Clan MacNpine now has a new Commander! Michael T McAlpine commissioned for 10 yearc Cuimhnich year 2000 through the Birs Ailpein! efforts of the first So- The ciety president, Ken- MacAlpine Clan is neth J. McAlpine of no\ry an officially Califomia. The Soci- recognized ety has been active armigerous Scottish since its founding, clan after a nearly supporling a quarterly two decades -long newsletter, a family effort by the Clan Annual General Meet- MacAlpine Society ing, and an ongoing for recognition by effort to support clan the Court of the recognition. Ifyou are Lord Lyon in a MacAlpine or de- Edinburgh. OnApril scendent thereof, 19,2017 the Lord Commander Michael T. McAlpin receiving commis- please consider j oining Lyon commissioned sion from Rev. Dx Joe Morrow, Lord Lyon King of Arms and supporting the Michael T. McAlpin for Scotland. clan society. ofAlpharetta, Geor- The House of MacAlpine met at Abbotsford gia, Commander of the McAlpine Clan (official com- House in Melrose, Roxbrughshire in Scotland on Sep- mission available on the Clan MacAlpine Society tember 10, 2016, for ahistoric family convention and website www.macalpineclan.com). - Derbfine. The family The position of Commander is an ad interim ten nominated Micahel T. year appointment. At the end ofthe appointment, the McAlpin as Com- family will need to organize a Derbfine to nominate mander and made im- the next Clan Commander. The Clan MacAlpine Society was formed in the Con't on page 5 F J !t II I ril 1 I ap Page2 Beth's Newfangled Fanily Tree Saction B April 2019 HOLYWOOD, SCOTLAND Garden of Cosmic Speculation A 30-acre garden inspired by the principles of modern physics. With many thanks to AtlaS ObSCUfa. Free subscriptions at <atlasobscura.com> Snail-shaped grass mounds. twisting DNA he- that all illr-Lminate or at least ale inspired b"v con- lix sculptrues, and nndulatirrg waves of rhododen- cepts ofblack hoJes, string Lheory, and the "Big Bzrng." drons makc up the Garden of Cosmic Speculation, a TIre garden f'eatules live major areas connecLed 30-acre garden whosc desigu is guided by Lhe funda- by a number ofartificial lakes, bridgcs, and olher ar- mentals of modcrn ph"vsics. chitecLural works, including large white staircases and The garden was dcsigned by architecture theo- tcrraces thal zigzag down a green hillside, represent- rist ClT arles Jencks turd his latc wilt, Maggie Keswick. ing thc story of the crcatiou ol'1he univelse. an expert on Chinese gardens. Located at their pri- .lencks oontinucd work on the garden through vate rosiclence, Porllack I Iouse, near Dumliics, Scot- 2007. Todal', it is open to the public one day a year land, the design. accordir.rg to Jencks, brings out Lhe thlough the Scotland's Gardens Scheme and helps basic elements that underlie the cosnros. to raise moncy lbr Maggie's Centres, a cancer cale From 1989 until Kesu,ich's deatl.r in 1995. Jeucks foundation namcd aftcr Jenck's late wife. and his wile mct with horticultr"rrists and scier.rtists in Knolv Belbre You Go order to design a lanclscape that would bridge the Holywood is I % miles offA76, fivc miles north worlds ofart, naturc and science. Perhaps viewecl as oJ Duml'ries. Tichets are linited to 1.500 visilors on an unconventional approach lo landscaping, the gat'- one day per year. Tickets arc available through the den l'eatures a dizzyilg display ofgeonretric lractals ()onlinued ctn page 5 Beth's Newfangled Fanily Tree Seclion B April 2OL9 Page 3 https://electricca nad ia n.com New MacAlpin Commander, Continued from page I portant decisions for the future ofthe clan. After a 500+ year hiatus, the family is now an officially rec- ognized Scottish clan. Garden of Cosmic Speculation, The new Commander has written: The Clan Continuedfrom page 3 MacAlpine Society was founded nearly twenty years o ago with the objectives of identi$'ing and unif ing Scotland Gardens website. See to the left in our diaspora, preserving our Scottish heritage, gain- 6 this column. (So, it will be readable.) ing recognition from the Scottish Court oflord Lyon, (.) o) 2019 Day of Viewing for the public is and ultimately having a Chief of the Name and Arms a listed below. of MacAlpine, and a Crest. c.i It was a great honor to be at the Lyon Coufi in Sunday 5 May, 11am - 5pm (2019) Edinbugh to receive the Commission from the Reverend Admission f 10.00, children free. Dr. Joe Monow, l,ord Lyon King ofArms for Scotland. ' Maggies Centre 600/0. (, Accompanying me were Society President Dale Other details: There is limited parking o.l McAlpine from California, Ian McAlpine ard his in the fields beside Portrack, so admission is lovely wife Margaret from Midlothian, and our advi- () via pre-paid ticket only. N sor Dr. Bruce