526 OFFICIAL MANUAL Department of Natural Resources STEPHEN MAHFOOD JEFF STAAKE 205 Jefferson St., PO Box 176 Director Deputy Director Jefferson City 65102-0176 Department wide toll free: (800) 361-4827 our natural and cultural resources through col- www.dnr.state.mo.us laborative, participatory approaches. The Department of Natural Resources pre- The Office of the Director coordinates inter- serves, protects and enhances Missouri’s natural, agency and intra-agency cooperative agree- cultural and energy resources and works to ments, helps develop and direct specific strate- inspire their enjoyment and responsible use for gies and represents the state in statutory roles. present and future generations. Our staff work to The office also provides information and assis- ensure that our state enjoys clean air to breathe, tance to state and national legislative bodies and clean water for drinking and recreation and land oversees issues of state and national import. that sustains a diversity of life. The director of the Department of Natural We take seriously our responsibility of stew- Resources manages Missouri’s natural, cultural ardship to protect and enhance the environment and energy resources. The director serves as the in which we work and live, and our responsibil- state historic preservation officer and as chair of ity to support our state’s economy. To do this, we the State Inter-agency Council for Outdoor Recreation and the Energy Policy Council. He value integrity above all, openness to all individ- also serves as a member of the Soil and Water uals and points of view, diversity in people and Districts Commission, the Petroleum Storage approach, excellence in all we do and service. Tank Insurance Fund Board of Trustees and the Several offices enable the department to Unmarked Human Burial Consultation Commit- carry out its responsibilities: the Water Protec- tee. The department director represents Missouri tion and Soil Conservation Division; the Air and on three interstate river organizations: Missouri Land Protection Division; the Division of State River Basin Commission, Arkansas-White-Red Parks; the Outreach and Assistance Center; the Basins Inter-agency Committee and Upper Mis- Geological Survey and Resource Assessment Di- sissippi River Basin Commission. vision; and the Division of Administrative Sup- port. In addition, the State Environmental Im- Missouri Lewis and Clark provement and Energy Resources Authority, the Petroleum Storage Tank Insurance Fund and the Bicentennial Commission Missouri Lewis and Clark Bicentennial Commis- The Missouri Lewis and Clark Bicentennial sion are administratively attached to the depart- Commission was created to coordinate activities ment through the Office of the Director. to commemorate the 200th anniversary of the Lewis and Clark Expedition in 2004. The com- Office of the Director mission is developing and coordinating effective means to promote public awareness of the his- The Office of the Director provides depart- torical significance of the expedition related to mental focus on policies and outcomes and Missouri. In addition, the bicentennial commis- works to ensure that the decisions that are made sion is a catalyst for accomplishing Missouri’s result in environmental improvements. Lewis and Clark bicentennial capital improve- The Office of the Director seeks to improve ment projects, programs and special events. The efficiency of departmental actions, drive cus- bicentennial projects and events are comprised tomer-focused initiatives, ensure public partici- of public, private and foundation projects. pation in decision-making, and attain results The executive director of the commission affecting the quality of our water, air, land, ener- also serves as liaison between the other 14 states gy, recreational and cultural resources. It seeks participating in the Lewis and Clark bicentenni- to continue the protection and enhancement of al. The commission serves as a statewide DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES 527 RON KUCERA SARA PARKER MARTHA BUSCHJOST LLONA C. WEISS Deputy Director Deputy Director, Director Executive Assistant to Deputy Director Outreach and Assistance Center the Director Outreach and Assistance Center umbrella for bringing together Missouri’s com- munities, the National Park Service and other federal agencies as well as private groups plan- ning projects and events. The commission reports to the governor in October of each year. The commission was authorized by Executive Order 98-06, which was signed by late Governor Mel Carnahan in 1998. A new executive order signed by Governor Bob Holden in 2003 added three additional agencies to the commission. The commission has 21 members, including two co- chairs, agency representatives, members at large and an executive