Regional Geology of the St. Lawrence County Magnetite District Northwest Adirondacks, New York GEOLOGICAL SURVEY PROFESSIONAL PAPER 376 Regional Geology of the St. Lawrence County Magnetite District Northwest Adirondacks, New York By A. F. BUDDINGTON and B. F. LEONARD GEOLOGICAL SURVEY PROFESSIONAL PAPER 376 Physiography, glacial geology, petrology, and structure of an area underlain predominantly by metamorphosed sediments and igneous rocks of Precambrian age UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE, WASHINGTON : 1962 UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR STEWART L. UDALL, Secretary GEOLOGICAL SURVEY Thomas B. Nolan, Director The U.S. Geological Survey Library has cataloged this publication as follows : Buddington, Arthur Francis, 1891- Regional geology of the St. Lawrence County magnetite district, northwest Adirondacks, New York, by A. F. Bud- dington and B. F. Leonard. Washington, U.S. Govt. Print. Off., 1962. vi, 145 p. illus., maps (2 fold., 1 col. in pocket) diagrs., tables. 29 cm. (U.S. Geological Survey. Professional paper 376) Bibliography: p. 136-138. Buddington, Arthur Francis, 1891- Eegional geology of the St. Lawrence County magnetite district, northwest Adi­ rondacks, New York. 1962. (Card 2) 1. Geology New York (State) St. Lawrence Co. 2. Geology Adirondack Mountains. 3. Magnetite ores New York (State) St. Lawrence Co. I. Leonard, Benjamin Franklin, 1921- joint author. II. Title. III. Title: St. Lawrence County magnetite dis­ trict, northwest Adirondacks, New York. (Series) For sale by the Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office Washington 25, D.C. CONTENTS Page Page Abstract. _____________________________________ ___ 1 Geology of bedrock Continued Introduction _______________________________________ 3 Igneous and metamorphic rocks Continued Location, culture, and accessibility... _____________ 3 Grenville series Continued Climate _______________________________________ 5 Mixed or veined gneisses..-________________ 35 History of sett lenient __-_-__ _____________________ 5 Biotite- and garnet-quartz-feldspar Fieldwork and acknowledgments________________ 5 gneiss with veined structure._______ 36 Scope of report.________________________________ 6 Pyroxene gneisses with veined struc­ Topography __ ____________________________________ 7 ture.,--------------------------- 37 St. Lawrence lowlands___--_---_____-____---_____ 7 Anorthositic gabbro and equivalent gneiss--__-_ 38 Grenville lowlands______________________________ 7 Diorite gneiss____________---__---_----_---. 39 Fall zone belt __________________________________ Metagabbro and amphibolite.______-_-_____.. 40 Childwold rock terrace __________________________ Metagabbro gneiss and gabbro-amphibolite. 41 Adirondack mountain section.____________________ Amphibolite.__ _ _..________________.--_-_ 41 Ellenburg Mountain range___________________ 9 Quartz syenite gneiss series.--________-__-_--_ 44 Santa Clara trough. ________________________ 9 Diana complex____________-__--_--_--- 45 Lyon Mountain range,______________________ 9 Pyroxene-quartz syenite gneiss, border Saranac trough ("Lake belt")________________ 9 facies__ _________-______-_-_--_--- 46 Mount Whiteface range _____________________ 9 Pyroxene syenite gneiss._____________ 46 Mount Marcy cross range____________________ 10 Shonkinite and feldspathic ultramafic Origin of topography____________________________ 10 gneiss layers______________ ________ 46 Relation of topography to tectonic history_________ 10 Hornblende-quartz syenite gneiss _____ 46 Pre-Paleozoic surface of,low relief____-________ 10 Hornblende granite gneiss, phacoidaL- 47 Taconic doming and faulting.________________ 10 Northern part of Diana complex______ 47 Frontenac axis and Grenville lowlands_________ 11 Biotite syenite gneiss._______________ 48 Fall zone monocline--_______________________ 11 Outlying syenite gneiss ____________ 48 Childwold rock terrace__-___--_-_____-___ 11 Chemical composition_______________ 48 Block faulting and warping._________________ 11 Origin and significance of variation in Mesozoic peneplain_________________________ 12 composition, Diana complex________ 48 Tertiary doming, renewed faulting, and erosion. 12 Stark complex____________--_-----_-_-_- 49 Tertiary (?) or Cretaceous (?) erosional terraces __ 13 Origin of diversification._____________ 51 Relation of topography to bedrock._______________ 13 Local microcline syenite contact facies Kind of rock_______________________________ 13 of hornblende granite gneiss with Layering and foliation_______________________ 13 marble______ ___________________ 51 Fractures._--_---_------_-_-_-_---__-_-_-__ 13 Rapakivi texture__________-__-__-- 53 Geology of glacial deposits.__________________________ 14 Tupper complex.______._____-__-_--_--- 54 Drift_.