Index to Obituaries Published in the Akron Beacon Journal in 2001 Indexed and prepared by Jamie Onusic and Michael Elliott for the Akron-Summit County Public Library The first column lists the name of the deceased and the second lists the date on which an obituary appeared. Please note that it is quite common for an individual’s obituary to appear in two or three consecutive issues of the newspaper, with an abbreviated version appearing on at least one day. If the obituary that appears on the date given is not as detailed as you had hoped, check the issue for the previous and/or following day. Index to Obituaries Published in the Akron Beacon Journal in 2001 – page 1 Abbe, Eric Joel 10/6/2001 Abbott, Richard D. 4/1/2001 Abel, Allen Lee 12/20/2001 Abernathy, James E. 11/18/2001 Abernathy, Martha C. 9/25/2001 Abernathy, Ray 12/30/2001 Aberreg, Frank L. 4/10/2001 Able, Cary W. 6/5/2001 Able, Charles L. 6/2/2001 Abood, Edee 1/17/2001 Abraham, Alex S. 2/16/2001 Abraham, Helen 2/28/2001 Abraham, Helen A. 9/16/2001 Abraham, Joseph M. 7/15/2001 Abrams, Marjorie A. 5/10/2001 Achberger, Betty 6/14/2001 Acker, Robert P. 5/18/2001 Ackerman, Florence 10/5/2001 Acord, Geneva 10/18/2001 Acquaviva, Teresa 5/23/2001 Acuff, Dawson 2/21/2001 Adair, Isabella M. 10/31/2001 Adair, Joshua D. 10/31/2001 Adair, Loivia C. 10/31/2001 Adam, Hildegarde E. 6/18/2001 Adamov, Michael J. 8/14/2001 Adams, Davey Lee 9/20/2001 Adams, Doris Margaret 6/24/2001 Adams, Doyle 6/6/2001 Adams, Gary A. 7/11/2001 Adams, Hobart W. 3/13/2001 Adams, James H. 7/10/2001 Adams, Janet E. 4/29/2001 Adams, Mary M. 5/15/2001 Adams, Mary Raprich 1/9/2001 Adams, Merle 1/9/2001 Adams, Raymond R. 4/2/2001 Adams, Thomas E. 1/22/2001 Adams, Warren 3/25/2001 Adamson, Caroline 11/1/2001 Adamson, Charles G. 3/21/2001 Adkins, Imogene 12/11/2001 Adkins, Luther W. 1/2/2001 Adkins, Michael W. 1/10/2001 Adkins, Violet 4/10/2001 Adler, Bertram I. 4/11/2001 Adler, Simon J. 3/9/2001 Index to Obituaries Published in the Akron Beacon Journal in 2001 – page 2 Admas, Marie Ann 2/22/2001 Adolph, Edmund J. 5/24/2001 Adrion, Marilyn M. 9/30/2001 Aemmer, Wallace H. 3/11/2001 Aeschbacher, Dorothy M. 5/26/2001 Affolter, Paul E. 5/6/2001 Aguilar, Michael Arthur 11/24/2001 Ahlers, Lorraine A. 7/7/2001 Ailes, William C. 10/25/2001 Airulla, John L. 2/27/2001 Akers, Lucy P. 12/12/2001 Akers, Oliver F. 5/17/2001 Albertson, Ervin L. 8/18/2001 Albrecht, Kenneth H. 6/12/2001 Alden, Carl N. 6/12/2001 Alder, John B. 10/28/2001 Aldridge, Barbara J. 5/22/2001 Alessandro, Eugene 12/1/2001 Alexander, Billene R. 8/21/2001 Alexander, Crystal 4/24/2001 Alexander, Eula I. 3/27/2001 