G-001 Gabriel, Johannes Ciceronis Clausulae Ex Epistolis Ad

G-001 Gabriel, Johannes Ciceronis Clausulae Ex Epistolis Ad

G G-001 Gabriel, Johannes collation: a^d8 e6 [f 4]. Ciceronis clausulae ex Epistolis ad familiares excerptae GW 10431; C 2603; Go¡ G-2; BMC VII 1099; Pr 7281; Hillard 838; (ed. CaesarTortus). Oates 2712; Sheppard 6038. COPY a v Gabriel, Johannes: [Letter addressed to] Antonius Bichus. 1 On a v, line 1:`Joannes . .', as GW, not as BMC. Incipit: `[C]orporis tui proceritas dignitas faciei . .' 1 Binding: Eighteenth/nineteenth-century Italian quarter red mo- a v Gabriel, Johannes: [Table.] `Genera in quae digestae sunt famil- 2 rocco for Boutourlin; endpapers watermarked `Gior. Magnani'; iarium epistolarum Ciceronis clausulae.' marbled pastedowns. Size: 216 ¿ 153 ¿ 14 mm. Size of a r Gabriel, Johannes: Ciceronis clausulae ex Epistolis ad famil- 3 leaf: 210 ¿ 148 mm. iares excerptae. Incipit: `Assentatoriae. fo.iii. Clausulae familiar- Provenance: Dimitrij Petrovich, Count Boutourlin (1763^1829); ium epistolarum Ciceronis . Nam nostra propungnatio(!) ac armorial book-plate and shelfmark no. 616; see Catalogue defensio dignitatis . .' (1831); sale: probably Catalogue (1840), lot 1452, with date 1499, refs. See G. Fioravanti,`Maestri di grammatica a Siena nella sec- and with an earlier calf binding. Date of acquisition unknown; onda meta© del quattrocento', in Umanesimo a Siena. Letteratura, the shelfmark indicates a date after c.1892. arti¢gurative, musica,Siena,5^8 Giugno1991, ed. E. Cioni and D. shelfmark: Inc. e. I43.1489.1. Fausti (Siena, 1994), 11^27, at 12^15. v e5 Tortus, Caesar: [Letter addressed to] Andreas Mathaeus [Aquaviva], Marquess of Bitonto. Incipit: `Solebam, illustrissime G-002 Gafurius, Franchinus domine, iam diu mecum ipse . .' Practica musicae. r refs. See C. Bianca, Andrea Matteo Acquaviva e i libri a stampa, G1 [Title-page.] v in Territorio e feudalita© nel mezzogiorno Rinascimentale. Il ruolo G2 [Table of contents.] v degli Acquaviva tra XV e XVI secolo. Atti del Primo Convegno G3 Gafurius, Franchinus: [Letter addressed to] Ludovicus Maria Internazionale di studi su la Casa Acquaviva d'Atri e di Sforza, Duke of Milan. Incipit: `[Q]uantae musicae artis profes- Conversano, Conversano - Atri, 13^16 Settembre 1991, ed. C. sio, illustrissime princeps, apud priscos . .' Lavarra (Lecce, 1995), 39^53, at 46^7. refs. Saxius 514^15. v v e6 Tortus, Caesar: [Verse addressed to] Andreas Mathaeus G4 Conagus, Lucinus: `Carmen.' `Et iuuat et vellem meritas tibi [Aquaviva]. `Magnus Allexander regnum sibi praeparat armis > reddere laudes > Sed quis pro meritis te, Ludouice, feret?'; 11 ele- Viribus alcidae caedat vterque polus'; 3 elegiac distichs. giac distichs. 5 e6 [First colophon.] Incipit: `Finis clausularum Ciceronis adest refs. Saxius 515. r quas Joannes Galriel(!) Senensis . .'Stating the use of £orilegia. a1 Gafurius, Franchinus: Practica musicae. Incipit: `[E]tsi harmo- v e6 [Corrigenda addressed to the reader.] Incipit:`Haec paucula, lec- nicam scientiam plerique cessante vsu . .'See Clement A. Miller, tor amantissime, que aberrata erant librariorum . .' `Ga¡urius's Practica musicae: Origin and Contents', Musica v [f1 ] Ursellus, Bernardinus: [Letter addressed to] Johannes