Queensland Parliamentary Debates [Hansard] Legislative Assembly THURSDAY, 11 AUGUST 1966 Electronic reproduction of original hardcopy 122 Ways and Means [ASSEMBLY] Questions THURSDAY, 11 AUGUST, 1966 MR. SPEAKER (Hon. D. E. Nicholson, Murrumba) read prayers and took the chair at 11 a.m. MEMBER SWORN MR. w. M. EWAN Mr. William Manson Ewan, having taken the oath of allegiance and subscribed the roll, took his seat as member for the electoral district of Roma. APPROPRIATION BILL No. 1 AssENT REPORTED BY MR. SPEAKER QUESTIONS BEEF ROADS SCHEME Mr. Duggan, pursuant to notice, asked The Minister for Mines,- ( 1) How much has been spent since 1960-61 on the construction of roads under the Beef Roads Scheme from (a) State funds and (b) Commonwealth funds? (2) What proportion of such road building has been carried out by (a) con­ tractors and (b) the Main Roads Depart­ ment? (3) Have any contracting firms defaulted on their contracts and, if so, how many? ( 4) What are the reasons for any such contract defaults? Answers:- ( I) "(a) $2,132,448 as at July 31, 1966. (b) $16,225,262 as at July 31, 1966. Total $18,357,710." (2) "Most of the road building has been done by contractors. Proportions are-(a) Contractors, 83 per cent.; (b) Main Roads Department, 17 per cent." Questions (11 AUGUST] Questions 123 ( 3) "Yes, two. One, a contmctor from they make it known that they are desirous New South Wales, was declared bankrupt of obtaining a licence to drive a truck for in that State before he had made a real the purposes of employment." start on the job. He had previously carried out another contract successfully on the same beef mad. One, because of losses, came to an agreement with the (b) Mr. Houston, pursuant to notice, asked Commissioner of Main Roads to have the The Minister for Education,- contract determined. The work is being ( 1) What is the average waiting time completed by day labour using the con­ from time of application to time of test tractor's equipment and operators on a for a car driving licence? hire basis. This work is approaching com­ pletion." (2) What is the average number of (a) tests per day, (b) failures per day and (c) ( 4) " (a) Lack of appreciation of the tests per applicant before finally passing? difficulties in the beef road areas when tendering. (b) Lack of road building know­ ledge and experience required in such Answers:- areas." (1 ) "In so far as the License Issuing Centre, Kemp Place, Brisbane, is concerned SALVAGE CoLLECTIONs -ten to twelve days." Mr. Dean, pursuant to notice, asked The ( 2) " (a) In so far as the License Issuing Minister for Education,- Centre, Kemp Place, Brisbane, is concerned Wii! he investigate the present nuisance -120. (b) In so far as the License being experienced by householders by Issuing Centre, Kemp Place, Brisbane, is salvage collectors collecting clothing under concerned-49. (c) The avemge number the guise of assisting charitable organisa­ of tests per applicant for a Driver's Licence tions, when in fact, it is being continually before a Driver's Licence is issued is reported that the articles of clothing are not given to the charitable organisations unknown. This figure could not be ascer­ but are sold for profit? tained without research. Many applicants secure a Driver's Licence after one test Answer:- only, whilst some secure a Driver's Licence "A check of records at the Criminal after a second test, and yet others undergo Investigation Branch, Brisbane, has revealed several tests before it is considered that that only seven complaints in relation to they have reached the ~tandard justifying the activity of salvage collectors over the the issue of a Driver's Licence." period 1953 to date have been received. All these complaints have been made the subject of immediate Police investigation. WoNDALL RoAD STATE ScHOOL The investigations did not result in any person being charged with any offence. If Mr. Newton, pursuant to notice, asked The the Honourable Member has any particular Minister for Education,- matter in mind and sees fit to raise the When will the new State primary school matter with me, I will cause it to be at Wondall road, Manly West, be opened investigated immediately." for the intake of pupils? Answer:- TESTS FOR DRIVERS' LICENCES "It is expected that the school will be (a) Mr. Newton, pursuant to notice, asked opened on Monday, September 12, 1966." The Minister for Education,- In view of the fact that learner-drivers and other people requiring tests for licences BOOKLET ON LEGAL AID for vehicles have to wait for weeks to be Mr. Newton, pursuant to notice, asked The tested in the metropolitan area, what other Minister for Justice,- action is being taken by his Department apart from other testing centres being built As legal aid has been introduced to overcome these delays, particularly in under the Legal Assistance Act, will relation to drivers requiring tests for truck­ he consider issuing a hand booklet or driving