RIDGE UUNDRY, Ir T.—Good Prices Giren for ■Lldrm E Ca,T-Cfl CLOTHING Rs^**'

RIDGE UUNDRY, Ir T.—Good Prices Giren for ■Lldrm E Ca,T-Cfl CLOTHING Rs^**'

■■ ■■ la d a s 4 . kee Page 7. A HINT. ■ * E- Locoew. iv QOCIENS ROAD, HAiTINa#.' J Unriuht dMlia* to y*,... f Recis'-AtAd At the Geneml Poet t No. S ilk k OAee AA A HewepApAT. ( TBLSPUONE ... ... ... M3 iMf, SniUB. Coate, troMeii > . '. I SATURDAY, JUNE 16, 1917. Po6t free 2t. M- p«r qnartw. THREE HALFPENCE F Clothing, Ladiie'*****% J IP * ',, Legging,,°eat Olde atMi J,w«Ue„ Lad?^ V1 le, CoiDK, IrunkK, and Bac« la > Ladies requiring their Summer Wear finished with that poiicaid wi^U ua. I distinctiveness well known ofthe RIDGE ” should send a ST. HELEN’S 5. FRkD SMITH, Post Card to the Manageress, JfAHDROBF, DEALER. HASTINGS. DEEN'S ROAD, HASTINGS, FAIR PRICES. PROMPT ATTENTION. RIDGE UUNDRY, ir t.—Good prices giren for ■lldrM e ca,t-cfl CLOTHING rs^**'. fcn. Barceie rained »n<l StaoMr Pl^blic Notices. Public Notice. F ubiic K otices. Educational. Educational. |« H on reoeipt of Postoard. EAST SUSSEX ARTS CLUB. Ladies’ Establishments. L adies’ Establishments. kcITED. JVitabUihM jj',' Q-aiety T heatre, M astings. N ight R ights ” lllBS. BEEKBT. ^ GRAND.OPENING A nnual E xhibition L1T0N HOUSE SCHOOL. THE TOWERS, BATTLE AT E^RDS, GORDON,ill VILLA Rax... Iiua«er: ME. H. W. ROtVI.AND. -or— OF PAINTINGS. LATON ROAD, HASTINGS. Priniipal—MRS. JUTSON, U^€6, Gentlemen 8, and r’h;i!» ^ Kojjidojit Manager: MR. C. E. SCUTT. tIPEN i:\XRY WMEK-DAY 'I’O JUNE llCth. FOR YOUNG liADlES. ^IN G APPa^REL oi S eason's C ompany. at THE GAJ.LKRV, STONEFUILD ROAD. B^-ONLY ONE ADDRES^ ^*«nj»ic,^ 10 till 1, 2 Ull 6. Adiiui^ic’ii 8d. PRINCIPALS; MISSF.S KIMM and DEW. Highoet BOARDING SCHOOL FOR THE DAUGHTERS OF eO-DAY tS.A.TUUDAY). .lUN.E 16(11. at 2.’0 and Tlfi. MONDAY, JUNi: 18th. Tertimoniala o:id R.ei<reucc6. GENTLEMEN. teEt perfomiam-c-i of MR. >lA^'Un\V (;LENVILLB I'loduced in it«^ outirety for Bessie UouuUon by AND COMPANY in t!iu lateet Military Pkiy: — Superior Eduoation on Modern Principle*. prompMy,^d«i to. MEDLLY BARRETT. Pupils ])r4?parod for Public ExaruinAtioiu<. PROSPECTUS ON" APPLICATION. K.1NDERGARTKN. SEPARATE DEPARTMENT ■ ‘T he S oldier P riest.” Som*j iSewcomexe, BOROUGH OF HASTINGS TO WIT. FOR BOYS—Svr^i»Ji Drill. The House For Satisfaction. lilLLE. Di: PABLITZA, Aei 1-1914. Act II-1915; Aet lH-1917. Oiwi .i, Pat is, O'l’lOK IS HKKEHY (IIVKN l.laal, tho OwinR* to Tncre/wc of PupiK n large .Schoolroom, iioxt: Geiiecal Sessions ->f t.hu meeting the r/.-Qnueinents. of tho Educational Bye-Laws, G entlemen’s Establishments. | eous ARTICLES-WANTEO. MO.N'DAY. .TtTNE lSth, Sl.Y NIGH'IS at 7.1.6, M1S3 BOBBir, BUKCOIT* ]S-' Jiat been opoiie«l. i SATIJRB.W at I-J.IIO, MR- N. C.\R'J LR SL.