Bichus. Disciplina, 22 (1968), 105^28; Thorndike^Kibre 524; see also F. Incipit: `Quesisti a me, Joannes Biche, eques insignis, quid sen- A. G. Ouseley, `On the Early Italian and Spanish Treatises on tiam de clausularum Ciceronis digestione . .' Counterpoint and Harmony', Proceedings of the Musical r [f2 ] Valsanus, Antonius: [Letter addressed to the reader.] Incipit: Association (3 Mar.1879), 76^88, at 82. `Habes, iocundissime lector, Ciceronis epistolarum familiarium Milan: Guillermus Le Signerre, for Johannes Petrus de Lomatio, clausulas . .' v 30 Sept. 1496. Folio. [f2 ] Gabriel, Johannes: [Letter addressed to] Johannes Mendoza. collation: G4 a b8 c6 aa^kk8 ll6. Incipit:`[P]uerolim ad meamvtilitatem Ciceronis epistolarum . .' Woodcuts: see James Haar, `The Frontispiece of Gafori's Practica Stating that the following treatise was composed at the instigation musicae (1496)', Renaissance Quarterly, 27 (1974), 7^22; for the of Mendoza. v woodcut music itself, see Duggan 64^7. [f2 ] Gabriel, Johannes: Componendi epistolas modus. Incipit: GW 10434; Go¡ G-3; BMC VI 789; Pr 6067; Duggan 205, no. 12; `Quod legendus maxime Cicero est. Monet Fabius Quintilianus Oates 2322; Sander 2983; not in Sheppard. Facsimile: Franchino libro illo. .' Gafori, Practica musicae (Farnborough, 1967). Siena: Henricus de Colonia, 7 Oct. 14[8]9; 5 Oct. 1489. 4o. Two COPY colophons; in the ¢rst the date is misprinted as `M.cccc.lxxxxix.': Wanting the blank leaf ll6. see BMC. 1061 1062 gaguinus, robertus [g-002^g-005 Binding: Eighteenth-century(?) Italian quarter calf over yellow G-004 Gafurius, Franchinus pasteboards. Size: 287 ¿ 212 ¿ 27 mm. Size of leaf: 278 ¿ Theorica musicae. 198 mm. r [*1 ] [Title-page.] Some annotations, pointing hands, corrections to the text, and v [*1 ] [Corrigenda.] scribbles. Manuscript title on lower edge in black ink. The shield r [*2 ] `Capitula.' in the woodcut borders at the beginning of each book has been v decorated with musical and other symbols. On the verso of the [*3 ] Gafurius, Franchinus: [Letter addressed to] Ludovicus Maria back endleaf continuing onto the rear pastedown, nineteenth- Sforza. Incipit: `[Q]uorum magis sententiae accedere debeam century(?) pencil annotations entitled `Iucundissimi compositor[ maxime aeui tui, rector Lodouice Sphortia . .' refs. Saxius 503^4. ]' listing early composers. v Provenance: Benedictus Antegnatus (sixteenth/seventeenth cen- [*4 ] [Verse, addressed to] the reader.`Quisquis ades cuius digitis dic- r tata teruntur Nostra bonus quisquam si tamen ista terit'; 9 ele- tury); signature on bb4 .Teodoro Giorgio (£.1792); inscription on > giac distichs. the recto of the front endleaf: `Dell'illustrissimo SignoreTeodoro r Giorgio anno 1792. R. Allott (£. 1821); pencil inscription on the a1 Gafurius, Franchinus: Theorica musicae. Incipit: `[D]iuturni front pastedown: `R. Allott Milan July 9 1821.' Tenbury Wells, studii lectione depraehendi musices . .' See Thorndike^Kibre 440. Worcestershire, St Michael's College; former shelfmarks: J.1.26; r D.1.18. Purchased in 1990, through the Friends of the National k5 Curtius, Lancinus: `Carmen.' `[D]icamus numeris Therpsicore Libraries; book-plate. genus > Diuum quae modulos pyeri corrigis'; poem in lesser shelfmark: Tenbury d.1. Asclepiads. Milan: Philippus de Mantegatiis, Cassanus, for Johannes Petrus G-003 Gafurius, Franchinus de Lomatio, 15 Dec. 1492. Folio. 