Application No: Proposed Development: N/09/00851/PPP Residential Development (Potential Formation of 19 Residential Plots) (Outline) Site Address: Site At North Muirhead Farm Dullatur Road Westerwood Cumbernauld G68 OAS Date Registered: 29th July 2009 Appllcant: Agent: Walker Group (Scotland) Ltd N/A Deans Industrial Estate Royston Road Livingston EH54 8AH Application Level: Contrary to Development Plan: Major Application Yes Ward: Representations: 002 Curnbernauld North 9 letters of representation received. Balwant Singh Chadha, Barry McCulloch, Gordon Murray, Alan OBrien, Recommendation: Refuse Reasoned Justification: Residential development on the application site is considered to be unacceptable as it is contrary to the Development Plan, will adversely affect an attractive open area and will remove part of the limited gap between Cumbernauld and Dullatur to the detriment of their individual identities. r Group (Scotland) ud t North Mukhead Farm Dullatur Rod westernod Cumbernauld Re&jentlal Development (PotenW Formation d 19 Kesidentld Plots) (OUline) It Repreoentations Recornmendation: Refuse for the Following Reasons:- 1. The proposed residential development is contrary to Development Plan policies in that a) it is not within a Cumbernauld Local Pian 1993 new housing development allocated site (Cumbernauld Local Plan policy HG I), b) it is within an area identified as Open Space with a presumption against development not related to outdoor recreation, nature conservation or landscape protection (Cumbernauld Local Plan policy EN 26) c) there is no identified residential land supply requirement for development on this unallocated (for residential purposes) site (Glasgow and the Clyde Valley Structure Plan 2000 (Strategic Policy 9), d) it is not an Acceptable Departure from the Structure Plan in that it does not meet the Justification, Economic, Social and Environmental Benefit criteria specified in Structure Plan policy 10 (Departures from the Structure Plan). 2 The proposed residential development is contrary to the Finalised Draft North Lanarkshire Local Plan in that it is within an area identified for the Protection Of Community Resources ((Open Space)) (policy HCF le). 3. The proposed residential development a) will adversely affect an attractive open area, and b) will be located within the gap between Cumbernauld and Dullatur thus bringing the settlements closer together to the detriment of their separate identities. 4. That should planning permission be granted a precedent will be set for inappropriate development on protected open space. Backaround Papers: Reprerentatlon Letters Letter from Mr Peter Boulton, 9 Kings Drive, Westerwood Green, Cumbernauld, G68 OHS received 10th August 2009. Letter from Mr Charles Watters, 3 Kings Drive, Westerwood Green, Cumbernauld, G68 OHS received 10th August 2009. Letter from Ogilvie Homes c/o Jones Lang Lasalle, 150 St Vincent Street, Glasgow, G2 5ND received 12th August 2009. Letter from Westerwood Community Council c/o Mr Gordon Wright, 2 Muitfield Road, Westerwood, Cumbernauld, G68 OEX received 6th August 2009. Letter from Councillor Bob Chadha, Member Services, Civic Centre, Windmillhill Street, Motherwell, MLI IAB received 10th August 2009. Letter from Mr Andrew Bennie, 3 Abbotts Court, Dullatur , G68 OAP received 7th August 2009. Letter from Mrs Siobhan Alston, 19 Kings Drive, Westerwood Green, Cumbernauld G68 OHS received 30th August 2009. Letter from Lorraine Marsh, 11 Kings Drive, Westerwood, Cumbernauld, Glasgow, G68 OHS received 18th August 2009. Letter from Mr Kenneth Dalling, 23 Kings Drive, Cumbernauld, GLASGOW G68 OHS received 26th August 2009. Letter from Mrs Siobhan Alston, 19 Kings Drive, Westerwood, Cumbernauld, G68 OHS received 2nd September 2009. Consultation Responses: Letter from Scottish Water received 17M August 2009 Letter from Scottish Environment Protection Agency received 12'h August 2009 Memo from Environmental Health (including Pollution Control) received 28Ih August 2009 Contact Information: Any person wishing to inspect these documents should contact Martin Dean at 01236 616466 Report Date: 28th October 2009 APPLICATION NO. N/09/00851/0UT REPORT 1. Site D~SCriDtiOn I.I The application is in principle for residential development at North Muirhead Farm off Dullatur Road, Westerwood, Cumbernauld. The 2.5ha site is open farmland in front of the North Muirhead farmsteading. 2. ProDosed Develooment 2.1 The in-principle application is for residential development, with a sketch layout showing 19 residential plots with boundary landscaping and a SUDS drainage pond area. There could, however, be other potential layouts, with an average density (25 dwellinghouses per hectare) giving a possible 60 dwellinghouses on this 2.5ha site. Local low residential densities and the need for structural landscaping means, however, that the site is only capable of accommodating a much lower number of dwelling houses. 