MEASLES VACCINATION DRIVE UNDERWAY IN YANGON REGION PAGE-8 (OPINION) NATIONAL ARTICLE President, First Lady attend Nagayon Yangon plans to initiate small-scale Pagoda enshrining ceremony industrial zones, elevated railway in 2019 PAGE-4 PAGE-8-9 Vol. V, No. 312, 3rd Waning of Tabodwe 1380 ME www.globalnewlightofmyanmar.com Friday, 22 February 2019 President meets three pillars of democracy in Chin State PRESIDENT U Win Myint held a meeting with officials from the executive, legislative, and judiciary pillars of Chin State in Haka City Hall yesterday. Change is not to be feared In his speech, the Pres- ident said every responsible official in the country are work- ing hand-in-hand to establish a democratic federal Union. There are some people who are worried about the reforms initiated throughout the coun- try. Reform is not an enemy; it is a well-meaning friend. I want every department to inform our citizens it is the ripe time for the right opportunities, said the President. He said people common- ly believe reform is achieved when the government adminis- tration changes, but the truth is change needs to be conducted throughout all levels of govern- ment for effective reforms to take place. Likewise, the people need to change their mentali- President U Win Myint delivers the speech at the meeting with officials from executive, legislative and judiciary pillars in Chin State. PHOTO: MNA ty and convictions to initiate the same rights and oppor- expressed his wish for the ad- reforms, said the President, tunities. He said Myanmar ministration system to spread There are some people who are worried adding that the government, comprised many ethnic na- the rule of law among the peo- about the reforms initiated throughout Hluttaw, and other depart- tional races and can only be ple, and for the administrative ments all need to collaborate called a Union when all of mechanism to provide physical the country. Reform is not an enemy; it in unity as well. them are involved. We must and mental security, and pros- is a well-meaning friend. I want every all work together to realize perity on the nation’s citizens. Equitable rights to be en- these ideals and values, said He said the administration department to inform our citizens it is joyed by all the President. must not be oppressive to the the ripe time for the right opportunities. He said all citizens in a He said the three pillars people. democratic country enjoyed of democracy play a central equality, justice, fairness, and role in this development. He SEE PAGE-3 INSIDE TODAY PARLIAMENT NATIONAL NATIONAL NATIONAL Pyidaungsu Hluttaw to Downtown scenes of Third group of Myanmar nationals MOFA calls in Amb. of Bangladesh discuss response against Line Walker-2 shot returns from Thailand under for commencement of repatriation OIC, EU and UNHRC bilateral cooperation mechanism process, transfer of detained Myanmar PAGE-2 PAGE-6 PAGE-5 policeman PAGE-5 22 FEBRUARY 2019 2 PARLIAMENT THE GLOBAL NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Pyidaungsu Hluttaw Pyidaungsu Hluttaw to discuss response against OIC, EU and UNHRC By Aung Maw, collected from the students and Aye Aye Thant (MNA) the parents and distribution of school uniforms for those who AT the ninth-day meeting of are needed. Second Pyidaungsu Hluttaw 11th The Deputy Minister also regular session held yesterday, explained about conducting Hluttaw agreed to discuss a mo- Teacher Competency Standard tion urging the government to Framework (TCSF), upgrading respond against efforts of OIC, 25 two-year education colleges EU and UNHCR toward situa- to four-year, works conducted tion of human rights in Myanmar. for development and expansion The day’s meeting also covers of technical and vocational train- putting on record a commission ing, and higher education sector report, the discussion of it by development matters. Hluttaw representatives, expla- Afterwards Pyidaungsu nations by the commission and Hluttaw Speaker announced relevant ministry and reading the Hluttaw putting on record of a joint bill committee report. the six-month (2018 April 10 to October 9) work report of NEPC, Pyidaungsu Hluttaw is being convened in Nay Pyi Taw. PHOTO: MNA Motion to respond discussions of Hluttaw repre- against OIC, EU and sentatives, explanations of the UNHRC danger to the country that could of subjects in basic education commission and ministry of ed- U Nyan Tun of Zigon con- cause disintegration of the union National Education Pol- high school level; teaching more ucation. stituency explained and tabled explained the proposer of the icy Commission report, subjects like agricultural engi- a motion urging the government motion. discussion and explana- neering, food science and vehicle Joint Bill Committee to respond against the efforts U Hla Htay Win of Zeyathi- tions put on record maintenance in technology, voca- report on Consumer Pro- of OIC (Organisation of Islamic ri constituency supported the Next, National Education