Durie. Please book your tickets online from 1 Lyon made a short presentation of the Commis- February at Eventbrite. b0 sion in his office, and then we all retired for dinner There will also be limited tickets avail- and conversation. d able in person at the Midsteeple in Dumfries With Commission in hand, we are well on our for local people with no internet access. way to our long-term objectives. We have nearly E Please check ticket availability as we b0 3,000 members arorurd the world, and we have rec- all expect this event to sell out. ognition from the Court. F- Early entry before 1 lam will not be per- Now is a good time to reflect on what we have mitted and last entry is 4.30pm. bo accomplished, but also to take measure of what our We regret that there is no wheelchair o vision is for the future. To assist with that, I have N access. N asked a few folks to help with identifiiing a few areas Dogs must be kept on a lead at all times. that may help preserve our heritage by looking at the (g Teas will be provided throughout the af- N potential ofoffering small scholarships for piping, and (\ ternoon by The Usual Place, our local enter- b0 dancing. .tr prise parlner. It might also be an opportunity to give back, to The Upper Nithsdale Youth Pipe Band think of some effort on a worthy cause in Scotland, will perform near the tea area at 1.30pm and perhaps some signage at a location important to the (\ 3pm (weather permitting). McAlpines, or a donation to tlle Kilmartin Museum. Please note that the garden is not open We will also begin contacting the websites and a.l to the public at any other time during the year. oj vendors that need to corect their content to a more Further information is on the Scotland's - accurate description of the McAlpines. t'- Gardens Scheme website. \o "If you are interested in getting involved with one ofthese projects, please 1et me know. Paraphrasing the Commission, it says the interim Commander should rally the McAlpines. I am com- mitted to that worlhy efforl. Yours Aye, MichaelTMcAloin Beths Newfangled Fanily Tree Section B April 2019 Poge 5 William world, with personal chargc ofheraldry and as ajudge David on genealogical questions relating to family repre- Hamilton sentation and pediglees. Sellar, Lord Tluough his post injurisprudence at Edinburgh Lyon King of Univelsity, he brought to the office the forcc of the Arms. Born: 27 law. But l-ris lifelong study, his "passion" as he termed lebruary 1941 it, was the study of gcnealogy and thus he was pos- in Glasgow. sibly the first genealogist appointed to the office. Died: 26 Janu- William David Ilamilton Sellar, MVO, MA, ary 2019 in LLB, FRHistS, FSAScot, was hailed as the most EdinbrLrgh, influential Scottish legal historian ofhis generatiou. aged 78. Born and raised in Glasgow, educated at David Kelvinside Academy and Fettes Collcgc, he read his- Sellar was the tory at Oxford and law at Edinburgh, and after quali- gently urbane fying as a solicitor, worked briefly at the Scottish academic and Land Court, before joining the law faculty at author who, as Lord Lyon, became Scotland's great- Edinburgh University. est officer of state. Clad in tabard of office, he cut a That was in 1969, and he remained there for his majestic figure: tall, impassive, pale eyes above a fine enrjre ccfldernic carccr. Keenll inlerested in promo- beard. Ifappearances matter - and in the post ofLord tion ofScots law, history and culture, he founded the Lyon they surely do then the holdel of this ancient Centre for Legal History in 1992, now one of the office brought credit and dignity to one ofour nation's leaders of its kind anywhere in the world, serving most historic roles. As Lord Lyon, he held reins like no othcr in the Continued on page 9 Beth's Newfangled Fanily Tree Section B April 2Ol9 Poge 7 Lyon David Sellar, continuedfrom page 7 Scottish legal history as an academic discipline. In his andlyon Court "Eachis a research and in a prodigious published output, he raised cotrt ofextraordinaryjuris questions around the nature and identity of Scots 1aw, diction. One deals with querying how far back the history of it can be traced. crofters, and the other with He demonstrated how our distinctive common chiefs". law acted as a pi11ar ofnational identity from the wars He once turned up ofindependence ofKing Robet Bruce onwards, and for a meeting of he examined whether this operated the same way Edinburgh University across the Highlands as the Lowlands. Heraldry Society at He examined how much Scots law contained which the distinguished influences of Celtic, Roman, canon, and English law, heraldist - Sir Iain and queried what effect the Reformation had.
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