\U(.,HT1,R Suiuf. ('(‘.ICO of the said Jrloronjjli will be lield at tho I c s and SACKS of oil <3csiTiiifi<^T'rc: ht. Oomimuy in tlio AN'hiiUiical l-’arcical Comedy ; — SESSIONS COlMiVl' ill th e TOW N H A U . Don't mibs this opeuins- C«nu«i, if it is only to critioice. P aiY A l^ TUTOR. IfO.. Oorermneut_ Contri^toij; there, oil I'TilDAY, the litli day of .Ill.Y , “ P eLIX gets a N I oNTH;” 1917, at the lumc of 10.110 in the forenoon, Tho'^ Hasting* and St. Leonards MR. B. H. BLOMPICLD {re^riabered under the Order AFTERNOON, 3 o’ftlo4‘W. ALEXANDRA PARK. i:i Counei!, March 6tb. I9iW), Tieita or iweiTeB Pupile ' By Toih Gallon and L-e.-u M. Lion. EVENING. 7.46, CAROLINE PLACE. wiicri and where ail Clrand and ToUy .lurors, Ladies' College, ta prepiie for the UniTcraitiei:, l^ondon Matriculation, SPORTS COATS. fcOTimi»«oa fo 8nr third m DANK ROAD and CUMBER.1.AND' GARDENS, ST. Jot^n.-^ R. JaclMoa. L tS /iJ S ”^”!! VI Ebtire Pioduntion n? ui?*d at tho tiajuiarkut persons hrund by ieeoi;iii/.:in<:es to a|)|ioar, Oxford >ind Cambridge Local, Army, Narr. Medical and Theatre* Luidon. Iiroscoute, arid ;jivo erider.eo, and all otlinvs LEON AK DS ON S£A. other F.x&mixLa'rioiia. ChMce taken in ^booli ' either ^>nfo^aTT^reK]li^^* ^ tc5| temporarily or permauentiy. F^fpecia'ly «U4?c<i»fuI with Two special lines, in all colours, at 21/9 & 35/9. PALACE PIER, ST. LEONARDS. who have business’ to traii'ael, are hereby Patron: THE I.ORD BISHOP OP CHICHESTER, back-ward and <kr,k-ato pupile. Higheat . lefereectt. directed to give their attendance accordingly. Cb.utman of CkmncU: Bexhili and neighbouring towna rieit^. Apply:— 6.45. Canmicnco 7.15. Prices 4,. to 6d. Manager: EDWARD VAN BIENE, SIR W. MACXWORTH YOUNG, K.C.S.I., M.A., J.P. Bmn ^ea EVERY DAY at 3.15: — lAited this Idth day of June, 1017. PRINCIPAL: MIS? C, E. BATTYE (Finsl Honour 24, UPPER PARK ROAD. 8T.‘ LEONARDS- SM. 617. WALLIS ARTHUR'S CONCERT PARTY, ft<;h«ol of NatiUiil Scrif-noe, Oxford; I.ate Ansistont Mi«- ON-SEA. inc.udiuj; AVILL1.\M CAHl.KSrf, . trose of the Clapham High School for Oirk, London; BENNETT . t'h-rk of the Peace. Lecturer Uaireieity of l/ondonj. G eorge P lackmore Saxon-ch a n i! le rs, The Re^nlar SiaII inciudea; — BLOUSES. MISS FLEMING, B.A., London (wiTh London Teathere’ UNIVERSITY SCHOOL. HASTINGS. H astings. P ier P avilion.. On Pitr Dock (Sun aiui Kiiiuproof Awning) or Shore St. Le<murds-on-Sea. Diplojufl). Puvidoii lu bad woalhex. MISS M. ,G. MARSKAJ,,L, B.A., lw>ndon. Final Honour Exceptional value in white Voile and coloured Sciv.'Ol History. Piindpnl. MR. ALEXANDER MILNE, B.A. Gwnsl Maaadar: MIL, CHABLE3 HAWKEK. Roller Skating, three tieafeion»i tlaily. Dancing* every MISS VVTIiLlS, fuoder.u Lauguago Tripor, Girton College, Aeiiodel by evening, 7.30 to 10.3U (Shoro Puvi6iouy. Pierhead ipirlug Inst ructions for Indictments must he left Cambiidire. Crepe de Chenc. - SAILY at 3 aj.dJ7.43. m'rThAREY BENET presento by Prof05fior Duvonport. RESIDENT UNIVERSITY GRADUATFi* itete Famous llatertamers: — with the Olerk of the Peace on or before MISS X. M. VVEATHERUP. Higher Certitteate, N.F.U. INDIVIDUAL Preparation for the UNIVERSITIES, AIONU.AY, th e "Jnd day of JU L Y , 1917. MADEMOISELLE PKTRY. the PROFESSIONS and COM.MEECE. A djHKaal feature MAD.AME B. ALEXANDER. A.R.C.M., LTl.A.M., iu the School Couree i« the l.oiuioQ Uairersity MAtricu-' “T he A ristocrats.” WEST DENE EXTENSION. lation HYamiuatiun. Hlneiy^three boy«. have paMad !