Southern Illinois University Carbondale OpenSIUC June1985 Daily Egyptian 1985 6-19-1985 The aiD ly Egyptian, June 19, 1985 Daily Egyptian Staff Follow this and additional works at: https://opensiuc.lib.siu.edu/de_June1985 Volume 70, Issue 160 Recommended Citation , . "The aiD ly Egyptian, June 19, 1985." (Jun 1985). This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the Daily Egyptian 1985 at OpenSIUC. It has been accepted for inclusion in June1985 by an authorized administrator of OpenSIUC. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Moslem leader frees singer, two -mericans BEIRUT. Lebanon , UP\) - hostages could be freed "in 24 news conference in his home in caslOnally pattmg Bern on the Moslem militia leader Nabi h Slain hostage hours if the American people Mos lem· c ontrolled west shoulder. referred to the .-,h" te Berri Tu""day fra>d a popular Beirut. Berri freed Greek militiamen in the r oom as Greek inger a nd two flown home ~~nrr~s~~~ ~~r!~r roOrve[;~ singer Demis Roussos. who .. these good people" and said Americans held (, ~'l pt i n.'\ in the - Page release of our prisoners in hol ds du a l Gr ee ~ and hesang for his captors. fi ,' ~ day TWA hi jack,',s and Is r ;1 1'1 Ameri c ctn citi :t.e n s hip : dema ndM the t· 5 go,·crn· 760 hiile ;\foslem prisoners - " The matter now is on the . 'They asked me to sing and I mt"nt make the next move 10 as demanded by the hi jackers Am er ican s ide of the table: ' Roussos ' Amer ican girlfriend. didn't see why I shouldn·t." end the crisis. - if the International Com· said Berri. Lebanon's justice Pamel" Smith. and Arthur Roussos said. ;·ft was m) 40th In Israel. a possible solution I lltce of the Red Cross minis ter and leader of the Targonts idis. a Gr eek· birthday on Saturday and why American (rom Brockton, a ppeare d when Prime r~ucsted a swap for the 40 powerful Shiite Mo 'em Amal shouldn't I sing fe. ,ilem? I'd Mass, Minister . himon Peres said he remaining American hostages. militia. like to come back a nd sing for would consider freeing some Berri ~ aid the American As a goodwill gesture. at a Roussos. s miling and oc- peace: ' Daily Egyptian So uthe rn Illinois Uni,·crsit, · at Carbondale Wednesday. June 19. 1985, Vol. 70. No. 160 Guilty verdict reached in drug trial By BobTita charges before the trial. Stalf Wrtler Defendants Hall and Marks had their bonds revoked arter A Jury of eight women and the \"erdicl. Jaci< Hrvatin. four men returned a \'c.rdict of Taylor and Campbell were guilty for all 10 defendants on held in custody throughout the trial in L' , District Court a t trial after go\Oernmenl wit· Bent on (or conspiracy to ness es said th e m en dIs tr ibute more than 1.000 threatened them. pounds of mar ijuana between The Hrvatins operated J & J HI8 1 ~lIld 1984. !\ew Hill Liquor Store in '-\f ~e r si x h o urs o r ~· ! urphys boro . .Jack Hrvatin deliberation Monday a verdkt also worked at the former of guilty was reached at 8:48 Sight, and Sounds. 1301 W. p.m . for Jack and Judy Hr· Main 51.. Ca rbondale. vatin, 61 3 Owens 51. Car· Ernest and Nancv Poland of bondale: Sidney K. Hall of st.tr Photo by Ke" SHber rural Jackson County : Robert New Baden testified that the Charles Hinkle. 1006 k Bridge Hrvatins were the major St . Carbondale: Pa trick Tharp source of marijuana in the Taking IJdwenwge of the warm w.ather Tue.day, and Marte Plusu, put their mechanical skills to of Pinckneyville: Marshall conspiracy. The Poland!!. Jeff Williams, lett. junior in awiation technology, use by working on _ boIIt engine. Ra y Marks. formerly of testified that they sold Murphysnoro; Thom ~ s Pals of marijuana for the Hrv3tins Woodstock; John D. Taylor during the lilne of the in­ a nd William Campbell both of Q •.:"tme nt. Anna : and Patrick Shaeferle I\:ancy Poland teslified that Inmate says 'prisoners lied of BeIlCl·ille. during May 1982 Hinkle The Hrvatins were all:o tr"nsportM 3.000 pounds of found guilty of two adriilional marijuana from the Hrvatins charges for railure to repr rt on 10 Pals" house in Belleville. about beatings by guards their income