to fill vacancies in employment? brochure explaining the entitlement under the scheme to interested organisations and Answer:- the public generally? "The waiting time between the date of appointment and the actual date of test at Answer:- the License Issuing Centre, Kemp Place, "It is proposed when reprinting the Brisbane, is approximately .ten to twelve handbook outlining the services provided days. Persons requiring tests for licences by the Department of Justice and its to drive trucks are given such tests within associated Sub-Departments to include a approximately twenty-four hours of their comprehensive section dealing with the request for a test in circumstances where Legal Assistance Act." 124 Questions [ASSEMBLY] Questions INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT POTENTIAL ( 3) As a result of these visits, how many IN BURDEKIN ELECTORATE vehicles were checked each month and how Mr. Cobum, pursuant to notice, asked The many of these were condemned? Minister for Industrial Development,- ( 1) Has his Department carried out a Answers:- survey to ascertain the potential for indus­ ( I) "This information is not readily trial development in towns and districts available, but it is estimated that the within the Burdekin Electorate? number exceeds 200." (2) If so, what industries will be recommended by his Department to pros­ (2) "January, 9; February, 12; March, pective investors as the best prospect for 15; April, 10; May, 8; June, 11." successful investment in industrial under­ (3) takings within the Electorate? Minor "Inspected Unsafe Repairs Answer:- January 87 15 33 (1 and 2) "The Department of Industrial February 116 21 42 Development is, of course, not con­ 10 47 cerned with electoral boundaries. It March 118 is, however, keenly interested in regional April 91 19 28 development. Broadly speaking, the May 79 12 36 aim of the Department is to increase June 80 11 28" the industrialisation of the State as a whole. A series of studies of particular EXAMINATION OF ToWNSVILLE WATER commodities which could conceivably be SUPPLY produced in Queensland is currently being ~ndertaken. In documenting its findings Mr. Aikens, pursuant to notice, asked The m respect of these cases, the Department Minister for Health,- does not seek to direct an industrialist to ( 1) Do officers of the State Health any particular area. The location and Department make tests of the reticulated extent of raw materials, the availability water supplied to the people of Townsville of water and power, harbour faciliHes and and, if so, when and how are such tests such like are dealt with on a purely factual made and with what result? basis. It is then left to the industrialist to (2) If no such tests are made by the determine, in the light of the overall Department are any made by any other economics of the project, where such a authority and, if so, are they checked in plant should be established. The Honour­ any way by the State Health Department? able Member can rest assured {hat in these exercises tire undoubted opportunity which ( 3) If any tests are made by any exists for further capital investment in authority, do such tests embrace the fitness North Queensland is given full weight by of the water for human consumption, the the Department." animal, mineral, and vegetable content and the odour of the water? COMPLAINTS OF CRIMINAL OFFENCES IN Answer:- BULIMBA, BALMORAL, AND HAWTHORNE DISTRICTS ( 1 to 3) "Bacteriological examina­ tion of water from the reticulated water Mr. Houston, pursuant to notice asked supply of Townsville is carried out by The Minister for Education,- ' the Laboratory of Microbiology and How many complaints of (a) breaking Pathology of tire Health Department and and entering, (b) attacks on the person, chemical analysis by the Government (c) damage to property and (d) other Chemical Laboratory. Samples for nature, have been referred to the police bacteriological examination were submitted from the Bulimba, Balmoral and Haw­ on January 6, February 17, March 10, and thorne districts for the twelve months ended May 12 of this year, and the Townsville June, 1966? City Council applied for further bacterio­ logical and chemical sample bottles early Answer:- this month. In addition, four to five "(a) 42. (b) 9. (c) 17. (d) 157." samples are examined bacteriologically each week by the Commonwealth Health Laboratory, Townsville. In all instances INSPECTION OF VEHICLES IN USED-CAR the water, which is chlorinated, was found YARDS, BRISBANE to be suitable for human consumption. The Mr. Houston, pursuant to notice, asked second type of analysis, chemical analysis, The Minister for Labour and Tourism,- which is carried out by the Government (1) How many used-car yards are there Chemical Laboratory indicates any animal, in the Brisbane metropolitan area? mineral, and vegetable content, and the type of odour of the water when present.
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