2.2 Vehicular and pedestrian access is from Dullatur Road. 3. ~ flcan t's 3.1 The applicant has put forward a number of arguments on behalf of the proposal. These arguments relate to the site being required to meet a housing land supply shortfall, a claimed erroneous failure by the Council to identify the site for housing in the emerging local plan, previous support by the Planning Service for housing on the site, the claimed unexceptional character of the site and the retention of separation from Dullatur through a careful layout. These matters are expanded in paragraph 8.9 below. 3.2 A submitted Protected Species Survey has indicated that there are no protected species on the site and a Drainage Strategy which promotes the use of sustainable urban drainage systems. 4. Site Hiatoy 4.1 The following previous application is relevant to the current proposal. 0 N10110050210UT Outline Planning Application for Rationalisation and Reconfiguration of Existing Golf Course, Formation of Driving Range, Golf Academy, 6 Hole Practice Course, Public Open Space and Footpaths, Residential Development, Associated Vehicular Access and Strategic Landscaping at Westemood Hotel and surrounding land (includes the current application site): Refused in September 2002 and appeal dismissed. 5. PeveloDment Plan 5.1 The development requires to be assessed against the Structure Plan (Glasgow and the Clyde Valley Joint Structure Plan 2000 (incorporating the fourth alteration 2008)) as well as the Local Plan. Structure Plan Strategic Policy 9 covers the Assessment of Development Proposals. 5.2 The site is identified as a Significant Area of Open Spacg (EN 26) in the Cumbernauld Local Plan 1993. 6. Consultations 6.1 A summary of comments from consultees is as follows: Scottish Environmental Protection Agency: Standard standing advice for small scale development is provided. Scottish Water: There may be a requirement for the developer to carry out works on the local drainage network. There may be contaminated land issues concerning the site. Protective Services: A comprehensive site investigation should be carried out to ensure that any risks associated with surrounding land uses are taken into account. 7. Representations 7.1 Following the standard neighbour notification process and newspaper advertisement nine objections have been received, including objections from Councillor Chadha and Westerwood Community Council. Points of objection relate to the proposal being contrary to the Development Plan, adversely affecting the local amenity, Creating a coalescence of Westerwood and Dullatur, and worsening already overstretched facilities and infrastructure. Representations are expanded in paragraphs 8.9 and 8.10 below. 8. Plannina Assessment 8.1 Section 25 of the Town & Country Planning (Scotland) Act 1997 requires that planning decisions must be made in accordance with the development plan unless material considerations indicate otherwise. 8.2 Development Plan: The Development Plan consists of the Glasgow and the Clyde Valley Joint Structure Plan 2000 (incorporating the fourth alteration 2008) and the Cumbernauld Local Plan 1993. Relevant policies are as follows. 8.3 Structure Plan Strategic Policy 9 (Assessment of Development Proposals) covers the general evaluation of applications. The proposed residential development is considered to be contrary to this policy as there is no identified residential land supply requirement for development on this unallocated (for residential purposes) site as is required by Section A (Case for Development) of policy SP 9. The proposal is therefore deemed to be a departure from the Structure Plan. 8.4 Structure Plan Strategic Policy 10 (Departures from the Structure Plan) covers Acceptable Departures from the Structure Plan. It is not considered that the proposal falls into this category as it does not meet the specified Justification plus Economic, Social and Environmental Benefit criteria, The claimed "Justification" by the applicant is covered in 8.9 below. 8.5 The Cumbernauld Local Plan 1993 identifies the site as Open Space (EN 26). This policy presumes against development except where required for outdoor recreation, nature conservation or landscape protection. The proposal is contrary to this policy as the residential development does not relate to any of the above matters and will adversely affect the protected open setting. 8.6 Other Material Considerations - Finalised Draft North Lanarkshire Local Plan: The site is covered by emerging local plan policy HCFl B Protecting Community Facilities. The existing farmland is seen as a valued community facility
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