EXTRACT WHAT TO WATCH WHEN RECOMMENDATION MINI-GUIDE DISCOVER A SHOW FOR EVERY MOOD AND MOMENT WHAT TO WATCH WHEN… You want to get your pulse racing When you have three generations on one sofa When you want to escape to a different time When you want a cosy night in When you want to learn something new and more with over 1,000 shows featured! WHAT TO WATCH WHEN… YOU HAVE THREE GENERATIONS ON ONE SOFA WHATWHAT TO WATCH TO WATCH WHEN... WHEN... YOU YOUHAVE HAVE THREE THREE GENERATIONS GENERATIONS ON ONE ON ONESOFA SOFA The fair-mindedThe fair-minded Kirk oftenKirk often finds findshimself himself Likewise,Likewise, the array the arrayof dazzling of dazzling space space gizmos gizmos STARSTAR TREK TREK advisedadvised in two in directions two directions by the by emotionless- the emotionless- can becan a bitbe overwhelming.a bit overwhelming. As well As aswell the as the yet-reasonableyet-reasonable Spock Spock – who – haswho mixed has mixed human human warpdrive warpdrive (the thing(the thingthat makes that makes the ship the ship and alien-Vulcanand alien-Vulcan heritage heritage – and – the and more the more go reallygo really fast) andfast) phasers and phasers (guns (guns that, don’tthat, don’t SCI-FISCI-FI • 1966 • 1966 • RATED: • RATED: PG •PG 50 •MINS 50 MINS • SEASONS: • SEASONS: 3 3 passion-drivenpassion-driven McCoy. McCoy. Likewise, Likewise, the other the other forget,forget, can be can set be to set stun), to stun), there there are also are also WILLIAMWILLIAM SHATNER, SHATNER, LEONARD LEONARD NIMOY, NIMOY, DEFOREST DEFOREST KELLEY KELLEY cast memberscast members reflect reflect a diversity a diversity of genders, of genders, transporterstransporters that can that beam can beam you down you down to to races,races, and nationalities, and nationalities, pointing pointing a spotlight a spotlight a planet’sa planet’s surface, surface, and tricorders, and tricorders, devices devices on theon polarization the polarization of its ofera, its the era, 1960s, the 1960s, and and that canthat be can used be usedto do to everything do everything from from The Thecrew crew of the of Starshipthe Starship Enterprise Enterprise a morea more enlightened enlightened future future ahead. ahead. One notableOne notable detecting detecting radiation radiation to recording to recording memories memories – Captain– Captain Kirk, Kirk, Mister Mister Spock, Spock, et al et– al – exchangeexchange between between Captain Captain Kirk andKirk Lieutenant and Lieutenant (which (which comes comes in handy in handy with allwith the all space the space exploreexplore the farthe reaches far reaches of the of galaxythe galaxy UhuraUhura features features the first the kiss first between kiss between a fictional a fictional mischief mischief going going on around). on around). in searchin search of intelligent of intelligent life and life alienand alien whitewhite male maleand a and fictional a fictional black blackfemale female to to civilizations.civilizations. They They try to try promote to promote premierepremiere on US on network US network television, television, a big a big peacepeace and justice,and justice, but thebut sentimentthe sentiment deal atdeal the at time. the time. To boldlyTo boldly go wherego where no no isn’t isn’talways always returned. returned. “ “ The crewThe crewfaces facesmany many formidable formidable challenges, challenges, manman has hasgone gone before... before... In theIn 1960s, the 1960s, the Space the Space Race Raceand the and challenge the challenge from frombeleaguered beleaguered Starfleet Starfleet compatriots compatriots – such – such ” ” to putto a putman a onman the on moon the moon captivated captivated millions. millions. as a crewas a crewmember member stricken stricken with megalomaniawith megalomania Star TrekStar rodeTrek rodethat wave that waveof interstellar of interstellar interest interest and imbuedand imbued with thewith power the power of telekinesis of telekinesis – to – to CaptainCaptain Kirk Kirk with awith series a series all about all about exploring exploring uncharted uncharted a litanya litany of alien of species.alien species. The lizard-like The lizard-like Gorn Gorn cornerscorners of the of Milky the Milky Way Waygalaxy. galaxy. What What makemake a notable a notable appearance appearance in this in series, this series, as do as do makesmakes the Enterprise the Enterprise crew’s crew’s mission mission so so the yeti-inspiredthe yeti-inspired salt vampires. salt vampires. Those Those monster- monster-For allFor its alltechnology, its technology, though, though, Star Trek Star isTrek is intriguingintriguing and relatable and relatable here onhere Earth on Earth is that is that like creatureslike creatures are joined are joined by more by more humanoid humanoid reallyreally about about the core the