THE The Independent Newspaper Serving No Dame and Saint Mary's Bush set for second inaugural celebration Country, Notre Ceremony stands Dame still divided out historically By MADDIE HANNA By MADDIE IlANNA News Writer New' Writt·r Prnsidnnt Bush's inaugunt­ As l'r·psidnnt Bush bt>gins his tion today will mark tho oiTi­ sn<:ond tPrm in ol'f'irP today, eial beginning of' his sneond nal.ional polls as wnll as Notrn four ynars in oflkn, placing llarrw prol'nssors and st.udnnts him in tho growing - and l'ind liH~ nation just as politi­ ehallnngi ng - category of nilly dividnd as it was during soeond-tnrrn prnsidnnt.s. Novl'mlwr's contnnl.ious <dne­ "Thn inauguration is a Uon. rcJminder that this chang<' is A l'<·w I!PsParch Contnr poll part ol' a broad transition. It's l'or .lan. !i-9 cit.nd Bush's rnally important to do this," approval rating as !iO pnrcont. f'ilm, television and t.hnatrn and disapproval rating as 4:{ professor Susan Olwwr said. pPr<'Pilt. whil'h polit.i•·al sei­ According to Ohnwr, tlw PilCP proi'Pssor David inauguration's ritual and cer­ Camplll•ll dl'scrilwd as "histor- emony send thn rnnssagn that. President Bush's second Inauguration takes places In Washington, D.C. today. Both the nation sc:c: BUSH/page 6 and Notre Dame remain in disagreement about the president and his views. sec: SPEECH/page 6 Princeton rankings not all bad Despite lozu grades in sonze areas, ND ranks high in athletic categories By KATIE PERRY Thn annual rankings pmvide years. In a pledge posted on Nt·w,Writt·r din~dion and information l'or their wnbsito, tho Prinenton many-eollnge bound high Heview vows to delivnr an This yPar·. Notn~ llanw was school students and thoir· par­ "unbiasnd and uncnnsornd onP ol' tlw rnost'I'Pat.urod coi­ onts. To rank tlw schools. the vinw" of' the featured universi­ IPgPs in thP l'rinr.nton Hnvinw's Prinenton Hnvinw snlncts what ties and adds that rankings are "Bnst :~:;7 Collngos" book list­ tlw y eo n s i d n r to b o t h o to p gnnnratod from "tho real ings, appnaring in I 0 ol' tho 64 schools - :{!i7 madn the cut exports" - current eollnge stu­ total eatngorins. Whiln rnueh ol' this ynar - and eatngorizes dnnts. t.lw att.nnt.ion following the thorn into top-20 lists focusing Among the UnivPrsity's favor­ rankings' rnlnasn was dorninat­ on diiTnn~nt !'.ritnria. able rankings. ono-third diroet­ Pd by tiH• llnivl'rsity's eontro­ According to thn Princeton ly involvod athletics. Notre vnrsial l'irst-placn ranking in Hnvinw's Wnb site, rankings are Dame took top honors in the t.hn 1:at.Pgory of "Aitnrnativo basnd on approximatnly 300 categories "Everyone Plays l.ifnstylns Not an Altnrnativn," survnys adrninistnrnd nithnr In tram ural Sports" and CLAIRE KELLEY !The Observer many of its otlwr top l'inishns nlnetronically online or via Despite negative rankings in some categories, Notre Dame rwvPr got a sncond look. papnr ovnr a period or three see REVIEW/page 4 earns high marks from the Princeton Review for athletics. Building collapses on CJ's Pub STUDENT SENATE ---··- Nearby demolition Members strive for causes problem African solidarity By KATE ANTONACCI A"i't.llll Nt·w, Editor Effort made to bring Bono to University ThrnP nrnployP<'S ol' C.J's Pub Africa startnd last yPar AMANDA MICHAELS on North Michigan Strnnt By when a group tntvPind to Wf'rP unharrnl'd WPdrwsday Assistant News Editor Nignria with "'f'hn Call to al'lPrnoon wl11•n dPrnolition on Solidarity." thn liatnway apartnwnt eorn­ Tho Sturlnnt Snnatn was They showed a vid!HI with plnx rwxt door wont wrong, focused on tlw "call to soli­ dips from tlw Nignria trip, rausing part ol' thn six-story darity" with Al'rica at snt to a rock vnrsion of building to collapse onto the Wednosday's mooting, as "Somewlwrll Ovnr thn roof ol' tlw puh. presenters urgnd thorn to Hainbow," fnaturing Africans Though C. I 's has long boon a support plans f'or an "AI'rica speaking to thn irnport11ncn popular rnstaurant and bar Wnek" and nndorsn a letter of' di!Tnrnnt cultures joining l'or Notrn Damn students, only to Bono, lnad si11gnr of' U2, tognthnr in brotlwrhood. a rook, waitrnss and bar­ requesting a U2 benefit con­ llanzlick tlwn nxplairwd I.PtHinr wnrn inside at tlw limn cert. the purpose of Africa Wnnk of' thn wllapsP. Emily Chin, Laura Fneney - tentativPJy snt for mid­ "Wn'd bonn working with a and Moghan llanzliek ask1~d April. dl'rnolition company on !the RICK FRIEDMANfThe Observer Senate to baek thnir nl'forts "It'd bn about bringing tlw Due to demolition problems with a nearby