tion and training sector; expand- tection Bill Cooperation), EU (European motion and said the country is Policy Commission (NEPC) and ing government technical sci- As a final agenda of the Union) and UNHRC (United the apex where self-interests Ministry of Education explained ence and government technical meeting Pyidaungsu Hluttaw Nations Human Rights Coun- of major powers merges and and responded to the discussions high schools; promotion of high- Joint Bill Committee joint sec- cil) that had consistently strived was feeling the adverse con- of Hluttaw representatives on er education teachers and NEPC retary Dr. Myat Nyana Soe read toward approving a resolution sequences of land scarce over the six-month 10 April to 9 Oc- coordinating with Pyidaungsu and submitted the committee’s on “Situation of human rights in populated countries as geo-po- tober (2018) work report of the Hluttaw, Union Government and report on Consumer Protection Myanmar” adopted by the Unit- litical pressures increases day commission. all relevant parties in conducting Bill that the two Hluttaws were ed Nations General Assembly on by day. National Education Poli- its duties and responsibilities. in disagreement. 22 December 2018 before the end As there was no objection cy Commission Chairman Dr. Deputy Minister for Educa- Pyidaungsu Hluttaw Speak- of this month. against discussing the motion Myo Kywe said plans are made tion U Win Maw Tun on the other er then announced for Hluttaw The efforts of OIC, EU and by the Hluttaw, Pyidaungsu to draw up a guideline in coordi- hand explained about the min- representatives who want to UNHRC climaxed with the sub- Hluttaw Speaker U T Khun Myat nation with Ministry of Educa- istry distributing text books for discuss the report to register mission of a fact finding mission announced the Hluttaw’s accept- tion on the matter of reviewing free to schools, free distribution their names. report on Myanmar to the 39th ance to discuss the motion and number of students and classes of exercise books to primary lev- The tenth-day meeting of session of the UNHRC. The announced further for Hluttaw in Yangon Region basic educa- el students, education supports the 11th regular session of the Government is urged to counter representatives who want to tion schools. including support provided to Second Pyidaungsu Hluttaw is and respond to this and raise the discuss the motion to register NEPC Chairman also ex- handicapped students, provid- scheduled for 26 February. public knowledge on the mortal their names. plained on teaching in English ing school funds so that it is not (Translated by Zaw Min) Japan-Myanmar friendship dance show held A JAPAN-MYANMAR friendship founder Ms. Mamarosa and Daw dance show jointly organized by May Nyo who arranged the event Ministry of Hotels and Tourism explained about the group’s per- and Manjushaka International formances. Cultural Arts Group of Japan Afterwards, the dance was held at Hotel Max, Nay Pyi group performed various danc- Taw yesterday afternoon. es, including Japan’s tradition- Amyotha Hluttaw Deputy al dances and popular dances Speaker U Aye Tha Aung attend- performed by the group during ed the event and said the event its international tours and per- will improve Japan-Myanmar formances. The event was also ties of friendship and relation- attended by Ministry of the Office ship, is believed to raise travel of the State Counsellor Deputy and relation of people between Minister U Khin Maung Tin and the two countries and Japanese wife, Hluttaw representatives, nationals attending the event are departmental heads, officials invited to invest in Myanmar’s from JICA and ministerial de- hotel and tourism sector. partments and invited guests. Next, Manjushaka Inter- —MNA (Translated by Zaw national Cultural Arts Group Min) Japanese dancers troupe perform in the Japan-Myanmar friendship dance show in Nay Pyi Taw. PHOTO: MNA 22 FEBRUARY 2019 THE GLOBAL NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR NATIONAL 3 President U Win Myint (Right) inspects the construction of Surbung Airport project in Falam, Chin State. PHOTO: MNA President meets three pillars of democracy in Chin State FROM PAGE-1 wastage of the public budget. He said there will be surplus in Governing laws need to be the budget if everyone carries democratic, federalist out their responsivities and this The President said this is will have to be returned to the the objective of a democratic State as outlined in the law. We federal Union and urged all de- must be sensible with public partments and relevant organ- funds and spend it economical- izations to conduct their duties ly, said the President. with fairness and compassion. “The Ministry of Home Af- He said only a just society will fairs is making efforts to deal perpetuate democracy. with the drug problem. In the The legislative pillar’s duty fight against drugs, some have is to enact fair and just laws.
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