Alexander, Gene L. 6/10/2001 Alexander, Lillian 8/5/2001 Alfieri, Irma M. 4/20/2001 Alfred, Edward M 11/3/2001 Allen, Clyde C. 8/12/2001 Allen, Demetrice C. 7/1/2001 Allen, Howard 7/3/2001 Allen, Jacqueline M. 4/25/2001 Allen, James 3/10/2001 Allen, Sadie B. 3/8/2001 Allen, William A. 5/20/2001 Allen, Evelyn 5/5/2001 Allison, Frank 4/23/2001 Allison, Howard M. 1/29/2001 Allison, Robert C. 1/10/2001 Allison-Hall, Naomi R. 10/25/2001 Allman, Louise 2/26/2001 Allred, Cecila V. 7/23/2001 Alltop, Robert E. 9/18/2001 Alred, Donald 10/16/2001 Alspach, Barbara J. H. 8/1/2001 Alspach, Loran E. 12/15/2001 Alston, LaVern B. 4/26/2001 Althoff, Evelyn Mae 6/30/2001 Alvarez, Jack Manuel 10/15/2001 Alvarez, Madelyn B. 3/31/2001 Amberik, Donald R. 6/7/2001 Index to Obituaries Published in the Akron Beacon Journal in 2001 – page 3 Ameser, Mark David 1/10/2001 Amicarelli, Andrew D. 10/7/2001 Amison, Leona 6/5/2001 Ammerman, William L. 2/1/2001 Amonett, Landon 3/27/2001 Amos, Elijah 6/23/2001 Amos, Michelle 3/11/2001 Anders, Jerry 12/8/2001 Andersen, Catherine S. 2/4/2001 Anderson, Alberta M. 7/12/2001 Anderson, Donavon G. 2/28/2001 Anderson, Ella 6/14/2001 Anderson, Elnora Mae 9/18/2001 Anderson, Enid C. 2/20/2001 Anderson, Eric C. 11/20/2001 Anderson, Gloria Lee 4/10/2001 Anderson, Jeanne C. 11/24/2001 Anderson, Kitty Mae K. 2/14/2001 Anderson, Marie 11/11/2001 Anderson, Martha E.G. 6/14/2001 Anderson, Mary P. 9/19/2001 Anderson, Mary R. 4/10/2001 Anderson, Mearle E. 7/12/2001 Anderson, Thelma I. 7/22/2001 Anderson, William E. 8/2/2001 Anderson, Rena Lou 3/13/2001 Anderson, Shirley 3/8/2001 Andraka, Kathryn B. 5/26/2001 Andrea, Joseph A. 5/29/2001 Andrea, Nicholas James 8/22/2001 Andreoli, Emita F. A. 1/16/2001 Andrews, Dennis M. 3/9/2001 Andrews, James 7/23/2001 Andrews, John 4/7/2001 Andrews, Julia A. 3/13/2001 Andrews, Laura Mae 8/7/2001 Andrews, Paul Edwin 7/28/2001 Andrick, Ethel S. 8/7/2001 Andrick, Ethyl E. 12/4/2001 Angiulo, Donna L. 3/28/2001 Angst, Helen E. J. 12/13/2001 Anich, Joseph N. 1/10/2001 Ankeny, Sydney S. 2/14/2001 Ansell, Wendy Jo 9/25/2001 Antagnoli, Jerome B. 8/12/2001 Anthony, Helen 3/14/2001 Anthony, Robert 3/27/2001 Anthony, Robert P. 3/24/2001 Index to Obituaries Published in the Akron Beacon Journal in 2001 – page 4 Antill, Lonnie L. 1/2/2001 Antoine, John E. 11/15/2001 Antonuk, Eugene S. 10/20/2001 App, Ola B. 7/1/2001 Appelbaum, Leonard 6/2/2001 Appell, Beverly A. 11/14/2001 Applebaum, Morton M. 11/4/2001 Appleman, Rose M. 10/14/2001 Appleton, Hosea 11/24/2001 Apsega, John J. 9/8/2001 Aquino, Philip D. 6/30/2001 Arbogast, Martha Ruth 6/25/2001 Arbuthnot, Gene 