________________________________________ 14 Arab Mountain sheet.--.-.--- ----- 54 Glacial striae and direction of ice movement_______ 15 Inlet sheet.__________-__----------- 56 Kames ________________________________________ 16 Pyroxene syenite and quartz syenite Eskers_ _ _________-__--__---_--________.________ 16 gneiss north of Kildare, Childwold Recessional moraines.___________________________ 17 quadrangle.-_ ____________________ 57 Delta plains___-__-_-_-__-__---_--_-________-___ 19 Chemical composition_______________ 57 Boulder areas__________________________________ 20 Origin of differences between Tupper, Glacial Lake Iroquois_____-__--_--__-___________ 20 Diana, and Stark complexes....-------- 57 Lakes and deranged drainage_____________________ 20 Metadiabase dikes______-___-___------------ 59 Postglacial upwarp______________________________ 21 Fayalite-ferrohedenbergite granite.._____-___-_ 60 Geology of bedrock___________ ___________ __________ 21 Granite and granite gneiss series___-__-___-___ 60 Igneous and metamorphic rocks.--.--_____________ 21 Hornblende granite and hornblende granite Age relations of igneous rocks and periods of gneiss _-______________-_----_---- 61 deformation. _ ____________________________ 24 Contaminated facies________-____--- 63 Grenville series-____________________________ 27 Local syenite facies_________________ 64 Metasedimentary rocks..________________ 27 Porphyritic granite gneiss (Hermon granite Pyroxene- and hornblende-quartz-feld­ gneiss)________________--_--_-_--_--- 64 spar gneiss_______________________ 27 Alaskite and alaskite gneiss_.______-___-_ 64 Pyroxene-feldspar gneiss..____________ 28 Normal facies________________-_---- 64 Quartz-rich metasedimentary rocks..__ 28 Contaminated facies________________ 66 Biotite- and garnet-quartz-plagioclase Biotite granite gneiss___-_------- 66 gneiss_ _________________________ 30 Hornblende granite gneiss, ______ 66 Marble and skarn___________________ 31 Microcline granite gneiss__________-__---_ 69 Pyritic gneisses._____________________ 32 Distribution and facies ______________ 69 Origin of the metasedimentary gneisses. 33 Russell belt__-----__-------------_- 71 IV CONTENTS Geology of bedrock Continued Structural geology Continued Page Igneous and metamorphic rocks Continued Major structural units of northwest Adirondacks_ _ _ _ 108 Granite and granite gneiss series Continued Grenville lowlands: gross structure of the Microcline granite gneiss Continued metasedimentary rocks.___--_---_-________ 108 Childwold area_____________________ 71 Belt on northwest flank of igneous complex: Biotite-microcline granite gneiss ______ 72 stratigraphy and structure _____________ 111 Muscovite-microcline granite gneiss. __ 72 Structure north of Colton______________ 112 Biotite granite gneiss facies__________ 72 Structure in northwest part of Russell quad­ Garnet-microcline granite gneiss-_____ 73 rangle. _--__---__--_-_-__--_-________ 112 Sillimanite-microcline granite gneiss. __ 73 Folded gabbro sheet, Pierrepont sigmoid___ 113 Hornblende-microcline granite gneiss. _ 74 Granite phacoliths---______-----________ 113 Pyroxene-microcline granite gneiss.___ 74 Junction zone of Grenville lowlands unit and Migmatite of amphibolite and granite peg­ main igneous complex.____________________ 113 matite.-----_---------_---_-_-___-___ 74 Main igneous complex_______________________ 114 Albite-oligoclase granite gneiss.-__________ 75 Lowville anticline and Diana complex_____ 114 Chemical composition of rocks of granite and Sheetlike form of quartz syenite complexes,. 114 granite gneiss series.._________________ 77 Area from Inlet sheet to south end of Stark Basalt and keratophyre dikes.....____________ 77 complex. ________________________ 115 Sedimentary rocks______________________________ 78 Inlet sheet------------------------- 115 Potsdam sandstone _________________________ 78 School No. 15 syncline___-__-_.____ 115 Accessory oxide minerals in the country rock___________ 79 Colton Hill and Sunny Pond anti­ Mineralogy and distribution of accessory oxides _ 79 clines._________________________ 115 Correlation with aeromagnetic anomalies- _________ 82 Newton Falls anticline______________ 115 Titaniferous magnetite as a geologic thermometer___ 83 Star Lake and Benson Mines synclines__ 115 Petrology. _________________________________________ 83 South Russell and Boyd Pond syn- Emplacement: magmatic intrusion or granitization?_ 83 clinoria_ _________________________ 116 Magmatic origin of gabbro and diorite_________ 84 Stark anticline.------------.------- 117 Magmatic origin of quartz syenite series. ______ 84 Clare-CHfton-Colton belt of metasedimen­ Magmatic origin of hornblende-microperthite tary rocks and granite_____________ 117 granite
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