Friday, J an. 3 1963 - WIND & Si\ ND - 3 Fash ion Shoe Store's HOE SAVE$$ SAVE $$SAVE$$ SAVE $$SAVE$$ SAVE$$ Our grealesl Shoe Sale of lhe year. Only lwice a year is there such an evenl. Greaf reductions on famous name brand shoes BARE BIRD- The eagle of the specialist with three ba rs above it- that's the insignia of Specialist Seven Walter L. Roeder, shown here being promoted to the rare rank by for Men, Ladies, Children. A Large Table Of Col. Wiliam G. Sk inner, Comm anding Offir.er of the U.S. Army Electronics Research Famous Label a nd Development Activity at White Sands Missile Range. (U.S. Army photo) All current styles. Greal Iproblems would arise if one Discounts. YOUR species were under Depart-1 LADIES' CHOICE ment control while the other, Reg. Values fo u nd in the same areas, was I To $12.95 not controlled. An apparen t SHOES violator. approached by an e nforcement officer, could deny that he was hunting I A Group Of cottontail and state that his ; Rabbit Legislation Urged Ilicense fee. as already stated. quarry was jack r~bbit. Un­ Famous Freeman The game animal of No. 1 One state cl1arges 50 cents; I less he had the evidence on importan ce in 11 states is not, one state $1.75. In the $2 to I1 1im, he could not be pros- UP 1 classed as a game animal at I $2.75 range there are ten ecuted. NOW all in New :viexico. The fee states. Seventeen sbtcs fall I In short, the Department MEN'S ONLY TO for license to hunt this an- into the $3 to $3.50 range; urges the public to press for Values to imal ranges from 50 cents to eight slates charge from $4 legislature that will bring $16.95 I $7.50 in the various states. I to $4.50; t•hree states $5 or : the rabbits into the list of SHOES New Mexico hunters take ~5.15; and two states $7 and 1 ~a-me animab in New Mcx­ AND MORE! this game without license. $7.50 respectively. One state ' ico. I The ani:nal is th'.' rabbit -:--- I ~h i ch requires a license a Pr oblem s At The Hatchery ~ Hurry! Hurry! You'll want several pairs of Famom,l cottontail and or Jack rabbit. license does not name the I Everything happened at 1 Brand Shoes at these ridiculously low prices! The entire The New Meico Depart- 1 fee. once last week at Red River ment of Game and F~sh has New Mexico is one of nine J Hatche ry of the Departm ent county • • • college, White Sands, farmers and hun· long advocated leg1slat1ve states that do not class rab- of Game and Fash. A water dreds of other Las Crucens, through their continued action designating the rab- bits as game animals, al- main brokC'; a buck deer was year'-round patronage, have made this semi-annual bit as a game animal. There though they have one or torn to s•hreds by ne i ghbori~g are good rea~ons. both speries of the animal. dogs, and the last of 1 11, m.11- sale possible each year • •. don't miss this Hunting for game animals Nevertheless. three of those Ilion brown trout eggs arriv­ one, the greatest of all! Sorry, no exchanges ]s under the control of the nine states do require a Ji- ed and had to be taken care Department. Rabbit hunting cense to hunt rabbit. of. A or refunds ••• all sales final! Group of is entirely outside the De- Here in New Mexico thPre 1· Then metal water l in e partment's control. When are. spodsrnPn who advocate th~t collects . s. pring \~ater tularemia is prevalent, the givmg the status 0 . gan'e an- for the hatche1y fmally 1ust­ Department would like to be imal to the more numerous Ied out after 14 years of serv-1 able to prohibit rabbit hunt- co.ttontail bu t not to the jack ice. Breakage of lines was a Values ing in the affected area, to rabbit. But enforcement (Continued on Page 8) OXFORDS & To $8.95 protect public health. Cas- - -- NOW ualties are disproportionately I y ONLY high among rabbit hunters, 0 u r LOAFERS adults as well as youngsters. \ America The Department believes it could reduce thi~ dispropor­ tion if it had control over Famous Style Sho• rabbit hunters. I The major objection to de­ LADIES' claring the rabbit a game animal comes from ranchers Ladies! Ladies! Look Here! ""ho suffer rabbit depreda­ FOOT FLAIR tion. They maintain that li- I Mid and Now FAMOUS censing would reduce the $997 High Heels. number of rabbit hunters, ' Only RED CROSS & COBBIES and that the settin~ of a bag Leather, Patent limit would reduce the num­ $897 SHOES ber of nuisance animals tak- and Suedes And en. Reg. Values to $15.99 The Department thinks Now Only AND ()therwise. Licensing would s1097 • s991 $ 97 give the rabbit a certain status. whic'h is likely to in- : Reg. Values io $1 5.99 d uce more people to hunt , J.J.