FIRST INFORMATION REPORT TAMIL NADU POLICE $CSQJG) INTEGRATED INVESTIGATION FORM I (UnderSection 154 Cr.P.C.) S flflW d ft (0.]5.«Il.Qj5iT.dliflQ| 154 Qccr iip) 0 District ; lAITGJLLlh P v ^ 4 lmXW .*\\(UI PS: \J ^‘>AC Year: FIR No.: oDate: 3 o ~ [ ' 7 arroicvjrflGDcuujijb • d&wir© CP-S-^j. ct«5T njrrefr -A r < c ~ \ 4- •»*•>«*** v<v (WI. 4bg A.[ m Scdlonsdliftejaor: ^ . , Sections dlffl©|«crr: v ( ' ' C v^ h la, (.v^C f )* * ( (iv) Other Acts & Sections dim 6L.\-\ii&m\b, dliflojaraijib : . „ , ^ r ^ « ' s P c A c A (a) Occurrence of Offence D a y : Date from : ^ ^ Date t o : » ®$S pOsipGJ isiTcfr j5(T6fr (ip^w ^ jpGr qjct)? Time Period : Time from : Time to : GjSU ^eiTQj Gjsuld Gpijib cucnij (b) Information Received at PS. Date : Time siraieb nflcawtuGaflii)® $«6i]ct) aflcnu^ jsitot rj \ O * ^ (c) General Diary Reference : Entry No(s) Time QunGi j5 fTL@nJludl6i) u sjlq oflojpib ctcjbt Cr^ijLD Type of Information : Written/ O ra l: £«6UGfl63r ojona : cr(jpG§) ^pcoL£> / gjitili QLDnrL^liurra V r o V Y o / ' ' Place of Occurrence (a) Direction and Distance from PS: u * %f■ c l . ajslaipeiJlLLi) • n • t^j)/ » «ir©J6or5lo)coiu^wl®i5G|„n -on • 6r6UGii6iTQ|• GjnijGpu),• cr^cnffiqio* j\ • Pu\ vjk A-Uw -v V<\*oHc> -*» / A* 5h/r ^O-P V.^ACArfY*» Beat Number: (b) Address: .. s \ • • . / r> K^VA voAC-M ViO\/ i *^ 4 'MCJiVMLi K ^-4 (mcnrna arreuco ctost npsojifl * - VyvC^ycx^ uva^ca«t CkA S C* ' ^ 'J'JL &«-*-* k V (c) In case outside limit of this Police Station, then the Name of P.S : District: GasiTGKO rflaiwtLi 6rci)Gnc0ffiaLiuiT60 rsLisGi @0«@iDiTiiJldr1 ^jsjtflGnwdlcb sn.r^.Quiuir ld itch lI l l i ) Complainant/Informant (a) Name : \ ] , Lt\<X\UA (b) Father's/ Husband's Name : v/ . ^ eAu-*U><rS GppGpm ipifiLurarrr/jsaim ajfj^airr Quujfr I / scnreuir Quiurr (c) Date / Year of Birth : (d) Nationality : (e) Passport N o .: pircr / dln)j5£ jshiIi^otid QaiofljsfrL® «i_6i|5#l® Date of Issue : Place of Issue : c u t p a s u u L L jsrrsrr GJipniiffiU LJLL @ Lif) (0 Occupation : (G) Address: V\ 'A*-* /VvV^ C.o^>ru-.pWc^ Q^iri^lco ' GP5€lJ^ ^ ^ ^ jG u lS < U ^ ) \ r h tU Details of Known/Suspected/Unknown accused with full particulars. (Attach separate sheet if necessary) Q^lfllj^ / GlUUUfTLlq.jP@nfltLj / QflJlfllUirji 0lf)p(C5fffTLLUULLQJlflGSr (y)(lJCT)LDUJfTC!T ©IlQJIJIBIffiGfr (G^OTGuQiuerflw ja d ^ irflr Gcnajraffiajii)) S-^ ^ cxaca \re A (' & ^a.c_ C(J^g- ^ Reasons for delay in reportinG by the complainant / Informant; Gjjp^oirGiiiu.irflTtfirsi) / Qarr®uuajpco ^CTpudlLL^lci) ^aajai Q5H@uu^l£b Yv>w O^tv.Vw)^ Lyrfl o.-PO^VvwV Co^lUnW- -240-34(Type'2) 90.000 Cps -21.3.16(HCL-12) ' ' / | / j SUBMITTED The Petitioners Tmt.K.Tamilselvi, W/o. Karuppaiah, Rajendrapuram (East), Erukkalakottai (Post), Aranthangi (Tk), Pudukkottai District, Tmt.A.Amutha, Tmt.S.Saranya, Tmt.C.Muthulakshmi, Tmt.R.Ambika, Tmt.P.Sathiya, Tmt.V.Sutha, Tmt.T.Kamachi, Tmt.E.Suganya, Tmt.M.Pothiyammal, Tmt.M.Kavitha, Tmt.A.Deepa, Tmt. T.Vijayasanthi, Tmt.K.Rathika, Tmt.T.Marikkannu, Tmt.B.Vanitha, Tmt.D.Mahalakshmi, Tmt.K.Shanmugapriya, Tmt. P.Elamathi, Tmt. R.Rathika, Tmt. K.Karthika, Tmt.M.Nalayeni, Tmt. S. Manjula, Tmt.S.Jayachitra, Tmt.M.Devi. Tmt.S. Nithiyapriva, Tmt. P.Manimekalai have sent a petition to DVAC stating that after interview officer’s delay for appointing Noon Meal organizer post for , • - ic'* efc-nce(s) u/s ?s mentioned at item No 2 reGistered the case . P-.inv .. to take up the InvestiGation / Refused • . • ' * * on pOi^l cf jurisdiction r; (■ • - f ■ s 'u U^cfi |)GG(j} ■f €?