7/24/2001 Arch, Alberta J. 12/11/2001 Archibald, Nellie 3/7/2001 Arellano, Sue 3/18/2001 Argenio, Thomas V. 11/18/2001 Armocida, John B. 7/9/2001 Arms, Dora E. 9/20/2001 Armstrong, Rose M. 6/2/2001 Armstrong, Ruth 5/4/2001 Arnold, Alfred M. 1/23/2001 Arnold, Anne Marie 10/25/2001 Arnold, Camille J. 8/10/2001 Arnold, Ella Jane 2/7/2001 Arnold, H. Leroy 4/9/2001 Arnold, Helen E. 2/21/2001 Arnold, Ruth R. 1/11/2001 Arnold, Victor A. 2/4/2001 Aronhalt, James E. 5/17/2001 Arrietta, Mary L. 5/23/2001 Artz, Becky S. 8/19/2001 Arvidson, Clare A. 3/8/2001 Asche, Virgil E. 5/19/2001 Ash, Donald D. 10/14/2001 Ashbee, Hazel E. 4/17/2001 Ashburn, Catherine S. 4/23/2001 Ashburn, Leroy 10/26/2001 Ashburn, Vivian D. 10/18/2001 Ashley, Richard 9/19/2001 Ashton, Betty L. 2/18/2001 Askey, David R. 6/13/2001 Askey, Helen V. 3/22/2001 Askins, Alice 11/29/2001 Assad, Rose G. 2/9/2001 Astle, Richard A. 6/17/2001 Atchison, Willie 6/17/2001 Athey, John E. 12/7/2001 Index to Obituaries Published in the Akron Beacon Journal in 2001 – page 5 Attwood, Robert M. 5/7/2001 Atwood, Carolin 12/28/2001 Auflick, Vernice V. 11/21/2001 August, Maurice M. 5/22/2001 Auker, Myrtle 7/10/2001 Aulizia, Libert J. 11/24/2001 Auls, Brian Lamont 7/25/2001 Auman, Paul E. 12/8/2001 Aurilio, Stephen C. 1/10/2001 Auseon, Eve P. 7/29/2001 Ausetts, Jacob C. 1/4/2001 Ausperk, David A. 11/16/2001 Austin, Charles V. 7/3/2001 Austin, LaVern B. 4/23/2001 Austin, Olga 5/10/2001 Austin, Richard E. 10/23/2001 Austin, Robert 9/1/2001 Auvil, Ruth L. 3/3/2001 Avanesyan, Diana 3/20/2001 Avedisian, Haig 3/6/2001 Avem, Helen M. 6/9/2001 Avery, Stanley J. 1/26/2001 Avey, Jason D. 10/8/2001 Axtmann, Charles F. 9/4/2001 Ayers, Gertrude M. 6/12/2001 Ayers, Jordan D. 2/28/2001 Ayers, Larry E. 5/20/2001 Ayers, Samuel A. 1/1/2001 Azar, Amelia 2/24/2001 Index to Obituaries Published in the Akron Beacon Journal in 2001 – page 6 Babcock, Gwendoline G. 11/14/2001 Babin, Emanuel 3/8/2001 Bacha, Michael R. 7/15/2001 Bachman, Kathleen Z. 9/2/2001 Bachmann, Clara M. 2/28/2001 Bachna, Paul 8/22/2001 Bady, Amelia 6/28/2001 Baechel, Alan P. 7/10/2001 Baecher, Joella 11/27/2001 Baggott, Mabel A. 5/17/2001 Bagnoli, Nicola 6/28/2001 Bagwell, David L. 10/9/2001 Bailes, Carl 6/8/2001 Bailes, Lucille H. 10/7/2001 Bailey, Andrew J. 7/7/2001 Bailey, Carrie 11/20/2001 Bailey, Charlotte N. 7/3/2001 Bailey, Fred A. 8/29/2001 Bailey, Kathleen 8/15/2001 Bailey, Ruth L. 4/8/2001 Bailey, William A. 6/12/2001 Bailey, William Albert 12/16/2001 Bain, Kenneth John 6/9/2001 Bair, Carl E. 7/27/2001 Bair, Evelyn 3/8/2001 Baird, James L.
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