition and coding of bibliographic fields. We have attempted to be quite specific in our discussions and instructions, with a liberal use of examples to illustrate possible cases and how to handle them. The coding manual accommodates monographs only (as presently defined by MARC), but it is compatible with the serials system now being developed. Again following MARC, this manual deals only with works in the Roman alphabet. The AA Rules have been used for identification and definition of catalog data, and our coding will attempt to be consonant with these rules, as far as possible. We do not provide for major re-cataloging of older records. They will be 'normalized' to the extent of rearranging data and making minimal .:hinges in format, but the coded record will reflect, basically, the polici:s followed at the time of original cataloging. Any major re-cataloging must be done to the cards before they enter the coding process. EDITORS. It is assumed that users of this manual (i.e., the editors) are conversant with library terminology and trained in standard(AA Rules) cataloging practice. USE OF MANUAL. This manual is intended to be a reference tool. There- fore, there is an extensive index which includes cross references to related terms and subjects. ORGANIZATION OF MANUAL. The arrangement of the manual follows our division of the catalog card data into three fields: the A-Fields (which refer to the 'body' or upper part of the card), the B-Fields (for notes, tracings and other data in the lower part of thecard), and the I-Fields (for added description). Each of these sections has its own introduction. Within the sections the arrangement is in alphabeti- cal order by code letter. There is an initial section on general edit- ing instructions that apply to all the fields. In discussing the fields we have attempted to put the simplestand most frequently occurring cases first, to aid in comprehending the meaning and function of the codes and to make the editing of the largest per- centage of cases quick and routine. Whenever applicable, we have used 1 the device of an 'EXCEPTION/IRREGULARITY' section following the normal case discussion, to include details of more complex or contradictory cases. Examples are coded only for the specific point being discussed in that section. Thus any particular example cannot be used as a model for the coding of the entire card. A small arrow (-0.) is used in the examples to indicate the data element being discussed. A completed coding sheet appears on the following page. 2 CSL PROCESSING CENTER 1403156 INPUT CODING CHEET: 70ot MONOGRAPHS /PN4121 Weayer, Carl Ilarold,,19,10- .W347 /Speaking in publie/ZbyiCarl IL Weaver./NowYork, /American13,r,ek Co410601 Date 1 Date 2 /vii, 488 /23eau Includerbibuograpittas. 19 DATE TYPE: 1. Public speaking. -1:4406- be 2 dates:2d is c® br... multipledate span -PN44#1,4V261Z-. (Th 808.61 x60-711 bn date notknown Cu-ee be digitsmissing -ibibreirp-41-Gueseress- X br rev.published 0 TYPE OF ADDED ENTRY: ca LC callno. is Series traced same bracketed ja as note , . Series traced dif- ferently from note jr CATALOG SOURCE: Subject headings 71 NAL and subdivisions Jillta eb NLM Non-subject/non-se- Jci ec Coop. Cat. ries tracings 1 I ed NUC ee other GOVERNMENT PUBLICATION: MAIN ENTRY HEADING: eft orig. cat. ka U.S. Federal ua Lype of main entry kb Cal State kc Cal Co./Muni. m.e. is subject FORM OF REPRODUCTION: kd international uc m.e. is publisher microfilm other govts. ud./m.e. repeated in body microfiche micro-opaque HOLDINGS: large-print conference pub. Total System +Br Copies na non-keyable data 40 Here CONTENT FORM: cancel title added 7;1 abstracts wa entry same as title 004- 90 hb bibliographies he catalogs wb card lacks title rd dictionaries traced same as he encyclopedias WC short title hh hndbksamanuals ni indexes wd nn progrmmd. texts Ling. hr directories hs statistics 40;EDITORrrvN5 thy yearbooks translation Mo.; Day Yr. Minutes; 011al 661 0.a. TYPE OF WORK: L = must always be filled in I7 juvenile . = must frequently be filled in KEYPUXCIITR it fiction Mo.Day Yr. Minutes is autobiography id' biog.-indiv. iel biog.-coll. GENERAL EDITING INSTRUCTIONS GENERAL EDITING INSTRUCTIONS I LEGIBILITY + COMPLETENESS Scan each coding sheet for legibility and completeness. If there are obvious problems such as no catalog card copy reproduced,one or more cards missing from a multi-card record (versosor extension cards not included), poor legibility of cardcopy or coding sheet pre-printed information, record is not for a monograph, record is not in Roman alphabet, etc., immediately mark the coding sheet witha brief note describing the problem and return it to the head editor. Go on to the next coding sheet. SUPPLEMENTS, INDEXES, ETC. (DASH ENTRIES) If a dash entry for an index, supplement,or continuation, etc., appears on the card, set the coding sheet aside ina special pile. (Do not confuse thiscase with those of an LC or localcopy statement; see codes 'ft', p. 95and '*u,' p.97.) These coding sheets will be re-Xeroxed. The first copy will be edited for the main work on the card, and the secondcopy for the work in the dash entry. That is, the one catalog card willbe used to generate two separate records. For definition and instruction,see the pages on the coding of the dash entry at the end of the A-Field section,p.51-57. HANDWRITING Writing used in coding on the catalog cardcopy and on the coding sheet boxes should be small but legible, precise,and clear. Lower case printed letters are used, except whereinstructions in the manual specify to the contrary. The alphabet letter following 'k' should be written in script form,with a loop, to avoid confusion with the number one. The alphabet letter 'o' should be written witha loop at the top, to avoid confusion with the numberzero. In determining from the printed card whether an 'o' or azero is meant, look to the context in which the characterappears. PLACEMENT OF CODES All codes and delimiters follow punctuation when theyappear in the midst of the text. EXAMPLE:llOgbyrn, WilliamFielding4886-1959. /A handbook of sociology,, by William F. Ogburn and Meyer F. Nimkoff. 015th ed., rev.3 Mondon,ploutledge & K. Paul 1964 /111, 644 p. /illus. /23 elm )(International library of sociology and social reconstruction* I-GENERAL EDITING INSTRUCTIONS (CONT.) 1 'SPECIAL SYMBOLS TO BE REGARDED AS 'DATA', NOT 'CODES'. I It may occur that symbols which ve use as codes appear in the printed data on the card, as part of the title, note, or elsewhere. Those symbols involved are: / $ (see note below) Such symbols must be specially marked; otherwise, the computer will mistake the symbols for codes.
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