ISAAC WILSON, EDITOR AKD PROPRIETOR. SUBSCRIPTION, $1.50,—50C.DISCOUNT IF PAID IK ADYANOE. VOL. xiri. ALEXANDRIA ONTARIO, FRIDAY MAY 15, 1896. NO. ALIXANDKIA COUNCIL. panies would establish in their midst. Sen- THE MOST HEALTHFUL AND SAFE DR. MCLENNAN, ator McMillan said th ey were not asked I o go on an uncertainty, as they were asked to ALEXANDRIA. MABIIAGE LIGEMS! The Council met on Tuesday evening, AT 5 AN^I^ CENT. Reeve McArthur in the chair, and Conns. grant a bonus to a company employing not "Baking Powder Office and Residence :—Kenyon Street ISSUED BY—>■ MePhee, McGillivray, McDonell and Cole less than 100 hands daily. IS THE OKNVINS il-iy. The undersigned has made arrange- were present. The Reeve said if they were asked to take GEO. HEARNDEN ments with private capitalists to lend An account from J. F. Sauve for cartage, stock, then the council would have some- money on improved farms of 50 acres $2.90, and J. Irven for trees, $4.00, were thing tangable ; as far as general interest THE MISSES M’DONELL and upwards in sums not less than $500. read and passed. was concerned, except it was a paying con- 34. Interest on sums over $1,200, 5 per cent, Three pound-keepers were appointed ; M. cern, it would not do for them to go into it. Cook’s Friend Are now showing their for each year after first year, and 5 J for A. McRae, for_No. 1 division, and J. W. ^Ir. Schell spoke of Woodstock’s advance Aak Yonr Storekeeper for MONEY TO LOAN first year, payable half yearly, and in Irven and A. L. McKay for No. ‘2 division. of money to certain manufactories, and its On First-class Farm,Town and Villaire Pro- sums under $1,200 at per cent., pay • The advisability of appointing a constable repayment in 3’early paj'inents. Iff mm ILMERY perty, Rate of Interest according to Se- able yearly, for terms ol 5 to 10 years. at the southern part of the the town, owing Mr. Hodgson said St. Henry had granted curity. a bonus of $20,000 to a shoe factory. McLarei’s Cool’s Frieifl IN ALL THE LATEST STYLES AND ValuBtlous must In all cases be made by to the recent rowdyism tliere was discussed, SHADES. J. R. ADAMSON, either D. A. McArthur, Reeve. Alexandria ; and a by-law passed appointing Duncan H. H. R. McDonald said he believed Mon- AND TAKE NO OTHER. Alexander McDoupall, Reeve No. 1 Lochlel; McDonald, as said constable. treal had granted .$1,000,000 to a railway GLENGARRY BLOCK, CORNWALL. Duncan A. McDonald, Post-master, Alexan- Appraisers for the Canada Permanent Loan dria ; William D. McLeod, Cheese-maker, A communication was read from the companj’. and Savings Company, and General Agents The Reeve said it was onlj' a railway go- wonder that she held the place she did in A. H. CONROY, V. Ü., or John J. McDonell, H-3 Kenyon, to either of Canadian Bridge Co., asking for balance of the affection of those she knew. Nine years for the Globe Savings and Loan Company, whom application can be made direct, or to payment on stand-pipe. ing in a certain direction. ALEXANDRIA. Toronto. intervenéd between her death and that of Low Rates for Large Loans. Mortgages and J, A. MACDONELL, (Greenfield,) Tlie Reeve said Mr. Potter, tlie engineer, A discussion ensued as to the power of the council to grant a bonus before company her lamented husband. She has gone to re- Debentures Bought. 9-tf. ALEXANKEIA. was the proper party to accept the stand- join him, we are left to mourn. We miss Veterinary Dentlstr a Specialty pipe from the contractors, and the clerk was formed and certain' stock subscrilied. Good. Warm. Stable attached. 3-6 her presence, we look upon the places whore was authorized to notify the contractors to It was decided to leave the matter over until next Tuesday’ evening. she was wont to be, and see her not, and that effect. our hearts are sad in consequence. But R. MCLENNAN, A deputation waited on the Council, con- Angus McDonald presented a petition, JOHN A. CHISHOLM. signed by Bishop McDonell, Rev. D. Mc- amidst all the gloom, there appears the :E3:^:RJR,XS.02:T sisting of Senator ^McMillan, J. Ï. Schell, light of her splendid exanple, her stern and Barrister, Solicitor, &c., H. R. McDonald, E. A. Hodgson, and Ang. Laren and a number of others, against the Rfledical Hall, indiscriminate sale of cigarettes and tobac- unchangeable virtue, and some of the sad- Cor33.