(12 IN NUMBER). .r, c * • SAtfNoW RED H0«i>ITAt.. CViptrttTfdimet a'.m I 4 ’^\Vork‘‘SC^r^'5LfTOnwurt;^rX>>eD'‘^if#tie. S^pph. <S^to^.3aOo»4 flttrTalk of the‘Town, Britain’^ Pienuor EntertainarA f- ^ Pla;^rou.\d, «to;« alid all the appolntmenta of a weih 'he Licensing.. (Gbnsolidatioh) Act, Fochurty). miuipivd -cbool. The piayinv fields are 'beautifully WNDiVY. JUNR 17tai. ut 7.15:- O pening There are Visiting Teichera lor Langaageo and Special situcted. Great atteatiun ia paid to Phyeical DeTelop- THE MUNICIPAL ORCHESTRA. 1910. SuhjerUi. msut. , Good range in white Pii SATURDAY. JUNK 33id. at 3,30, by There ii« a Pr^pHTotoir D/partment for little children- Oodet Corps attached jto tjbe Ro.ral Enginsere. ue & Drill, 4 /lli 5/11, 7,11, Conductor: MTt. IIIRAM KENTON. COI.ONEL CONNOLLY. C.B., A.D.M.S., SUSSEX. to whu'h Ihijm u.nQf'r Mcljt ar* uumitte.!. Bonliets: MiriS DORIS NICHOLSON and DEDICATION BY THE BISHOI* OF LF.W»:s, NOTICE Iinpo.s ition of rhrtii uiide open to ont^^ivto pupils are: — & 8 / 1 1 . Supported by 'Hm Tlurht Woivdiiplui' Th*' May«T jin<l Settioii ’-1 oi' Uui Aoi. Dalrroas Eurythmica, Dmcmg and Gymnaetice, CORPORAL LE.\COCK jMayori^wi' of Colonel H. H. Mi-itthows, D.S.O., Elocution. MB. B. MUBROW, The Lady Idiiia Hythp, ainl Mrs. Elxlen, Drpuly Pnpilrt onn dine at. tho Ccllcge daily at a moderate )RS6MflS0NS; P»*ular prices is wuid. Pfesideut EaeCLug*b and St. l/e'uianls Division, BuUoa 0 0 1 N’TV B Q ]lO V aH OF HASTENOS. eha'‘pp. RECEIVES Limited Numb^ of PUPILS, Boardfra Afternoon Teas.' ' Refrerdimentii at populaj puceo. Red Crevs Scci'.ty. The Goucril’* Boa-ding Houee, Da;i*> T^rdce, ndjoira. and Day Bv^ya. Box Ball Alley:^. RiflA Snlyous. , ^ 0 ' i ' I C ‘K IS HUKEUY GIVUN that Uiy The Cfuloie in willii e to make pruviaion for the reoeT>- PreiTiratioa for tho Universities, •'I.,ocal, and ether imtl ovmr a Cmntury, DanciHit in the Shore I’aviUou Dib’ht.y n't 1.39. CANADIAN MILITARY BAND, tiori. for p-iidod*. of Puj ils (Hny or Boarder*), Publb; Esamiaatioao. Aduusejon 6d. by kind ivumir^ion of (Jolon--! H. H. Matth*--'W3, D.b.U., J3I (\)m;h nsat.iun Aullionty lor l;lie abuvo unable, nwir.ip to the War, to return tu their Schoole on BATHING GpSTUMES, Etc. OiticL'r Cimiii:an'’.in3 Tru-u^s HastiUois. .A r<^a hjive iiiii)ori<‘d undi'r S^vti-on 21 oi tlie the Continent. special Attention to Backn;trd anil Delicate Boys. Iculptors & Masons^ 1 .ii'Oiisiii;' (Uoiis4>li<luti/III -Va-I, 191rt, I'or tliu All Particulara ran l»e ohijtiuvd from; — IVY BANK. nS, SPRINGFIELD ROAD, A splendid selection of P ound £ ) av. yuar 1917 char}?es in respet:! of J.iceu-os at HENRY G. BAILV, S^'cretaur, ST. LEONARDS.. stockinette swimming suits* the South Coast C inema L uxe, oiu*-third tlu-* inaNiimim rale of ijiirlor 13, Warri'.'T Square, St.

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