tax returns 6r oss Arter the Polands sold the By JOhn I<rukow.kl receipts of 5876.000 and SI.I testified at the hearings lied a re great. marijuana for 5876.000. they Staff Wnter million. said Hinkle rtturned the about alleged mistreatment Maness said he once lied to money lothe Hrva~iru. An inmate testifying thev'd received Cst Marion, an attor ney abvut a beating The defe ndants will be Tuesday in a class action suit ':If they say they've been which he now says he never sentenced Julv 15, The con· Hinkle worked as field agains t the U.S. Penitentiary beaten. yes:' Maness said. received at Marion shortlv ~ p i r a( y conviction has a representative for Area at Marion said that prisoners Maness said that he ha d after the prison's near·r iol maXlUlum sentence of 1;; "ears Services at SIU-C from 1975 to who have testified against the never been bea ten or wit­ situation in November 198.1. III ,-. federal pemtentiary and a 1982. prison have lied about being nessed a bea ting at ~Iari on . because many other inmat<:!"1 maximum (ineor SI25.000, The Polands teslified that beaten by guards. a nd under cross·examination were doing the same thing, Each convicti on agains t the William Maness. 30. a by Kolb. said that what he has If he hadn't lied to the at· i1na tlOs for failure to repnrt Hinkle later quit working for the Hrv3tins in 1983 when he prisoner at ::\1arion since :980. heard through the prison torne\". he said. 'Td be a dead rc\'enue carries a maximum was testifying on behalf of the grapevine has led him to man right now." sentence of lhree years in a llempted to start his own drug distribution business. federal government as the believe that bealings don't Maness did S3V he was in prison and a SIOO.OOO fine. governmtl'Tlt began its second happen atth<: prison. jured during a' scurne with Defenda nts James Sharos. Ha ll then began to transport day of defense at the hearings. He also said that a prison guards at that time. However. of Pinckneyville: William manjuana for the Hrvatins to Donna Kolb, one of two o£fic{"r " would have to be a he said he was injun:J " ' jiPn he Barrow or New Athens: and the Polands in 1983. according Ca rbondale allorneys coml'lete fool " to pick a fight refused to be restramed b; John James Buchana of t.o the Polands. Hall was also relJresentilJg the inmates in with an inmate, since the guards after spitting and Fairview Heights pleaded accused of selling marijuana the lawsu.it , asked Maness if he chances that the inmate would guilty to the conspiracy to Campbell and Tavlor. thought the inmates who had seek vengeane·· on the guard See GUARDS. Pave 5 This Moming F-Senate OKs six-month sabbatical leave By Peu" Buckner month appoinlment can SlaHWrite< Mike Altekruse. chairman of Blood drive the faculty status and welfare request a 4 1·2 month leave at The Faculty Senate on commiU"". said he felt the six· full payor a nine-month leave begins today Tuesday approved a resolution month sabbatical leave with at half-pay. - PageS that all SIU-C faculty have the full pay is a right to which SIU· Faculty members under a option or a six·month sab­ C faculty are entitled. 12·mon th appointment. Boys baseball baticalleave at full pay. in line "We had (tbe six·month however, are ehgible for a six· with the policy at SI U· option) a nd tben it was taken month sabbatical at full payor camp continues Edwardsville. away £roni us when we a 12·month leave at half pay. The senate also appro,'ed changed from the quarter The present policy also - Sports 16 commitlee appointments, system:' be said. " Irs a right means that faculty who guidelines for elections to the wedeserve," request tbe 4 1·2-month sab· Oua ..,. it i,n't '.Ir tNt the JudiCial Review Board and on batical are eligible tn teach ~ ...tte proia gel a _III Sunny, wlttl highs In the uppet 7Ot, two minor clarifications in the ba~ail':':e PO!I?tes ~ ."" ..." __ ![o"ln' .1Id sabbatical leave policy. faculty member!. on nine- """'" ...... au.. do. MnA MANAGEMENT SERVICES, INC. -ANNOUNCES- SPSS/PC r. 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