U.S. Newspapers Available on the LexisNexis™ Services As of September 19, 2003 Page 1 of 7 Certain freelance articles and other features within these publications (i.e., photographs, classifieds, etc.) may not be available. State City Paper Name File Name Region File Alabama Birmingham Birmingham News BIRMNW SEAST Montgomery Montgomery Advertiser MONADV SEAST Alaska Anchorage Anchorage Daily News ANCHDN WEST Arizona Phoenix Arizona Republic, The ARIZRP WEST Phoenix New Times PHNXNT WEST Tucson Tucson Citizen TUCCIT WEST Arkansas Little Rock Arkansas Democrat Gazette ARKDEM SEAST California Alameda Alameda Times-Star ALMTS WEST Fremont The Argus ARGUS WEST Fresno Fresno Bee, The FRESNO WEST Hayward Daily Review DLYREV WEST Los Angeles Daily News of Los Angeles LAD WEST Los Angeles Investor’s Business Daily INVDLY WEST Los Angeles La Opinion LAOPIN N/A Los Angeles Los Angeles Times1 LAT WEST Los Angeles Los Angeles Weekly LAWKLY WEST Los Angeles Metropolitan News Enterprise METNWS WEST Los Angeles New Times Los Angeles LANEWT WEST Modesto Modesto Bee MODBEE WEST Oakland Oakland Tribune OAKTRB WEST Orange County Orange County Register, The OCREG WEST Orange County Orange County Weekly OCWKLY WEST Palm Springs Desert Sun, The DESSUN WEST Pleasanton Tri-Valley Herald TVHLD WEST Riverside Business Press BPRESS WEST Riverside Press Enterprise, The PRSENT WEST Sacramento Sacramento Bee, The SACBEE WEST Salinas Californian, The CALIFN WEST San Diego San Diego Union-Tribune, The SDUT WEST San Francisco East Bay Express EBEXP WEST San Francisco San Francisco Chronicle1 SFCHRN WEST San Francisco San Francisco Examiner SFEXAM WEST San Francisco San Francisco Weekly SFWKLY WEST San Jose San Jose Mercury News SANJOS WEST San Luis Obispo San Luis Obispo Tribune, The SLOTRB WEST San Mateo San Mateo County Times SMCT WEST Tulare Tulare Advance-Register TULARE WEST Ventura Ventura County Star VENCST WEST Visalia Visalia Times-Delta VISTIM WEST Walnut Creek Contra Costa Newspapers CCTIME WEST U.S. Newspapers Available on the LexisNexis™ Services As of September 19, 2003 Page 2 of 7 Certain freelance articles and other features within these publications (i.e., photographs, classifieds, etc.) may not be available. State City Paper Name File Name Region File Colorado Denver Denver Post, The DPOST WEST Denver Denver Westword DNVWST WEST Denver Rocky Mountain News RMTNEW WEST Fort Collins Fort Collins Coloradoan FTCOLL WEST Connecticut Bridgeport Connecticut Post CTPOST MWEST Hartford Hartford Courant, The HTCOUR NEAST Delaware Wilmington News Journal, The NEWJNL NEAST District of Columbia Washington, D.C. Hill, The HILLNW NEAST Washington, D.C. Roll Call ROLLCL NEAST Washington, D.C. Washington Post, The1 WPOST SEAST Washington, D.C. Washington Times, The1 WTIMES SEAST Florida Bradenton Bradenton Herald BRAHLD SEAST Brevard County Florida Today FLATDY SEAST Broward/Palm Beach New Times Broward/Palm Beach NTBPB SEAST Fort Pierce Fort Pierce News, The FPNEWS SEAST Fort Pierce Fort Pierce Tribune FPTRIB SEAST Ft. Lauderdale Sun-Sentinel SUNSEN SEAST Ft. Myers News-Press, The NWSPRS SEAST Jacksonville Florida Times-Union FLATUN SEAST Jupiter Jupiter Courier JPCOUR SEAST Lakeland Ledger, The (Lakeland) LAKELD SEAST Miami El Nuevo Herald (Spanish) ELNUEV N/A Miami Miami Herald MIAMIH SEAST Miami Miami New Times MIAMNT SEAST Orlando Orlando Sentinel Tribune ORSENT SEAST Pensacola Pensacola News Journal PNWSJL SEAST Sarasota Sarasota Herald Tribune SARHTR SEAST Sebastian Sebastian Sun SEBSUN SEAST Stuart Stuart News STUNWS SEAST Tallahassee Tallahassee Democrat, The TALDEM SEAST Tampa Tampa Tribune TAMTRB SEAST Vero Beach Press Journal PRSJNL SEAST West Palm Beach Palm Beach Post, The PBPST SEAST Georgia Atlanta Atlanta Journal and Constitution1 ATLJNL SEAST Augusta Augusta Chronicle AUGCHR SEAST Columbus Columbus Ledger-Enquirer COLLED SEAST Gainesville Times, The GTIMES SEAST Macon Macon Telegraph, The MACTEL SEAST Hawaii Honolulu Honolulu Advertiser HONADV WEST U.S. Newspapers Available on the LexisNexis™ Services As of September 19, 2003 Page 3 of 7 Certain freelance articles and other features within these publications (i.e., photographs, classifieds, etc.) may not be available. State City Paper Name File Name Region File Idaho Boise Idaho Statesman IDASTM WEST Idaho Falls Post Register IDFALL WEST Lewiston Morning Tribune, The LEWMT WEST Illinois Belleville Belleville News-Democrat BELNDM MWEST Bloomington Pantagraph, The PGRAPH MWEST Chicago Chicago Daily Herald CHDLY MWEST Chicago Chicago Sun-Times CHISUN MWEST Chicago Chicago Tribune1 CHTRIB MWEST Rockford Rockford Register Star REGSTR MWEST Springfield State Journal-Register, The STJREG MWEST Indiana Fishers Topics TOPICS MWEST Fort Wayne Fort Wayne News Sentinel NWSSEN MWEST Indianapolis Indianapolis Star INDYST MWEST Lafayette Journal and Courier JNLCOU MWEST Marion Chronicle-Tribune CHRNTB MWEST Noblesville The Noblesville Ledger NOBLGR MWEST Richmond Palladium Item PALITM MWEST South Bend South Bend Tribune SBNDTR MWEST Iowa Des Moines Des Moines Register DESREG MWEST Dubuque Telegraph Herald TELHLD MWEST Iowa City Iowa City Press-Citizen ICPC MWEST Kansas Topeka Topeka Capital-Journal TOPKCJ WEST Wichita Wichita Eagle, The WITEGL MWEST Kentucky Lexington Lexington Herald-Leader, The LEXHLD SEAST Louisville Courier-Journal COUJNL SEAST Louisiana Alexandria Alexandria Daily Town Talk DLYTLK SEAST Baton Rouge Advocate, The ADVOCT SEAST Lafayette Daily Advertiser DLYADV SEAST Monroe News-Star, The NEWSST SEAST New Orleans Times-Picayune, The NOTPIC SEAST Shreveport Times, The TIMSHR SEAST Maine Augusta Kennebec Journal KENJNL NEAST Bangor Bangor Daily News BGRDLY NEAST Portland Portland Press Herald PORTPS NEAST Waterville Central Maine Morning Sentinel, The CMMSEN NEAST Maryland Annapolis Capital, The CAPITL SEAST Anne Arundel County Maryland Gazette MARGAZ SEAST Baltimore Daily Record, The DLYREC SEAST Baltimore Sun, The BALSUN SEAST Salisbury Daily Times DLYTME SEAST U.S. Newspapers Available on the LexisNexis™ Services As of September 19, 2003 Page 4 of 7 Certain freelance articles and other features within these publications (i.e., photographs, classifieds, etc.) may not be available. State City Paper Name File Name Region File Massachusetts Boston Boston Globe, The1 BGLOBE NEAST Boston Boston Herald BHERLD NEAST Boston Christian Science Monitor, The1 CSM n/a Quincy Patriot Ledger, The