![Arxiv:1808.09134V2 [Hep-Th] 24 Sep 2018](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
KIAS-P18089 Algebraic surfaces, Four-folds and Moonshine Kimyeong Lee1, ∗ and Matthieu Sarkis1, y 1School of Physics, Korea Institute for Advanced Study, Seoul 02455, Korea The aim of this note is to point out an interesting fact related to the elliptic genus of complex algebraic surfaces in the context of Mathieu moonshine. We also discuss the case of 4-folds. INTRODUCTION terms of the holomorphic Euler characteristic of a for- mal series with holomorphic vector bundle coefficients. In their seminal paper [1], Eguchi, Ooguri and We give for it a simple expression in terms the self- Tachikawa made the interesting observation that the el- intersection number of the canonical class and the Euler liptic genus of K3 admits a decomposition in terms of number. One can then deduce the behaviour of the ellip- N = 4 super-Virasoro characters, whose coefficients hap- tic genus under blow ups, allowing us to state in which 2 pen to correspond to the dimension of representations sense any surface with positive K may be relevant for a geometric understanding of Mathieu moonshine. of the largest Mathieu sporadic group M24. This phe- nomenon was formalized in a precise conjecture related We finally discuss how the discussion for surfaces can be extended for 4-folds. to the existence of a graded module for M24 whose prop- erties would precisely mimic the experimental observa- tion of [1]. This conjecture was then proved by Gan- Conventions: non [2]. Many authors have made important contribu- • We will omit the modular argument and denote tions towards understanding Mathieu moonshine from by θ(z) the odd Jacobi theta function θ(τ; z) when a physics perspective in terms of the BPS spectrum of unambiguous, cf. appendix. N = (4; 4) NSLM with K3 target. In parallel to that, Eguchi and Hikami [3] made the • q = exp(2iπτ) and y = exp(2iπz). Differentiation interesting observation that since K3 surfaces correspond of the odd Jacobi theta function is always with to a double cover of Enriques surfaces, the elliptic genus respect to the elliptic variable z. of the latter is given by 1 ELLIPTIC GENUS OF COMPLEX ALGEBRAIC Ell = Ell = φ ; (1) Enriques 2 K3 0;1 SURFACES where φ0;1 is the standard weight-0 index-1 weak Jacobi In the following we denote by X a smooth compact form (32). They then noticed that the evenness of the co- complex algebraic surface. We will also formally write efficients in the N = 4 expansion of EllK3 allowed them to enlighten a connection between EllEnriques = φ0;1 and c(X) = (1 + x1) (1 + x2) (2) the Mathieu group M12. They however underlined the fact that since the Enriques surfaces are not Calabi-Yau, for the total Chern class. We define the following formal series with bundle coefficients: arXiv:1808.09134v2 [hep-th] 24 Sep 2018 they cannot define naively a genuine string background, hence making more obscure any string theoretic explana- 1 −1 O ? ? tion of the observed N = 4 decomposition. This result, Eq;y = y Λ−yqn−1 TX ⊗ Λ−y−1qn TX ⊗ Sqn TX ⊗ Sqn TX ; n=1 however, seems to indicate that from the geometric per- (3) spective the moonshine phenomena are not restricted to where we defined the total exterior and symmetric pow- complex surfaces admitting a Ricci-flat Riemannian met- ers ric. 1 1 X X In this note, we consider the case of a generic smooth Λ E = tk ΛkE;S E = tk Sk E; (4) compact complex algebraic surface X. Even in absence t t k=0 k=0 of a justifiable field theoretic definition and derivation of the elliptic genus (by localization using a GLSM re- Λk and Sk being respectively the k-th exterior product alization when X is toric for instance), one can consider and the k-th symmetric product. The elliptic genus the mathematical definition of the elliptic genus given in is then given by the holomorphic Euler characteristic 2 of this holomorphic vector bundle Eq;y, which, using Expanding to top form order, we get Hirzebruch-Riemann-Roch theorem, is equal to: 2 Z Z θ(z) @ log θ(z) EllX (τ; z) = 0 exp − ch1(X)+ EllX (τ; z) = ch(Eq;y) td(X) : (5) θ (0) X @z X @2 log θ(z) + + E (τ) ch (X) : The total Chern character is well-behaved with respect @z2 2 2 to exterior and symmetric powers: (13) Y 1 ch(StTX ) = ; (6a) One can easily show that the following identity holds: 1 − texa a Y @ log θ(z) ch (Λ T ) = (1 + texa ) : (6b) = ζ (τ; z) − E (τ)z ; (14) t X @z w 2 a Using eq. (31), we then obtain: where ζw is the Weierstrass elliptic zeta function, satis- fying @zζw(τ; z) = −}(τ; z). Z xa Y θ 2iπ − z We therefore end up with the following