director. The bipartisan mem- MICHAEL WARRICK CONNIE PATTERSON bers serve a single term that expires at conclusion Legal Counsel Director of Communications of commemoration activities in fall 2006. Co-chairs: Archibald, Robert, Ph.D., St. Louis; Kemper, Jonathan, Kansas City. Missouri’s Lewis and Clark Bicentennial Commission Members Bennett, Marci, St. Joseph; Berier-Liese, Sheila, Ballwin; Brooks, Rep. Sharon Sanders, Kansas City; Drakesmith, Frederick, St. Charles; WALTER PEARSON Jacobs, Frank, St. Louis; Director Lappe, Debra, Portage Des Sioux; Business and Urban Affairs Lee, Dr. Gerald, Kansas City; Rogers, Ann, Ph.D., St. Louis; King, D. Kent, Missouri Department of Elemen- Thorp, Cheryl, Platte City; tary and Secondary Education; Woods, Barbara, Ph.D., St. Louis; Mahfood, Stephen, Missouri Department of Nat- Blunt, Matt, Missouri Secretary of State; ural Resources; Driskill, Joseph, Missouri Department of Eco- Eiken, Douglas, executive director. nomic Development; Goodrich, James, Ph.D., State Historical Society of Missouri; Outreach and Assistance Center Hoskins, John D., Missouri Department of Con- Telephone: 1-800-361-4827 / FAX: (573) 751-8084 servation; Hungerbeeler, Henry, Missouri Department of The department’s Outreach and Assistance Transportation; Center works to create an environment of under- Jackson, Charles, Missouri Department of Public standing by providing information, facilitating Safety; communication, and developing and maintain- 528 OFFICIAL MANUAL ing partnerships to foster resource sustainability. wastewater and concentrated animal feeding The center provides direct departmental infor- operation treatment facilities. The program sup- mation and technical and financial assistance to ports the Small Business Compliance Advisory citizens, businesses, schools and local govern- Committee, which evaluates the effects of envi- ments. The liaison for appointments to the ronmental requirements on small business. department’s boards and commissions also serves in this office. Offices in the Outreach and Small Business Compliance Assistance Center include the Community Assis- tance Office, Communications and Education Advisory Committee Office, Missouri Energy Center, State Historic Morrison, Bruce A., chair, St. Louis; Preservation Office, the Kansas City and St. Weible, Douglas, vice chair, Ironton; Louis Urban Outreach Offices, and the Finan- Bunch, Dan, member, Kansas City; cial and Administrative Services Office. Longsinger, Jack, member, Excelsior Springs; Pearson, Walter, Missouri Department of Natur- Community Assistance Office al Resources, Jefferson City; Pufalt, Caroline, member, St. Louis. The Community Assistance Office provides a single point of contact to put Missourians in Missouri Energy Center touch with information, education, and financial The Missouri Energy Center focuses on three and technical assistance throughout the depart- areas of responsibility: analyzing energy sup- ment. It provides service to businesses, industry, plies and prices, encouraging the use of energy- communities and citizens statewide. The office efficient practices and advocating for renewable also helps connect the public with financial energy resources and technologies to benefit resources in other state and local agencies that Missouri’s environment and economy. deal with natural resource issues, making this office a ‘portal’ through which communities can Center employees provide technical and fi- access not only the department’s financial assis- nancial assistance for energy-efficiency and re- tance and information, but connections with newable-energy improvements; support market other agencies’ resources, too. The funding op- development and demonstration projects pro- portunities presented to the public address air, moting clean energy sources and technologies; and provide energy data, information and re- water, land, energy and several other quality-of- search on energy issues to all Missourians. life issues that affect economic development in Missouri, helping communities and businesses Missouri Energy Center employees work with utilize their resources in other areas. residential, agricultural, educational, local gov- ernment, business and industrial clients to devel- Communications and Education Office op energy-efficiency programs and measures that pay back the initial investment within a rea- The Communications and Education Office sonable time frame. Staff members consult with provides public information support for the de- the Office of Administration and other agencies partment by working with the news media and to integrate energy efficiency into state buildings by producing a variety of publications, including and purchases. the department’s award-winning magazine Mis-
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