^cs<30:uj4 *0 $ ) i copy given to the Complainant / - ^ N S'onaU^e of t?=e Offit ^ charge, £o’;ce Station )" ’L: S.'X.V.Z:; a. s^UULD past 8 months for the purpose of collection of bribe from applicants and Tr. Ganesh, District collector, Pudukkottai, Tr.Muthu, PA to District collector (Noon Meal) demanded Rs. 3 lakhs for appointment of Noon Meal organizer post and also instructed to meet one Tr.Anbanantham regarding the post. Based on the petition, the Director, Vigilance and Anti-Corruption, ordered to conduct Preliminary Enquiry in DVAC memo in PE.365/2017/SW/PK dated 26.10.2017 and that Preliminary Enquiry was registered on 27.10.2017 and taken up for enquiry. The Preliminary Enquiry disclosed the following facts. The secretary to Government instructed all District Collectors to fill up the vacancy for the post of Noon Meal organizer and Assistant cook vide his letter No.7378/sa.Na-4-2/2016-l dated 30.06.2016 and also instructed to follow the G.O. 163 (Social Welfare and Noon Meal scheme) Department dated 18.08.2010 while posting the said post. Accordingly the District Collector Pudukkottai called for the vacancy list from all BDO and Municipal commissioner. After receiving the vacancy list, the District Collector prepared the communal rotation list for 160 vacancies vide letter No. Na.ICa. V5/2453/2015 dated 21.12.2016 as per G.O.142 (Social Welfare and Noon Meal scheme) Department dated 06.07.2010. After that the District Collector released his notification on 30.01.2017 in which invited application for Noon Meal organizer post and published through News paper on 01.02.2017 and eligibility for applying for the post are: 1. Only women should apply for the Noon Meal Organizer Post. 2. OBC and Sc candidate should be qualified in 10th standard. 3. ST candidate should be qualified in 8th standard. 4. OBC and Sc candidate should be above the age of 21 and not above the age of 40. 5. ST candidates should be above the age of 18 and not above age of 40. 6. Widows and destitute widow should be above the age of 20 and not above age of 40. 7. Candidates should be residing within 3 KM from the school. 8. Candidates should .submit the application on or before 15.02.2017 at Union office Aranthangi. Further, in respect of Aranthangi Union the District collector appointed 1) Tr.S.Annadurai, Assistant Project Officer and Zonal officer in Aranthangi Block 2) Tr.K.S.Rajamohan, Assistant Director (Panchayat) Karur District, Formerly Block Development Officer(VP), Aranthangi, 3) Tr.A.Arul, Assistant Elementary Educational Officer, Aranthangi, 4) Dr.K.Sundarrajan, Chief Medical Officer, Govt. Hospital, Aranthangi, in respect of Pudukkottai Union 1) Tr.K.Pannerselvam, Assistant Project Officer, DRDA office, Pudukkottai, 2) Tr.C.Mathialagan, Block Development Officer (VP), Ponnamaravathy Union, Formerly Pudukkottai Union 3) Tr.S.Senguttuvan, Assistant Elementary Educational