building, part of the to continue thn mission of' see CJ'S/pagc: 4 rook of CJ's pub collapsed Wednesday afternoon. raising thn awareness about see SENATE/page: 6 .'' '' r--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- page 2 The Observer+ PAGE 2 Thursday, January 20, 2005 INSIDE COLUMN QUESTION OF THE DAY: WHO IS YOUR FAVORITE POET AND WHY? A day in the life From the time I was live, I've known I wanted to be a teacher. I was the child who always wanted to "play school" in real time - from the Bridget Higgins Jim Hyde Molly Butler Dan McSwain Molly Kealy Kate Lenehan moment my older brother left the freshman senior junior senior sophomore sophomore house for the bus O'Neill until the second he Cavanaugh O'Neill Pasquerilla East Lyons Pasquerilla West came home. I made sure to play "Tennyson- "Homer - it's "Garrison "Whoever "Dr. Seuss, "Molly - she , all the important it's so romatic. I epic. Keillor, because writes on the because I love writes me subjects - color­ , ing, snacking, nap­ love The Lady he wears red bathroom stall. " Seuss-ical the sonnets. ping and occasion­ of Shallot."' shoes." musical." ally, the alphabet. I loved playing school. Angela Saoud And then last week, it was time for me to give up Saint Mary's my childhood Editor vision of school and face reality as a student teacher. Arming myself with novels and IN BRIEF poems, newspaper articles and movie clips, I marched into Washington High School in South Bend last Monday HecSports will sponor its 19th thinking I was ready to teach. And I annual Late Night Olympics. am, but it takes a lot of work. The all-night fundraiser, start­ It's a little known fact that after we ing Saturd~ty at 6 p.m. and last­ all left our high school classrooms, our ing until Sunday at 4 a.m., will . teachers actually had to do work. And benefit the St. Joseph County not just a little work. A lot of work. Special Olympics. Student teaching means planning les­ sons for live difl'erent periods, waiting The Notre Dame Student in line to use the photocopier to make Film Festival will take place handouts, writing tests and quizzes tonight, Friday and Saturday. (something I always hated) and trying Each showing, one from 7 to 9 to devise thought provoking lessons p.m. and one from 10 p.m. to that will really help my students to midnight, includes 18 student learn something about English and features and takes place at the about themselves. Browning Family Cinema of the While my friends are getting ready to DeBartolo Center for the take their Wednesday night nap before Performing Arts. hitting State, I'm already in my paja­ mas, looking to Shakespeare for inspi­ University of Michigan eco­ ration or discovering ways to entice nomics professor will present a my students into writing a research lecture on "The Boomers paper. Approach Retirement: Policies The task is daunting to say the least. to Prepare for Growing Old in I feel as though I have more pressure an Aging America" Friday placed on me now than I have ever felt CLAIRE KELLEYrThe Observer from 10:30 a.m. to noon in the before - because if I make a mistake Food Services placed ice sculptures in front of North and South Dining Halls to cel­ Jordan Auditorium of the this time, I'm letting down 125 high ebrate "All-American Day." Mendoza College of Business. school seniors and myself. And as my friends sleep in late, and Notre Dame men's and my presence on campus diminishes, I women's track teams will host wonder if I'm doing the right thing. their home opener Friday from But it only takes one smile from a OFFBEAT 7 to 9 p.m. in the Loftus Sports student in the hallway, one "Hey Miss Center. S" to let me know my heart is in the Shrieking frogs unnerve quiet island nights - ever park violence. Right after classroom with my students - Hawaiian island since. jury selection began last Organist Chris Cramer will although it occasionally slips away to HONOLULU - A tiny Aside from the noise, the week, one man got up and present a concert tonight from my college life. frog with a huge shriek has frogs have a voracious left, announcing, ''I'm on 8 to 10 p.m. in the Reyes Organ To say my life has changed this invaded the Big Island and appetite for spiders and morphine and I'm higher and Choral Hall of the semester would be a vast understate­ won't shut up. Big Island insects, competing with than a kite." DeBartolo Center for the ment. I'm in the classroom every day, Mayor Harry Kim is look­ native birds and fauna.
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