-wall, Oaa-taÆio. ——Manufacturer of and dealer In McDonald, and presented the following co, and mentioning the evils arising from ness is thereby lifted from our souls. What Offlcos—Kirkpatrick’s block, entrance on petition. need to say more? She was .all that a First si.reet. TIN & SHEET IRONWARE, said sale, and asking the council to pass a Branch office A. J. McDonald’s Block, Main ALEXANDRIA. ToHhe Bene, and Council of the Village of bj’-law and impose a license of $.50 per an- mother and a woman should he and this is street, Alexandria; H. J. Patterson raanagert . Alexandria : — num for the sale of cigarettes and tobacco. the best tribute of praise that a pen can pa}-. PUMPS, SINKS, CISTERNS, JJeceased at the time of her death uas aged MONEY TO LOAN AT LOWEST RATES.37 GEXTI.EMBN,—At a public meeting of rate- Some discussion took place as to the pow- BATHS. LEAD AND IRON er of the town to regulate the stores where 75 years and five months. The funeral payers of the Village of Alexandria, called which took place on Monday to St. Alex- WILLIAM A. LEGCO IQ I by the Reeve of the Municipality, held at tobacco, cigarettes, &c., are offered for sale. 'ROOFING. The question of fixing rates for water was ander Church, Lochiel, was a large one, the Queen’s Hall, on the night of the 6th notwithstanding the busy .season of the M.D.S., D.D.S., inst., for the purpose of discussing the ques- taken up, and the rates in Cornwall,Valley- field, Toronto and other places were com- year. The pall bearers were :—John D. !Nlo- Jobbing and Repairing will receive tion of establishing a boot and shoe factory Donell, Hugh J. McDonell, Allan Weir, XD E isr T I S T in said village, and after hearing the views pared, and the matter is to be taken up and Every month at "• prompt attention. decided at next meeting. Hugh Weir, .John Weir and John A. Mc- 8-lyr. We have them NEW and of many gentlemen present on the subject, Kinnon. May she rest in peace. MOOSE CREEK, 18th. it was resolved that a committee composed The matter of leaking hydrants at Bishop M a.XVILLE,iDlh,2Cth and 2lst. St. and C. A. R. track was taken up and ALEXANDRIA,22nd and23rd. SECOND-HAND, prices away of Senator McMillan, J. T. Schell, H. R. McDonald, E. A. Hodgson and Angus Mc- two new h^’drants ordered to be bought. CITY OFFICE—25SPARKS ST. OiTAWA.24-ly QUEEN’S BIRTHDAY. down. Call and see our 1896 Donald, wait on the Council of Alexandria, The Reeve said we wanted to have the JARVIS, OTTAWA, and ascertain from that Ix)dy what encour- water-works in good condition, and we A public celebration of the Queen’s Birth- PUftSTERlWC! Red Bird, Goold, Brantford, agement in the way of bonus or premium wanted a fiie company-, so we can satisfy day will be held at two different parts of FOR PHOTOS. the said Municipality will give to a com- the underwriters and get a reduction of the county, and at Vankleek Hill just at or our Garden City, Welland pany which may establish a factory in said insurance. the boundary line. At Maxville a grand Plain and Ornamental Plastering done village, to employ not less than one hun- The council adjourned until next Tuesday celebration will take place on .Saturd.ay, , at Reasonable Prices. BEST VALUE IN dred hands daily. evening. May 23rd. In the morning a street pai-ade ^>1 Vale, St. Catherines. If you In pursuance of the above resolution, the headed by Fleck’s Band, of Cornwall, and . Latest Style in CENTRES kept on hand. ALL KINDS OP can’t call, write for prices. committee therein named bog to approach OBITUARI. pipers will form the opening part of the 32-ly D. H. WASON. your honorable body and respectfully sub- programme. At one o’clock, p.m., the | sports will commence on the Exhibition ALEXANDRIA, ONT. mit. MISS FLORA MCCORMICK. j PHOTO WORK! That were it not for three or four indus- Grounds and will consist of a Lacrosse All wheels guaranteed. tries, which give employment to about 130 Miss Flora McCormick, daughter of the Match between the “Stars” of Alexandria hands at present, many business men and late Donald McCormick, died on F riday and the “ Maples” of Maxville ; a foot-hall THÉ CANADA PLATING CO. morning, after several months illness. She guarantees their goods to be 8@“TRYME. SATISFACTION SURE. mechanics would have to leave, in order to match, Bloomingdales of Roxborough vs. get employment elsewhere. was born in the 3rd Lochiel, and has lived Monkland ; Roman Chariot races, which That the destruction of the furniture fac- with her sister in Alexandria for a number will represent the pastimes of ancient Siiprior to AnytMnj in the Maitel (Studio opp. Brunswick Hotel.) of j-ears. She was 67 years old.
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