beliefcore belief that in that the in future the future the challengesthe challenges they findthey in find space in space – issues – issues such such races,races, such assuch the as Klingons the Klingons and the and Romulans, the Romulans, humanshumans will see will past see differences,past differences, and evolve. and evolve. as intolerance,as intolerance, racism, racism, and greed and greed – are –similar are similar Set onlySet someonly some 200 years 200 years from fromnow, now,the main the main namesnames that will that be will familiar be familiar to most to mostpeople people On theOn Enterprise, the Enterprise, humankind humankind is noble is noble and and to thoseto those here. here. cast iscast led isby led commanding by commanding officer officer James James T. Kirk T. Kirk whetherwhether you’re you’re a Trekkie a Trekkie or not. or not. the crewthe crewis open-minded is open-minded in its inexploration its exploration (William(William Shatner) Shatner) and consists and consists of science of science officer officer of otherof other worlds worlds and cultures. and cultures. Even Evenwhen when Kirk Kirk CreatedCreated by Gene by Gene Roddenberry, Roddenberry, the show the show SpockSpock (Leonard (Leonard Nimoy), Nimoy), chief chiefmedical medical officer officer A wordA word of caution: of caution: the series’ the series’ original original pilot maypilot mayand crewand crewbeat theirbeat theirenemies, enemies, they sometimesthey sometimes takes takesits cues its fromcues fromwesterns westerns and adventure and adventure LeonardLeonard McCoy McCoy (DeForest (DeForest Kelley), Kelley), engineer engineer throwthrow you. Ityou. features It features a slightly a slightly different different cast – cast – reachreach out to out their to theirdefeated defeated foe offering foe offering help. help. novelsnovels – and – would and would go on go to on inspire to inspire waves waves “Scotty”“Scotty” (James (James Doohan), Doohan), communications communications insteadinstead of Captain of Captain Kirk, Kirk,you get you to get travel to travel the the That’sThat’s something something the world the world could could still learn still learn of otherof other space space dramas, dramas, including including Star Wars Star Wars officerofficer Uhura Uhura (Nichelle (Nichelle Nichols), Nichols), helmsman helmsman Sulu Sulu spacewaysspaceways with Captainwith Captain Pike (JeffreyPike (Jeffrey Hunter). Hunter). from fromStar Trek Star today.Trek today. and Fireflyand Firefly (see p91),(see p91), to say to nothing say nothing of all of all (George(George Takei), Takei), and navigator and navigator Chekov Chekov (Walter (Walter After Afterthe pilot the waspilot rejected, was rejected, Hunter Hunter withdrew withdrew the Starthe Trek Star sequels,Trek sequels, from fromVoyager Voyager (see p134)(see p134) Koenig). Koenig). Of course, Of course, with thatwith many that many personalities personalities from fromthe show, the show, paving paving the way the for way Shatner for Shatner to to to theto recent the recent Discovery Discovery (see p135).(see p135). travellingtravelling the stars, the stars, some some conflict conflict is inevitable. is inevitable. star instar a second in a second more more successful successful pilot. pilot. THE PRIMETHE PRIME STAR STARTREK TREK TIMELINE TIMELINE STAR TREK:STAR TREK: STAR TREK:STAR TREK: STAR TREK:STAR TREK: STAR TREK:STAR TREK: STAR TREKSTAR 2: TREK 2: STAR TREKSTAR 5: TREK 5: STAR TREK:STAR TREK: STAR TREK:STAR TREK:STAR TREK:STAR TREK:STAR TREK:STAR TREK: STAR TREK:STAR TREK: EnterpriseEnterprise The OriginalThe OriginalSeries SeriesThe AnimatedThe Animated Series SeriesThe MotionThe PictureMotion PictureThe WrathThe of Wrath Khan of Khan The FinalThe Frontier Final Frontier The NextThe Generation Next Generation GenerationsGenerations First ContactFirst Contact NemesisNemesis Picard Picard (2001-2005)(2001-2005) (1966-1969)(1966-1969) (1973-1974)(1973-1974) (1979) (1979) (1982) (1982) (1989) (1989) (1987-1994)(1987-1994) (1994) (1994) (1996) (1996) (2002) (2002) (2020) (2020) 2387 AD2387 AD 2151 - 21612151 AD - 2161 AD 2259 - 22692259 AD - 2269 AD 2269 - 22702269 AD - 2270 AD 2273 AD2273 AD 2285 AD2285 AD 2287 AD2287 AD 2364 - 23702364 AD - 2370 AD 2371 AD2371 AD 2373 AD2373 AD 2379 AD2379 AD 2399 AD 2399 AD 2255 - 22592255 AD - 2259 AD 2285 AD2285 AD 2286 AD2286 AD 2293 AD2293 AD 2369 - 23752369 AD - 2375 AD 2371 - 23782371 AD - 2378 AD 2375 AD2375 AD 3186 AD3186 AD The KelvinThe Star Kelvin Trek Star Trek - TV Series- TV Series TimelineTimeline joins: joins: Star TrekStar (2009), Trek (2009), STAR TREK:STAR TREK: - Feature- Feature Films Films STAR TREKSTAR 3: TREK 3: STAR TREKSTAR 4: TREK 4: STAR TREKSTAR 6: TREK 6: STAR TREK:STAR TREK: STAR TREK:STAR
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