~.,b4"'J:lil:-:l rabbit. Setting of a large bag limit would give rabbit hunt- 1 ers can actual incentive to A Gr oup Of reach that limit, whereas 1 Hurry! Hurry! For Best Selections! they might previously h ave 1 1-..~~rk~~ LADIES SHOES been satisfied wi'h a couple of rabbits. A. minimal fee of Earliest coniempor ary pictur e of warfare in America-the HIGH STYLE perhaps a dollar a year would attack on the circular fortified camp of the Pequots in pre- I Famous L abels work no hardship. and the sent vicinity of Mystic. Conn.-from John Underhill's book, I CHILDREN'S State Ga m e Commission News from America, published in England in 1638. would certainly favor a gen­ NOW 325 YEARS AGO, on July 13. 1637, the first war in Ameri- Reg, Values $ Famous Brand Erous bag limit when condi- tions warrant. · , can colonial nistor)' was brought lo an end by a victory over To $ 13.99 ONLY The importance of rabbit, ' Pequot Indians at their principal town in Connecticut. I SHOES nationwide, is reflected in a The Pequots, the dominant tribe in the region, sought to For questionnaire sent out by lhP. drive out English who left Massachusetts Bay for the valley School & Dress New Mexico Wildlife and of the Conner·ticut. They beat off an expedition sent from Cun ~ ervation Association. In Boston unrler John Oldham in 1636 to punish them, and addition to the 11 s tates that Oldham was J.;: illed After their corn crops were planted in Choose From rate rabbit as their No. 1 I l 637 and th::- rc was time for the warpath t h«W renewed their Leather, Patent game animal. four states rate de predations more fiercely. Wethe rsfield was raided and and Velvet $ 97 it as No. 2. two st ates rate captives carri0d off. I Connecti':ut's Ge neral Court declared full-scale war a nd Now Only it as No. 3, and one ~tale A Group Of puts it at No. 4. obtained the aid of Massachusetts Bay and P lymou th colon- Reg. Values The states that do not word ies. Ninety Connectitut males were drafted and put under I To $8.99 their rating numerically g ivE> Capt. John Mason. These were joine d by 200 Narrangansett' CHILDREN'S the following answer-; to the warriors and by 20 Massachusetts me n and boys under Capt. q uestion, "Is rabbit hunting John Undcrliill. accompanied by 80 Mohicans led by Uncas importan t?" (a name well knO'.vn to readers of Cooper's Leath·erst ocking SHOES Very (five states). Most Tales). important (four states). Minor On June 7. the combined force fell on the Pequot fort And Now (fouf states). Increasing (three at Mystic and slaughtered most of the Pequots fountd t here. states). Yes (Two states). Those who escaped collected in a swamp near Fairfield, Each of the following an- Conn., to where they were tracked by a company under Capt. BOOTIES swers was given by one state· Stoughton of Massachu5-ctts. Sassacu;;, their sachem, and a A t. top. Among top. High. few follower.> escaped this second massacre, but fell into Very much for furs. Very the hands of ".1ohawks, who killed Sassacus and made slaves ! important to nonresidents. of the others. SHOE STORE In remote areas, food source. I The utter end of the Pequot trobe was a beginning of Reg. Values Quite. Fairly. Not very. In- other things in America: The military draft, the soldier To $4.98 "Home of Correct Fitting" cidental. Unimportant. Not bonus, the standing militia. As a result of the w ar, the first Free Parking able to state. Have neither permanent militia was formed. C orner cottonta1l or jack rabbit. Text and presentation 1961, King Features Syndicate, Inc. Griggs & Water 109 N. Main Las Cruces, N. M. J A 6-9422 There is wide variation in l For Official Use Only 4 -WIND & SAND- Friday, Jan. 3, 1963 ( Grandstand SPORTS WORLD -;c ·~: r,A H..H; :or .A ha•: '.er~ ~he St. Loms Cardinals C,i..,"<1r.a•~ •\..9,~2 ,,,,:" oe ~ worr: ~<>t' •• OuJy Pres1denttal arbi­ Manager tut.. ..,.l ..,,, • --. ... :v'! th~ ::-ICAA-A.".U iJJ'fu!tit:• .He!lv:,r pres­ By "DEE" ~\lr-: "•• ""'t! l ! .. c.1...ir- : •J l><'.a: or. both ath:t>il'! froup.; to c.~a" ct:,.,.r,.r"Pb t..,·-.,!•) th•! ln•\uor r.r11ck ~eason 1:>eg1;i.; ••• SPORTS HIGHLIGHTS FOR 1962 Tt·~ ~~..._, Yori< Vanl<.P<>S pti r.
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