PTLEDG NEAST Worcester Telegram and Gazette TELGAZ NEAST Michigan Battle Creek Battle Creek Enquirer BCENQR MWEST Detroit Detroit Free Press DETFRP MWEST Detroit Detroit News DETNWS MWEST Lansing Lansing State Journal LSJNL MWEST Port Huron Times Herald, The TIMHLD MWEST Minnesota Duluth Duluth News-Tribune DULUTH MWEST Minneapolis Star Tribune STRIB MWEST St. Cloud St. Cloud Times STCLD MWEST St. Paul Saint Paul Pioneer Press STPAUL MWEST Mississippi Biloxi Sun Herald, The SUNHLD SEAST Hattiesburg Hattiesburg American HATTIE SEAST Jackson Clarion-Ledger, The CLLEDG SEAST Missouri Kansas City Kansas City Star, The1 KCSTAR MWEST Springfield Springfield News-Leader SPRNWS MWEST St. Louis Riverfront Times RIVTMS MWEST St. Louis St. Louis Post-Dispatch SLPD MWEST Montana Great Falls Great Falls Tribune GREATF WEST Nebraska Omaha Omaha World Herald OMWHLD MWEST Nevada Las Vegas Las Vegas Review Journal LVRJNL WEST Reno Reno Gazette-Journal RENO WEST New Hampshire Manchester Union Leader, The UNIONL NEAST New Jersey Asbury Park Asbury Park Press ASBPP NEAST Bridgewater Courier News COUNWS NEAST Cherry Hill Courier-Post COUPST NEAST East Brunswick Home News Tribune HOMENT NEAST Hackensack Record, The1 NJREC NEAST Tom’s River Ocean County Observer OCEAN NEAST Vineland Daily Journal, The DLYJNL NEAST New Mexico Albuquerque Albuquerque Journal, The ALBJNL WEST Albuquerque Albuquerque Tribune, The ALBTRB WEST Santa Fe Santa Fe New Mexican, The NEWMEX WEST New York Albany Times-Union ATMSUN NEAST Binghamton Press & Sun-Bulletin PRESUN NEAST Buffalo Buffalo News, The BUFNEW NEAST Elmira Star-Gazette STRGAZ NEAST Ithaca Ithaca Journal, The ITHJNL NEAST U.S. Newspapers Available on the LexisNexis™ Services As of September 19, 2003 Page 5 of 7 Certain freelance articles and other features within these publications (i.e., photographs, classifieds, etc.) may not be available. State City Paper Name File Name Region File New York, continued Long Island Long Island Voice LIVOIC NEAST New York New York Daily News1 DLYNWS NEAST New York New York Newsday1 NEWSDY NEAST New York New York Observer NYOBSR NEAST New York New York Post NYPOST NEAST New York New York Sun NYSUN NEAST New York New York Times, The1 2 NYT NEAST New York Village Voice, The VILVOC NEAST Poughkeepsie Poughkeepsie Journal POUJNL NEAST Rochester Rochester Democrat and Chronicle ROCHDC NEAST Syracuse Post-Standard POSTST NEAST Utica Observer-Dispatch OBSDIS NEAST Westchester County Journal News, The JNLNWS NEAST North Carolina Asheville Asheville Citizen-Times ASHCIT NEAST Charlotte Charlotte Observer, The CHAROB SEAST Durham Herald-Sun, The HLDSUN SEAST Greensboro News & Record NWSREC SEAST Raleigh News & Observer NWSOBV SEAST Wilmington Star-News WLSTAR SEAST Winston-Salem Winston-Salem Journal WINSAL SEAST North Dakota Bismarck Bismarck Tribune BISTRB WEST Grand Forks Grand Forks Herald GFHLD MWEST Ohio Akron Akron Beacon Journal AKRONB MWEST Bucyrus Bucyrus Telegraph Forum TELFOR MWEST Chillicothe Chillicothe Gazette CHLGAZ MWEST Cincinnati Cincinnati Enquirer CINNEN MWEST Cleveland Cleveland Scene CLVSCN MWEST Cleveland Plain Dealer, The CLEVPD MWEST Columbus
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