expression for EllX (τ; z) = xa : (7) xa the elliptic genus in terms of the self-intersection number X θ a 2iπ K2 of the canonical class and the Euler number e: Moreover we can Taylor expand as follows θ(z) 2 1 ! EllX (τ; z) = × X un @n θ0(0) θ(z + u) = θ(z) exp log θ(z) (8) n! @zn K2 K2 n=1 × − − e }(τ; z) + (ζ (τ; z) − E (τ)z)2 : 2 2 w 2 We are therefore left with (15) Z x x Ell (τ; z) = θ(z)2 1 2 × X x1 x2 Using the multiplicative property of the elliptic genus, X θ θ 2iπ 2iπ one can interprete −2 (ζ (τ; z) − E (τ)z) as the elliptic 1 ! (9) w 2 n n 1 X 1 @ log θ(z) X xa genus of . × exp − : P n! @zn 2iπ Before proceeding, let us mention as a parenthesis n=1 a that, as one could expect, since differentiation with re- One can show that spect to the elliptic variable is not covariant in the sense θ(3)(0) of Jacobi forms, EllX is generically not a Jacobi form. = −3E (τ) ; (10) Drawing lessons from [4], we introduce the canonical rais- θ0(0) 2 ing operator, acting on the odd Jacobi theta function as: where E2 is the weight-2 SL2( ) Eisenstein series nor- Z 1 ; 1 z − z¯ malized as Y 2 2 (θ)(τ; z) = θ0(τ; z) + 2iπ θ(τ; z) ; (16) + τ − τ¯ 0 X 1 E (τ) = ; (11) which is then a genuine Jacobi form, but at the cost 2 !2 !2Z+τZ of holomorphicity both in the modular and elliptic ar- guments. We are therefore tempted to replace the log- the prime on the sum meaning that the origin of the arithmic derivative @ log θ=@z in (15) by its covariant lattice is omitted in the sum. avatar. One can therefore canonically associate to any Using eq. (10), collecting the contribution of the non compact algebraic surface the following weight-0 index-1 exponentiated piece, truncating the Taylor series up to non-holomorphic elliptic genus: order 2, which is possible since we work under the inte- gral, and taking care of the 2iπ's, we obtain 2 2 def θ(z) K Ellf X (τ; z) = − − e }(τ; z)+ 2 Z ( θ0(0) 2 2iπθ(z) @ log θ(z) X xa Ell (τ; z) = exp − + 2) (17) X θ0(0) @z 2iπ K2 z − z¯ X a + ζ (τ; z) − E (τ)z + 2iπ : 2 w 2 τ − τ¯ 2 2) 1 @ log θ(z) X xa + + E (τ) : 2 @z2 2 2iπ a Considering the elliptic genus as a building block captur- (12) ing part of the physics of branes wrapping the surface X 3 in, say, an M or F-theory framework, it would be very interesting result: interesting to understand the physical meaning of such an non-holomorphy in this compact setting1. In addition to K3 and Enriques surfaces, minimal surfaces of Kodaira dimension 1, namely proper elliptic surfaces, have an elliptic genus proportional to φ0;1. MOONSHINE PHENOMENA Moreover, one can start from any complex algebraic Behaviour of the elliptic genus of surfaces under surface with topological numbers (K2; e) such that blow-ups K2 ≥ 0, blow it up at K2 generic points to get a surface with Euler number e + K2, whose elliptic genus will also As a very nice corollary of the generic formula (15) be proportional to φ1;0, hence is also related to at least we can learn the behaviour of the elliptic genus under the Mathieu group M12. blow-ups. Indeed, denoting by X~ the blown-up surface at an arbitrary point, π the blow-up morphism, E the As a simple remark, let us add that surfaces with Euler 0 exceptional divisor, and D; D two divisors on X, we number congruent to 0 mod 24 will further exhibit M24 have the following classical results for the intersection moonshine. pairing: Let us now illustrate this generic statement by some examples. E · E = −1 ; π∗D · π∗D0 = D · D0 ; (18) π∗D · E = 0 ; One simple example: projective plane blown-up at nine points from which we obtain that Starting from the simplest surface and following the 2 2 KX~ = KX − 1 : (19) principle described above, we blow-up the projective plane at nine arbitrary points. The elliptic genus of the Since the holomorphic Euler characteristic of the struc- obtained surface is ture sheaf is a birational invariant, Noether's formula then tells us that K2 + e is also a birational invariant of Ell 2 = φ = Ell (22) Bl9(P ) 0;1 Enriques surfaces, hence eX~ = eX + 1. We can finally deduce the behaviour of the elliptic genus under the blow-up at an arbitrary point: K2 θ(z) 2 Ell (τ; z) = Ell (τ; z) + × X~ X θ0(0) 2 1 2 3 P × − (ζw(τ; z) − E2(τ)z) + }(τ; z) : 2 2 dP8 (20) The correction term can be interpreted as the elliptic genus of a surface with K2 = −1 and e = 1: EllX~ = EllX + Ell(K2=−1 ; e=1) ; (21) corresponding to the fact that in the blow-up process dP2 dP1 on removes a point (with e(pt) = 1) to replace it by 1 the P1 of all outward directions through the point 1 2 e (with e P = 2).
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