Officer, Pudukkottai 4) Dr. Vahitha Banu, Medical Officer, Primary Health Centre, Athanakottai in respect of Annavasal Union 1) Tr.S.Ravichandran, PA to Collector (Development), Pudukkottai (Now Retired) 2) Tr.S.Basiam, Hosur Serasdar (Development), Formerly Block Development Officer (BP), Annavasal Union, 3) Tmt.A.R.Ponnalagu, Assistant Elementary Educational Officer, Annavasal, 4) Dr.C.Senthilkumar, Medical Officer, Goverment Hospital, Annavasal in respect of Karambakudi Union 1) Tr.T.Mallika, Assistant Project Officer, DRDA,Pudukkottai and Zonal officer in Karambakudi Block, Now retired. 2) Tr.D.Manisekaran, Superintendent (NREGS), DRDA office, Pudukkottai, Formerly Block Development Officer(VP), Karambakudi 3) Dr.Tr.R.Venkateshvaran, Block Medical Officer, Kottaikadu Primary Health Centre, Karambakudi £1) Tr.K.Sathasivam, Head Master, Panchayat Union Middle School, Maravamadurai, Formerly Assistant ICIementary (educational Ollieer, Karambakudi in respect of Kunnandarkovil Union I) Tr.S.Ravichandran, formerly PA to collector (Development) 2) Tmt.Udayakumari, Formerly Block Development Oflicer(VP), Kunnandarkovil, 3) Dr.Tr.Nanthakurnar, Medical Officer, Government Hospital Keeranur, 'I) Tmt.Snnthi, Assistant Elementary Educational Officer, Kunnandarkovil in respect, of Manamelkudi Union 1) Tr.R.Chellakannu, formerly Assistant Project Officer, DRDA, Pudukkottai, 2) Tr.P.Selvaraj, Block Development Officer (VP), Manamelkudi, 3) Dr.Tint.R.Madhumitha, Medical Officer, Primary Health Centre, Arnmapattinam *1) Tinl.C.Vijayaknmari, Assistant Elementary Educational Officer, Manamelkudi were selection committee members for Noon meal organizer post vide his letter No.Na.Ka. V5/2453/2015 dated 07.02.2017. After that, the selection committee members conducted the interview and selected the candidates and sent the selection list to PA to District Collector (Noon Meal) for Posting and after 8 months from date of interview, the PA to Collector (Noon Meals scheme) prepared the note file and submitted before the collector for approval. The District Collector approved the note file for 131 posts on 16.10.2017 in which 14 post in Aranthangi Union, 9 post in Pudukkottai Union, 13 post in Annavasal Union, 26 post in Karambakudi Union, 10 post in Kunnandarkovil Union and 10 post in Manamelkudi Union and then PA to Collector (Noon Meal) sent appointment order to selected candidates on 17.10.2017. During the enquiry it is revealed that I) Tmt.Menaka, W/o.Balasubramanian, 2) Tmt.R.Ramya, W/o.Rasu, 3) Tmt.M.Kanimozhi Manimaran, W/o. Manimaran, 4) Trnt.M.Renuka Devi, W/o. Manickam, 5) Tmt.S.Sathya, W/o. Suresh, 6) Tmt.Senbagam, W/o. Dhanabalan, 7) Tmt.S.Sathya, W/o. Soundarajan, 8) Tmt.Revat.hi Ammalu, W/o. Maran, 9) Tmt.M.Kavithn W/o. Manickam, 10) Tmt.N.Susikala W/o.Nagaraj, 11) Tmt.R.Thenmoozhi W/o. Balasubramanian, 12) Tmt.M.Vinothini W/o. Baskaran, 13) Tmt.B.Mathubala W/o. Kalidoss, 14) Tmt.C.Vasanthi, W/o. Chandran were selected and appointed as Noon Meal organizer post in Aranthangi Union. In which the distance certificate of 1) Tmt.M.Kanimozhi W/o. Manimaran, 2) Tmt.S.Sathya, W/o. Soundarajan 3) Tmt.M.Kavitha W/o.
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