4 8 6 8 Theorica musicae. collation: [* ] a b^i k . v Woodcuts. [a1 ] [Table of contents.] v GW10437; HCR 7406 = H 7405; Go¡ G-6; BMC VI 785, XII 55; Pr [a2 ] Gafurius, Franchinus: [Dedicatory preface, addressed to] 6055; Duggan 206, no.15; Oates 2319^20; Sander 2982; Sheppard Johannes Arcimboldus, Cardinal-Archbishop of Milan. 5026. `Prohemium.' Incipit:`[V]tra mihi sententia plus placeat, reueren- dissime pater . .'SeeThorndike^Kibre1627. COPY r Binding: Twentieth-centuryhalf maroon morocco, bound for the [b2 ] Gafurius, Franchinus: Theorica musicae. Incipit: `[D]iuturni studii lectione deprehendi musicen . .' See Thorndike^Kibre Bodleian Library. Size: 290 ¿ 206 ¿ 17 mm. Size of leaf: 282 ¿ 191 mm. 440, and Ouseley,82. [p v] [Verse.] `O cui cardineum licuit contingere honorem Et me Some early marginal annotations. 6 > Provenance: Domenico Quilici (¢fteenth/sixteenth century?); quem virtus inpulit ut venerer'; 4 elegiac distichs. r o inscription on [*1 ]: `Domenico Quilici'. Lucca, Tuscany, Naples: Francesco di Dino, 8 Oct. 1480. 4 . r 4 8 Carthusians, Spiritus Sanctus; inscriptions on [*1 ]: `Cartusie collation: [a b^p ]. r Luce'and `Domus Luce', on b3 :`Lucane Cartusie.' Purchased on Eight woodcuts: see Sander. 29 June 1888 from Albert Cohn, Catalogue 190, no. 427, for 225 GW 10436; Go¡ G-5; BMC VI 867; Pr 6721; Duggan 206, no. 14; Marks; see Library Bills (1888). Fava^Bresciano 170; Oates 2521; Sander 2981; not in Sheppard. shelfmark: Auct. Q sup. 1.31. COPY Wanting the blank leaf [p8]. v G-005 Gaguinus, Robertus Leaf [n6 ] blank. Binding: Nineteenth-century(?) parchment with coloured ¢llets Opera varia. in red and blue, and marbled pastedowns. Bound by G.Woolley. Part I. r Size: 197 ¿ 147 ¿ 28 mm. Size of leaf: 188 ¿ 134 mm. a1 [Title-page.] r Occasional early annotations, particularly on the woodcuts; a2 Gaguinus, Robertus: `Prefatio' [addressed to] Jodocus Badius some notes apparently washed out; contemporary annotations Ascensius. added to several illustrations, washed but still legible. refs. Robert Gaguin, Epistole et orationes, ed. Louis Thuasne, Some three-line initials are supplied in red; other initials appar- Bibliothe© que litte¨ raire de la renaissance, 2 vols (Paris, 1904), I ently washed out. Book numbers are supplied in the upper margin 171^4, no. 1. v at the beginning of each book. a2 Gaguinus, Robertus: [Letteraddressed to] Durandus Gerlerius. Provenance: Sir Frederick Arthur Gore Ouseley (1825^1889), refs. ed.Thuasne I 174^6, no. 2. r 2nd Bt. Tenbury Wells, Worcestershire, St Michael's College; a3 Gaguinus, Robertus: [Letter addressed to] `Patres correctores note by C.W. James (À1942), dated 25 Oct. 1931, concerning this capituli . ordinis sancti Trinitatis'. and other editions of Gafurius's works which were owned by refs. ed.Thuasne I 177^8, no. 3. v Ouseley and St Michael's College; former Tenbury shelfmarks: a3 Gaguinus, Robertus: [Letter addressed to] Petrus Burius. K.1.32; D.1.60. Purchased in 1990, through the Friends of the refs. ed.Thuasne I 274^7, no. 29. r National Libraries.

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